Exemple #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var oop = new Course { Id = 1, Name = "OOP" };
            var javaScript = new Course { Id = 2, Name = "JavaScript" };
            var cSharp = new Course { Id = 3, Name = "C#" };
            var html = new Course { Id = 4, Name = "HTML" };

            var students = new List<Student>
                new Student { Id = 1, Name = "Zornica", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 12, 3), Courses = new List<Course> { oop } },
                new Student { Id = 2, Name = "Albena", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(1995, 6, 1), Courses = new List<Course> { oop, javaScript, cSharp, html } },
                new Student { Id = 4, Name = "Pesho", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(1950, 2, 15), Courses = new List<Course> { } },
                new Student { Id = 3, Name = "Boris", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(1989, 4, 9), Courses = new List<Course> { javaScript, html } },
                new Student { Id = 5, Name = "Unufri", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(1978, 1, 15), Courses = new List<Course> { cSharp, oop, javaScript } },
                new Student { Id = 6, Name = "Boris", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(2000, 10, 17), Courses = new List<Course> { cSharp, html, javaScript } },

            //where name start with b
            var studentsWithFirstNameB = students.Where(st => st.Name.StartsWith("B"));
            //  Print(studentsWithFirstNameB);

            //where ID > 3 && courses >= 2
            var whereQuery = students.Where(st => st.Id > 3 && st.Courses.Count >= 2);
            // Print(whereQuery);

            //firts found
            Student firtsWithNameBoris = students.FirstOrDefault(st => st.Name == "Boris");
            if (firtsWithNameBoris == null)
                Console.WriteLine("no boris here");

            //last found
            Student lastWithNameBOris = students.LastOrDefault(st => st.Name == "Boris");

            //select to int
            var courseCount = students.Select(st => st.Courses.Count);
            //foreach (var item in courseCount)
            //    Console.WriteLine(item);

            //select to class
            var selectToClass = students.Select(st => new ShortStudentInfo
                Nname = st.Name,
                CoursesCount = st.Courses.Count

            // select to ann type
            var onlyNamesAndOuresCount = students.Select(st => new { name = st.Name, courseCount = st.Courses.Count });
            foreach (var stInfo in onlyNamesAndOuresCount)
            //order by year
            var sortedByYear = students.OrderBy(st => st.dateOfBirth.Year);
              //  Print(sortedByYear);

            //order by more things
            var sortedByNamThanByYear = students
                .OrderBy(st => st.Name)
                .ThenBy(st => st.dateOfBirth.Year);

            //nested any
            bool someOneInJavaScript = students.Any(st => st.Courses.Any(c => c.Name == "JavaScript"));

            // any anyone with  year 2000
            bool altLeast2000 = students.Any(sr => sr.dateOfBirth.Year >= 2000);


            //student with ma courses
            decimal maxStudent = students.Max(st => st.Courses.Count);

            //fat query
            var someCollection =
                students.Where(st => st.Id > 2 || st.dateOfBirth.Year > 1990)
                .OrderBy(st => st.Courses.Count)
                .ThenBy(st => st.Name)
                .Select(st => new
                    FirstNameSymbol = st.Name[0],
                    Year = st.dateOfBirth.Year,

            foreach (var sudent in someCollection)
Exemple #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var oop = new Course { Id = 1, Name = "OOP" };
            var javaScript = new Course { Id = 2, Name = "JavaScript" };
            var cSharp = new Course { Id = 3, Name = "C#" };
            var html = new Course { Id = 4, Name = "HTML" };

            var students = new List<Student>
                new Student
                    Id = 1,
                    Name = "Zornitca",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 12, 3),
                    Courses = new List<Course> {oop}
                new Student
                    Id = 2,
                    Name = "Albena",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1995, 1, 6),
                    Courses = new List<Course> { oop, javaScript, cSharp, html }
                new Student
                    Id = 3,
                    Name = "Pesho",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1950, 6, 20),
                    Courses = new List<Course> {  }
                new Student
                    Id = 4,
                    Name = "Boris",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1989, 4, 9),
                    Courses = new List<Course> { javaScript, html }
                new Student
                    Id = 5,
                    Name = "Unufri",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1978, 10, 15),
                    Courses = new List<Course> { javaScript, oop, cSharp }
                new Student
                    Id = 6,
                    Name = "Boris",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2000, 7, 17),
                    Courses = new List<Course> { javaScript, html, cSharp }

