Exemple #1
        public void TestFormConverter()
            //Form conversions (Unit ingredients)
             var unitIng = new Ingredient() {ConversionType = UnitType.Unit, UnitWeight = 200}; //Ingredient sold by units (unit weighs 200g)
             var unitIng_UnitForm = new IngredientForm() {FormAmount = new Amount(50, Units.Gram), ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormUnitType = Units.Unit}; //Form expressed in units (unit in this form weighs 50g)
             var unitIng_WeightForm = new IngredientForm() {ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormUnitType = Units.Ounce}; //Form expressed by weight
             var unitIng_VolForm = new IngredientForm() {FormUnitType = Units.Cup, ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormAmount = new Amount(20, Units.Gram)}; //Each cup weighs 20g)

             var unitIng_UnitUsage = new IngredientUsage() {Amount = new Amount(4, Units.Unit), Form = unitIng_UnitForm, Ingredient = unitIng};
             var unitIng_WeightUsage = new IngredientUsage() {Amount = new Amount(300, Units.Gram), Form = unitIng_WeightForm, Ingredient = unitIng};
             var unitIng_VolUsage = new IngredientUsage() {Amount = new Amount(160, Units.Tablespoon), Form = unitIng_VolForm, Ingredient = unitIng}; //10 cups

             var unitIng_UnitAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(unitIng, unitIng_UnitUsage);
             var unitIng_WeightAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(unitIng, unitIng_WeightUsage);
             var unitIng_VolAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(unitIng, unitIng_VolUsage);

             Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, unitIng_UnitAmt.SizeHigh); //4 units in this form should convert to 1 unit of ingredient
             Assert.AreEqual(Units.Unit, unitIng_UnitAmt.Unit);

             Assert.AreEqual(2.0f, unitIng_WeightAmt.SizeHigh); //300g of this form should convert to 1.5 units of ingredient, however we round up to whole units
             Assert.AreEqual(Units.Unit, unitIng_WeightAmt.Unit);

             //TODO: Fix
             //Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, unitIng_VolAmt.SizeHigh); //10 cups of this form should convert to 1 unit of ingredient
             //Assert.AreEqual(Units.Unit, unitIng_VolAmt.Unit);

             //Form conversions (Volume ingredients)
             var volIng = new Ingredient() {ConversionType = UnitType.Volume}; //Ingredient sold by volume
             var volIng_UnitForm = new IngredientForm() {FormUnitType = Units.Unit, ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormAmount = new Amount(5, Units.Teaspoon)};
             var volIng_WeightForm = new IngredientForm() {FormUnitType = Units.Ounce, ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormAmount = new Amount(2, Units.Teaspoon)};

             var volIng_UnitUsage = new IngredientUsage() {Amount = new Amount(2, Units.Unit), Form = volIng_UnitForm, Ingredient = volIng};
             var volIng_WeightUsage = new IngredientUsage() {Amount = new Amount(0.25f, Units.Pound), Form = volIng_WeightForm, Ingredient = volIng}; //4oz

             var volIng_UnitAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(volIng, volIng_UnitUsage);
             var volIng_WeightAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(volIng, volIng_WeightUsage);

             Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, volIng_UnitAmt.SizeHigh);
             Assert.AreEqual(Units.Teaspoon, volIng_UnitAmt.Unit);

             Assert.AreEqual(8.0f, volIng_WeightAmt.SizeHigh);
             Assert.AreEqual(Units.Teaspoon, volIng_WeightAmt.Unit);

             //Form conversions (Weight ingredients)
             var weightIng = new Ingredient() {ConversionType = UnitType.Weight}; //Ingredient sold by weight
             var weightIng_UnitForm = new IngredientForm() {ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormUnitType = Units.Unit, FormAmount = new Amount(100, Units.Gram)};
             var weightIng_VolForm = new IngredientForm() {ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormUnitType = Units.Cup, FormAmount = new Amount(50, Units.Gram)};

             var weightIng_UnitUsage = new IngredientUsage() {Amount = new Amount(5, Units.Unit), Form = weightIng_UnitForm, Ingredient = weightIng};
             var weightIng_VolUsage = new IngredientUsage() {Amount = new Amount(144, Units.Teaspoon), Form = weightIng_VolForm, Ingredient = weightIng}; //3 cups

             var weightIng_UnitAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(weightIng, weightIng_UnitUsage);
             var weightIng_VolAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(weightIng, weightIng_VolUsage);

             Assert.AreEqual(500.0f, weightIng_UnitAmt.SizeHigh);
             Assert.AreEqual(Units.Gram, weightIng_UnitAmt.Unit);

