/// <summary>
        /// Create a new TestMonkeyException
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Only use this exception if no suitable alternative exists - eg: use InvalidArgumentException if it is a better fit
        /// </remarks>
        public static TestMonkeyException Create(Exception innerException, string format, params object[] args)
            string message = string.Format(format, args);
            TestMonkeyException exception = new TestMonkeyException(message, innerException);

Exemple #2
        private void WalkCallback(Type targetType, object targetObject, object mirrorObject, MemberInfo fieldInfo, string objectName)
            if (fieldInfo == null)

            if (fieldInfo.Name == _propertyName)
                bool   exceptionSwallowedTarget;
                object targetPropertyValue = InvokeMember(
                    , targetObject
                    , fieldInfo
                    , Options.BindingFlags
                    , false
                    , out exceptionSwallowedTarget);

                T castValue = (T)targetPropertyValue;

                    if (Options.LogToConsole)
                        string message = string.Format("ObjectWalker callback: {0}.{1}", objectName, fieldInfo.Name);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw TestMonkeyException.Create("AssertWalker callback failed on " + objectName + "." + fieldInfo.Name, e);
 /// <summary>
 /// Someone wrote a unit test with ReferenceEquals assertions and so wrote something pretty useless.
 /// This prevents the accident
 /// </summary>
 public static new bool ReferenceEquals(object objectA, object objectB)
     throw TestMonkeyException.Create("You probably meant to call ResourceEquals not ReferenceEquals. Try again cowboy");
        private void WalkCollection(
            ReflectionWalkerCallback callback
            , Type targetType
            , object targetObject
            , object mirrorObject
            , string objectName)
            if (targetObject is string)
                callback(targetType, targetObject, mirrorObject, null, objectName);

            IEnumerable targetAsEnumerable = targetObject as IEnumerable;
            IList       targetAsList       = targetObject as IList;

            FieldInfoCollection fields = GetWalkablePropertiesAndFields(targetType);

            MemberInfo countField  = fields.Find(f => f.Name == "Count");
            MemberInfo lengthField = fields.Find(f => f.Name == "Length");

            if (countField != null)
                callback(targetType, targetObject, mirrorObject, countField, objectName);

            if (lengthField != null)
                callback(targetType, targetObject, mirrorObject, lengthField, objectName);

            if (targetAsList != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < targetAsList.Count; i++)
                    object innerTarget = targetAsList[i];

                    if (innerTarget == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("CodeGenWalker skipping list item {0} since the inner target is null", i);

                    bool   isSimpleType      = IsSimpleType(innerTarget.GetType());
                    object innerMirrorTarget = null;

                    if (mirrorObject != null)
                        innerMirrorTarget = ((IList)mirrorObject)[i];

                    string objectNameWithIndexer = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", objectName, i);

                    if (IsOfType(innerTarget, Options.UpcastTypes))
                        objectNameWithIndexer = GetUpCastTargetName(innerTarget, objectNameWithIndexer);

                    if (isSimpleType)
                        // THIS WILL ALWAYS BREAK MOFO
                        callback(targetType, innerTarget, innerMirrorTarget, null, objectNameWithIndexer);
                        InnerWalk(callback, innerTarget, innerMirrorTarget, objectNameWithIndexer);
            else if (targetAsEnumerable != null)
                throw TestMonkeyException.Create("Object Inspector doesn't work with pure IEnumerables: " + objectName);