Exemple #1
        public static string gettabcontentadmin(string value)
            string html = "";
            LBR_LINKS obj = new LBR_LINKS();
            DataTable dt_con = new DataTable();
                string[] arraylinks = value.Split('_');
                if (arraylinks.Length == 3)
                    obj.LINK_TABID = Int32.Parse(arraylinks[1]);
                    obj.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(arraylinks[0]);
                    string newcontent = "";
                    //if (Array.IndexOf(arraylinks[2].Split(','), "" + obj.LINK_TABID + "") >= 0)
                    //    //newcontent = activetabadmin(obj.LINK_TABID);

                    newcontent = loadhtml(obj);
                    newcontent = newcontent + "@!~&*" + "tabadmin" + obj.LINK_TABID + "default" + "@!~&*" + "invalid" + "@!~&*" + "invalid";
                    // totalcontent = totalcontent + "@!~&*" + innerhtml + remainingtabs + "@!~&*" + tabcontent + remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>" + "@!~&*" + remtabs;

                    if (newcontent != "" || newcontent != null)
                        html = newcontent;
                        html = "";
            catch (Exception ex)

            return html;
Exemple #2
        public static bool formatnewcopy(DataTable dt, string emailnewid, string lbrid)
            string email = emailnewid;
            bool status = false;

                string htmlcontent = "";
                LBR_LINKS obj = new LBR_LINKS();
                obj.LINK_CREATEDDBY = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["LINK_CREATEDBY"].ToString());
                obj.LINK_MODIFIEDBY = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["LINK_MODIFIEDBY"].ToString());
                obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION = dt.Rows[0]["LINK_DESCRIPTION"].ToString().Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Trim();
                obj.LINK_ID = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["LINK_ID"].ToString());
                obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH = dt.Rows[0]["LINK_IMAGEPATH"].ToString();

                obj.LINK_PATH = dt.Rows[0]["LINK_PATH"].ToString();

                obj.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["LINK_SIGNUPID"].ToString());
                obj.LINK_STATUS = 1;
                obj.LINK_TABID = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["LINK_TABID"].ToString());
                // obj.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(array[1]);
                obj.LINK_TYPE = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["LINK_TYPE"].ToString());
                obj.LINK_TITLE = dt.Rows[0]["LINK_TITLE"].ToString().Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Trim();

                string id = dt.Rows[0]["link_id"].ToString();

                if (obj.LINK_TYPE == 1)

                    Match regexMatch = Regex.Match(dt.Rows[0]["LINK_PATH"].ToString(), @"youtu(?:\.be|be\.com)/(?:.*v(?:/|=)|(?:.*/)?)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)",
                    Match vimeoMatch = Regex.Match(dt.Rows[0]["LINK_PATH"].ToString(), @"vimeo\.com/(?:.*#|.*/videos/)?([0-9]+)",
                    if (regexMatch.Success || vimeoMatch.Success)
                        if (regexMatch.Success)
                            obj.LINK_TYPE = 1;
                        else if (vimeoMatch.Success)
                            obj.LINK_TYPE = 2;
                        obj.LINK_TYPE = 3;
                    if (obj.LINK_TYPE.ToString() == "1" || obj.LINK_TYPE.ToString() == "2")
                        string value = "";
                        if (obj.LINK_TYPE.ToString() == "1")
                            value = regexMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                            //htmlcontent = "1";
                            if (lbrid != "22")
                                htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','none')\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a></span><iframe class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + value + "\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>";
                                htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','none')\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"deleteadmin\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Move or Copy\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a></span><iframe class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + value + "\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>";
                        else if (obj.LINK_TYPE.ToString() == "2")
                            value = vimeoMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                            // htmlcontent = "2";
                            // htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + value + "!@#" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "!@#" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION;
                            if (lbrid != "22")
                                htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','none')\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Move or Copy\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a></span><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><iframe class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"//player.vimeo.com/video/" + value + "\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>";
                                htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','none')\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" class=\"deleteadmin\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Move or Copy\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a></span><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><iframe class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"//player.vimeo.com/video/" + value + "\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>";

                    else if (obj.LINK_TYPE.ToString() == "3")
                        if (obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH != null && obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH != "0")
                            if (lbrid != "22")
                                htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><div class=\"boximage\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" style=\"background-image:url('" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH + "');\"><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Move or Copy\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + string.Format(obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "")) + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a></span></div><div class=\"boxtext\" ><a href='#' onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\">" + string.Format(dt.Rows[0]["link_title"].ToString().Replace("'", "")) + "</a></div></div>";
                                htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><div class=\"boximage\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" style=\"background-image:url('" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH + "');\"><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"deleteadmin\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Move or Copy\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + string.Format(obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "")) + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a></span></div><div class=\"boxtext\" ><a href='#' onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\">" + string.Format(dt.Rows[0]["link_title"].ToString().Replace("'", "")) + "</a></div></div>";
                            if (lbrid != "22")
                                htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Move or Copy\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a></span>" + dt.Rows[0]["link_title"].ToString().Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "<br/>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "" + "</div>";
                                htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" class=\"deleteadmin\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Move or Copy\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a></span>" + dt.Rows[0]["link_title"].ToString().Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "<br/>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "" + "</div>";




