Exemple #1
 public virtual void Restore(KConfigGroup group)
     interceptor.Invoke("restore#", "restore(KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), group);
Exemple #2
 public KConfigGroup(KConfigGroup arg1)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("KConfigGroup#", "KConfigGroup(const KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), arg1);
Exemple #3
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Called to create a ServiceJob which is associated with a given
 ///  operation and parameter set.
 /// </remarks>        <return> a started ServiceJob; the consumer may connect to relevant
 ///          signals before returning to the event loop
 ///      </return>
 ///         <short>    Called to create a ServiceJob which is associated with a given  operation and parameter set.</short>
 public Plasma.ServiceJob StartOperationCall(KConfigGroup description, QObject parent)
     return (Plasma.ServiceJob) interceptor.Invoke("startOperationCall##", "startOperationCall(const KConfigGroup&, QObject*)", typeof(Plasma.ServiceJob), typeof(KConfigGroup), description, typeof(QObject), parent);
Exemple #4
 public RunnerManager(KConfigGroup config)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("RunnerManager#", "RunnerManager(KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #5
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Saves state information about this applet that will
 ///  be accessed when next instantiated in the restore(KConfigGroup&) method.
 ///  This method does not need to be reimplmented by Applet
 ///  subclasses, but can be useful for Applet specializations
 ///  (such as Containment) to do so.
 ///  Applet subclasses may instead want to reimplement saveState().
 /// </remarks>        <short>    Saves state information about this applet that will  be accessed when next instantiated in the restore(KConfigGroup&) method.</short>
 public virtual void Save(KConfigGroup group)
Exemple #6
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Read the toolbar settings from group <code>configGroup</code> in <code>config</code>
 ///  and apply them. Even default settings are re-applied if <code>force</code> is set.
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Read the toolbar settings from group <code>configGroup</code> in <code>config</code>  and apply them.</short>
 public void ApplySettings(KConfigGroup cg, bool force)
     interceptor.Invoke("applySettings#$", "applySettings(const KConfigGroup&, bool)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), cg, typeof(bool), force);
Exemple #7
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Save the toolbar settings to group <code>configGroup</code> in <code>config.</code>
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Save the toolbar settings to group <code>configGroup</code> in <code>config.</code></short>
 public void SaveSettings(KConfigGroup cg)
     interceptor.Invoke("saveSettings#", "saveSettings(KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), cg);
Exemple #8
 public void WriteSettings(KConfigGroup config, bool writeDefaults)
     interceptor.Invoke("writeSettings#$", "writeSettings(KConfigGroup*, bool) const", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config, typeof(bool), writeDefaults);
Exemple #9
 public void WriteSettings(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("writeSettings#", "writeSettings(KConfigGroup*) const", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #10
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Read all key associations from <code>config.</code>
 ///  If <code>config</code> is zero, read all key associations from the
 ///  application's configuration file KGlobal.Config(),
 ///  in the group set by setConfigGroup().
 ///     </remarks>        <short>    Read all key associations from <code>config.</code></short>
 public void ReadSettings(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("readSettings#", "readSettings(KConfigGroup*)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #11
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Write the current configurable key associations to <b>config</b>. What the
 ///  function does if <b>config</b> is zero depends. If this action collection
 ///  belongs to a KXMLGuiClient the setting are saved to the kxmlgui
 ///  definition file. If not the settings are written to the applications
 ///  config file.
 ///  <b>Note:<> oneAction() and writeDefaults() have no meaning for the kxmlgui
 ///  configuration file.
 ///  \param config Config object to save to, or null (see above)
 ///  \param writeDefaults set to true to write settings which are already at defaults.
 ///  \param oneAction pass an action here if you just want to save the values for one action, eg.
 ///                   if you know that action is the only one which has changed.
 ///     </remarks>        <short>    Write the current configurable key associations to <b>config</b>.</short>
 public void WriteSettings(KConfigGroup config, bool writeDefaults, QAction oneAction)
     interceptor.Invoke("writeSettings#$#", "writeSettings(KConfigGroup*, bool, QAction*) const", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config, typeof(bool), writeDefaults, typeof(QAction), oneAction);
Exemple #12
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Import from <code>config</code> all configurable global key associations.
