Exemple #1
		bool render_vessel(Panel p, Vessel v)
			// get vessel info
			vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

			// skip invalid vessels
			if (!vi.is_valid) return false;

			// get data from db
			VesselData vd = DB.Vessel(v);

			// determine if filter must be shown
			show_filter |= vd.group.Length > 0 && vd.group != "NONE";

			// skip filtered vessels
			if (filtered() && vd.group != filter) return false;

			// get resource handler
			vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

			// get vessel crew
			List<ProtoCrewMember> crew = Lib.CrewList(v);

			// get vessel name
			string vessel_name = v.isEVA ? crew[0].name : v.vesselName;

			// get body name
			string body_name = v.mainBody.name.ToUpper();

			// render entry
			  Lib.Ellipsis(vessel_name, Styles.ScaleStringLength(((page == MonitorPage.data || page == MonitorPage.log || selected_id == Guid.Empty) && !Lib.IsFlight()) ? 50 : 30)),
			  "</b> <size=", Styles.ScaleInteger(9).ToString(),
			  "><color=#cccccc>", Lib.Ellipsis(body_name, Styles.ScaleStringLength(8)), "</color></size>"),
			  () => { selected_id = selected_id != v.id ? v.id : Guid.Empty; }

			// problem indicator
			indicator_problems(p, v, vi, crew);

			// battery indicator
			indicator_ec(p, v, vi);

			// supply indicator
			if (Features.Supplies) indicator_supplies(p, v, vi);

			// reliability indicator
			if (Features.Reliability) indicator_reliability(p, v, vi);

			// signal indicator
			if (RemoteTech.Enabled() || HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.EnableCommNet) indicator_signal(p, v, vi);

			// done
			return true;
Exemple #2
  bool render_vessel(Panel p, Vessel v)
    // get vessel info
    vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

    // skip invalid vessels
    if (!vi.is_valid) return false;

    // get data from db
    VesselData vd = DB.Vessel(v);

    // determine if filter must be shown
    show_filter |= vd.group.Length > 0 && vd.group != "NONE";

    // skip filtered vessels
    if (filtered() && vd.group != filter) return false;

    // get resource handler
    vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

    // get vessel crew
    List<ProtoCrewMember> crew = Lib.CrewList(v);

    // get vessel name
    string vessel_name = v.isEVA ? crew[0].name : v.vesselName;

    // get body name
    string body_name = v.mainBody.name.ToUpper();

    // render entry
      Lib.BuildString("<b>", Lib.Ellipsis(vessel_name, 20), "</b> <size=9><color=#cccccc>", Lib.Ellipsis(body_name, 8), "</color></size>"),
      () => { selected_id = selected_id != v.id ? v.id : Guid.Empty; }

    // problem indicator
    indicator_problems(p, v, vi, crew);

    // battery indicator
    indicator_ec(p, v, vi);

    // supply indicator
    if (Features.Supplies) indicator_supplies(p, v, vi);

    // reliability indicator
    if (Features.Reliability) indicator_reliability(p, v, vi);

    // signal indicator
    if (Features.Signal) indicator_signal(p, v, vi);

    // done
    return true;
Exemple #3
  // implement scrubber mechanics
  public void FixedUpdate()
    // do nothing in the editor
    if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) return;

    // do nothing until tech tree is ready
    if (!Lib.TechReady()) return;

    // deduce quality from technological level if necessary
    if (efficiency <= double.Epsilon) efficiency = DeduceEfficiency();

    // get vessel info from the cache
    vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(vessel);

    // do nothing if vessel is invalid
    if (!vi.is_valid) return;

    // get resource cache
    vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(vessel);

    // get elapsed time
    double elapsed_s = Kerbalism.elapsed_s * vi.time_dilation;

    // if inside breathable atmosphere
    if (vi.breathable)
      // produce oxygen from the intake
      resources.Produce(vessel, resource_name, intake_rate * elapsed_s);

      // set status
      Status = "Intake";
    // if outside breathable atmosphere and enabled
    else if (is_enabled)
      // transform waste + ec into resource
      resource_recipe recipe = new resource_recipe(resource_recipe.scrubber_priority);
      recipe.Input(waste_name, co2_rate * elapsed_s);
      recipe.Input("ElectricCharge", ec_rate * elapsed_s);
      recipe.Output(resource_name, co2_rate * co2_ratio * efficiency * elapsed_s);

      // set status
      Status = "Running";
    // if outside breathable atmosphere and disabled
      // set status
      Status = "Off";