                    htmlcontent = htmlformcopy(obj, emailnewid, lbrid);

                status = BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_data='" + BLL.ReplaceQuote(htmlcontent) + "' where link_id='" + id + "'");

            catch (Exception ex)
                status = false;
            return status;
Exemple #3
        public static string gettabcontent(string value)
            string html = "";
            LBR_LINKS obj = new LBR_LINKS();
            DataTable dt_con = new DataTable();
                string[] arraylinks = value.Split('_');
                if (arraylinks.Length == 2)
                    obj.LINK_TABID = Int32.Parse(arraylinks[1]);
                    obj.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(arraylinks[0]);
                    string newcontent = "";

                        DataTable dt_links = BLL.get_links(obj);
                        newcontent = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(LoadlinksStatic(dt_links), @"\s+", " ");

                        //  newcontent = newcontent + "@!~&*" + "tab" + obj.LINK_TABID + "default" + "@!~&*" + "invalid" + "@!~&*" + "invalid";
                        // totalcontent = totalcontent + "@!~&*" + innerhtml + remainingtabs + "@!~&*" + tabcontent + remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>" + "@!~&*" + remtabs;
                        newcontent = newcontent + "@!~&*" + value;
                    if (newcontent != "" || newcontent != null)
                        html = newcontent;
                        html = "" + "@!~&*" + value;
                bool st = BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_sharedbystatus=1 where link_tabid=" + obj.LINK_TABID + "");
            catch (Exception ex)

            return html;
Exemple #4
        public void loadtabs(string lbrid,string imageurl,string name)
            LBR_SIGNUP obj = new LBR_SIGNUP();
            obj.LBR_ID = Int32.Parse(lbrid);
            //  DataSet dt_set = BLL.get_tabs(obj);
            DataTable dt_atab = BLL.get_tabs(obj);
            DataTable dt_tabs = BLL.ExecuteQuery("exec USP_LBR_SIGNUP @OPERATION='LOADANONYMOUSTAB', @LBR_ID='" + obj.LBR_ID + "'");
            string innerhtml = "";
            string tabcontent = "";
            string remainingtabs = "";
            string remainintabscontent = "";
            int sharedcount = 0;
            int anonyshared = 0;
            //int k = 0;
            if (dt_tabs.Rows.Count > 0)
                if(imageurl!=null && imageurl!="")
                innerhtml = " <li class='nav-header'><div class='dropdown profile-element'><span><img  id='img_user' alt='profile pic' class='img-circle' src='"+ imageurl +"' /></span><a href='#'><span class='clear'><span class='block m-t-xs'><strong  id='lbl_name' class='font-bold'>"+ name +"</strong></span></span></a></div></li><li class='nav-header' style='padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px;padding-left: 0px;'><div class='dropdown profile-element' style='padding:13px 25px'><a data-toggle='modal' data-target='#mynewtab'><span class='clear'>Create a new tab</span></a></div></li>";
                    innerhtml = " <li class='nav-header'><div class='dropdown profile-element'><span><img  id='img_user' alt='profile pic' class='img-circle' src='Images/Dummy.jpg' /></span><a href='#'><span class='clear'><span class='block m-t-xs'><strong  id='lbl_name' class='font-bold'>"+ name +"</strong></span></span></a></div></li><li class='nav-header' style='padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px;padding-left: 0px;'><div class='dropdown profile-element' style='padding:13px 25px'><a data-toggle='modal' data-target='#mynewtab'><span class='clear'>Create a new tab</span></a></div></li>";
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt_tabs.Rows.Count; i++)
                    sharedcount = 0;
                    anonyshared = 0;
                    sharedcount = Int32.Parse(dt_tabs.Rows[i]["sharedcount"].ToString());

