private void UninstallAllMods() { CleanerHelper _cleanerHelper = new CleanerHelper(); BackupHelper _backupHelper = new BackupHelper(); //copy pasted if (_cleanerHelper.CheckModStatus(gameFolderPathString) == true) { var installedModsList = _cleanerHelper.InstalledMods(gameFolderPathString); if (installedModsList.Count > 0) { _cleanerHelper.RemoveMods(gameFolderPathString, installedModsList); _cleanerHelper.CleanGameFolder(gameFolderPathString); } try { _cleanerHelper.RemoveMod(gameFolderPathString, "ModMenu"); _backupHelper.RestoreBackup(gameFolderPathString); _backupHelper.DeleteBackup(gameFolderPathString); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Could not remove ModMenu. Please verify your files"); } Console.WriteLine("Uninstalled All mods"); } else { Console.WriteLine("CheckModStatus failed"); _cleanerHelper.CleanGameFolder(gameFolderPathString); } }
private void RefreshInstalledMods() { CleanerHelper _cleanerHelper = new CleanerHelper(); InjectionHelper _injectionHelper = new InjectionHelper(); //copy pasted var installedModsList = _cleanerHelper.InstalledMods(gameFolderPathString); if (installedModsList.Count > 0) { _injectionHelper.RefreshInstalledMods(gameFolderPathString, installedModsList); Console.WriteLine("Mods Refreshed"); } }
private void InstallMods(List <string> modsToInstall, bool safeInstall = true) { CleanerHelper _cleanerHelper = new CleanerHelper(); InjectionHelper _injectionHelper = new InjectionHelper(); BackupHelper _backupHelper = new BackupHelper(); if (modsToInstall.Count > 0) { var installedModsList = _cleanerHelper.InstalledMods(gameFolderPathString); if (installedModsList == null) { _backupHelper.DoBackup(gameFolderPathString); } foreach (string installedMod in installedModsList) { if (modsToInstall.Contains(installedMod)) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Tried to install an already installed mod"); if (safeInstall) { Console.WriteLine("Safe install is on, aborting. To turn it of, use the --unsafe-install option"); return; } else { modsToInstall.Remove(installedMod); Console.WriteLine("Continuing installation"); } } } if (_injectionHelper.InstallSelectedMods(gameFolderPathString, modsToInstall) == true) //If we successfully combined the mod files into the assembly { Console.WriteLine("Installation successfull"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Installation failed."); Console.WriteLine("Terminated modding attempt. Trying to scrub mod files."); if (_cleanerHelper.CleanGameFolder(gameFolderPathString) == true) { } } } }
private void UninstallMods(List <string> modsToUninstall) { CleanerHelper _cleanerHelper = new CleanerHelper(); BackupHelper _backupHelper = new BackupHelper(); // mostly copy pasted if (_cleanerHelper.CheckModStatus(gameFolderPathString) == true) { foreach (var mod in modsToUninstall) { if (_cleanerHelper.RemoveMod(gameFolderPathString, mod)) { var installedModsList = _cleanerHelper.InstalledMods(gameFolderPathString); if (installedModsList.Count == 0) { _cleanerHelper.RemoveMod(gameFolderPathString, "ModMenu"); _backupHelper.RestoreBackup(gameFolderPathString); _backupHelper.DeleteBackup(gameFolderPathString); } } } } }
public bool InstallSelectedMods(string _gameFolder, List <string> modsToInstall) { //LLBMM Paths string llbmm_rootDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string llbmm_modsDir = Path.Combine(llbmm_rootDir, "mods"); //Game Folder Paths string game_managedDir = PathHelper.Get().GetLLBGameManagedDirPath(_gameFolder); string game_tempDir = Path.Combine(game_managedDir, "temp"); string game_mainAsmFile = Path.Combine(game_managedDir, "Assembly-CSharp.dll"); List <string> modsToInstallPaths = new List <string>(); //Will hold the file paths for the mods we recieved from the pendingMods ListBox. var i = 0; var _modList = modsToInstall; foreach (var mod in _modList) //Checks if a mods file exists and adds its path to a list if it does. { string modPath = Path.Combine(llbmm_modsDir, mod.ToString(), mod.ToString() + ".dll"); if (File.Exists(modPath)) { modsToInstallPaths.Add(modPath); } else { MessageBox.Show("Skipping " + mod + ". Can't find mod file at" + modPath + ". Please ensure that the file path matches the one in this window", "Error"); modsToInstall.Remove(mod); } i++; } Directory.CreateDirectory(game_tempDir); try { File.Copy(game_mainAsmFile, Path.Combine(game_tempDir, "Assembly-CSharp.dll")); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Could not copy the main Assembly-CSharp.dll to temp folder. Terminating modding attempt. Make sure you've set the correct gamefolder in LLBMM, if it's correct then please verify your gamefiles through steam", "Error"); return(false); } foreach (var path in modsToInstallPaths) { try { File.Copy(path, Path.Combine(game_tempDir, Path.GetFileName(path))); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Skipping mod " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + ". Could not copy mod file at" + path + " to temp folder", "Error"); modsToInstall.Remove(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)); } } if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(game_managedDir, "ModMenu.dll"))) { File.Copy(Path.Combine(llbmm_rootDir, "ModMenu", "ModMenu.dll"), Path.Combine(game_tempDir, "ModMenu.dll")); //If modmenu isn't installed try to install it } else { byte[] past = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(game_managedDir, "ModMenu.dll")); byte[] present = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(llbmm_rootDir, "ModMenu", "ModMenu.dll")); if (past.Length != present.Length) { CleanerHelper ch = new CleanerHelper(); ch.RemoveMod(_gameFolder, "ModMenu"); File.Copy(Path.Combine(llbmm_rootDir, "ModMenu", "ModMenu.dll"), Path.Combine(game_tempDir, "ModMenu.dll")); } } List <string> tempFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(game_tempDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => s.EndsWith(".dll") && s.Count(c => c == '.') == 1).ToList(); //Injection information string injectTypeName = "LLScreen.ScreenIntroTitle"; // What type to inject into in Assemby-CSharp string injectMethodName = "CShowTitle"; // Method name in the type string modMethodNames = "Initialize"; //Init Resolver DefaultAssemblyResolver defaultAssemblyResolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver(); defaultAssemblyResolver.AddSearchDirectory(game_managedDir); defaultAssemblyResolver.AddSearchDirectory(game_tempDir); defaultAssemblyResolver.AddSearchDirectory(llbmm_rootDir); //Test om e kan fjærn den hær og den over ReaderParameters parameters = new ReaderParameters { AssemblyResolver = defaultAssemblyResolver }; //Get the assembly definitions of the main file AssemblyDefinition _mainFileAssemblyDef = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(Path.Combine(game_tempDir, "Assembly-CSharp.dll"), parameters); ModuleDefinition _mainFileMainModule = _mainFileAssemblyDef.MainModule; //Get the assembly definitions of the mod files List <AssemblyDefinition> _modAssemblyList = new List <AssemblyDefinition>(); foreach (string path in tempFiles) { if (path != Path.Combine(game_tempDir, "Assembly-CSharp.dll")) { try { _modAssemblyList.Add(AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(path)); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Skipping mod " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + ". Mod file " + path + " can't be injected", "Error"); modsToInstall.Remove(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)); } } } TypeDefinition moddedClass = null; foreach (TypeDefinition type in _mainFileMainModule.Types) { if (type.Name == "Mods") { moddedClass = type; } } if (moddedClass == null) { //create custom class that holds mod names moddedClass = new TypeDefinition("", "Mods", TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class, _mainFileMainModule.TypeSystem.Object); //insert custom class into assembly _mainFileMainModule.Types.Add(moddedClass); moddedClass.Methods.Add(new MethodDefinition(".ctor", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName, _mainFileMainModule.TypeSystem.Void)); } foreach (var mod in modsToInstall) { moddedClass.Fields.Add(new FieldDefinition(mod.ToString(), FieldAttributes.Public, _mainFileMainModule.TypeSystem.String)); } TypeDefinition injectPointType = _mainFileAssemblyDef.MainModule.GetType(injectTypeName); if (injectPointType == null || injectPointType.Methods == null) { MessageBox.Show("Bad inject point (Terminating modding session)"); return(false); } foreach (MethodDefinition method in injectPointType.Methods) { if (method.Name == injectMethodName) { try { ILProcessor ilproc = method.Body.GetILProcessor(); if (ilproc.Body.Instructions.Count > 0) { var modCount = 0; //Create the instructions to inject Instruction codePosition = ilproc.Body.Instructions[ilproc.Body.Instructions.Count - 1]; foreach (AssemblyDefinition modArrayDef in _modAssemblyList) { foreach (TypeDefinition modTypeDef in modArrayDef.MainModule.Types) { foreach (MethodDefinition modMethodDef in modTypeDef.Methods) { if (modMethodDef.Name == modMethodNames) { Debug.WriteLine("Found " + modMethodDef.Name + " function"); MethodReference callRef = _mainFileAssemblyDef.MainModule.ImportReference(modMethodDef); Debug.WriteLine("Found call reference " + callRef.ToString()); ilproc.InsertBefore(codePosition, ilproc.Create(OpCodes.Call, callRef)); modCount++; } } } } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Can't get method or insert instructions. Try narrowing down what modfile is breaking the insertion (Terminating modding attempt)"); return(false); } } } //save Assembly try { _mainFileAssemblyDef.Write(Path.Combine(game_tempDir, "Assembly-CSharp-modded.dll")); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Could not write assembly! Is the game running?", "Error"); return(false); } _mainFileAssemblyDef.Dispose(); foreach (var asm in _modAssemblyList) { asm.Dispose(); } foreach (var mod in modsToInstall) { var path = Path.Combine(game_tempDir, mod + ".dll"); if (path != Path.Combine(game_tempDir, "Assembly-CSharp.dll")) { try { File.Copy(path, Path.Combine(game_managedDir, Path.GetFileName(path))); } catch { File.Delete(Path.Combine(game_managedDir, Path.GetFileName(path))); File.Copy(path, Path.Combine(game_managedDir, Path.GetFileName(path))); } } var modResourcesDir = Path.Combine(llbmm_modsDir, mod, mod + "Resources"); if (Directory.Exists(modResourcesDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(game_managedDir, mod + "Resources")); foreach (string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(modResourcesDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath.Replace(modResourcesDir, Path.Combine(game_managedDir, mod + "Resources"))); } foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(modResourcesDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(modResourcesDir, Path.Combine(game_managedDir, mod + "Resources")), true); } } } if (File.Exists(game_mainAsmFile)) { File.Delete(game_mainAsmFile); File.Copy(Path.Combine(game_tempDir, "Assembly-CSharp-modded.dll"), game_mainAsmFile); } foreach (var mod in modsToInstall) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(game_managedDir, mod + "Resources", "ASMRewriter.exe"))) { RunRewriter(_gameFolder, Path.Combine(game_managedDir, mod + "Resources", "ASMRewriter.exe")); } } try { File.Copy(Path.Combine(game_tempDir, "ModMenu.dll"), Path.Combine(game_managedDir, "ModMenu.dll")); RunRewriter(_gameFolder, Path.Combine(llbmm_rootDir, "ModMenu", "ASMRewriter.exe")); } catch { } if (Directory.Exists(game_tempDir)) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(game_tempDir); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in di.GetDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } Directory.Delete(game_tempDir); } Debug.WriteLine("Modding complete!"); return(true); }