private ConstantWrapper UnsignedRightShift(ConstantWrapper left, ConstantWrapper right)
            ConstantWrapper newLiteral = null;

            if (m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.EvaluateNumericExpressions))
                    // left-hand value is a 32-bit signed integer
                    UInt32 lvalue = left.ToUInt32();

                    // mask only the bottom 5 bits of the right-hand value
                    int rvalue = (int)(right.ToUInt32() & 0x1F);

                    // convert the result to a double
                    double result = Convert.ToDouble(lvalue >> rvalue);
                    newLiteral = new ConstantWrapper(result, PrimitiveType.Number, null, m_parser);
                catch (InvalidCastException)
                    // some kind of casting in ToNumber caused a situation where we don't want
                    // to perform the combination on these operands

            return newLiteral;