                    if (sharedcount == 0)
                            innerhtml = innerhtml + "<li class='pull-left leftwidth active'><a title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\" id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href='#' onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" ><span class='nav-label block'>" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</span></a><ul></ul></li><li class='pull-left '> <a class='rightpadding'><span class='block m-t-xs'><b class='caret'></b></span><ul class='dropdown-menu animated fadeInRight m-t-xs'><li><a onclick=\"Sharetotaltableft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\" >Share</a></li><li><a  onclick=\"opentabnameleft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\">Rename</a></li><li><a onclick=\"deletetableft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\" >Delete</a></li></ul></a></li>";
                        // innerhtml = "<li class=\"active\"><a id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\"  title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                        innerhtml = innerhtml + "<li class='pull-left leftwidth'><a title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\" id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href='#' onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" ><span class='nav-label block'>" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</span></a><ul></ul></li><li class='pull-left '> <a class='rightpadding'><span class='block m-t-xs'><b class='caret'></b></span><ul class='dropdown-menu animated fadeInRight m-t-xs'><li><a onclick=\"Sharetotaltableft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\" >Share</a></li><li><a  onclick=\"opentabnameleft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\">Rename</a></li><li><a onclick=\"deletetableft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\" >Delete</a></li></ul></a></li>";
                            innerhtml = innerhtml + "<li class='pull-left leftwidth active'><a title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\" id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href='#'  onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" ><span class='nav-label block'>" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "<span class='label label-warning pull-right' id=\"lbn_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\">" + sharedcount + "</span></span></a><ul></ul></li><li class='pull-left '> <a class='rightpadding'><span class='block m-t-xs'><b class='caret'></b></span><ul class='dropdown-menu animated fadeInRight m-t-xs'><li><a onclick=\"Sharetotaltableft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\">Share</a></li><li><a onclick=\"opentabnameleft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\">Rename</a></li><li><a onclick=\"deletetableft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\" >Delete</a></li></ul></a></li>";
                            innerhtml = innerhtml + "<li class='pull-left leftwidth'><a title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\" id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href='#'  onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" ><span class='nav-label block'>" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "<span class='label label-warning pull-right' id=\"lbn_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\">" + sharedcount + "</span></span></a><ul></ul></li><li class='pull-left '> <a class='rightpadding'><span class='block m-t-xs'><b class='caret'></b></span><ul class='dropdown-menu animated fadeInRight m-t-xs'><li><a onclick=\"Sharetotaltableft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\">Share</a></li><li><a onclick=\"opentabnameleft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\">Rename</a></li><li><a onclick=\"deletetableft('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "');\" >Delete</a></li></ul></a></li>";


                    LBR_LINKS objlinks = new LBR_LINKS();
                    objlinks.LINK_TABID = Int32.Parse(dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString());
                    objlinks.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(lbrid);
                    DataTable dt_links = BLL.get_links(objlinks);
                    string content = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Loadlinks(dt_links), @"\s+", " ");
                    //if (content != string.Empty)
                    tabcontent = "<div class=\"tab-pane fade active in\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\">" + content + "</div>";
                    //    tabcontent = "<div class=\"tab-pane fade active in\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</div>";

                    hid_tab.Value = lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString();
                    div_tabcontent.InnerHtml = tabcontent;

                    //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "myJsFn", "loadmenus("++")", true);
                div_menus.InnerHtml = innerhtml;

Exemple #5
        public static string buttonsaveNewclick(List<string> array)
            string htmlcontent = "";
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            LinkDetails link = new LinkDetails();
            LBR_LINKS obj = new LBR_LINKS();
            string id = "";

                if (array.Count == 4)
                    string[] arraylinks = array[3].Split(new string[] { "!@#" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    if (arraylinks.Length == 6)
                        obj.LINK_CREATEDDBY = Int32.Parse(array[1]);
                        obj.LINK_MODIFIEDBY = Int32.Parse(array[1]);
                        obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION = arraylinks[3].Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Trim();
                        if (arraylinks[0] == "3")
                            obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH = arraylinks[1];
                            obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH = arraylinks[5];
                        obj.LINK_PATH = arraylinks[4];
                        obj.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(array[1]);
                        obj.LINK_STATUS = 1;
                        obj.LINK_TABID = Int32.Parse(array[2]);
                        obj.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(array[1]);
                        obj.LINK_TYPE = 1;
                        obj.LINK_TITLE = arraylinks[2].Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Trim();

                        dt = BLL.set_link(obj);

                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            return htmlcontent;
Exemple #6
        public void loadadmintabs()
            LBR_SIGNUP obj = new LBR_SIGNUP();
            obj.LBR_ID = 22;
            DataTable dt_tabs = BLL.get_tabs(obj);
            string innerhtml = "";
            string tabcontent = "";
            string remainingtabs = "";
            string remainintabscontent = "";
            //int k = 0;
            if (dt_tabs.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_tabs.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (i <= 2)
                        if (i == 0)
                            innerhtml = "<li class=\"admintabs\" class=\"active\"><a class=\"admintabsa\" id=\"aadmin_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tabadmin" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttabadmin('22_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\"  title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";