            // where first name starts with b
            var studentsWithFirstNameB = students.Where(st => st.Name.StartsWith("B"));
            // Print(studentsWithFirstNameB);

            // where id > 3 && courses >= 2
            var whereQueryCourserId = students.Where(st => st.Id > 3 && st.Courses.Count >= 2);
            // Print(whereQueryCourserId);

            // first found with some criteria
            Student firstWithNameBoris = students.FirstOrDefault(st => st.Name == "Boris43423");

            //if (firstWithNameBoris == null)
            //    Console.WriteLine("No such student!");
            //    Console.WriteLine(firstWithNameBoris);

            string studentName = "Boris";
            Student lastWithNameBoris = students.LastOrDefault(st => st.Name == studentName);
            // Console.WriteLine(lastWithNameBoris);

            // select to int
            var coursesCount = students.Select(st => st.Courses.Count);

            //foreach (var courseCount in coursesCount)
            //    Console.WriteLine(courseCount);

            // this is the same as above but more stupid
            List<int> coursesCountBalamskiMetod = new List<int>();

            foreach (var student in students)

            // select to class
            var selectToClass = students
                .Select(st =>
                    new ShortStudentInfo
                        Name = st.Name,
                        CoursesCount = st.Courses.Count,

            // select to ann type
            var onlyNamesAndCoursesCount = students
                .Where(st => st.Id > 2)
                .Select(st => new
                        Name = st.Name,
                        CourseCount = st.Courses.Count

            //foreach (var stInfo in onlyNamesAndCoursesCount)
            //    Console.WriteLine(stInfo);

            // cast enum values
            var colors = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ColorEnum)).Cast<ColorEnum>().Select(c => c.ToString());

            //foreach (var color in colors)
            //    Console.WriteLine(color);

            // order by students by year
            var sortedByYear = students.OrderBy(st => st.DateOfBirth.Year);

            // order by more things
            var sortedByNameThenByYear =
                .OrderBy(st => st.Name)
                .ThenBy(st => st.DateOfBirth.Year);

            // Print(sortedByNameThenByYear);

            // nested any
            bool someoneInJavaScript =
                students.Any(st => st.Courses.Any(c => c.Name == "JavaScript"));

            // Console.WriteLine(someoneInJavaScript);

            // anyone with Year >= 2000
            bool atLeast2000 =
                students.Any(st => st.DateOfBirth.Year >= 2000);

            // Console.WriteLine(atLeast2000);

            bool everyoneYoungerThan2000
                = students.All(st => st.DateOfBirth.Year >= 2000);

            // Console.WriteLine(everyoneYoungerThan2000);

            // cast to array
            var arrayOfStudents = students.ToArray();
            var listOfStudents = students.ToList();

            // reverse

            // student with max courses
            int maxStudent = students.Max(st => st.Courses.Count);
            // Console.WriteLine(maxStudent);

            int minStudentId = students.Min(st => st.Id);
            // Console.WriteLine(minStudentId);

            int sum = students.Sum(st => st.DateOfBirth.Year);
            // Console.WriteLine(sum);

            double average = students.Average(st => st.DateOfBirth.Year);
            // Console.WriteLine(average);

            double averageActive = students
                .Where(st => st.Courses.Count > 0)
                .Average(st => st.DateOfBirth.Year);

            // Console.WriteLine(averageActive);

            int countActive = students.Count(st => st.Courses.Count > 2);
            // Console.WriteLine(countActive);

            // var collectionOfStudents = students.Where("Age > 10 & Course.Count == 10");

            // fat query
            var someCollection =
                .Where(st => st.Id > 2 || st.DateOfBirth.Year > 1990)
                .OrderBy(st => st.Name)
                .ThenBy(st => st.Courses.Count)
                .Select(st => new
                    FirstNameSymbol = st.Name[0],
                    Year = st.DateOfBirth.Year,

            foreach (var student in someCollection)