Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the file directly to the http client.
        /// </summary>
        private void sendFile( WebServedFile file, HTTPServerResponse response )
            response.ContentLength = file.File.Length;
            response.Set( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + file.File.Name + "\"" );

                using ( Stream outStream = response.Send( ) )
                using ( FileStream fileInStream = new FileStream( file.File.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite ) )
                    // Iterate through the file in chunk-sized increments.
                    for ( long i = 0; i < file.File.Length; i += Protocol.TransferChunkSize )
                        // Calculate the number of bytes we're about to send.
                        int numBytes = (int) Math.Min( Protocol.TransferChunkSize, file.File.Length - i );

                        // Read in the chunk from a file, write it to the network.
                        byte[] chunk = new byte[numBytes];
                        fileInStream.Read( chunk, 0, numBytes );
                        outStream.Write( chunk, 0, chunk.Length );
            catch ( IOException ) { }
            catch ( SocketException ) { } // User hung up (closed their browser).
 public WebHostedFileReadyForm( WebServedFile file )
     this.file = file;
     InitializeComponent( );
     this.Text = file.File.Name;
     lblAddress.Text = file.GetLink( );
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes an xhtml page with information about the given file, including a link to download it.
 /// (The file should download automatically using META REFRESH).
 /// </summary>
 private void sendFileInfoPage( WebServedFile file, HTTPServerResponse response )
     response.ContentType = "text/html";
         using ( Stream ostr = response.Send( ) )
         using ( TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter( ostr ) )
             tw.WriteLine( Resources.sendFilePage.Replace( "${fileUrl}", file.GetDownloadPath( ) )
                 .Replace( "${fileName}", file.File.Name ) // I should be shot for chaining these together...but with sendFile.html under 500 bytes,
                 .Replace( "${sender}", Configuration.CurrentSettings.Username ) // the performance hit is pretty negligible.
                 .Replace( "${fileSize}", Util.FormatFileSize( file.File.Length ) ) );
     catch ( IOException ) { }
     catch ( SocketException ) { } // User hung up (closed their browser).