                            LBR_LINKS objlinks = new LBR_LINKS();
                            objlinks.LINK_TABID = Int32.Parse(dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString());
                            objlinks.LINK_SIGNUPID = 22;
                            string content = loadhtml(objlinks);
                            //if (content != string.Empty)
                            tabcontent = "<div class=\"tab-pane fade active in\" id=\"tabadmin" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\">" + content + "</div>";
                            //    tabcontent = "<div class=\"tab-pane fade active in\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</div>";

                            hid_tabadmin.Value = "22" + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString();


                            innerhtml = innerhtml + "<li class=\"admintabs\"><a class=\"admintabsa\" id=\"aadmin_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tabadmin" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttabadmin('22_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\"  title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                            tabcontent = tabcontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tabadmin" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\"></div>";
                        remainingtabs = remainingtabs + "<li class=\"\"><a id=\"aadmin_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tabadmin" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttabadmin('22_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                        remainintabscontent = remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tabadmin" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\"></div>";
                        if (hid_remainingtabsadmin.Value != "")
                            hid_remainingtabsadmin.Value = hid_remainingtabsadmin.Value + "," + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString();
                            hid_remainingtabsadmin.Value = dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString();

                remainingtabs = "<li class=\"dropdown\" style=\"width:10px !important;\"  title=\"Click Here more Tabs\"><a href=\"#\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\" class=\"alltabs\"><i class=\"fa fa-ellipsis-v\"></i></a><ul id='div_remainingtabsadmin' class=\"dropdown-menu dropdown__menu1\" role=\"menu\">" + remainingtabs + "</ul></li>";

                //u_admintabs.InnerHtml = innerhtml + remainingtabs;
                //div_admintabs.InnerHtml = tabcontent + remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>";
Exemple #7
        public static string refreshloadtabsnew(string lbrid)
            string totalcontent = "";

                LBR_SIGNUP obj = new LBR_SIGNUP();
                obj.LBR_ID = Int32.Parse(lbrid);
                DataTable dt_tabs = BLL.get_tabs(obj);
                DataTable dt_atab = BLL.ExecuteQuery("exec USP_LBR_SIGNUP @OPERATION='LOADANONYMOUSTAB', @LBR_ID='" + obj.LBR_ID + "'");
                string innerhtml = "";
                string tabcontent = "";
                string remainingtabs = "";
                string remainintabscontent = "";
                //int k = 0;

                if (dt_tabs.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (dt_tabs.Rows.Count > 5)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt_tabs.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (i <= 4)
                                if (i == 0)
                                    innerhtml = "<li class=\"active\"><a id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\"  title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";

                                    LBR_LINKS objlinks = new LBR_LINKS();
                                    objlinks.LINK_TABID = Int32.Parse(dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString());
                                    objlinks.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(lbrid);
                                    // string content = loadhtml(objlinks);
                                    //if (content != string.Empty)
                                    tabcontent = "<div class=\"tab-pane fade active in\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\">" + loadhtml(objlinks) + "</div>";
                                    //    tabcontent = "<div class=\"tab-pane fade active in\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</div>";

                                    //    hid_tab.Value = dt_user.Rows[0]["lbr_id"].ToString() + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString();
                                    totalcontent = lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString();

                                    if ((i + 1) == dt_tabs.Rows.Count)
                                        if (dt_atab.Rows.Count > 0)
                                            innerhtml = innerhtml + "<li class=\"\"><a id=\"a_" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tab" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\"  title=\"" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\">" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                                            tabcontent = tabcontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tab" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\"></div>";
                                        innerhtml = innerhtml + "<li class=\"\"><a id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\"  title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                                        tabcontent = tabcontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\"></div>";
                                if (i == 5)
                                    if (dt_atab.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        innerhtml = innerhtml + "<li class=\"\"><a id=\"a_" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tab" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\"  title=\"" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\">" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                                        tabcontent = tabcontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tab" + dt_atab.Rows[0]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\"></div>";

                                remainingtabs = remainingtabs + "<li class=\"\"><a id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                                remainintabscontent = remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\"></div>";

                        remainingtabs = "<li class=\"dropdown\"  title=\"Click Here more Tabs\"><a href=\"#\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\" class=\"smalltab\"><i class=\"fa fa-chevron-down\"></i></a><ul id='div_remainingtabs' class=\"dropdown-menu dropdown__menu\" role=\"menu\">" + remainingtabs + "<li class=\"\"> <a href=\"#\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#mynewtab\">Create new tab</a></li></ul></li>";
                        remainintabscontent = remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tabnewdefault\">Newtab</div>";
                        totalcontent = totalcontent + "!@#" + innerhtml + remainingtabs + "!@#" + tabcontent + remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>";

