private SObject ExecuteLink(ScriptStatement statement)
            if (Context.HasCallback(CallbackType.ScriptPipeline))
                var exp = statement.Code;
                exp = exp.Remove(0, "link ".Length).Trim();

                var callback = (DScriptPipeline)Context.GetCallback(CallbackType.ScriptPipeline);
                var task     = Task <string> .Factory.StartNew(() => callback(this, exp));


                var code = task.Result;

                var statements = StatementProcessor.GetStatements(this, code);

                // Convert the current statements into a list, so we can modify them.
                var tempStatements = _statements.ToList();
                // Remove the "link" statement, because we don't want to step into it again if we are in a loop.

                // Insert class, using and link statements right after the current statement.
                var insertIndex = _index;

                for (var i = 0; i < statements.Length; i++)
                    if (statements[i].StatementType == StatementType.Class)
                        // The class statement needs its body, so we add the class statement and the one afterwards:
                        if (statements.Length > i + 1)
                            tempStatements.Insert(insertIndex, statements[i]);
                            tempStatements.Insert(insertIndex + 1, statements[i + 1]);

                            insertIndex += 2;
                            ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.SyntaxError, ErrorHandler.MessageSyntaxExpectedExpression, "end of script");
                    else if (statements[i].StatementType == StatementType.Import || statements[i].StatementType == StatementType.Link)
                        tempStatements.Insert(insertIndex, statements[i]);
                        insertIndex += 1;

                // Convert the temp statement list back and reduce the index by one, because we deleted the current statement.
                _statements = tempStatements.ToArray();

                return(ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.ApiError, ErrorHandler.MessageApiNotSupported));
Exemple #2
        private SObject ProcessStatements()
            var returnObject = Undefined;

            _statements = StatementProcessor.GetStatements(this, _source);

            _index = 0;

            while (_index < _statements.Length)
                returnObject = ExecuteStatement(_statements[_index]);
                if (_continueIssued || _breakIssued || _returnIssued)
                    returnObject = SObject.Unbox(returnObject);


        private SObject ExecuteFor(ScriptStatement statement)
            var exp = statement.Code;

            var forCode = exp.Remove(0, exp.IndexOf("for", StringComparison.Ordinal) + "for".Length).Trim().Remove(0, 1); // Remove "for" and "(".

            forCode = forCode.Remove(forCode.Length - 1, 1);                                                              // Remove ")".

            var forStatements = StatementProcessor.GetStatements(this, forCode);

            if (forStatements.Length == 0)
                return(ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.SyntaxError, ErrorHandler.MessageSyntaxExpectedExpression, ")"));
            if (forStatements.Length == 1)
                return(ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.SyntaxError, ErrorHandler.MessageSyntaxMissingForInitializer));
            if (forStatements.Length == 2)
                return(ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.SyntaxError, ErrorHandler.MessageSyntaxMissingForCondition));
            if (forStatements.Length > 3)
                return(ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.SyntaxError, ErrorHandler.MessageSyntaxMissingForControl));

            var processor = new ScriptProcessor(Context, GetLineNumber());

            var forInitializer = forStatements[0];
            var forCondition   = forStatements[1];
            var forControl     = forStatements[2];

            if (forInitializer.Code.Length > 0)


            if (_statements.Length > _index)
                var stayInFor        = true;
                var executeStatement = _statements[_index];
                var returnObject     = Undefined;

                while (stayInFor)
                    if (forCondition.Code.Length > 0)
                        var conditionResult = processor.ExecuteStatement(forCondition);

                        var conditionAsBool = conditionResult as SBool;
                        stayInFor = conditionAsBool?.Value ?? conditionResult.ToBool(this).Value;

                    if (stayInFor)
                        returnObject = processor.ExecuteStatement(executeStatement);

                        if (processor._returnIssued || processor._breakIssued)
                            _breakIssued  = false;
                            _returnIssued = processor._returnIssued;
                            stayInFor     = false;
                        else if (forControl.Code.Length > 0)

                return(ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.SyntaxError, ErrorHandler.MessageSyntaxExpectedExpression, "end of script"));
Exemple #4
 internal ScriptStatement(string code)
     Code          = code.Trim();
     StatementType = StatementProcessor.GetStatementType(Code, false);