             Assert.AreEqual(150.0f, weightIng_VolAmt.SizeHigh);
             Assert.AreEqual(Units.Gram, weightIng_VolAmt.Unit);
 public IngredientUsage(Ingredient ingredient, IngredientForm form, Amount amount, string prepnote)
     Ingredient = ingredient;
     Form = form;
     Amount = amount;
     PrepNote = prepnote;
 public IngredientUsage(Ingredient ingredient, IngredientForm form, Amount amount, string preparationNote)
     this.Ingredient = ingredient;
     this.Form = form;
     this.Amount = amount;
     this.PreparationNote = preparationNote;
        public IngredientAdder AddIngredient(Ingredient ingredient, Amount amount, string prepNote = null)
            var usage = new IngredientUsage(ingredient, null, amount, prepNote);
            var addedIngredient = this.AddIngredientUsage(usage);

            return addedIngredient;
 public IngredientAggregation(Ingredient ingredient)
     this.Ingredient = ingredient;
     this.Amount = new Amount
                           Unit = Unit.GetDefaultUnitType(ingredient.ConversionType)
        public IngredientAggregation(Ingredient ingredient)
            this.Ingredient = ingredient;

             if (ingredient != null)
            this.Amount = new Amount();
            this.Amount.Unit = Unit.GetDefaultUnitType(ingredient.ConversionType);
Exemple #7
        public static IngredientBinding Create(Guid ingId, Guid recipeId, Single? qty, Units usageUnit, UnitType convType, Int32 unitWeight,
            Units formUnit, Single equivAmount, Units equivUnit)
            var rawUnit = KitchenPC.Unit.GetDefaultUnitType(convType);

             if (qty.HasValue && rawUnit != usageUnit)
            if (UnitConverter.CanConvert(usageUnit, rawUnit))
               qty = UnitConverter.Convert(qty.Value, usageUnit, rawUnit);
               var ing = new Ingredient
                  Id = ingId,
                  ConversionType = convType,
                  UnitWeight = unitWeight

               var form = new IngredientForm
                  FormUnitType = formUnit,
                  FormAmount = new Amount(equivAmount, equivUnit),
                  IngredientId = ingId

               var usage = new Ingredients.IngredientUsage
                  Form = form,
                  Ingredient = ing,
                  Amount = new Amount(qty.Value, usageUnit)

                  var newAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(ing, usage);
                  qty = UnitConverter.Convert(newAmt.SizeHigh, newAmt.Unit, rawUnit); //Ingredient graph only stores high amounts
               catch (Exception e)
                  throw new DataLoadException(e);

             return new IngredientBinding
            RecipeId = recipeId,
            IngredientId = ingId,
            Qty = qty.HasValue ? (float?) Math.Round(qty.Value, 3) : null,
            Unit = rawUnit
 public IngredientAggregation(Ingredient ingredient, Amount baseAmount)
     this.Ingredient = ingredient;
      this.Amount = baseAmount;
 public IngredientToken(Ingredient ing)
     this.ing = ing;
 public IngredientAdder AddIngredient(Ingredient ingredient, string prepNote = null)
     var result = this.AddIngredient(ingredient, null, prepNote);
     return result;
 public ProfileCreator AddBlacklistedIngredient(Ingredient ingredient)
      return this;
Exemple #12
 public ShoppingListResult CreateShoppingList(string name, Recipe[] recipes, Ingredient[] ingredients, IngredientUsage[] usages, string[] items)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public static Amount GetNativeAmountForUsage(Ingredient ingredient, IngredientUsage usage)
            var amount = new Amount();
            var usageConvType = Unit.GetConvertedType(usage.Form.FormUnitType);

            // This is the type we must convert to
            switch (ingredient.ConversionType)
                case UnitType.Unit:
                    amount.Unit = Units.Unit;

                    // Unit to unit version
                    if (usageConvType == UnitType.Unit)
                        // Grams this form is equivelent to
                        var equivelentGrams = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Form.FormAmount, Units.Gram);
                        amount.SizeHigh = (float)Math.Ceiling((equivelentGrams.SizeHigh * usage.Amount.SizeHigh) / ingredient.UnitWeight);
                        return amount;

                    // Weight to unit conversion
                    if (usageConvType == UnitType.Weight)
                        var grams = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Amount, Units.Gram);
                        amount.SizeHigh = (float)Math.Ceiling(grams.SizeHigh / ingredient.UnitWeight);
                        return amount;

                    // Volume to unit conversion
                    if (usageConvType == UnitType.Volume)
                        var likeAmount = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Amount, usage.Form.FormUnitType);

                        // Round up when dealing with whole units
                        amount.SizeHigh = (float)Math.Ceiling((likeAmount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh) / usage.Ingredient.UnitWeight);
                        return amount;


                case UnitType.Weight:
                    amount.Unit = Units.Gram;