    // add efficiency to status
    Status += Lib.BuildString(" (Efficiency: ", (efficiency * 100.0).ToString("F0"), "%)");
Exemple #4
        public static void TelemetryPanel(this Panel p, Vessel v)
            // avoid corner-case when this is called in a lambda after scene changes
            v = FlightGlobals.FindVessel(v.id);

            // if vessel doesn't exist anymore, leave the panel empty
            if (v == null)

            // get vessel data
            VesselData vd = v.KerbalismData();

            // if not a valid vessel, leave the panel empty
            if (!vd.IsSimulated)

            // set metadata
            p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(v.vesselName, Styles.ScaleStringLength(20)), " ", Lib.Color(Local.TELEMETRY_title, Lib.Kolor.LightGrey)));            //"TELEMETRY"
            p.paneltype = Panel.PanelType.telemetry;

            // time-out simulation
            if (p.Timeout(vd))

            // get resources
            VesselResources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

            // get crew
            var crew = Lib.CrewList(v);

            // draw the content
            Render_crew(p, crew);
            if (Features.Science)
                Render_science(p, v, vd);
            Render_greenhouse(p, vd);
            Render_supplies(p, v, vd, resources);
            Render_habitat(p, v, vd);
            Render_environment(p, v, vd);

            // collapse eva kerbal sections into one
            if (v.isEVA)
                p.Collapse(Local.TELEMETRY_EVASUIT);                     //"EVA SUIT"
Exemple #5
        private void DoRecord(Resource_info ec, string subject_id)
            var stored = DoRecord(this, subject_id, vessel, ec, privateHdId,
                                  ResourceCache.Get(vessel), resourceDefs,
                                  remainingSampleMass, dataSampled, out dataSampled, out remainingSampleMass);

            if (!stored)
                issue = insufficient_storage;
Exemple #6
        public static void TelemetryPanel(this Panel p, Vessel v)
            // avoid corner-case when this is called in a lambda after scene changes
            v = FlightGlobals.FindVessel(v.id);

            // if vessel doesn't exist anymore, leave the panel empty
            if (v == null)

            // get info from the cache
            Vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

            // if not a valid vessel, leave the panel empty
            if (!vi.is_valid)

            // set metadata
            p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(v.vesselName, Styles.ScaleStringLength(20)), " <color=#cccccc>TELEMETRY</color>"));
            p.paneltype = Panel.PanelType.telemetry;

            // time-out simulation
            if (p.Timeout(vi))

            // get vessel data
            VesselData vd = DB.Vessel(v);

            // get resources
            Vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

            // get crew
            var crew = Lib.CrewList(v);

            // draw the content
            Render_crew(p, crew);
            Render_greenhouse(p, vi);
            Render_supplies(p, v, vi, resources);
            Render_habitat(p, v, vi);
            Render_environment(p, v, vi);

            // collapse eva kerbal sections into one
            if (v.isEVA)
                p.Collapse("EVA SUIT");
Exemple #7
  // implement gravity ring mechanics
  public void FixedUpdate()
    // reset speed when not open
    if (!opened) speed = 0.0f;

    // hide the tweakable if not open
    this.Fields["speed"].guiActive = opened;
    this.Fields["speed"].guiActiveEditor = opened;

    // manage animation
    if (rotate != null)
      // set rotating animation speed
      rotate[rotate_animation].speed = speed;

      // if its open but no animations are playing, start rotating
      if (opened)
        bool playing = false;
        foreach(var anim in this.part.FindModelAnimators())
          playing |= anim.isPlaying;
        if (!playing) rotate.Play(rotate_animation);

    // do nothing else in the editor
    if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) return;

    // get vessel info from the cache
    vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(vessel);

    // do nothing if vessel is invalid
    if (!vi.is_valid) return;

    // get resource cache
    vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(vessel);

    // get resource handler
    resource_info ec = resources.Info(vessel, "ElectricCharge");

    // consume ec
    ec.Consume(ec_rate * speed * Kerbalism.elapsed_s * vi.time_dilation);

    // reset speed if there isn't enough ec
    // note: comparing against amount in previous simulation step
    if (ec.amount <= double.Epsilon) speed = 0.0f;

    // set entertainment
    rate = 1.0 + (entertainment_rate - 1.0) * speed;
Exemple #8
        void ToEVA(GameEvents.FromToAction <Part, Part> data)

            // get total crew in the origin vessel
            double tot_crew = Lib.CrewCount(data.from.vessel) + 1.0;

            // get vessel resources handler
            VesselResources resources = ResourceCache.Get(data.from.vessel);

            // setup supply resources capacity in the eva kerbal

            string evaPropName = Lib.EvaPropellantName();

