public EscherAggregate(DrawingManager2 drawingManager)
     this.drawingManager = drawingManager;
         * Collapses the drawing records into an aggregate.
        public static EscherAggregate CreateAggregate(IList records, int locFirstDrawingRecord, DrawingManager2 drawingManager)
            // Keep track of any shape records Created so we can match them back to the object id's.
            // Textbox objects are also treated as shape objects.
            IList shapeRecords = new ArrayList();
            EscherRecordFactory recordFactory = new CustomEscherRecordFactory(ref shapeRecords);

            // Calculate the size of the buffer
            EscherAggregate agg = new EscherAggregate(drawingManager);
            int loc = locFirstDrawingRecord;
            int dataSize = 0;
            while (loc + 1 < records.Count
                    && GetSid(records, loc) == DrawingRecord.sid
                    && IsObjectRecord(records, loc + 1))
                dataSize += ((DrawingRecord)records[loc]).Data.Length;
                loc += 2;

            // Create one big buffer
            byte[] buffer = new byte[dataSize];
            int offset = 0;
            loc = locFirstDrawingRecord;
            while (loc + 1 < records.Count
                    && GetSid(records, loc) == DrawingRecord.sid
                    && IsObjectRecord(records, loc + 1))
                DrawingRecord drawingRecord = (DrawingRecord)records[loc];
                Array.Copy(drawingRecord.Data, 0, buffer, offset, drawingRecord.Data.Length);
                offset += drawingRecord.Data.Length;
                loc += 2;

            // Decode the shapes
            //        agg.escherRecords = new ArrayList();
            int pos = 0;
            while (pos < dataSize)
                EscherRecord r = recordFactory.CreateRecord(buffer, pos);
                int bytesRead = r.FillFields(buffer, pos, recordFactory);
                pos += bytesRead;

            // Associate the object records with the shapes
            loc = locFirstDrawingRecord;
            int shapeIndex = 0;
            agg.shapeToObj = new Hashtable();
            while (loc + 1 < records.Count
                    && GetSid(records, loc) == DrawingRecord.sid
                    && IsObjectRecord(records, loc + 1))
                Record objRecord = (Record)records[loc + 1];
                agg.shapeToObj[shapeRecords[shapeIndex++]]= objRecord;
                loc += 2;

            return agg;

         * Finds the DrawingRecord for our sheet, and
         *  attaches it to the DrawingManager (which knows about
         *  the overall DrawingGroup for our workbook).
         * If requested, will Create a new DrawRecord
         *  if none currently exist
         * @param drawingManager The DrawingManager2 for our workbook
         * @param CreateIfMissing Should one be Created if missing?
        public int AggregateDrawingRecords(DrawingManager2 drawingManager, bool CreateIfMissing)
            int loc = FindFirstRecordLocBySid(DrawingRecord.sid);
            bool noDrawingRecordsFound = (loc == -1);
            if (noDrawingRecordsFound)
                if (!CreateIfMissing)
                    // None found, and not allowed to Add in
                    return -1;

                EscherAggregate aggregate = new EscherAggregate(drawingManager);
                loc = FindFirstRecordLocBySid(EscherAggregate.sid);
                if (loc == -1)
                    loc = FindFirstRecordLocBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
                Records.Insert(loc, aggregate);
                return loc;
                IList records = Records;
                EscherAggregate r = EscherAggregate.CreateAggregate(records, loc, drawingManager);
                int startloc = loc;
                while (loc + 1 < records.Count
                        && records[loc] is DrawingRecord
                        && (records[loc + 1] is ObjRecord ||
                            records[loc + 1] is TextObjectRecord)
                    loc += 2;
                    if (records[loc] is NoteRecord) loc ++;
                int endloc = loc - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < (endloc - startloc + 1); i++)
                records.Insert(startloc, r);

                return startloc;