private bool isPropertyExists(CSSDeclaration declaration)
            string propertyname = declaration.propertyname.ToLower();

            foreach (var onedeclaration in item)
                if (onedeclaration.propertyname.ToLower() == propertyname)

        private void updateCssText(CSSDeclaration declaration)
            string declarationText = declaration.propertyname + ": " + declaration.value;

            if (declaration.important)
                declarationText = declarationText + " !important";
            declarationText = declarationText + ";";

            // use regex is OK in this case, because all property name does not contains escape chars.
            string pattern = declaration.propertyname + @"\s*\:\s*.*?(;|$)";

            _cssText = Regex.Replace(_cssText, pattern, declarationText);
        /// <summary>
        /// add the new declaration to csstext.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="declaration"></param>
        private void appendCssText(CSSDeclaration declaration)
            /// this append actually insert at the beginning to prevent,
            ////// To serialize a CSS declaration with property name property, value and optionally an important flag set, follow these steps:
            //Let s be the empty string.
            //Append property to s.
            //Append ": " (U+003A U+0020) to s.
            //Append value to s.
            //If the important flag is set, append " !important" (U+0020 U+0021 U+0069 U+006D U+0070 U+006F U+0072 U+0074 U+0061 U+006E U+0074) to s.
            //Append ";" (U+003B) to s.
            //Return s.
            string declarationText = declaration.propertyname + ": " + declaration.value;

            if (declaration.important)
                declarationText = declarationText + " !important";
            declarationText = "\r\n" + declarationText + ";" + "\r\n";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cssText))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cssText))
                _cssText = declarationText;

            int bracketIndex = _cssText.IndexOf("{");

            if (bracketIndex > 0)
                string firststring = _cssText.Substring(0, bracketIndex + 1);

                string secondstring = _cssText.Substring(bracketIndex + 1);

                _cssText = firststring + declarationText + secondstring;
                _cssText = declarationText + _cssText;
        //below methods are created to update _cssText when a property is set or changed.

        /// <summary>
        /// Insert or update declaration, will also update the cssText.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="declaration"></param>
        public void updateDeclaration(CSSDeclaration declaration)
            if (declaration == null)
            bool exists = isPropertyExists(declaration);

            setProperty(declaration.propertyname, declaration.value, declaration.important);

            if (exists)