public static GetStartedFragment NewInstance () { var f = new GetStartedFragment (); var b = new Bundle (); f.Arguments = b; return f; }
public static GetStartedFragment NewInstance() { var f = new GetStartedFragment(); var b = new Bundle(); f.Arguments = b; return(f); }
public void GoToGetStarted() { // Create the transaction var fts = SupportFragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); fts.SetCustomAnimations(Resource.Animation.enter, Resource.Animation.exit, Resource.Animation.pop_enter, Resource.Animation.pop_exit); // Replace the content of the container fts.Replace(Android.Resource.Id.Content, GetStartedFragment.NewInstance()); // Append this transaction to the backstack fts.AddToBackStack("get_started"); // Commit the changes fts.Commit(); SupportActionBar.SetDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); SupportActionBar.SetHomeButtonEnabled(true); SupportActionBar.Title = "Sign Up"; }