            // for each resource in the kerbal
            for (int i = 0; i < data.to.Resources.Count; ++i)
                // get the resource
                PartResource res = data.to.Resources[i];

                // eva prop is handled differently
                if (res.resourceName == evaPropName)

                double quantity = Math.Min(resources.GetResource(data.from.vessel, res.resourceName).Amount / tot_crew, res.maxAmount);
                // remove resource from vessel
                quantity = data.from.RequestResource(res.resourceName, quantity);

                // add resource to eva kerbal
                data.to.RequestResource(res.resourceName, -quantity);

            // Airlock loss
            resources.Consume(data.from.vessel, "Nitrogen", Settings.LifeSupportAtmoLoss, ResourceBroker.Generic);

            KerbalEVA kerbal = data.to.FindModuleImplementing <KerbalEVA>();

            // turn off headlamp light, to avoid stock bug that show them for a split second when going on eva
            EVA.HeadLamps(kerbal, false);

            // execute script
            data.from.vessel.KerbalismData().computer.Execute(data.from.vessel, ScriptType.eva_out);

            // Start a coroutine for doing eva propellant resource transfers once the kerbal EVA is started (this is too early here)
            data.to.StartCoroutine(PostEVATweaks(data.from, data.to, evaPropName));
Exemple #9
  // implement recycler mechanics
  public void FixedUpdate()
    // do nothing in the editor
    if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) return;

    // do nothing until tech tree is ready
    if (!Lib.TechReady()) return;

    if (use_efficiency)
      // deduce quality from technological level if necessary
      if (efficiency <= double.Epsilon) efficiency = Scrubber.DeduceEfficiency();

    if (is_enabled)
      // get vessel info from the cache
      vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(vessel);

      // do nothing if vessel is invalid
      if (!vi.is_valid) return;

      // get elapsed time
      double elapsed_s = Kerbalism.elapsed_s * vi.time_dilation;

      // get resource cache
      vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(vessel);

      // recycle EC+waste+filter into resource
      resource_recipe recipe = new resource_recipe(resource_recipe.scrubber_priority);
      recipe.Input(waste_name, waste_rate * elapsed_s);
      recipe.Input("ElectricCharge", ec_rate * elapsed_s);
      if (filter_name.Length > 0 && filter_rate > double.Epsilon)
        recipe.Input(filter_name, filter_rate * elapsed_s);
      recipe.Output(resource_name, waste_rate * waste_ratio * efficiency * elapsed_s);

      // set status
      Status = "Running";
      Status = "Off";

    // add efficiency to status
    if (use_efficiency) Status += Lib.BuildString(" (Efficiency: ", (efficiency * 100.0).ToString("F0"), "%)");
        void ToEVA(GameEvents.FromToAction <Part, Part> data)
            // get total crew in the origin vessel
            double tot_crew = (double)Lib.CrewCount(data.from.vessel) + 1.0;

            // get vessel resources handler
            Vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(data.from.vessel);

            // setup supply resources capacity in the eva kerbal

            // for each resource in the kerbal
            for (int i = 0; i < data.to.Resources.Count; ++i)
                // get the resource
                PartResource res = data.to.Resources[i];

                // determine quantity to take
                double quantity = Math.Min(resources.Info(data.from.vessel, res.resourceName).amount / tot_crew, res.maxAmount);

                // remove resource from vessel
                quantity = data.from.RequestResource(res.resourceName, quantity);

                // add resource to eva kerbal
                data.to.RequestResource(res.resourceName, -quantity);

            // show warning if there isn't monoprop in the eva suit
            string prop_name = Lib.EvaPropellantName();

            if (Lib.Amount(data.to, prop_name) <= double.Epsilon && !Lib.Landed(data.from.vessel))
                Message.Post(Severity.danger, Lib.BuildString("There isn't any <b>", prop_name, "</b> in the EVA suit"), "Don't let the ladder go!");

            // turn off headlamp light, to avoid stock bug that show them for a split second when going on eva
            KerbalEVA kerbal = data.to.FindModuleImplementing <KerbalEVA>();

            EVA.HeadLamps(kerbal, false);

            // execute script
            DB.Vessel(data.from.vessel).computer.Execute(data.from.vessel, ScriptType.eva_out);
Exemple #11
        public virtual void FixedUpdate()
            if (FixGame(thisModule))

            hasEC = ResourceCache.Info(part.vessel, "ElectricCharge").amount > double.Epsilon;
            if (GetIsActive())
                // get resource cache
                vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(part.vessel);
                resources.Consume(part.vessel, "ElectricCharge", actualECCost * Kerbalism.elapsed_s);
                actualECCost = 0;
Exemple #12
  public static void telemetry(this Panel p, Vessel v)
    // if vessel doesn't exist anymore
    if (FlightGlobals.FindVessel(v.id) == null) return;

