public void BindDemo()
            // Int.Parse is a function from LaYumba. It takes a string and returns an Option<int>.
            // Int.Parse: s -> Option<int>
            var optI = Int.Parse("12");

            // Age.Of: int -> Option<Age>
            // Age.Of(1)

            // Combination with Map:
            var ageOpt = optI.Map(i => Age.Of(i));

            // Problem: returns Option<Option<Age>> ARRGH!
            var ageOpt1 = optI.Map(i => Age.Of(i));

            // Solution: Bind instead of Map when combining functions which return M<T>
            Func <string, Option <Age> > parseAge = s
                                                    => Int.Parse(s).Bind(Age.Of);

            var ageO = parseAge("12");

                () => true.Should().Be(false), // <- ensure that this path is never called!
                x => x.Value.Should().Be(12)
        public void Age_has_smart_ctor()
            // TODO Create readable test extension for Option
                () => true.Should().Be(false),
                age => age.Value.Should().Be(10));

                () => true.Should().Be(true),
                age => age.Should().Be(null));
        public void Using_a_smart_ctor_works()
            var optAge = Age.Of(10);

            optAge.Should().BeOfType <Option <Age> >();