public static void SetKeywords(LowPolyWaterScript _target) { var mat = _target.material; if (mat == null || !"LowPolyWater")) { return; } bool isCustom = _target.gridType == LowPolyWaterScript.GridType.Custom; if (isCustom) { mat.EnableKeyword("_CUSTOM_SHAPE"); mat.DisableKeyword("_USE_LOD"); } else if (_target.gridType == LowPolyWaterScript.GridType.HexagonalLOD) { mat.DisableKeyword("_CUSTOM_SHAPE"); mat.EnableKeyword("_USE_LOD"); } else { mat.DisableKeyword("_CUSTOM_SHAPE"); mat.DisableKeyword("_USE_LOD"); } if (_target.enableReflection) { mat.EnableKeyword("WATER_REFLECTIVE"); } else { mat.DisableKeyword("WATER_REFLECTIVE"); } if (_target.enableRefraction) { mat.EnableKeyword("WATER_REFRACTIVE"); } else { mat.DisableKeyword("WATER_REFRACTIVE"); } if (_target.receiveShadows && SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel >= 30) { mat.EnableKeyword("LPW_SHADOWS"); mat.renderQueue = (int)RenderQueue.AlphaTest + 50; if (mat.HasProperty("_ZWrite")) { mat.SetFloat("_ZWrite", 1); } } else { mat.DisableKeyword("LPW_SHADOWS"); mat.renderQueue = (int)RenderQueue.AlphaTest + 51; } }
void OnEnable() { _target = (LowPolyWaterScript)target; //SetKeywords(); if (_target.material != null) { // Create an instance of the default MaterialEditor _materialEditor = (MaterialEditor)CreateEditor(_target.material); } if (bannerTex == null) { bannerTex = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("banner"); } if (rateTxt == null) { rateTxt = new GUIStyle(); //rateTxt.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; rateTxt.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerRight; rateTxt.normal.textColor = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); rateTxt.fontSize = 9; rateTxt.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (title == null) { title = new GUIStyle(rateTxt); //title.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; title.normal.textColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f); title.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; title.fontSize = 19; title.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 3); } linkStyle = new GUIStyle(); LPWHiddenProps.Scale(_target); if (_target.material != null) { serializedObject.Update(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); if (_target.material.HasProperty("_EnableShadows")) { _target.receiveShadows = _target.material.GetFloat("_EnableShadows") > .5f; } var oldRefl = _target.enableReflection; var oldRefr = _target.enableRefraction; _target.enableRefraction = _target.material.IsKeywordEnabled("WATER_REFRACTIVE"); _target.enableReflection = _target.material.IsKeywordEnabled("WATER_REFLECTIVE"); if (oldRefl != _target.enableReflection || oldRefr != _target.enableRefraction) { _target.Generate(); } } LPWHiddenProps.SetKeywords(_target); }
public static void Scale(LowPolyWaterScript _target) { // don't scale prefabs if (PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(_target) == null && PrefabUtility.GetPrefabObject(_target) != null) { return; } if (_target.material == null || !_target.material.HasProperty("_TransformScale_")) { return; } // scale everything when scaling transform's localscale var locScale = _target.transform.localScale; var scale = _target.material.GetFloat("_TransformScale_"); float newScale = 1; if (_target.gridType != LowPolyWaterScript.GridType.Custom) { newScale = Mathf.Min(locScale.x, locScale.z); if (!Mathf.Approximately(scale, newScale)) { _target.material.SetFloat("_TransformScale_", newScale); Calculate(_target.material); } } }
public static void Scale(LowPolyWaterScript _target) { // don't scale prefabs #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Le type ou le membre est obsolète if (PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(_target) == null && PrefabUtility.GetPrefabObject(_target) != null) { return; } #pragma warning restore CS0618 // Le type ou le membre est obsolète if (_target.material == null || !_target.material.HasProperty("_TransformScale_")) { return; } // scale everything when scaling transform's localscale var locScale = _target.transform.localScale; var scale = _target.material.GetFloat("_TransformScale_"); float newScale = 1; if (_target.gridType != LowPolyWaterScript.GridType.Custom) { newScale = Mathf.Min(locScale.x, locScale.z); if (!Mathf.Approximately(scale, newScale)) { _target.material.SetFloat("_TransformScale_", newScale); Calculate(_target.material); } } }