    // get info from the cache
    vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

    // if not a valid vessel
    if (!vi.is_valid) return;

    // set metadata
    p.title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(v.vesselName, 20), " <color=#cccccc>TELEMETRY</color>"));

    // time-out simulation
    if (p.timeout(vi)) return;

    // get vessel data
    VesselData vd = DB.Vessel(v);

    // get resources
    vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

    // get crew
    var crew = Lib.CrewList(v);

    // draw the content
    render_crew(p, crew);
    render_greenhouse(p, vi);
    render_supplies(p, v, vi, resources);
    render_habitat(p, v, vi);
    render_environment(p, v, vi);

    // collapse eva kerbal sections into one
    if (v.isEVA) p.collapse("EVA SUIT");
Exemple #13
  // implement greenhouse mechanics
  public void FixedUpdate()
    // set emissive intensity from lamp tweakable
    if (emissive_object.Length > 0)
      foreach(var rdr in part.GetComponentsInChildren<UnityEngine.Renderer>())
        if (rdr.name == emissive_object) { rdr.material.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", new Color(lamps, lamps, lamps, 1.0f)); break; }

    // do nothing else in the editor
    if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) return;

    // get vessel info from the cache
    vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(vessel);

    // do nothing if vessel is invalid
    if (!vi.is_valid) return;

    // get resource cache
    vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(vessel);

    // get elapsed time
    double elapsed_s = Kerbalism.elapsed_s * vi.time_dilation;

    // when the greenhouse is assembled using KIS, the growth field is set to NaN
    // at that point it remain NaN forever, so we fix it
    // also, a report indicated -infinity in growth
    if (double.IsNaN(growth) || double.IsInfinity(growth)) growth = 0.0;

    // if lamp is on
    if (lamps > float.Epsilon)
      // get resource handler
      resource_info ec = resources.Info(vessel, "ElectricCharge");

      // consume ec
      ec.Consume(ec_rate * lamps * elapsed_s);

      // shut down the light if there isn't enough ec
      // note: comparing against amount at previous simulation step
      if (ec.amount <= double.Epsilon) lamps = 0.0f;

    // determine lighting conditions
    // note: we ignore sun direction for gameplay reasons: else the user must reorient the greenhouse as the planets dance over time
    lighting = vi.solar_flux / Sim.SolarFluxAtHome() * (door_opened ? 1.0 : 0.0) + lamps;

    // if can use waste, and there is some lighting
    double waste_perc = 0.0;
    if (waste_name.Length > 0 && waste_rate > double.Epsilon && lighting > double.Epsilon)
      // get resource handler
      resource_info waste = resources.Info(vessel, waste_name);

      // consume waste
      waste.Consume(waste_rate * elapsed_s);

      // determine waste bonus
      // note: comparing against amount from previous simulation step
      waste_perc = Math.Min(waste.amount / waste_rate, 1.0);

    // determine growth bonus
    double growth_bonus = soil_bonus * (vi.landed ? 1.0 : 0.0) + waste_bonus * waste_perc;

    // grow the crop
    growing = growth_rate * (1.0 + growth_bonus) * lighting;
    growth += elapsed_s * growing;

    // if it is harvest time
    if (growth >= 1.0)
      // reset growth
      growth = 0.0;

      // produce food
      resources.Produce(vessel, resource_name, harvest_size);

      // show a message to the user
      Message.Post(Lib.BuildString("On <color=FFFFFF>", vessel.vesselName, "</color> the crop harvest produced <color=FFFFFF>",
        harvest_size.ToString("F0"), " ", resource_name, "</color>"));

      // record first space harvest
      if (!vi.landed && DB.Ready()) DB.Landmarks().space_harvest = 1;

    // set rmb ui status
    GrowthStatus = Lib.HumanReadablePerc(growth);
    LightStatus = Lib.HumanReadablePerc(lighting);
    WasteStatus = Lib.HumanReadablePerc(waste_perc);
    SoilStatus = vi.landed ? "yes" : "no";
    TTAStatus = Lib.HumanReadableDuration(growing > double.Epsilon ? (1.0 - growth) / growing : 0.0);

    // enable/disable emergency harvest
    Events["EmergencyHarvest"].active = (growth >= 0.5);
Exemple #14
        public void FixedUpdate()
            // do nothing in the editor
            if (Lib.IsEditor())