 ///  \since 4.1
 ///  \param config Config object to read from
 ///     </remarks>        <short>    Import from <code>config</code> all configurable global key associations.</short>
 public void ImportGlobalShortcuts(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("importGlobalShortcuts#", "importGlobalShortcuts(KConfigGroup*)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #13
 public void ExportGlobalShortcuts(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("exportGlobalShortcuts#", "exportGlobalShortcuts(KConfigGroup*) const", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #14
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Export the current configurable global key associations to <code>config.</code>
 ///  \since 4.1
 ///  \param config Config object to save to
 ///  \param writeDefaults set to true to write settings which are already at defaults.
 ///     </remarks>        <short>    Export the current configurable global key associations to <code>config.</code></short>
 public void ExportGlobalShortcuts(KConfigGroup config, bool writeDefaults)
     interceptor.Invoke("exportGlobalShortcuts#$", "exportGlobalShortcuts(KConfigGroup*, bool) const", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config, typeof(bool), writeDefaults);
 public virtual void Save(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("save#", "save(KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #16
 public override void ApplyMainWindowSettings(KConfigGroup config, bool force)
     interceptor.Invoke("applyMainWindowSettings#$", "applyMainWindowSettings(const KConfigGroup&, bool)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config, typeof(bool), force);
 protected virtual void Init(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("init#", "init(const KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #18
 public override void ApplyMainWindowSettings(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("applyMainWindowSettings#", "applyMainWindowSettings(const KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #19
 public void ApplySettings(KConfigGroup cg)
     interceptor.Invoke("applySettings#", "applySettings(const KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), cg);
Exemple #20
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Write the current settings to the <pre>config</pre> object.
 ///  This does not initialize the <pre>config</pre> object. It adds the
 ///  configuration. 
 ///  @note this will not save the global configuration! globalaccel holds
 ///  that part of the configuration.
 /// <param> name="config" Config object to save to or, or null to use the
 ///                applications config object
 /// </param>     </remarks>        <short>    Write the current settings to the \p config object.</short>
 ///         <see> writeGlobalConfig</see>
 public void WriteConfiguration(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("writeConfiguration#", "writeConfiguration(KConfigGroup*) const", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #21
 public RunnerManager(KConfigGroup config, QObject parent)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("RunnerManager##", "RunnerManager(KConfigGroup&, QObject*)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config, typeof(QObject), parent);
Exemple #22
 /// <remarks>
 ///   Saves the current recent files entries to a given KConfigGroup object.
 ///   You can provide the name of the group used to load the entries.
 ///   If the groupname is empty, entries are saved to a group called 'RecentFiles'
 ///    </remarks>        <short>     Saves the current recent files entries to a given KConfigGroup object.</short>
 public void SaveEntries(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("saveEntries#", "saveEntries(const KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #23
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Restores state information about this applet saved previously
 ///  in save(KConfigGroup&).
 ///  This method does not need to be reimplmented by Applet
 ///  subclasses, but can be useful for Applet specializations
 ///  (such as Containment) to do so.
 /// </remarks>        <short>    Restores state information about this applet saved previously  in save(KConfigGroup&).</short>
 public virtual void Restore(KConfigGroup group)
 public virtual void InitWallpaper(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("initWallpaper#", "initWallpaper(const KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #25
 /// <remarks>
 ///  When called, the Applet should write any information needed as part
 ///  of the Applet's running state to the configuration object in config()
 ///  and/or globalConfig().
 ///  Applets that always sync their settings/state with the config
 ///  objects when these settings/states change do not need to reimplement
 ///  this method.
 /// </remarks>        <short>    When called, the Applet should write any information needed as part  of the Applet's running state to the configuration object in config()  and/or globalConfig().</short>
 protected virtual void SaveState(KConfigGroup config)
Exemple #26
Fichier : p9.cs Projet : KDE/kimono
    public Browser(string name)
        : base((QWidget) null)
        ObjectName = name;
        SetCaption("KDE Tutorial - p9");

