Exemple #1
        private void buttonGetOrdDet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Q1 step, get the data source
            DataClassesOrderDetailDataContext myOrderDetail = new DataClassesOrderDetailDataContext();

            // bind a combobox to an entity collection
            // its like binding a combobox to a table in a DataSet. our DataContext has the whole table in it
            // so we can bind it. Note this is ALL items, not the ones > 79, and note is in no order
            comboBoxResults.DataSource    = myOrderDetail.Products;
            comboBoxResults.DisplayMember = "ProductName"; // as with all combo boxes or drop downs, you pick the "column" to show
            comboBoxResults.ValueMember   = "ProductID";   // and the hidden column which is usually a primary key

            // Q2 step, define the query expression, since we don't want all the table, we want to subset it with a query
            var orders = from myOrders in myOrderDetail.Order_Details
                         where myOrders.Quantity > 79
                         orderby myOrders.Product.ProductName ascending
                         select new { myOrders.Product.ProductName, myOrders.Quantity, myOrders.ProductID }; // these 3 fields are now available to us

            // notice how Product name is again using the Association that LINQ build from the pre-existing SQL relationship

            // bind a combobox to display our query results
            comboBoxResults2.DataSource    = orders;
            comboBoxResults2.DisplayMember = "ProductName";
            comboBoxResults2.ValueMember   = "ProductID";

            // bind same query results to dataGridView, but the dataGridView will show all the fields
            dataGridViewResults.DataSource = orders;
            dataGridViewResults.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.BlanchedAlmond;
Exemple #2
        private void buttonGetPrice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Q1 step, get the data source
            DataClassesOrderDetailDataContext myOrderDetail2 = new DataClassesOrderDetailDataContext();

            // Q2 step, define the query expression
            int productID = (int)comboBoxResults2.SelectedValue;

            var selectedProduct = (from myProducts in myOrderDetail2.Order_Details
                                   where myProducts.ProductID == productID
                                   select myProducts.UnitPrice).Max();

            // not a unique value, so need to force to just one value, I used Max

            textBoxProduct.Text = selectedProduct.ToString();
Exemple #3
        private void buttonGetOrdDet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Q1 step, get the data source
            DataClassesOrderDetailDataContext myOrderDetail = new DataClassesOrderDetailDataContext();

            // Q2 step, define the query expression
            var orders = from myOrders in myOrderDetail.Order_Details
                         where myOrders.Quantity > 79
                         orderby myOrders.Product.ProductName ascending
                         select new { myOrders.Product.ProductName, myOrders.Quantity, myOrders.ProductID };

            // create a new BindingSource object
            myBinding = new BindingSource();

            // bind the query to a Binding object
            myBinding.DataSource = orders;

            //attach the BindingSource to the DataGridView.
            dataGridViewResults.DataSource = myBinding;
Exemple #4
        private void buttonGetPrice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Q1 step, get the data source
            DataClassesOrderDetailDataContext myOrderDetail2 = new DataClassesOrderDetailDataContext();

            int productID = (int)dataGridViewResults.CurrentCell.Value;

            var selectedProduct = (from myProducts in myOrderDetail2.Order_Details
                                   where myProducts.ProductID == productID
                                   select new { myProducts.UnitPrice });

            myBindingTB = new BindingSource();

            // bind the query to a Binding object
            myBindingTB.DataSource = selectedProduct;

            //attach the BindingSource a textbox
            textBoxProduct.DataBindings.Add("Text", myBindingTB, "UnitPrice", true);
            //method props are: string property name, object data source, string dataMember, bool format (or don't format  false)