            // if enabled and not ready for harvest
            if (active && growth < 0.99)
                // get vessel info from the cache
                // - if the vessel is not valid (eg: flagged as debris) then solar flux will be 0 and landed false (but that's okay)
                Vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(vessel);

                // get resource cache
                Vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(vessel);
                Resource_info    ec        = resources.Info(vessel, "ElectricCharge");

                // deal with corner cases when greenhouse is assembled using KIS
                if (double.IsNaN(growth) || double.IsInfinity(growth))
                    growth = 0.0;

                // calculate natural and artificial lighting
                natural    = vi.solar_flux;
                artificial = Math.Max(light_tolerance - natural, 0.0);

                // consume EC for the lamps, scaled by artificial light intensity
                if (artificial > double.Epsilon)
                    ec.Consume(ec_rate * (artificial / light_tolerance) * Kerbalism.elapsed_s, "greenhouse");

                // reset artificial lighting if there is no ec left
                // - comparing against amount in previous simulation step
                if (ec.amount <= double.Epsilon)
                    artificial = 0.0;

                // execute recipe
                Resource_recipe recipe = new Resource_recipe(part, "greenhouse");
                foreach (ModuleResource input in resHandler.inputResources)
                    // WasteAtmosphere is primary combined input
                    if (WACO2 && input.name == "WasteAtmosphere")
                        recipe.Input(input.name, vi.breathable ? 0.0 : input.rate * Kerbalism.elapsed_s, "CarbonDioxide");
                    // CarbonDioxide is secondary combined input
                    else if (WACO2 && input.name == "CarbonDioxide")
                        recipe.Input(input.name, vi.breathable ? 0.0 : input.rate * Kerbalism.elapsed_s, "");
                    // if atmosphere is breathable disable WasteAtmosphere / CO2
                    else if (!WACO2 && (input.name == "CarbonDioxide" || input.name == "WasteAtmosphere"))
                        recipe.Input(input.name, vi.breathable ? 0.0 : input.rate, "");
                        recipe.Input(input.name, input.rate * Kerbalism.elapsed_s);
                foreach (ModuleResource output in resHandler.outputResources)
                    // if atmosphere is breathable disable Oxygen
                    if (output.name == "Oxygen")
                        recipe.Output(output.name, vi.breathable ? 0.0 : output.rate * Kerbalism.elapsed_s, true);
                        recipe.Output(output.name, output.rate * Kerbalism.elapsed_s, true);

                // determine environment conditions
                bool lighting  = natural + artificial >= light_tolerance;
                bool pressure  = pressure_tolerance <= double.Epsilon || vi.pressure >= pressure_tolerance;
                bool radiation = radiation_tolerance <= double.Epsilon || vi.radiation * (1.0 - vi.shielding) < radiation_tolerance;

                // determine input resources conditions
                // - comparing against amounts in previous simulation step
                bool   inputs      = true;
                string missing_res = string.Empty;
                bool   dis_WACO2   = false;
                foreach (ModuleResource input in resHandler.inputResources)
                    // combine WasteAtmosphere and CO2 if both exist
                    if (input.name == "WasteAtmosphere" || input.name == "CarbonDioxide")
                        if (dis_WACO2 || Cache.VesselInfo(vessel).breathable)
                            continue;                                                                              // skip if already checked or atmosphere is breathable
                        if (WACO2)
                            if (resources.Info(vessel, "WasteAtmosphere").amount <= double.Epsilon && resources.Info(vessel, "CarbonDioxide").amount <= double.Epsilon)
                                inputs      = false;
                                missing_res = "CarbonDioxide";
                            dis_WACO2 = true;
                    if (resources.Info(vessel, input.name).amount <= double.Epsilon)
                        inputs      = false;
                        missing_res = input.name;

                // if growing
                if (lighting && pressure && radiation && inputs)
                    // increase growth
                    growth += crop_rate * Kerbalism.elapsed_s;
                    growth  = Math.Min(growth, 1.0);

                    // notify the user when crop can be harvested
                    if (growth >= 0.99)
                        Message.Post(Lib.BuildString("On <b>", vessel.vesselName, "</b> the crop is ready to be harvested"));
                        growth = 1.0;

                // update time-to-harvest
                tta = (1.0 - growth) / crop_rate;

                // update issues
                issue =
                    !inputs?Lib.BuildString("missing ", missing_res)
                        : !lighting ? "insufficient lighting"
                                : !pressure ? "insufficient pressure"
                                : !radiation ? "excessive radiation"
                                : string.Empty;
Exemple #15
        void ToEVA(GameEvents.FromToAction <Part, Part> data)