                        for (int i = 0; i < dt_tabs.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (i <= 5)
                                if (i == 0)
                                    innerhtml = "<li class=\"active\"><a id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\"  title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";

                                    LBR_LINKS objlinks = new LBR_LINKS();
                                    objlinks.LINK_TABID = Int32.Parse(dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString());
                                    objlinks.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(lbrid);
                                    // string content = loadhtml(objlinks);
                                    //if (content != string.Empty)
                                    tabcontent = "<div class=\"tab-pane fade active in\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\">" + loadhtml(objlinks) + "</div>";
                                    //    tabcontent = "<div class=\"tab-pane fade active in\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</div>";

                                    //    hid_tab.Value = dt_user.Rows[0]["lbr_id"].ToString() + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString();
                                    totalcontent = lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString();

                                    innerhtml = innerhtml + "<li class=\"\"><a id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\"  title=\"" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                                    tabcontent = tabcontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\"></div>";


                                remainingtabs = remainingtabs + "<li class=\"\"><a id=\"a_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "\" href=\"#tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\" onclick=\"selecttab('" + lbrid + "_" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\">" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_NAME"].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                                remainintabscontent = remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tab" + dt_tabs.Rows[i]["TAB_ID"].ToString() + "default\"></div>";

                        remainingtabs = "<li class=\"dropdown\"  title=\"Click Here more Tabs\"><a href=\"#\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\" class=\"smalltab\"><i class=\"fa fa-chevron-down\"></i></a><ul id='div_remainingtabs' class=\"dropdown-menu dropdown__menu\" role=\"menu\">" + remainingtabs + "<li class=\"\"> <a href=\"#\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#mynewtab\">Create new tab</a></li></ul></li>";
                        remainintabscontent = remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"tabnewdefault\">Newtab</div>";
                        totalcontent = totalcontent + "!@#" + innerhtml + remainingtabs + "!@#" + tabcontent + remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>";

                    //tabs.InnerHtml = innerhtml + remainingtabs;
                    // div_tabcontent.InnerHtml = tabcontent + remainintabscontent + "<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>";

            catch (Exception ex)

            return totalcontent;
Exemple #8
        public static string buttonsaveclick(List<string> arraylinks)
            string htmlcontent = "";
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            LinkDetails link = new LinkDetails();
            LBR_LINKS obj = new LBR_LINKS();
            string id = "";
                string linknew = arraylinks[0];

                if (linknew != string.Empty)

                    if (!linknew.Trim().Contains("http://") && !linknew.Trim().Contains("https://"))
                        linknew = "http://" + linknew;

                    link.Url = linknew;
                    link = getlinkdetailsnew(link);
                    Match regx = Regex.Match(link.Url, @"http://([\\w+?\\.\\w+])+([a-zA-Z0-9\\~\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&amp;\\*\\(\\)_\\-\\=\\+\\\\\\/\\?\\.\\:\\;\\'\\,]*)?",
                    //Regex regx = new Regex("http://([\\w+?\\.\\w+])+([a-zA-Z0-9\\~\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&amp;\\*\\(\\)_\\-\\=\\+\\\\\\/\\?\\.\\:\\;\\'\\,]*)?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    //HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("" + link.Url + "");
                    //request.Proxy = null;
                    //request.Method = "HEAD";
                    //bool exists;
                    //    request.GetResponse();
                    //    exists = true;
                    //    exists = false;

                    if (link.status != false)

                        if (link.Description != null)
                            obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION = (link.Description.ToString().Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "")).Trim().Replace("'", "");
                        if (link.Image != null)
                            obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH = link.Image.Url.ToString();
                        // if (dt_user.Rows.Count > 0)
                            obj.LINK_MODIFIEDBY = Int32.Parse(arraylinks[1]);
                            obj.CREATEDBY = Int32.Parse(arraylinks[1]);
                        obj.LINK_PATH = link.Url;
                        obj.LINK_STATUS = 1;
                        if (link.Title != null)
                            obj.LINK_TITLE = (link.Title.ToString()).Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Trim().Replace("'", "");
                        obj.LINK_TYPE = 1;
                        //string[] values = hid_tab.Value.Split('_');

                        if (arraylinks.Count == 3)
                            obj.LINK_TABID = Int32.Parse(arraylinks[2]);
                            obj.LINK_SIGNUPID = Int32.Parse(arraylinks[1]);

                            if (link.Title == null || link.Title == "")
                                obj.LINK_TITLE = link.Url.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Trim().Replace("'", "");
                            if (link.Url.Contains("fb.com") || link.Url.Contains("facebook.com"))
                                obj.LINK_TITLE = "Facebook<br/>" + link.Url.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "";
                                obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH = "../images/fb_icon_325x325.png";

                            //  dt = BLL.set_link(obj);

