Exemple #1
        public void Draw(Graphics canvas, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer, long timestamp, StyleHelper styleHelper)
            double opacityFactor = infosFading.GetOpacityFactor(timestamp);

            if (opacityFactor <= 0)

            using (SolidBrush brushBack = styleHelper.GetBackgroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                using (SolidBrush brushText = styleHelper.GetForegroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                    using (Font fontText = styleHelper.GetFont((float)transformer.Scale))
                        using (Pen penContour = styleHelper.GetForegroundPen((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                            // Note: recompute background size in case the font floored.
                            string text     = value.ToString();
                            SizeF  textSize = canvas.MeasureString(text, fontText);

                            Point bgLocation = transformer.Transform(background.Rectangle.Location);
                            Size  bgSize     = new Size((int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height);

                            SizeF untransformed = transformer.Untransform(textSize);
                            background.Rectangle = new RectangleF(background.Rectangle.Location, untransformed);

                            penContour.Width = 2;
                            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(bgLocation, bgSize);
                            RoundedRectangle.Draw(canvas, rect, brushBack, fontText.Height / 4, false, true, penContour);
                            canvas.DrawString(text, fontText, brushText, rect.Location);
Exemple #2
        public void Draw(Graphics canvas, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer, long timestamp, StyleHelper styleHelper)
            double fOpacityFactor = infosFading.GetOpacityFactor(timestamp);

            if (fOpacityFactor <= 0)

            int alpha = (int)(255 * fOpacityFactor);


            using (SolidBrush brushBack = styleHelper.GetBackgroundBrush((int)(fOpacityFactor * 255)))
                using (SolidBrush brushFront = styleHelper.GetForegroundBrush((int)(fOpacityFactor * 255)))
                    using (Pen penContour = styleHelper.GetForegroundPen((int)(fOpacityFactor * 255)))
                        using (Font f = styleHelper.GetFont((float)transformer.Scale))
                            // Note: recompute the background size each time in case font floored.
                            string text = value.ToString();
                            penContour.Width = 2;
                            SizeF textSize      = canvas.MeasureString(text, f);
                            Point bgLocation    = transformer.Transform(background.Rectangle.Location);
                            SizeF untransformed = transformer.Untransform(textSize);
                            background.Rectangle = new RectangleF(background.Rectangle.Location, untransformed);

                            Size bgSize;
                            if (value < 10)
                                bgSize = new Size((int)textSize.Height, (int)textSize.Height);
                                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(bgLocation, bgSize);
                                canvas.FillEllipse(brushBack, rect);
                                canvas.DrawEllipse(penContour, rect);
                                bgSize = new Size((int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height);
                                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(bgLocation, bgSize);
                                RoundedRectangle.Draw(canvas, rect, brushBack, f.Height / 4, false, true, penContour);

                            int   verticalShift = (int)(textSize.Height / 10);
                            Point textLocation  = new Point(bgLocation.X + (int)((bgSize.Width - textSize.Width) / 2), bgLocation.Y + verticalShift);
                            canvas.DrawString(text, f, brushFront, textLocation);