                    // Unit to weight conversion
                    if (usageConvType == UnitType.Unit)
                        // NOTE: FormAmount will always be in Grams when Ingredient ConvType is weight
                        amount.SizeHigh = usage.Amount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh;
                        return amount;

                    // Volume to weight conversion
                    if (usageConvType == UnitType.Volume)
                        var likeAmount = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Amount, usage.Form.FormUnitType);

                        // NOTE: FormAmount will always be in Grams when Ingredient ConvType is weight
                        amount.SizeHigh = likeAmount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh;
                        return amount;


                case UnitType.Volume:
                    amount.Unit = Units.Teaspoon;

                    // Unit to volume conversion
                    if (usageConvType == UnitType.Unit)
                        // NOTE: FormAmount will always be in tsp when Ingredient ConvType is volume
                        amount.SizeHigh = usage.Amount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh;
                        return amount;

                    // Weight to volume conversion
                    if (usageConvType == UnitType.Weight)
                        var likeAmount = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Amount, usage.Form.FormUnitType);

                        // NOTE: FormAmount will always be in teaspoons when Ingredient ConvType is Volume
                        amount.SizeHigh = likeAmount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh;
                        return amount;


            throw new Exception("Cannot convert an IngredientUsage into its native form.");
 public ShoppingListAddAction AddIngredient(Ingredient ingredient)
      return this;
 public IngredientUsageCreator WithIngredient(Ingredient ingredient)
     this.Usage.Ingredient = ingredient;
     return this;
 public ShoppingListItem(Ingredient ingredient)
     : base(ingredient)
        /// <summary>
        /// Aggregates one or more recipes into a set of aggregated ingredients.  This is normally used to create a list of items needed to buy for multiple recipes without having to create a shopping list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="recipeIds">A list of recipe IDs to aggregate.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of IngredientAggregation objects, one per unique ingredient in the set of recipes</returns>
        public virtual IList<IngredientAggregation> AggregateRecipes(params Guid[] recipeIds)
            using (InitLock.ReadLock())
                var ingredients = new Dictionary<Guid, IngredientAggregation>(); // List of all ingredients and total usage

                foreach (var id in recipeIds)
                    // Lookup ingredient through modeler cache
                    var recipeNode = this.modeler.FindRecipe(id);
                    if (recipeNode == null)
                        // Our cache is out of date, skip this result

                    foreach (var usage in recipeNode.Ingredients)
                        var ingredientId = usage.Ingredient.IngredientId;
                        string ingredientName = this.ingredientParser.GetIngredientById(ingredientId);
                        var ingredient = new Ingredient(ingredientId, ingredientName);
                        ingredient.ConversionType = usage.Ingredient.ConversionType;

                        IngredientAggregation aggregation;
                        if (!ingredients.TryGetValue(ingredientId, out aggregation))
                            aggregation = new IngredientAggregation(ingredient)
                                Amount = new Amount(0, usage.Unit)
                            ingredients.Add(ingredientId, aggregation);

                        // TODO: If usage.Unit is different than agg.Amount.Unit then we have a problem, throw an exception if that happens?
                        if (aggregation.Amount == null)
                            // This aggregation contains an empty amount, so we can't aggregate
                        else if (!usage.Amount.HasValue)
                            // This amount is null, cancel aggregation
                            aggregation.Amount = null;
                            aggregation.Amount += usage.Amount.Value;

                return ingredients.Values.ToList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new shopping list for the current user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the new shopping list.</param>
        /// <param name="recipes">Zero or more recipes to add to this list.</param>
        /// <param name="ingredients">Zero or more ingredients to add to this list.</param>
        /// <param name="usages">Zero or more ingredient usages to add to this list.</param>
        /// <param name="items">Zero or more raw usages.  Raw usages will be parsed using NLP, and unsuccessful matches will be added to the list as raw items.</param>
        /// <returns>A fully aggregated shopping list, with like items combined and forms normalized.</returns>
        public virtual ShoppingListResult CreateShoppingList(
            string name,
            Recipe[] recipes,
            Ingredient[] ingredients,
            IngredientUsage[] usages,
            string[] items)
            var parsedIngredients = Parser.ParseAll(items).ToList();

            var recipeAggregation = this.AggregateRecipes(recipes.Select(r => r.Id).ToArray());
            var ingredientsAggregation = ingredients.Select(i => new IngredientAggregation(i, null));
            var ingredientUsages = this.AggregateIngredients(usages);
            var parsedUsages = this.AggregateIngredients(parsedIngredients.Where(u => u is Match).Select(u => u.Usage).ToArray());
            var rawInputs = parsedIngredients.Where(u => u is NoMatch).Select(u => new ShoppingListItem(u.Input));

            var allItems = recipeAggregation

            var list = new ShoppingList(null, name, allItems);
            return this.CreateShoppingList(list);
        public static Amount GetNativeAmountForUsage(Ingredient ingredient, IngredientUsage usage)
            var amount = new Amount();
            var usageConvertionType = Unit.GetConvertionType(usage.Form.FormUnitType);

            switch (ingredient.ConversionType)
                case UnitType.Unit:
                        amount.Unit = Units.Unit;
                        switch (usageConvertionType)
                            case UnitType.Unit:
                                    // Unit to unit version
                                    var equivalentGrams = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Form.FormAmount, Units.Gram);
                                    amount.SizeHigh =
                                        (float)Math.Ceiling((equivalentGrams.SizeHigh * usage.Amount.SizeHigh) /
                                    return amount;

