Exemple #1
        public virtual StoryCreateResult Create(IUser byUser, string url, string title, string category, string description, string tags, string userIPAddress, string userAgent, string urlReferer, NameValueCollection serverVariables, Func <IStory, string> buildDetailUrl)
            StoryCreateResult result = ValidateCreate(byUser, url, title, category, description, userIPAddress, userAgent);

            if (result == null)
                if (_contentService.IsRestricted(url))
                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        ErrorMessage = "Podany url jest zablokowany."

            if (result == null)
                using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWork.Begin())
                    IStory alreadyExists = _storyRepository.FindByUrl(url);

                    if (alreadyExists != null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Artykuł z danym url już istnieje.", DetailUrl = buildDetailUrl(alreadyExists)

                    ICategory storyCategory = _categoryRepository.FindByUniqueName(category);

                    if (storyCategory == null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "\"{0}\" nie istnieje.".FormatWith(category)
                    if (storyCategory.IsActive == false)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult
                            ErrorMessage = "\"{0}\" jest tylko do odczytu.".FormatWith(category)

                    StoryContent content = _contentService.Get(url);

                    if (content == StoryContent.Empty)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Podany Url wydaje się być wadliwy."

                    var splittedTags = tags.NullSafe().Split(',');
                    if (splittedTags.Length == 1) //only one tag
                        var tag = splittedTags[0].Trim();
                        if (String.Compare(".net", tag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 || String.Compare("c#", tag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            return(new StoryCreateResult {
                                ErrorMessage = "Proszę, pomyśl chwilę nad lepszymi tagami."
                    if (splittedTags.Length == 2) //two tags, maybe not .net and C#
                        var tag1 = splittedTags[0].Trim();
                        var tag2 = splittedTags[1].Trim();
                        if (
                            (String.Compare(".net", tag1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 && String.Compare("c#", tag2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) ||
                            (String.Compare(".net", tag1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 && String.Compare("c#", tag2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            return(new StoryCreateResult {
                                ErrorMessage = "Tagi: .Net i C#. Srsly?"

                    description = _htmlSanitizer.Sanitize(description);

                    if (!_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        result = EnsureNotSpam <StoryCreateResult>(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables, "Artykuł odrzucony: {0}, {1}".FormatWith(url, byUser), "Twój artykuł wydaje się być spamem.");

                        if (result != null)

                    // If we are here which means story is not spam
                    IStory story = _factory.CreateStory(storyCategory, byUser, userIPAddress, title.StripHtml(), description, url);


                    // The Initial vote;
                    story.Promote(story.CreatedAt, byUser, userIPAddress);

                    // Capture the thumbnail, might speed up the thumbnail generation process

                    // Subscribe comments by default

                    AddTagsToContainers(tags, new ITagContainer[] { story, byUser });

                    string detailUrl = buildDetailUrl(story);

                    if (_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && _settings.SendMailWhenPossibleSpamStorySubmitted && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        _spamProtection.IsSpam(CreateSpamCheckContent(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables), (source, isSpam) => _spamPostprocessor.Process(source, isSpam, detailUrl, story));
                        _eventAggregator.GetEvent <StorySubmitEvent>().Publish(new StorySubmitEventArgs(story, detailUrl));

                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        NewStory = story, DetailUrl = detailUrl

Exemple #2
        private static StoryCreateResult ValidateCreate(IUser byUser, string url, string title, string category, string description, string userIPAddress, string userAgent)
            StoryCreateResult result = null;

            if (byUser == null)
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "User cannot be null."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Url cannot be blank."
            else if (!url.IsWebUrl())
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Invalid web url."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Title cannot be blank."
            else if (title.Trim().Length > 256)
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Title cannot be more than 256 character."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Category cannot be blank."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Description cannot be blank."
            else if ((description.Trim().Length < 8) || (description.Trim().Length > 2048))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Description must be between 8 to 2048 character."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userIPAddress))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "User Ip address cannot be blank."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userAgent))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "User agent cannot be empty."

Exemple #3
        private static StoryCreateResult ValidateCreate(IUser byUser, string url, string title, string category, string description, string userIPAddress, string userAgent)
            StoryCreateResult result = null;

            if (byUser == null)
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "U¿ytkownik nie mo¿e byæ pusty."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Url nie mo¿e byæ puste."
            else if (!url.IsWebUrl())
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Niepoprawny adres url."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Tytu³ nie mo¿e byæ pusty."
            else if (title.Trim().Length > 256)
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Tytu³ nie mo¿e zawieraæ wiêcej ni¿ 256 znaków."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Kategoria nie mo¿e byæ pusta."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Opis nie mo¿e byæ pusty."
            else if ((description.Trim().Length < 8) || (description.Trim().Length > 2048))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Opis musi zawieraæ siê pomiêdzy 8 a 2048 znaków."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userIPAddress))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Adres Ip u¿ytkownika nie mo¿e byæ pusty."
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userAgent))
                result = new StoryCreateResult {
                    ErrorMessage = "Pole 'User agent' nie mo¿e byæ puste."

