public void Post(List <JobPosting> jobs) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { con.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Count; i++) { JobPosting job = jobs[i]; try { // Post new job into the database. SqlCommand cmd = ConnectionWrapper("Jobs_insert", con); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@link", job.Url); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@company", job.Company); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title", job.JobTitle); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", job.JobDescription); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@location", job.Location); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@post_date", job.PostDate); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@archived", job.Archived); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date_applied", job.DateApplied ?? (object)DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } //if job already exists in the database, update the job's post date. catch (SqlException exp) when(exp.Number == 2601) { SqlCommand c = ConnectionWrapper("Jobs_updatepostdate", con); c.Parameters.AddWithValue("@link", job.Url); c.Parameters.AddWithValue("@post_date", job.PostDate); c.Parameters.AddWithValue("@location", job.Location); c.ExecuteNonQuery(); continue; // ignore and continue } } } }
/* * The scraper will scrape every job listing on linkedin that contains my desired job titles. * Job titles include: .NET Developer, C# Developer, Software Engineer, S Developer, Web Developer, * Full Stack Developer, Back End Engineer, Front End Engineer, B and F Developer. * */ public void LIScraper() { List <JobPosting> jobs = new List <JobPosting>(); // The URL uses LinkedIn's built-in filters, enabling us to input job titles, distance in miles from a specific location, location, and job type. // EX: "keywords=Job+Title distance=15 locationId=PLACES%2Eus%2E7-1-0-19-99&f_TP=1%2C2&f_E=3%2C2&f_ JT=FULL_TIME string initialUrl = ""; ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); options.AddArgument("--headless"); options.AddArgument("--incognito"); options.AddArgument("--ignore-certificate-errors"); //options.DebuggerAddress = "{http://localhost:49647|2605:e000:840e:f700:d5b4:8734:4391:4048}"; Trace.WriteLine("Hello"); Trace.WriteLine(options); IWebDriver chromeDriver = new ChromeDriver(options); int start = 1; string pageRange = "&start=" + start + "&count=50"; string initialRange = initialUrl + pageRange; chromeDriver.Url = initialRange; var html = chromeDriver.PageSource; var parser = new HtmlParser(); var doc = parser.Parse(html); var listings = doc.QuerySelectorAll("li.job-listing"); string findListings = doc.QuerySelector("div.results-context > div > strong").TextContent; int totalListings = 0; if (findListings != null) { totalListings = Convert.ToInt32(findListings); } // LinkedIn allows up to 50 job listings on a single page. int pages = 1; addJobs(initialRange); if (totalListings > 50) { int extraPage = 0; if (totalListings % 50 > 0) { extraPage = 1; } pages = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)totalListings / 50) + extraPage; for (int j = 1; j < pages; j++) { start = j * 50 + 1; pageRange = "&start=" + start.ToString() + "&count=50"; addJobs(initialUrl + pageRange); } } void addJobs(string url) { if (pages > 1) { options = new ChromeOptions(); options.AddArgument("--headless"); options.AddArgument("--incognito"); options.AddArgument("--ignore-certificate-errors"); chromeDriver = new ChromeDriver(options); chromeDriver.Url = url; html = chromeDriver.PageSource; parser = new HtmlParser(); doc = parser.Parse(html); listings = doc.QuerySelectorAll("li.job-listing"); } for (int i = 0; i < listings.Length; i++) { JobPosting job = new JobPosting(); var listing = listings[i] .QuerySelector("div.job-details"); var checkTitle = listing.QuerySelector("span.job-title-text").TextContent; // Ignore job that contain these words in the job title. if (!checkTitle.Contains("Senior") && !checkTitle.Contains("Sr") && !checkTitle.Contains("Lead") && !checkTitle.Contains("Principal") && !checkTitle.Contains("Java") && !checkTitle.Contains("Clearance") && !checkTitle.Contains("Graphics") && !checkTitle.Contains("Android") && !checkTitle.Contains("iOS") && !checkTitle.Contains("Wordpress") && !checkTitle.Contains("WordPress") && !checkTitle.Contains("PHP") && !checkTitle.Contains("Architect") && !checkTitle.Contains("Ruby") && !checkTitle.Contains("Manager") && !checkTitle.Contains("Design") && !checkTitle.Contains("UI") && !checkTitle.Contains("Python") && !checkTitle.Contains("HTML") && !checkTitle.Contains("CSS") && !checkTitle.Contains("Salesforce") && !checkTitle.Contains("SENIOR") && !checkTitle.Contains("Analyst") && checkTitle.Contains("Software Developer") //this needs to be changed with each search ) { job.JobTitle = checkTitle; job.PostDate = listing.QuerySelector("").TextContent; job.Company = listing.QuerySelector("").TextContent; string checkLocation = listing.QuerySelector("span.job-location > span").TextContent; if (checkLocation.Contains(", US")) { job.Location = checkLocation.Replace(", US", ""); } else { job.Location = checkLocation; } job.JobDescription = listing.QuerySelector("div.job-description").TextContent; //Job Link XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.LoadXml(listing.QuerySelector("a.job-title-link").OuterHtml); XmlElement elem = xml.DocumentElement; if (elem.HasAttribute("href")) { String attr = elem.GetAttribute("href"); var uri = attr.Split('?')[0]; job.Url = uri; } jobs.Add(job); } } } ScraperService scraperService = new ScraperService(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LIConnection"].ConnectionString); scraperService.Post(jobs); }