                            case UnitType.Volume:
                                    // Volume to unit conversion
                                    var likeAmount = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Amount, usage.Form.FormUnitType);
                                    amount.SizeHigh =
                                        (float)Math.Ceiling((likeAmount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh) /
                                    return amount;

                            case UnitType.Weight:
                                    // Weight to unit conversion
                                    var grams = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Amount, Units.Gram);
                                    amount.SizeHigh =
                                        (float)Math.Ceiling(grams.SizeHigh /
                                    return amount;


                case UnitType.Weight:
                        amount.Unit = Units.Gram;
                        switch (usageConvertionType)
                            case UnitType.Unit:
                                    // Unit to weight conversion
                                    amount.SizeHigh = usage.Amount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh;
                                    return amount;

                            case UnitType.Volume:
                                    // Volume to weight conversion
                                    var likeAmount = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Amount, usage.Form.FormUnitType);
                                    amount.SizeHigh = likeAmount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh;
                                    return amount;


                case UnitType.Volume:
                        amount.Unit = Units.Teaspoon;
                        switch (usageConvertionType)
                            case UnitType.Unit:
                                    // Unit to volume conversion
                                    amount.SizeHigh = usage.Amount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh;
                                    return amount;

                            case UnitType.Weight:
                                    // Weight to volume conversion
                                    var likeAmount = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Amount, usage.Form.FormUnitType);
                                    amount.SizeHigh = likeAmount.SizeHigh * usage.Form.FormAmount.SizeHigh;
                                    return amount;


            throw new IngredientAggregationDatabaseException(string.Format("Cannot convert an IngredientUsage into its native form.", ingredient, usage));
 public IngredientToken(Ingredient ingredient)
     this.ingredient = ingredient;
 public IngredientAdder AddIngredient(Ingredient ingredient, string prepNote = null)
     return this.AddIngredient(ingredient, null, prepNote);
 public InvalidFormException(Ingredient ingredient, IngredientForm form)
     this.Ingredient = ingredient;
     this.Form = form;
 public PartialMatch(string input, Ingredient ingredient, string prep)
     : base(input, null)
     this.usage = new IngredientUsage(ingredient, null, null, prep);
Exemple #24
 public InvalidFormException(Ingredient ing, IngredientForm form)
     Ingredient = ing;
      Form = form;
        /// <summary>
        /// Aggregates one or more recipes into a set of aggregated ingredients.  This is normally used to create a list of items needed to buy for multiple recipes without having to create a shopping list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="recipeIds">A list of recipe IDs to aggregate.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of IngredientAggregation objects, one per unique ingredient in the set of recipes</returns>
        public IList<IngredientAggregation> AggregateRecipes(params Guid[] recipeIds)
            var ings = new Dictionary<Guid, IngredientAggregation>(); //List of all ingredients and total usage

             foreach (var id in recipeIds)
            //Lookup ingredient through modeler cache
            var rNode = ModelerProxy.FindRecipe(id);
            if (rNode == null) //Our cache is out of date, skip this result

            foreach (var usage in rNode.Ingredients)
               var ingId = usage.Ingredient.IngredientId;
               var ingName = ingParser.GetIngredientById(ingId);
               var ing = new Ingredient(ingId, ingName);
               ing.ConversionType = usage.Ingredient.ConvType;

               IngredientAggregation agg;
               if (!ings.TryGetValue(ingId, out agg))
                  ings.Add(ingId, agg = new IngredientAggregation(ing)
                     Amount = new Amount(0, usage.Unit)

               //TODO: If usage.Unit is different than agg.Amount.Unit then we have a problem, throw an exception if that happens?
               if (agg.Amount == null) //This aggregation contains an empty amount, so we can't aggregate
               else if (!usage.Amt.HasValue) //This amount is null, cancel aggregation
                  agg.Amount = null;
                  agg.Amount += usage.Amt.Value;

             return ings.Values.ToList();
 public ProfileCreator AddFavoriteIngredient(Ingredient ingredient)
      return this;
Exemple #27
 public IngredientAggregation(Ingredient ingredient, Amount baseAmount)
     this.Ingredient = ingredient;
     this.Amount     = baseAmount;