        QMenu filemenu = new QMenu(KDE.I18n("&File"), this);

        KAction setDefaultPageAction = new KAction(this);
        setDefaultPageAction.Text = KDE.I18n("&Set default page");
        ActionCollection().AddAction("set_default_page", setDefaultPageAction);
        Connect(	setDefaultPageAction, SIGNAL("triggered(bool)"),
                    this, SLOT("FileSetDefaultPage()") );

        addBookmarkAction = KStandardAction.AddBookmark(this, SLOT("BookLocation()"), ActionCollection());
        backAction = KStandardAction.Back(this, SLOT("GotoPreviousPage()"), ActionCollection());
        backAction.Enabled = false;
        quitAction = KStandardAction.Quit(KApplication.kApplication(), SLOT("quit()"), ActionCollection());

        string about = KDE.I18n("p9 1.0\n\n" +
                 "(C) 1999-2002 Antonio Larrosa Jimenez\n" +
                 "[email protected]\t\[email protected]\n" +
                 "Malaga (Spain)\n\n" +
                 "Simple KDE Tutorial\n" +
                 "This tutorial comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n" +
                 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n" +
                 "under certain conditions\n");
        QMenu helpmenu = HelpMenu(about);

        KMenuBar menu = MenuBar();

        StandardToolBarMenuEnabled = true;

        location = new QLineEdit();
        config = new KConfigGroup(KGlobal.Config(), "Settings");
        location.Text = config.ReadEntry("defaultPage", "http://localhost");

        Connect(location, SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), this, SLOT("ChangeLocation()"));

        QSplitter split = new QSplitter();
        split.OpaqueResize = true;

        QWidget widget = new QWidget(this);

        QVBoxLayout vbox = new QVBoxLayout(widget);

        browser = new KHTMLPart(split);
        browser.OpenUrl(new KUrl(location.Text));

        Connect( browser.BrowserExtension(),
                 SIGNAL("openUrlRequest(KUrl, KParts::OpenUrlArguments)"),
                 this, SLOT("OpenUrlRequest(KUrl, KParts::OpenUrlArguments)") );

Exemple #27
 /// <remarks>
 /// </remarks>        <return> a parameter map for the given description
 ///  @arg description the configuration values to turn into the parameter map
 /// </return>
 ///         <short>   </short>
 public Dictionary<string, QVariant> ParametersFromDescription(KConfigGroup description)
     return (Dictionary<string, QVariant>) interceptor.Invoke("parametersFromDescription#", "parametersFromDescription(const KConfigGroup&)", typeof(Dictionary<string, QVariant>), typeof(KConfigGroup), description);
 /// <remarks>
 ///  This method should be called once the plugin is loaded or settings are changed.
 /// <param> name="config" Config group to load settings
 /// </param></remarks>        <short>    This method should be called once the plugin is loaded or settings are changed.</short>
 ///         <see> init</see>
 public void Restore(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("restore#", "restore(const KConfigGroup&)", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);
Exemple #29
 public Plasma.ServiceJob StartOperationCall(KConfigGroup description)
     return (Plasma.ServiceJob) interceptor.Invoke("startOperationCall#", "startOperationCall(const KConfigGroup&)", typeof(Plasma.ServiceJob), typeof(KConfigGroup), description);
Exemple #30
 protected virtual void SaveState(KConfigGroup config)
     interceptor.Invoke("saveState#", "saveState(KConfigGroup&) const", typeof(void), typeof(KConfigGroup), config);