                            //  id = dt.Rows[0]["link_id"].ToString();
                            // if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)

                                obj.LINK_PATH = linknew;

                                string url = "";
                                Match regexMatch = Regex.Match(obj.LINK_PATH, @"youtu(?:\.be|be\.com)/(?:.*v(?:/|=)|(?:.*/)?)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)",
                                Match vimeoMatch = Regex.Match(obj.LINK_PATH, @"vimeo\.com/(?:.*#|.*/videos/)?([0-9]+)",

                                if (regexMatch.Success || vimeoMatch.Success)
                                    string value = "";
                                    if (regexMatch.Success)
                                        value = regexMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                                        htmlcontent = "1";
                                        htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + value + "!@#" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "!@#" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                        // htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a></span><iframe class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + value + "\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>";

                                    else if (vimeoMatch.Success)
                                        value = vimeoMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                                        htmlcontent = "2";
                                        htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + value + "!@#" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "!@#" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                        //   htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a></span><iframe class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"//player.vimeo.com/video/" + value + "\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>";

                                    htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + obj.LINK_PATH + "!@#" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH;


                                    htmlcontent = "3";
                                    if (obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH != "" && obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH != null)

                                        if (obj.LINK_TITLE != null && obj.LINK_TITLE != "")
                                            htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH + "!@#" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                            if (obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION != null && obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION != "")
                                                htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                                htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + "0";
                                            htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH + "!@#" + "0";
                                            if (obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION != null && obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION != "")
                                                htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                                htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + "0";
                                        // htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><div class=\"boximage\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" style=\"background-image:url('" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH + "');\"><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a></span></div><div class=\"boxtext\" ><a href='#' onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\">" + dt.Rows[0]["link_title"].ToString() + "</a></div></div>";
                                        ////  htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a></span>" + dt.Rows[0]["link_title"].ToString() + "</div>";


                                        if (obj.LINK_TITLE != null && obj.LINK_TITLE != "")
                                            htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + "0" + "!@#" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                            if (obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION != null && obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION != "")
                                                htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                                htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + "0";
                                            htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + "0" + "!@#" + "0";
                                            if (obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION != null && obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION != "")
                                                htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                                htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + "0";
                                        // htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a></span>" + new Uri("" + link.Url + "").GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path) + "<br/>" + dt.Rows[0]["link_title"].ToString() + "</div>";
                                    Uri myUri = new Uri(obj.LINK_PATH);
                                    string host = myUri.Host;
                                    // HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
                                    htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + obj.LINK_PATH + "!@#" + host;

                                if (htmlcontent != "")

                                    //bool status = BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_data='" + BLL.ReplaceQuote(htmlcontent) + "' where link_id='" + id + "'");
                                    //txt_url.Text = string.Empty;
                                    //hid_html.Value = htmlcontent;
                                    //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "myJsFn", "saveurl();return false;", true);



                        //BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Please enter a valid URL");
                        htmlcontent = "invalid";
                    //BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Please enter URL");
            catch (Exception ex)

            return htmlcontent;
Exemple #9
        public static string loadhtml(LBR_LINKS obj)
            string html = "";
                DataTable dt = BLL.get_links(obj);
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (dt.Rows[i]["link_type"].ToString() == "1")
                        Match regexMatch = Regex.Match(dt.Rows[i]["link_path"].ToString(), @"youtu(?:\.be|be\.com)/(?:.*v(?:/|=)|(?:.*/)?)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)",
                        Match vimeoMatch = Regex.Match(dt.Rows[i]["link_path"].ToString(), @"vimeo\.com/(?:.*#|.*/videos/)?([0-9]+)",

                        if (regexMatch.Success || vimeoMatch.Success)
                            string value = "";
                            if (regexMatch.Success)
                                value = regexMatch.Groups[1].Value;

                               // htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + value + "!@#" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "!@#" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                // htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a></span><iframe class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + value + "\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>";

                            else if (vimeoMatch.Success)
                                value = vimeoMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                                //htmlcontent = "2";
                               // htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + value + "!@#" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "!@#" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                //   htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\" id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"OpenInNewTab('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','divbox_" + id + "')\" ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a></span><iframe class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"//player.vimeo.com/video/" + value + "\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>";

                            //htmlcontent = htmlcontent + "!@#" + obj.LINK_PATH + "!@#" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH;


            catch (Exception ex)

            return html;
Exemple #10
        public static string htmlformcopy(LBR_LINKS obj, string emailnewid, string lbrid)
            string htmlcontent = "";
            string userid = obj.LINK_SIGNUPID.ToString();
            string id = obj.LINK_ID.ToString();
            string email = emailnewid;
                if (IsImageFile(obj.LINK_TITLE))