            // get total crew in the origin vessel
            double tot_crew = Lib.CrewCount(data.from.vessel) + 1.0;

            // get vessel resources handler
            VesselResources resources = ResourceCache.Get(data.from.vessel);

            // setup supply resources capacity in the eva kerbal

            String prop_name = Lib.EvaPropellantName();

            // for each resource in the kerbal
            for (int i = 0; i < data.to.Resources.Count; ++i)
                // get the resource
                PartResource res = data.to.Resources[i];

                // eva prop is handled differently
                if (res.resourceName == prop_name)

                double quantity = Math.Min(resources.GetResource(data.from.vessel, res.resourceName).Amount / tot_crew, res.maxAmount);
                // remove resource from vessel
                quantity = data.from.RequestResource(res.resourceName, quantity);

                // add resource to eva kerbal
                data.to.RequestResource(res.resourceName, -quantity);

            // take as much of the propellant as possible. just imagine: there are 1.3 units left, and 12 occupants
            // in the ship. you want to send out an engineer to fix the chemical plant that produces monoprop,
            // and have to get from one end of the station to the other with just 0.1 units in the tank...
            // nope.
            double evaPropQuantity = data.from.RequestResource(prop_name, Lib.EvaPropellantCapacity());

            // We can't just add the monoprop here, because that doesn't always work. It might be related
            // to the fact that stock KSP wants to add 5 units of monoprop to new EVAs. Instead of fighting KSP here,
            // we just let it do it's thing and set our amount later in EVA.cs - which seems to work just fine.
            // don't put that into Cache.VesselInfo because that can be deleted before we get there
            Cache.SetVesselObjectsCache(data.to.vessel, "eva_prop", evaPropQuantity);

            // Airlock loss
            resources.Consume(data.from.vessel, "Nitrogen", Settings.LifeSupportAtmoLoss, ResourceBroker.Generic);

            // show warning if there is little or no EVA propellant in the suit
            if (evaPropQuantity <= 0.05 && !Lib.Landed(data.from.vessel))
                             Local.CallBackMsg_EvaNoMP.Format("<b>" + prop_name + "</b>"), Local.CallBackMsg_EvaNoMP2);       //Lib.BuildString("There isn't any <<1>> in the EVA suit")"Don't let the ladder go!"

            // turn off headlamp light, to avoid stock bug that show them for a split second when going on eva
            KerbalEVA kerbal = data.to.FindModuleImplementing <KerbalEVA>();

            EVA.HeadLamps(kerbal, false);

            // execute script
            data.from.vessel.KerbalismData().computer.Execute(data.from.vessel, ScriptType.eva_out);
Exemple #16
        public void FixedUpdate()
            // basic sanity checks
            if (Lib.IsEditor())
            if (!Cache.VesselInfo(vessel).is_valid)
            if (next_check > Planetarium.GetUniversalTime())

            // get ec handler
            Resource_info ec = ResourceCache.Info(vessel, "ElectricCharge");

            shrouded = part.ShieldedFromAirstream;
            issue    = TestForIssues(vessel, ec, this, privateHdId, broken,
                                     remainingSampleMass, didPrepare, shrouded, last_subject_id);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(issue))
                issue = TestForResources(vessel, resourceDefs, Kerbalism.elapsed_s, ResourceCache.Get(vessel));

            scienceValue = Science.Value(last_subject_id, 0);
            state        = GetState(scienceValue, issue, recording, forcedRun);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issue))
                next_check = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + Math.Max(3, Kerbalism.elapsed_s * 3);

            var subject_id = Science.Generate_subject_id(experiment_id, vessel);

            if (last_subject_id != subject_id)
                dataSampled = 0;
                forcedRun   = false;
            last_subject_id = subject_id;

            if (state != State.RUNNING)

            var exp = Science.Experiment(experiment_id);

            if (dataSampled >= exp.max_amount)

            // if experiment is active and there are no issues
            DoRecord(ec, subject_id);
Exemple #17
        void FixedUpdate()
            // remove control locks in any case

            // do nothing if paused
            if (Lib.IsPaused())

            // maintain elapsed_s, converting to double only once
            // and detect warp blending
            double fixedDeltaTime = TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime;

            if (Math.Abs(fixedDeltaTime - elapsed_s) > double.Epsilon)
                warp_blending = 0;
            elapsed_s = fixedDeltaTime;