Exemple #4
        public virtual StoryCreateResult Create(IUser byUser, string url, string title, string category, string description, string tags, string userIPAddress, string userAgent, string urlReferer, NameValueCollection serverVariables, Func <IStory, string> buildDetailUrl)
            StoryCreateResult result = ValidateCreate(byUser, url, title, category, description, userIPAddress, userAgent);

            if (result == null)
                using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWork.Get())
                    IStory alreadyExists = _storyRepository.FindByUrl(url);

                    if (alreadyExists != null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Wpis z takim samym url ju¿ istnieje.", DetailUrl = buildDetailUrl(alreadyExists)

                    ICategory storyCategory = _categoryRepository.FindByUniqueName(category);

                    if (storyCategory == null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "\"{0}\" - kategoria nie istnieje.".FormatWith(category)

                    StoryContent content = _contentService.Get(url);

                    if (content == StoryContent.Empty)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Podany url wydaje siê nie byæ poprawnym."

                    description = _htmlSanitizer.Sanitize(description);

                    if (!_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        result = EnsureNotSpam <StoryCreateResult>(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables, "Spamowy wpis odrzucony : {0}, {1}".FormatWith(url, byUser), "Twój wpis wydaje siê byæ spamem.");

                        if (result != null)

                    // If we are here which means story is not spam
                    IStory story = _factory.CreateStory(storyCategory, byUser, userIPAddress, title.StripHtml(), description, url);


                    // The Initial vote;
                    story.Promote(story.CreatedAt, byUser, userIPAddress);

                    // Capture the thumbnail, might speed up the thumbnail generation process

                    // Subscribe comments by default

                    AddTagsToContainers(tags, new ITagContainer[] { story, byUser });


                    string detailUrl = buildDetailUrl(story);

                    if (_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && _settings.SendMailWhenPossibleSpamStorySubmitted && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        _spamProtection.IsSpam(CreateSpamCheckContent(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables),
                                               (source, isSpam) => _spamPostprocessor.Process(source, isSpam, detailUrl, story));

                    // Ping the Story
                    PingStory(content, story, detailUrl);

                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        NewStory = story, DetailUrl = detailUrl

Exemple #5
        public virtual StoryCreateResult Create(IUser byUser, string url, string title, string category, string description, string tags, string userIPAddress, string userAgent, string urlReferer, NameValueCollection serverVariables, Func <IStory, string> buildDetailUrl)
            StoryCreateResult result = ValidateCreate(byUser, url, title, category, description, userIPAddress, userAgent);

            if (result == null)
                if (_contentService.IsRestricted(url))
                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        ErrorMessage = "Specifed url has match with our banned url list."

            if (result == null)
                using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWork.Begin())
                    IStory alreadyExists = _storyRepository.FindByUrl(url);

                    if (alreadyExists != null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Story with the same url already exists.", DetailUrl = buildDetailUrl(alreadyExists)

                    ICategory storyCategory = _categoryRepository.FindByUniqueName(category);

                    if (storyCategory == null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "\"{0}\" category does not exist.".FormatWith(category)

                    StoryContent content = _contentService.Get(url);

                    if (content == StoryContent.Empty)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Specified url appears to be broken."

                    description = _htmlSanitizer.Sanitize(description);

                    if (!_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        result = EnsureNotSpam <StoryCreateResult>(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables, "Spam story rejected : {0}, {1}".FormatWith(url, byUser), "Your story appears to be a spam.");

                        if (result != null)

                    // If we are here which means story is not spam
                    IStory story = _factory.CreateStory(storyCategory, byUser, userIPAddress, title.StripHtml(), description, url);


                    // The Initial vote;
                    story.Promote(story.CreatedAt, byUser, userIPAddress);

                    // Capture the thumbnail, might speed up the thumbnail generation process

                    // Subscribe comments by default

                    AddTagsToContainers(tags, new ITagContainer[] { story, byUser });

                    string detailUrl = buildDetailUrl(story);

                    if (_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && _settings.SendMailWhenPossibleSpamStorySubmitted && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        _spamProtection.IsSpam(CreateSpamCheckContent(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables), (source, isSpam) => _spamPostprocessor.Process(source, isSpam, detailUrl, story));
                        _eventAggregator.GetEvent <StorySubmitEvent>().Publish(new StorySubmitEventArgs(story, detailUrl));

                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        NewStory = story, DetailUrl = detailUrl
