public async Task ThrowsWhenRecievingNonSuccessStatusCode()
                var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <MiniZipHttpStatusCodeException>(
                    () => _target.GetReaderAsync(_requestUri));

                    "The HTTP response did not have a success status code while trying to determine the content length. The response was 404 Not Found.",
Exemple #2
        private static async Task SmallAsync()
            var url = "";

            using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                var httpZipProvider = new HttpZipProvider(httpClient);

                using (var zipDirectoryReader = await httpZipProvider.GetReaderAsync(new Uri(url)))
                    var zipDirectory = await zipDirectoryReader.ReadAsync();

                    Console.WriteLine("Top 5 ZIP entries by compressed size:");
                    var entries = zipDirectory
                                  .OrderByDescending(x => x.GetCompressedSize())
                    for (var i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1}. {entries[i].GetName()}");
Exemple #3
        public async Task CanReadSignatureFile(string id, string version)
            using (var testDirectory = TestDirectory.Create())
                var packageUri = await NuGetUtility.GetNupkgUrlAsync(id, version);

                using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                    var httpZipProvider = new HttpZipProvider(httpClient)
                        RequireAcceptRanges = false,
                    using (var reader = await httpZipProvider.GetReaderAsync(packageUri))
                        // Read the ZIP directory from the .nupkg URL.
                        var zipDirectory = await reader.ReadAsync();

                        // Find the signature entry
                        var entry = zipDirectory.Entries.Single(x => x.GetName() == ".signature.p7s");

                        // Read the signature file
                        var signatureBytes = await reader.ReadUncompressedFileDataAsync(zipDirectory, entry);

                        // Decode the signature file
                        var cms = new SignedCms();
            public async Task UsesETagWhenRequiringAnETag()
                // Arrange
                var fileName = "System.IO.Compression/refzipfiles/";

                using (var server = TestUtility.GetTestServer(TestUtility.TestDataDirectory))
                    using (var client = server.CreateClient())
                        var requestUri = new Uri(new Uri(server.BaseAddress, TestUtility.TestServerDirectory + "/"), fileName);
                        var target     = new HttpZipProvider(client)
                            ETagBehavior = ETagBehavior.Required

                        // Act
                        var reader = await target.GetReaderAsync(requestUri);

                        // Assert
                        var actual = await reader.ReadAsync();

                        var expected = await TestUtility.ReadWithMiniZipAsync(TestUtility.BufferTestData(fileName));

                        TestUtility.VerifyJsonEquals(expected.Data, actual);
            public async Task HandlesChangingETagProperly(ETagBehavior etagBehavior, bool success)
                // Arrange
                using (var directory = TestDirectory.Create())
                    var fileName  = "";
                    var serverDir = Path.Combine(directory, TestUtility.TestServerDirectory);
                    var filePath  = Path.Combine(serverDir, fileName);

                    using (var server = TestUtility.GetTestServer(
                               etags: true,
                               middleware: async(context, next) =>
                        await next.Invoke();

                        File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(filePath, DateTime.UtcNow);
                        using (var client = server.CreateClient())
                                Path.Combine(TestUtility.TestDataDirectory, "System.IO.Compression/refzipfiles/"),
                            var requestUri = new Uri(new Uri(server.BaseAddress, TestUtility.TestServerDirectory + "/"), fileName);
                            var target     = new HttpZipProvider(client)
                                ETagBehavior = etagBehavior
                            var reader = await target.GetReaderAsync(requestUri);

                            // Act & Assert
                            if (success)
                                var actual = await reader.ReadAsync();

                                var expected = await TestUtility.ReadWithMiniZipAsync(TestUtility.BufferTestData(filePath));

                                TestUtility.VerifyJsonEquals(expected.Data, actual);
                                var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <MiniZipHttpException>(() => reader.ReadAsync());

                                    "The HTTP response did not have the expected status code HTTP 206 Partial Content. The response was 412 Precondition Failed.",
                                Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, ex.StatusCode);
                                Assert.Equal("Precondition Failed", ex.ReasonPhrase);
                                Assert.StartsWith("HTTP/", ex.DebugResponse);
Exemple #6
        public async Task CanGatherAndRecreateNuGetPackageCentralDirectory()
            using (var testDirectory = TestDirectory.Create())
                // Discover the .nupkg URL.
                var sourceRepository = Repository.Factory.GetCoreV3("");
                var serviceIndex     = await sourceRepository.GetResourceAsync <ServiceIndexResourceV3>();

                var packageBaseAddress = serviceIndex.GetServiceEntryUri(ServiceTypes.PackageBaseAddress);

                var id         = "Newtonsoft.Json".ToLowerInvariant();
                var version    = NuGetVersion.Parse("9.0.1").ToNormalizedString().ToLowerInvariant();
                var packageUri = new Uri(packageBaseAddress, $"{id}/{version}/{id}.{version}.nupkg");

