private void handleVesselUpdate(KLFVesselUpdate vessel_update) { //Debug.Log("*** Handling update!"); //Build the key for the vessel System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append(vessel_update.ownerName); sb.Append(; String vessel_key = sb.ToString(); KLFVessel vessel = null; //Try to find the key in the vessel dictionary VesselEntry entry; if (vessels.TryGetValue(vessel_key, out entry)) { vessel = entry.vessel; if (vessel == null || vessel.gameObj == null || vessel.vesselName != vessel_update.vesselName) { //Delete the vessel if it's null or needs to be renamed vessels.Remove(vessel_key); if (vessel != null && vessel.gameObj != null) GameObject.Destroy(vessel.gameObj); vessel = null; } else { //Update the entry's timestamp VesselEntry new_entry = new VesselEntry(); new_entry.vessel = entry.vessel; new_entry.lastUpdateTime = UnityEngine.Time.fixedTime; vessels[vessel_key] = new_entry; } } if (vessel == null) { //Add the vessel to the dictionary vessel = new KLFVessel(vessel_update.vesselName, vessel_update.ownerName,; entry = new VesselEntry(); entry.vessel = vessel; entry.lastUpdateTime = UnityEngine.Time.fixedTime; if (vessels.ContainsKey(vessel_key)) vessels[vessel_key] = entry; else vessels.Add(vessel_key, entry); /*Queue this update for the next update call because updating a vessel on the same step as * creating it usually causes problems for some reason */ vesselUpdateQueue.Enqueue(vessel_update); } else applyVesselUpdate(vessel_update, vessel); //Apply the vessel update to the existing vessel //Debug.Log("*** Updated handled"); }
private void writeVesselUpdateToFile(KSP.IO.FileStream out_stream, Vessel vessel) { if (!vessel || !vessel.mainBody) return; //Create a KLFVesselUpdate from the vessel data KLFVesselUpdate update = new KLFVesselUpdate(); update.vesselName = vessel.vesselName; update.ownerName = playerName; =; Vector3 pos = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformPoint(vessel.GetWorldPos3D()); Vector3 dir = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.transform.up); Vector3 vel = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.GetObtVelocity()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { update.localPosition[i] = pos[i]; update.localDirection[i] = dir[i]; update.localVelocity[i] = vel[i]; } update.situation = vessel.situation; if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) update.state = Vessel.State.ACTIVE; else if (vessel.isCommandable) update.state = Vessel.State.INACTIVE; else update.state = Vessel.State.DEAD; update.timeScale = Planetarium.TimeScale; update.bodyName = vessel.mainBody.bodyName; //Serialize the update byte[] update_bytes = KSP.IO.IOUtils.SerializeToBinary(update); //Write the length of the serialized to the stream writeIntToStream(out_stream, update_bytes.Length); //Write the serialized update to the stream out_stream.Write(update_bytes, 0, update_bytes.Length); }
private void applyVesselUpdate(KLFVesselUpdate vessel_update, KLFVessel vessel) { //Debug.Log("*** Handling vessel update!"); //Find the CelestialBody that matches the one in the update CelestialBody update_body = null; if (vessel.mainBody != null && vessel.mainBody.bodyName == vessel_update.bodyName) update_body = vessel.mainBody; //Vessel already has the correct body else { //Find the celestial body in the list of bodies foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies) { if (body.bodyName == vessel_update.bodyName) { update_body = body; break; } } } if (update_body != null) { //Convert float arrays to Vector3s Vector3 pos = new Vector3(vessel_update.localPosition[0], vessel_update.localPosition[1], vessel_update.localPosition[2]); Vector3 dir = new Vector3(vessel_update.localDirection[0], vessel_update.localDirection[1], vessel_update.localDirection[2]); Vector3 vel = new Vector3(vessel_update.localVelocity[0], vessel_update.localVelocity[1], vessel_update.localVelocity[2]); vessel.vesselName = vessel_update.vesselName; vessel.setOrbitalData(update_body, pos, vel, dir); vessel.situation = vessel_update.situation; vessel.state = vessel_update.state; vessel.timeScale = vessel_update.timeScale; } }