Exemple #1
        public void Update(Vessel vessel)
            this.currentStats = RecordingVesselStats.GetStats(this, vessel);
            this.vessel       = vessel;

            // Set launch-values:
            if (this.status == FlightRecordingStatus.PRELAUNCH)
                this.launchCost = this.currentStats.cost;
                this.launchMass = this.currentStats.mass;
                if (this.currentStats.hasCrew)
                    this.mustReturn = true;
                    this.mustReturn = false;

            // When in orbit, set the maximum altitude for future missions:
            if (this.status == FlightRecordingStatus.ASCENDING)
                if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.ORBITING && vessel.orbit.referenceBody.bodyName == launchBodyName)
                    this.maxAltitude = vessel.orbit.PeA; // Current periapsis
                    this.maxAltitude = 0;
Exemple #2
        // Gathers all important current stats for the given vessel (eg its mass, price, etc):
        public static RecordingVesselStats GetStats(FlightRecording recording, Vessel vessel)
            RecordingVesselStats stats = new RecordingVesselStats();

            stats.hasCrew          = vessel.GetCrewCount() > 0;
            stats.payloadResources = new Dictionary <string, PayloadResource>();
            stats.dockingPortTypes = new List <string>();

            foreach (Part part in vessel.parts)
                string partName = SanitizeParteName(part.name);

                // Check for modules which enable the vessel to perform certain actions:
                List <ModuleDockingNode> dockingNodes = part.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleDockingNode>();
                if (dockingNodes.Count() > 0)
                    stats.hasDockingPort = true;
                    foreach (ModuleDockingNode dockingNode in dockingNodes)
                        if (!stats.dockingPortTypes.Contains(dockingNode.nodeType.ToString()))
                            stats.dockingPortTypes.Add(dockingNode.nodeType.ToString());                                                                    // Docking-nodes have differnt sizes, like "node0", "node1", etc
                if (part.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleDecouple>().Count() > 0)
                    stats.hasSeperator = true;
                if (part.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleAnchoredDecoupler>().Count() > 0)
                    stats.hasSeperator = true;
                if (part.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleRCS>().Count() > 0)
                    stats.hasRCS = true;

                // Mass of the part and its resources:
                stats.mass += part.mass + part.resourceMass;

                // Sum up all the parts resources:
                double resourceCost    = 0;
                double resourceCostMax = 0;
                foreach (PartResource resource in part.Resources)
                    PartResourceDefinition resourceDefinition = null;
                    if (!KSTS.resourceDictionary.TryGetValue(resource.resourceName.ToString(), out resourceDefinition))
                        Debug.LogError("[KSTS] RecordingVesselStats.GetStats(): resource '" + resource.resourceName.ToString() + "' not found in dictionary");
                        // Cost:
                        resourceCost    += (double)(resource.amount * resourceDefinition.unitCost);
                        resourceCostMax += (double)(resource.maxAmount * resourceDefinition.unitCost);

                        // Track remaining amout for payload delivery (only resources which have a weight):
                        if (resourceDefinition.density > 0 && resource.amount > 0)
                            PayloadResource payloadResource = null;
                            if (stats.payloadResources.TryGetValue(resource.resourceName.ToString(), out payloadResource))
                                payloadResource.amount += resource.amount;
                                payloadResource        = new PayloadResource();
                                payloadResource.amount = resource.amount;
                                payloadResource.name   = resource.resourceName.ToString();
                                payloadResource.mass   = resourceDefinition.density;
                            stats.payloadResources.Add(resource.resourceName.ToString(), payloadResource);
                stats.cost += resourceCost;

                // The cost of the part is only available in the AvailablePart-class:
                AvailablePart availablePart = null;
                if (!KSTS.partDictionary.TryGetValue(partName, out availablePart))
                    Debug.LogError("[KSTS] RecordingVesselStats.GetStats(): part '" + partName + "' not found in dictionary");
                    // The cost of the part already includes the resource-costs, when completely filled:
                    double dryCost = availablePart.cost - resourceCostMax;
                    stats.cost += dryCost;

            // Find all crewed parts:
            List <string> crewedPartIds = new List <string>();

            foreach (ProtoCrewMember crewMember in vessel.GetVesselCrew())
                if (crewMember.seat == null || crewMember.seat.part == null)
                if (crewedPartIds.Contains(crewMember.seat.part.flightID.ToString()))

            // Find all valid subassemblies, which can be detached from the control-part:
            stats.payloadAssemblies = new Dictionary <string, PayloadAssembly>();
            stats.FindPayloadAssemblies(recording, vessel.rootPart, null, crewedPartIds);