            // evict oldest entry from vessel cache

            // vvvv------- This code tests for a theroy that could cause #313
            // If KSP itself has the same vessel more than once in the
            // FlightGlobals.Vessels list, it would cause processes to run too many times.
            // The other possible cause was a Vessel ID collision in Lib.VesselID(), which
            // only used 4 bytes of a 16 byte GUID to create an ID from.
            // If the BUG TRIGGERED message is never observed in the wild,
            // it is safe to remove this chunk of code.
            Dictionary <UInt64, Vessel> vessels = new Dictionary <UInt64, Vessel>();

            foreach (Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
                if (vessels.ContainsKey(Lib.VesselID(v)))
                    Lib.Log("THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING: Vessel " + v.name + " already seen in FlightGlobals.Vessels");
                    Message.Post(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Color("red", "BUG TRIGGERED", true), "\n",
                                                 v.name + " duplicated in FlightGlobals.Vessels. Please report this on GitHub."));
                    vessels.Add(Lib.VesselID(v), v);
            // ^^^^-------- end theory test code

            // store info for oldest unloaded vessel
            double           last_time      = 0.0;
            Vessel           last_v         = null;
            Vessel_info      last_vi        = null;
            VesselData       last_vd        = null;
            Vessel_resources last_resources = null;

            // for each vessel
            //foreach (Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
            foreach (Vessel v in vessels.Values)
                // get vessel info from the cache
                Vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

                // set locks for active vessel
                if (v.isActiveVessel)
                    Misc.SetLocks(v, vi);

                // maintain eva dead animation and helmet state
                if (v.loaded && v.isEVA)

                // keep track of rescue mission kerbals, and gift resources to their vessels on discovery
                if (v.loaded && vi.is_vessel)
                    // manage rescue mission mechanics

                // do nothing else for invalid vessels
                if (!vi.is_valid)

                // get vessel data from db
                VesselData vd = DB.Vessel(v);

                // get resource cache
                Vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

                // if loaded
                if (v.loaded)
                    // get most used resource
                    Resource_info ec = resources.Info(v, "ElectricCharge");

                    // show belt warnings
                    Radiation.BeltWarnings(v, vi, vd);

                    // update storm data
                    Storm.Update(v, vi, vd, elapsed_s);

                    Communications.Update(v, vi, vd, ec, elapsed_s);

                    // Habitat equalization

                    // transmit science data
                    Science.Update(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s);

                    // apply rules
                    Profile.Execute(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s);

                    // apply deferred requests
                    resources.Sync(v, elapsed_s);

                    // call automation scripts
                    vd.computer.Automate(v, vi, resources);

                    // remove from unloaded data container
                // if unloaded
                    // get unloaded data, or create an empty one
                    Unloaded_data ud;
                    if (!unloaded.TryGetValue(vi.id, out ud))
                        ud = new Unloaded_data();
                        unloaded.Add(vi.id, ud);

                    // accumulate time
                    ud.time += elapsed_s;

                    // maintain oldest entry
                    if (ud.time > last_time)
                        last_time      = ud.time;
                        last_v         = v;
                        last_vi        = vi;
                        last_vd        = vd;
                        last_resources = resources;

            // at most one vessel gets background processing per physics tick
            // if there is a vessel that is not the currently loaded vessel, then
            // we will update the vessel whose most recent background update is the oldest
            if (last_v != null)
                // get most used resource
                Resource_info last_ec = last_resources.Info(last_v, "ElectricCharge");

                // show belt warnings
                Radiation.BeltWarnings(last_v, last_vi, last_vd);

                // update storm data
                Storm.Update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_time);

                Communications.Update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_ec, last_time);

                // transmit science	data
                Science.Update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // apply rules
                Profile.Execute(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // simulate modules in background
                Background.Update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // apply deferred requests
                last_resources.Sync(last_v, last_time);

                // call automation scripts
                last_vd.computer.Automate(last_v, last_vi, last_resources);

                // remove from unloaded data container

            // update storm data for one body per-step
            if (storm_bodies.Count > 0)
                storm_bodies.ForEach(k => k.time += elapsed_s);
                Storm_data sd = storm_bodies[storm_index];
                Storm.Update(sd.body, sd.time);
                sd.time     = 0.0;
                storm_index = (storm_index + 1) % storm_bodies.Count;
Exemple #18
        void FixedUpdate()
            // remove control locks in any case

            // do nothing if paused
            if (Lib.IsPaused())

            // maintain elapsed_s, converting to double only once
            // and detect warp blending
            double fixedDeltaTime = TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime;

            if (Math.Abs(fixedDeltaTime - elapsed_s) > double.Epsilon)
                warp_blending = 0;
            elapsed_s = fixedDeltaTime;

