static IPoints GenerateRandomDataset(int n, Boundary b)

            // Random points
            var list = new List<IP>();
            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                var lat = (b.Miny + b.AbsY * Rand.NextDouble()).NormalizeLatitude();
                var lon = (b.Minx + b.AbsX * Rand.NextDouble()).NormalizeLongitude();
                list.Add(new P { I = Rand.Next(1000000000), C = 1, Y = lat, X = lon, T = i });

            return new Points {Data = list};
        public static Boundary GetBoundaryExtended(JsonGetMarkersReceive jsonReceive)
            var deltas = GetDelta(jsonReceive);
            var deltaX = deltas[0];
            var deltaY = deltas[1];

            // Grid with extended outer grid-area non-visible            
            var a = MathTool.FloorLatLon(jsonReceive.Viewport.Minx, deltaX) - deltaX * AlgoConfig.OuterGridExtend;
            var b = MathTool.FloorLatLon(jsonReceive.Viewport.Miny, deltaY) - deltaY * AlgoConfig.OuterGridExtend;
            var a2 = MathTool.FloorLatLon(jsonReceive.Viewport.Maxx, deltaX) + deltaX * (1 + AlgoConfig.OuterGridExtend);
            var b2 = MathTool.FloorLatLon(jsonReceive.Viewport.Maxy, deltaY) + deltaY * (1 + AlgoConfig.OuterGridExtend);

            // Latitude is special with Google Maps, they don't wrap around, then do constrain
            b = MathTool.ConstrainLatitude(b);
            b2 = MathTool.ConstrainLatitude(b2);

            var grid = new Boundary { Minx = a, Miny = b, Maxx = a2, Maxy = b2 };
            return grid;