                        //  BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_data='" + BLL.ReplaceQuote(htmlcontent) + "' where link_id='" + id + "'");
                        if (userid != "22")
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><img onclick=\"onclickimage('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','none')\" class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\"/></div>";
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"adminbox\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a class='deleteadmin' href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><img onclick=\"onclickimage('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','none')\" class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\"/></div>";
                            //htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"deleteadmin\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><img onclick=\"onclickimage('" + obj.LINK_PATH + "','none')\" class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" src=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\"/></div>";
                        bool stat = BLL.updatedata(htmlcontent, id);

                else if (IstextFile(obj.LINK_TITLE))
                    string text = "";
                    //    text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(obj.LINK_PATH);
                    //catch (Exception ex)
                    text = obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION;

                    string title = "";

                    if (text.Length >= 250)
                        title = (text.Substring(0, 250));
                        title = (text);
                    obj.LINK_TYPE = 3;
                    DataTable dt = BLL.set_link(obj);

                        //  BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_data='" + BLL.ReplaceQuote(htmlcontent) + "' where link_id='" + id + "'");
                        if (userid != "22")
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\" class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" ><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4 class='h4class'>" + title + "<span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\">[…]</span></div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='h4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4 class='h4class'></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100% ;height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"adminbox\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a class='deleteadmin' href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\" class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\"><h4 class='adminh4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4>" + title + "<span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\">[…]</span></div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='adminh4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100%; height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                        bool stat = BLL.updatedata(htmlcontent, id);
                else if (IspdfFile(obj.LINK_TITLE))
                    // System.Text.StringBuilder text = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                    string text = "";
                    //    //text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(obj.LINK_PATH);
                    //    using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(obj.LINK_PATH))
                    //    {
                    //        if (reader.NumberOfPages >= 1)
                    //        {
                    //            for (int k = 1; k <= reader.NumberOfPages; k++)
                    //            {
                    //                text = text + PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, k);
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //catch (Exception ex)
                    text = obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION;

                    string title = "";

                    if (text.Length >= 250)
                        title = (text.Substring(0, 250));
                        title = (text);
                    obj.LINK_TYPE = 3;


                        //  BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_data='" + BLL.ReplaceQuote(htmlcontent) + "' where link_id='" + id + "'");
                        if (userid != "22")
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\" class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" ><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4 class='h4class'>" + title + "<span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\">[…]</span></div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='h4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4 class='h4class'></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100% ;height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"adminbox\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\" class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\"><h4 class='adminh4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4>" + title + "<span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\">[…]</span></div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='adminh4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100%; height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                            // htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"deleteadmin\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\" class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\"><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4 class='h4class'>" + title + "<span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' onclick=\"$('#modalopen_" + id + "').modal('show')\">[…]</span></div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='h4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4 class='h4class'></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100%; height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                        bool stat = BLL.updatedata(htmlcontent, id);
                else if (IswordFile(obj.LINK_TITLE) || IsexcelFile(obj.LINK_TITLE))
                    // System.Text.StringBuilder text = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                    string text = "";

                    string path = obj.LINK_PATH;
                    // text = BLL.loadword(path);
                    if (text == "")
                        text = obj.LINK_TITLE;

                    string title = "";

                    if (text.Length >= 250)
                        title = (text.Substring(0, 250));
                        title = (text);
                    obj.LINK_TYPE = 3;


                        //  BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_data='" + BLL.ReplaceQuote(htmlcontent) + "' where link_id='" + id + "'");
                        if (userid != "22")
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" ><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4 class='h4class'><span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\">[…]</span></div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='h4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4 class='h4class'></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100% ;height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"adminbox\"  id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" class='deleteadmin'  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\"><h4 class='adminh4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4><span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\">[…]</span></div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='adminh4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100%; height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                            // htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"  id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"deleteadmin\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\"><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4 class='h4class'><span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\">[…]</span></div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='h4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4 class='h4class'></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100%; height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                        bool stat = BLL.updatedata(htmlcontent, id);
                else if (IssongFile(obj.LINK_TITLE))
                    // System.Text.StringBuilder text = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                    string text = "";

                    string path = obj.LINK_PATH;
                    // text = BLL.loadword(path);
                    if (text == "")
                        text = obj.LINK_TITLE;
                    string title = "";

                    if (text.Length >= 250)
                        title = (text.Substring(0, 250));
                        title = (text);
                    obj.LINK_TYPE = 3;


