// TODO (Brandon): refactor this file into...
        // * GrabManager
        // * PhysicsManager
        // * StretchManager (update existing)
        // ... and then create LeftHand and RightHand components, which require ...
        // * Animator
        // * AvatarComponent

        void Awake()
            if (firstControllerOfStretchGesture == null)
                firstControllerOfStretchGesture = this;
                secondControllerOfStretchGesture = this;
        void Awake()
            #region Parent Setup for Scalling and Rotation
            //Only construct pivots and tilt parents in the first instance, provide reference to all
            //other scripts by setting them to static fields.
            if (firstControllerInteraction == null)
                firstControllerInteraction = this;
                secondControllerInteraction = this;
