Exemple #1
        public void TestExpressionFunctionReturnTypeBinding()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b) -> return new MyClass2()" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +
                               "    class MyClass2" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        " +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();
            var semanticModel = binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax> { ast }).Single();

            var boundNamespace = semanticModel.Namespaces.Single(x => x.Name == "MyNamespace");
            var expectedFunctionReturnType = boundNamespace.Types.Single(x => x.Name == "MyClass2");
            var function = boundNamespace.Types.Single(x => x.Name == "MyClass").Functions.Single(x => x.Name == "Add");
            Assert.AreSame(expectedFunctionReturnType, function.ReturnType);
Exemple #2
        public void TestFieldTypeToVariableBinding()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        var field : false" +
                               "        var field2 : new MyClass2()" +
                               "        func MyFunc()" +
                               "        {" +
                               "            var i : field" +
                               "            var i2 : field2" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +
                               "    class MyClass2" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        " +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();
            var semanticModel = binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax> { ast }).Single();

            var boundNamespace = semanticModel.Namespaces.Single(x => x.Name == "MyNamespace");
            var referencedBoundType = boundNamespace.Types.Single(x => x.Name == "MyClass2");
            var boundType = boundNamespace.Types.Single(x => x.Name == "MyClass");
            var boundFunction = (BoundFunction)boundType.Functions.Single(x => x.Name == "MyFunc");
Exemple #3
        public void Test_ArrayAccessInvalidParameter_Throws()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b)" +
                               "        {   " +
                               "            var c : new int[1][1]" +
                               "            var d : c[1]" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

                () => binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }),
                      .With.Message.EqualTo("Parameter count (1) must match array dimension count (2)"));
Exemple #4
        public void Test_VariableWithSameName_Throws()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b)" +
                               "        {" +
                               "            var a : 1" +
                               "            var b : 2" +
                               "            var a : 1" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();
                () => binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax> { ast }),
                Throws.TypeOf<KiwiSemanticException>().With.Message.EqualTo("a already defined."));
Exemple #5
        public void Test_SwitchStatement_CasesTypeMustMatchSwitchConditionType()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b) " +
                               "        { " +
                               "            switch(a)" +
                               "            {" +
                               "                case \"LOL\" -> Add(1, 0)" +
                               "            }" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

                () => binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }),
                      .With.Message.EqualTo("Switch cases condition type must match switch condition type"));
Exemple #6
        public void Test_Scope_VariableNotDefined()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b) " +
                               "        { " +
                               "            {" +
                               "                var i : 1337 + b" +
                               "            }" +
                               "            var c : a * b * i" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

                () => binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }),
                Throws.InstanceOf<KiwiSemanticException>().With.Message.EqualTo("i not defined"));
Exemple #7
        public void Test_RecursivExpressionFunction_DoesThrow()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b) -> return Add(1, 2)" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

                () => binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }),
                Throws.InstanceOf<KiwiSemanticException>().With.Message.EqualTo("Add Type cannot be inferred"));
Exemple #8
        public void Test_Operator_FunctionMapping()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass2" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        operator Add(MyClass2 opA, MyClass2 opB) -> return new MyClass2()" +
                               "        operator Sub(MyClass2 opA, MyClass2 opB) -> return new MyClass2()" +
                               "        operator Mult(MyClass2 opA, MyClass2 opB) -> return new MyClass2()" +
                               "        operator Div(MyClass2 opA, MyClass2 opB) -> return new MyClass2()" +
                               "        operator Pow(MyClass2 opA, MyClass2 opB) -> return new MyClass2()" +
                               "        operator Range(MyClass2 opA, MyClass2 opB) -> return new MyClass2[1]" +
                               "        operator In(MyClass2 opA, MyClass2 opB) -> return true" +
                               "    }" +
                               "    " +
                               "    class TestClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func TestBinaryFunc()" +
                               "        {" +
                               "            var instance : new MyClass2()" +
                               "            var testAdd : instance + new MyClass2()" +
                               "            var testSub : instance - new MyClass2()" +
                               "            var testMult : instance * new MyClass2()" +
                               "            var testDiv : instance / new MyClass2()" +
                               "            var testPow : instance ^ new MyClass2()" +
                               "            var testRange : instance..newMyClass2()" +
                               "            var testIn : instance in new myClass2[10]" +
                               "        }" +
                               "" +
                               "" +
                               "        func TestAssignFunc()" +
                               "        {" +
                               "            var instance : None MyClass2" +
                               "            instance +: new MyClass2()" +
                               "            instance -: new MyClass2()" +
                               "            instance *: new MyClass2()" +
                               "            instance ^: new MyClass2()" +
                               "            instance /: new MyClass2()" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();
            var binder = new Binder();
            var boundCompilationUnit = binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }).Single();

            var boundNamespace = boundCompilationUnit.Namespaces.Single(x=>x.Name== "MyNamespace");
            var operatorClass = boundNamespace.Types.Single(x=>x.Name== "MyClass2");
            var testClass = boundNamespace.Types.Single(x=>x.Name == "TestClass");
            var testBinaryFunc = testClass.Functions.Single(x=>x.Name== "TestBinaryFunc");
            var testAssignFunc = testClass.Functions.Single(x=>x.Name== "TestAssignFunc");
Exemple #9
        public void Test_ObjectCreationExpression_ThrowsNoConstructorWithoutArguments()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        Constructor(int a){}" +
                               "    }" +
                               "    class MyClass2" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Foo()" +
                               "        {" +
                               "            var a : new MyClass()" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

                () => binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }),
                      .With.Message.EqualTo("MyNamespace.MyClass has no constructor without arguments."));
Exemple #10
        public void Test_MemberAccessExpressionBinding()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b) -> return a * b" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +
                               "    class MyClass2" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        var addMethod : new MyClass().Add" +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

            var boundCompilationUnit = binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }).Single();
            var function =
                boundCompilationUnit.Namespaces[0].Types.Single(x => x.Name == "MyClass")
                                                  .Functions.Single(x => x.Name == "Add");
            var field =
                boundCompilationUnit.Namespaces[0].Types.Single(x => x.Name == "MyClass2")
                                                  .Fields.Single(x => x.Name == "addMethod");
                () => field.Type,
Exemple #11
        public void Test_IsExpression_ThrowsTypeNotDefined()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b) -> return a * b" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +
                               "    class MyClass2" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        var myClassField : new MyClass()" +
                               "        func Foo() -> bool" +
                               "        {" +
                               "            return myClassField is MyClassS" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

                () => binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }),
                Throws.InstanceOf<KiwiSemanticException>().With.Message.EqualTo("MyClassS undefined Type"));
Exemple #12
        public void Test_IsExpression()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b) -> return a * b" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +
                               "    class MyClass2" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        var myClassField : new MyClass()" +
                               "        func Foo() -> bool" +
                               "        {" +
                               "            return myClassField is MyClass" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

            var boundCompilationUnit = binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }).Single();
            var type = boundCompilationUnit.Namespaces[0].Types.Single(x => x.Name == "MyClass");
            var function =
                boundCompilationUnit.Namespaces[0].Types.Single(x => x.Name == "MyClass2")
                                                  .Functions.Single(x => x.Name == "Foo");
            var returnStatement = (BoundReturnStatement)((BoundScopeStatement)function.Statements).Statements[0];
            var boundBinaryExpression = (BoundBinaryExpression)returnStatement.Expression;
            Assert.AreEqual(BinaryOperators.Is, boundBinaryExpression.Operator);
            Assert.AreSame(((BoundTypeExpression)boundBinaryExpression.Right).ReferencedType, type);
Exemple #13
        public void Test_InfixCall_Types()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass2" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        infix func Add(int a, int b) -> return a + b" +
                               "        func Foo()" +
                               "        {" +
                               "            var a : 1 Add 2" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();
            var binder = new Binder();
            var boundCompilationUnits = binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast });

            var myClass2Type = boundCompilationUnits[0].Namespaces[0].Types.Single();
            var fooFunction = myClass2Type.Functions.Single(x => x.Name == "Foo");
            var addFunction = myClass2Type.Functions.Single(x => x.Name == "Add");

            var boundFunction = (BoundFunction)fooFunction;
            var boundScopeStatement = (BoundScopeStatement)boundFunction.Statements;
            var boundVariableDeclarationStatement = (BoundVariableDeclarationStatement)boundScopeStatement.Statements[0];
            var boundInvocationExpression = (BoundInvocationExpression)boundVariableDeclarationStatement.BoundExpression;
            var boundMemberExpression = (BoundMemberExpression)boundInvocationExpression.ToInvoke;
            Assert.AreSame(addFunction, boundMemberExpression.BoundMember);
Exemple #14
        public void Test_IfStatement_IfConditionMustBeBool()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, int b) " +
                               "        { " +
                               "            if(a)" +
                               "            {" +
                               "                " +
                               "            }" +
                               "        }" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

                () => binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }),
                Throws.InstanceOf<KiwiSemanticException>().With.Message.EqualTo("If condition must be of Type Bool"));
Exemple #15
        public void Test_IfElseExpression_IfTrueIfFalseTypeMustBeEqual()
            const string src = "namespace MyNamespace" +
                               "{" +
                               "    class MyClass" +
                               "    {" +
                               "        func Add(int a, float b) -> return if(true) a else b" +
                               "    }" +
                               "" +

            var lexer = new Lexer.Lexer();
            var tokens = lexer.Lex(src);
            var parser = new Parser.Parser(tokens);

            var ast = parser.Parse();

            var binder = new Binder();

                () => binder.Bind(new List<CompilationUnitSyntax>() { ast }),
                      .With.Message.EqualTo("IfTrue and IfFalse expression Type must match"));