                ZipDirectory zipDirectoryA;
                string       mzipPath;
                using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                    var httpZipProvider = new HttpZipProvider(httpClient);
                    using (var reader = await httpZipProvider.GetReaderAsync(packageUri))
                        // Read the ZIP directory from the .nupkg URL.
                        zipDirectoryA = await reader.ReadAsync();

                        // Save the .mzip to the test directory.
                        mzipPath = Path.Combine(testDirectory, $"{id}.{version}.mzip");
                        using (var fileStream = new FileStream(mzipPath, FileMode.Create))
                            var mzipFormat = new MZipFormat();
                            await mzipFormat.WriteAsync(reader.Stream, fileStream);

                // Read the .mzip back from disk.
                ZipDirectory zipDirectoryB;
                using (var fileStream = new FileStream(mzipPath, FileMode.Open))
                    var mzipFormat = new MZipFormat();
                    using (var mzipStream = await mzipFormat.ReadAsync(fileStream))
                        using (var reader = new ZipDirectoryReader(mzipStream))
                            zipDirectoryB = await reader.ReadAsync();

                // Compare the results.
                TestUtility.VerifyJsonEquals(zipDirectoryA, zipDirectoryB);
            public async Task RejectsChangedLength()
                // Arrange
                using (var directory = TestDirectory.Create())
                    var fileName  = "";
                    var serverDir = Path.Combine(directory, TestUtility.TestServerDirectory);
                    var filePath  = Path.Combine(serverDir, fileName);

                    using (var server = TestUtility.GetTestServer(
                               etags: true,
                               middleware: async(context, next) =>
                        await next.Invoke();

                            Path.Combine(TestUtility.TestDataDirectory, "System.IO.Compression/refzipfiles/"),
                        using (var client = server.CreateClient())
                                Path.Combine(TestUtility.TestDataDirectory, "System.IO.Compression/refzipfiles/"),
                            var requestUri = new Uri(new Uri(server.BaseAddress, TestUtility.TestServerDirectory + "/"), fileName);
                            var target     = new HttpZipProvider(client)
                                ETagBehavior = ETagBehavior.Ignore
                            var reader = await target.GetReaderAsync(requestUri);

                            // Act & Assert
                            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <MiniZipHttpException>(() => reader.ReadAsync());

                                "The length of the ZIP file fetched over HTTP changed from the expected 2671162 bytes to 22 bytes.",
                            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.PartialContent, ex.StatusCode);
                            Assert.Equal("Partial Content", ex.ReasonPhrase);
                            Assert.StartsWith("HTTP/", ex.DebugResponse);
Exemple #8
        public async Task CanGatherAndRecreateNuGetPackageCentralDirectory(string id, string version)
            using (var testDirectory = TestDirectory.Create())
                var packageUri = await NuGetUtility.GetNupkgUrlAsync(id, version);

                ZipDirectory zipDirectoryA;
                string       mzipPath;
                using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                    var httpZipProvider = new HttpZipProvider(httpClient)
                        RequireAcceptRanges = false,
                    using (var reader = await httpZipProvider.GetReaderAsync(packageUri))
                        // Read the ZIP directory from the .nupkg URL.
                        zipDirectoryA = await reader.ReadAsync();

                        // Save the .mzip to the test directory.
                        mzipPath = Path.Combine(testDirectory, $"{id}.{version}.mzip");
                        using (var fileStream = new FileStream(mzipPath, FileMode.Create))
                            var mzipFormat = new MZipFormat();
                            await mzipFormat.WriteAsync(reader.Stream, fileStream);

                // Read the .mzip back from disk.
                ZipDirectory zipDirectoryB;
                using (var fileStream = new FileStream(mzipPath, FileMode.Open))
                    var mzipFormat = new MZipFormat();
                    using (var mzipStream = await mzipFormat.ReadAsync(fileStream))
                        using (var reader = new ZipDirectoryReader(mzipStream))
                            zipDirectoryB = await reader.ReadAsync();

                // Compare the results.
                TestUtility.VerifyJsonEquals(zipDirectoryA, zipDirectoryB);
            public async Task ReturnsHeadersAsProperties()
                // Arrange
                var fileName = "System.IO.Compression/refzipfiles/";

                using (var server = TestUtility.GetTestServer(TestUtility.TestDataDirectory))
                    using (var client = server.CreateClient())
                        var requestUri = new Uri(new Uri(server.BaseAddress, TestUtility.TestServerDirectory + "/"), fileName);
                        var target     = new HttpZipProvider(client);

                        // Act
                        var reader = await target.GetReaderAsync(requestUri);