                        //  BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_data='" + BLL.ReplaceQuote(htmlcontent) + "' where link_id='" + id + "'");
                        if (userid != "22")
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"  id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\"  target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div  class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" ><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4 class='h4class'><audio controls><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='audio/ogg'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='audio/mpeg'<source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='audio/wav'>Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio></div></div>";
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"adminbox\"  id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  class='deleteadmin' title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\"  target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div  class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" ><h4 class='adminh4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4><audio controls><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='audio/ogg'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='audio/mpeg'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='audio/wav'>Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio></div></div>";
                            //  htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"  id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"deleteadmin\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div  class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" ><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4 class='h4class'><audio controls><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='audio/ogg'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='audio/mpeg'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='audio/wav'>Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio></div></div>";
                        bool stat = BLL.updatedata(htmlcontent, id);
                else if (IsvideoFile(obj.LINK_TITLE))
                    // System.Text.StringBuilder text = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                    string text = "";

                    string path = obj.LINK_PATH;
                    // text = BLL.loadword(path);
                    if (text == "")
                        text = obj.LINK_TITLE;

                    string title = "";

                    if (text.Length >= 250)
                        title = (text.Substring(0, 250));
                        title = (text);
                    obj.LINK_TYPE = 3;


                        //  BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_data='" + BLL.ReplaceQuote(htmlcontent) + "' where link_id='" + id + "'");
                        if (userid != "22")
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"  id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><video class='boxvideo' style=\"height:auto;max-height: 140px;max-width:236px;\" controls><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='video/mp4'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='video/ogg'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='video/WebM'>Your browser does not support the video tag.</video><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4></div>";
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"adminbox\"  id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\" class='deleteadmin'  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><video class='adminboxvideo' style=\"height:auto;max-height: 140px;max-width:236px;\" controls><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='video/mp4'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='video/ogg'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='video/WebM'>Your browser does not support the video tag.</video><h4 class='adminh4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4></div>";
                            // htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"  id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"deleteadmin\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><video class='adminboxvideo' style=\"height:auto;max-height: 140px;max-width:236px;\" controls><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='video/mp4'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='video/ogg'><source src='" + obj.LINK_PATH + "' type='video/WebM'>Your browser does not support the video tag.</video><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4></div>";
                        bool stat = BLL.updatedata(htmlcontent, id);
                    // System.Text.StringBuilder text = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                    string text = "";

                    string path = obj.LINK_PATH;
                    // text = BLL.loadword(path);
                    if (text == "")
                        text = obj.LINK_TITLE;

                    string title = "";

                    if (text.Length >= 250)
                        title = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(text.Substring(0, 250));
                        title = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(text);
                    obj.LINK_TYPE = 3;


                        //  BLL.ExecuteNonQuery("update lbr_links set link_data='" + BLL.ReplaceQuote(htmlcontent) + "' where link_id='" + id + "'");
                        if (userid != "22")
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"   id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"delete\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" class=\"boxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\" ><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4 class='h4class'><span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\">[…]</span></div><div class='sharedby'>Sent by " + email + "</div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='h4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4 class='h4class'></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100% ;height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                            htmlcontent = "<div class=\"box\"  id=\"divbox_" + id + "\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"  ><span class=\"deleteadmin\"><a href=\"#\"  title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deletebox('divbox_" + id + "')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></a><a  title=\"Move or Copy\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"movelinks(" + id + ")\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Linkskart\" onclick=\"openkartshare(" + id + ")\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i></a> <a  title=\"Share With Facebook\" onclick='" + String.Format("share(\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"http://linkskart.com?redirectid=" + id + "\",\"\",\"" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION.Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + "\",\"" + obj.LINK_IMAGEPATH.Replace("'", "") + "\"); return false;") + "' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-facebook\"></i></a><a  title=\"Share With Twitter\" onclick='opentwitter(" + id + ")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fa fa-twitter\"></i></a><a  title=\"Download\" download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" ><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a></span><div download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\" class=\"adminboxvideo\" style=\"margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-6px;\"><h4 class='h4class'>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</h4 class='h4class'><span class='wrap-indicator' title='" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "' download=\"" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "\" target='_blank' href=\"" + obj.LINK_PATH + "\">[…]</span></div><div class='sharedby'>Sent by Linkskart</div></div><div id='modalopen_" + id + "' class='modal fade' aria-hidden='true' style='display: none;'><div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'><div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button><h4 class='h4class' class='modal-title'>Detailed Preview <small>" + obj.LINK_TITLE + "</small></h4 class='h4class'></div><div class='modal-body'><textarea class='form-control' style='font-family:Monaco,Consolas,monospace;width:100%; height: 500.25px;' readonly=''>" + obj.LINK_DESCRIPTION + "</textarea></div></div></div></div>";
                        bool stat = BLL.updatedata(htmlcontent, id);
            catch (Exception ex)

            return htmlcontent;