private void ParseKeyframes(XmlReader r)
            // TODO: catch empty tag <Keyframes/>.

            // Note: unlike chrono and tracks, keyframes are "merged" into existing keyframes if one already exists at the same position.
            // This has an impact on how we add drawings.
            // We keep the drawings internally to the keyframe during the parse, and only perform the post-drawing init at the end,
            // when the keyframe is merge-inserted into the collection.
            // For chrono and tracks on the other hand, we perform the post-drawing init on the fly during the parse.


            while (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                if (r.Name == "Keyframe")
                    Keyframe keyframe = KeyframeSerializer.Deserialize(r, GetScaling(), RemapTimestamp, metadata);
                    if (keyframe != null)
                    string unparsed = r.ReadOuterXml();
                    log.DebugFormat("Unparsed content in KVA XML: {0}", unparsed);

        public override HistoryMemento PerformUndo()
            HistoryMemento redoMemento = new HistoryMementoAddKeyframe(metadata, keyframeId);

            redoMemento.CommandName = commandName;

            Keyframe keyframe = KeyframeSerializer.DeserializeMemento(data, metadata);


        public HistoryMementoDeleteKeyframe(Metadata metadata, Guid keyframeId)
            this.metadata   = metadata;
            this.keyframeId = keyframeId;

            // TODO: save the complete keyframe to XML (including the thumbnail).
            // Including all drawings and trackable drawings associated with these drawings.
            Keyframe keyframe = metadata.GetKeyframe(keyframeId);

            if (keyframe == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("keyframe");

            data = KeyframeSerializer.SerializeMemento(metadata, keyframe);
        private void WriteKeyframes(XmlWriter w)
            int enabled = metadata.Keyframes.Count(kf => !kf.Disabled);

            if (enabled == 0)


            foreach (Keyframe kf in metadata.Keyframes.Where(kf => !kf.Disabled))
                KeyframeSerializer.Serialize(w, kf);