                        // Assert
                        Assert.Equal("2671162", Assert.Single(reader.Properties["Content-Length"]));
                        Assert.Equal("application/x-zip-compressed", Assert.Single(reader.Properties["Content-Type"]));
Exemple #10
            public async Task FailsWhenRequiredETagIsMissing()
                // Arrange
                var fileName = "System.IO.Compression/refzipfiles/";

                using (var server = TestUtility.GetTestServer(TestUtility.TestDataDirectory, etags: false))
                    using (var client = server.CreateClient())
                        var requestUri = new Uri(new Uri(server.BaseAddress, TestUtility.TestServerDirectory + "/"), fileName);
                        var target     = new HttpZipProvider(client)
                            ETagBehavior = ETagBehavior.Required

                        // Act & Assert
                        var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <MiniZipException>(() => target.GetReaderAsync(requestUri));

                        Assert.Equal("An ETag header is required when using ETagBehavior.Required.", ex.Message);
Exemple #11
        private static async Task LargeAsync()
            // Use the top 5 NuGet packages as an example.
            var urls = new[]

            // Set up and HTTP client that logs HTTP requests, to help clarify this example.
            using (var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler())
                using (var loggingHandler = new LoggingHandler {
                    InnerHandler = httpClientHandler
                    using (var httpClient = new HttpClient(loggingHandler))
                        // This provider uses and HTTP client and initializes a ZipDirectoryReader from a URL. This URL
                        // must support HEAD method, Content-Length response header, and Range request header.
                        var httpZipProvider = new HttpZipProvider(httpClient);

                        foreach (var url in urls)
                            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 40));

                            // Initialize the reader. This performs a HEAD request to determine if the length of the
                            // ZIP file and whether the URL supports Range requests.
                            using (var reader = await httpZipProvider.GetReaderAsync(new Uri(url)))
                                // Read the ZIP file by requesting just the Central Directory part of the .zip.
                                var zipDirectory = await reader.ReadAsync();

                                // At this point, we known all about the entries of the .zip file include name, compressed
                                // size, and relative offset in the .zip file.
                                Console.WriteLine("Top 5 ZIP entries by compressed size:");
                                var entries = zipDirectory
                                              .OrderByDescending(x => x.GetCompressedSize())
                                for (var i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
                                    Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1}. {entries[i].GetName()} ({entries[i].GetCompressedSize():N0} bytes)");


                        Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 40));

                        // Summarize the work done. For NuGet packages, it is very common to download less than 1% of the
                        // package content while determining the .zip entry metadata.
                        var ratio = ((double)loggingHandler.TotalResponseBodyBytes) / loggingHandler.TotalContentLength;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Total ZIP files checked:    {urls.Length:N0}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Total HTTP requests:        {loggingHandler.TotalRequests:N0}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Total Content-Length bytes: {loggingHandler.TotalContentLength:N0}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Actual downloaded bytes:    {loggingHandler.TotalResponseBodyBytes:N0}"); // well, sort of...
                        Console.WriteLine($"Downloaded %:               {Math.Round(ratio * 100, 3):0.000}%");
        public async Task Run()
            var name1    = "CloudBlockBlob and ZipArchive";
            var average1 = await ExecuteTestsAsync(
                async (url) =>
                var blobClient = new CloudBlobClient(
                    new Uri("https://example"),
                    new FixUpBlobStorageHandler
                    InnerHandler = new HttpClientDelegatingHandler(_client),
                blobClient.DefaultRequestOptions.DisableContentMD5Validation = true;
                var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(url, blobClient);

                using (var stream = await blob.OpenReadAsync())
                    using (var zipArchive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                        var entries = zipArchive.Entries.ToList();

            var name2    = "CloudBlockBlob and ZipDirectoryReader";
            var average2 = await ExecuteTestsAsync(
                async (url) =>
                var blobClient = new CloudBlobClient(
                    new Uri("https://example"),
                    new FixUpBlobStorageHandler
                    InnerHandler = new HttpClientDelegatingHandler(_client),
                blobClient.DefaultRequestOptions.DisableContentMD5Validation = true;
                var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(url, blobClient);

                using (var stream = await blob.OpenReadAsync())
                    using (var zipDirectoryReader = new ZipDirectoryReader(stream))
                        var zipDirectory = await zipDirectoryReader.ReadAsync();

            var name3    = "HttpZipProvider";
            var average3 = await ExecuteTestsAsync(
                async (url) =>
                // Read the entries using HttpClient and MiniZip.
                var httpZipProvider = new HttpZipProvider(_client);
                using (var reader = await httpZipProvider.GetReaderAsync(url))
                    var zipDirectory = await reader.ReadAsync();

            Assert.True(average2 < average1, $"'{name2}' should be less than '{name1}'.");
            Assert.True(average3 < average1, $"'{name3}' should be less than '{name1}'.");

            // This is what we want. Ideally the stream provided by HttpZipProvider performs better than CloudBlockBlob.
            Assert.True(average2 < average3, $"'{name2}' should be less than '{name3}'.");