private void createBGPhotoLoader()
     if (_bgPhotoLoader == null)
         _bgPhotoLoader = new AsyncPhotoRetrieval(ApplicationModel.ASYNC_MODE_RETRIEVE_SUBMITTED_MEDIA);
         _bgPhotoLoader.photoLoadProgress += handlePhotoLoadProgress;
         // Starts async ops on the photo loading will dispatch the above event
         // when complete
 /// <summary>
 /// This uses a background worker so it wont block. Will suck up some memory though
 /// as it loads all the photos into memory.
 /// </summary>
 private void createChromaPhotoLoad()
     if (_chromaImageLoader == null)
         _chromaImageLoader = new AsyncPhotoRetrieval(ApplicationModel.ASYNC_MODE_RETRIEVE_CHROMA_KEY_MEDIA);
         _chromaImageLoader.photoLoadProgress += handleChromaPhotoLoadComplete;