            // evict oldest entry from vessel cache

            // store info for oldest unloaded vessel
            double           last_time      = 0.0;
            Vessel           last_v         = null;
            vessel_info      last_vi        = null;
            VesselData       last_vd        = null;
            vessel_resources last_resources = null;

            // for each vessel
            foreach (Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
                // get vessel info from the cache
                vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

                // set locks for active vessel
                if (v.isActiveVessel)
                    Misc.setLocks(v, vi);

                // maintain eva dead animation and helmet state
                if (v.loaded && v.isEVA)

                // keep track of rescue mission kerbals, and gift resources to their vessels on discovery
                if (v.loaded && vi.is_vessel)
                    // manage rescue mission mechanics

                // do nothing else for invalid vessels
                if (!vi.is_valid)

                // get vessel data from db
                VesselData vd = DB.Vessel(v);

                // get resource cache
                vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

                // if loaded
                if (v.loaded)
                    // show belt warnings
                    Radiation.beltWarnings(v, vi, vd);

                    // update storm data
                    Storm.update(v, vi, vd, elapsed_s);

                    // show signal warnings
                    Signal.update(v, vi, vd, elapsed_s);

                    // consume ec for transmission, and transmit science data
                    Science.update(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s);

                    // apply rules
                    Profile.Execute(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s);

                    // apply deferred requests
                    resources.Sync(v, elapsed_s);

                    // call automation scripts
                    vd.computer.automate(v, vi, resources);

                    // remove from unloaded data container
                // if unloaded
                    // get unloaded data, or create an empty one
                    unloaded_data ud;
                    if (!unloaded.TryGetValue(vi.id, out ud))
                        ud = new unloaded_data();
                        unloaded.Add(vi.id, ud);

                    // accumulate time
                    ud.time += elapsed_s;

                    // maintain oldest entry
                    if (ud.time > last_time)
                        last_time      = ud.time;
                        last_v         = v;
                        last_vi        = vi;
                        last_vd        = vd;
                        last_resources = resources;

            // if the oldest unloaded vessel was selected
            if (last_v != null)
                // show belt warnings
                Radiation.beltWarnings(last_v, last_vi, last_vd);

                // update storm data
                Storm.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_time);

                // show signal warnings
                Signal.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_time);

                // consume ec for transmission, and transmit science
                Science.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // apply rules
                Profile.Execute(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // simulate modules in background
                Background.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // apply deferred requests
                last_resources.Sync(last_v, last_time);

                // call automation scripts
                last_vd.computer.automate(last_v, last_vi, last_resources);

                // remove from unloaded data container

            // update storm data for one body per-step
            if (storm_bodies.Count > 0)
                storm_bodies.ForEach(k => k.time += elapsed_s);
                storm_data sd = storm_bodies[storm_index];
                Storm.update(sd.body, sd.time);
                sd.time     = 0.0;
                storm_index = (storm_index + 1) % storm_bodies.Count;
Exemple #19
  // called every simulation step
  void FixedUpdate()
    // do nothing if paused
    if (Lib.IsPaused()) return;

    // do nothing in the editors and the menus
    if (!Lib.SceneIsGame()) return;

    // do nothing if db isn't ready
    if (!DB.Ready()) return;

    // get elapsed time
    double elapsed_s = Kerbalism.elapsed_s;

    // evict oldest entry from vessel cache

    // store info for oldest unloaded vessel
    double last_time = 0.0;
    Vessel last_v = null;
    vessel_info last_vi = null;
    vessel_data last_vd = null;
    vessel_resources last_resources = null;

    // for each vessel
    foreach(Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
      // get vessel info from the cache
      vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

      // skip invalid vessels
      if (!vi.is_valid) continue;

      // get vessel data from db
      vessel_data vd = DB.VesselData(v.id);

      // get resource cache
      vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

      // if loaded
      if (v.loaded)
        // show belt warnings
        Radiation.beltWarnings(v, vi, vd);

        // update storm data
        storm.update(v, vi, vd, elapsed_s);

        // consume relay EC and show signal warnings
        signal.update(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s * vi.time_dilation);

        // apply rules
        Rule.applyRules(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s * vi.time_dilation);

        // apply deferred requests
        resources.Sync(v, elapsed_s);

        // update computer
        vd.computer.update(v, elapsed_s);

        // remove from unloaded data container
      // if unloaded
        // get unloaded data, or create an empty one
        unloaded_data ud;
        if (!unloaded.TryGetValue(vi.id, out ud))
          ud = new unloaded_data();
          unloaded.Add(vi.id, ud);

        // accumulate time
        ud.time += elapsed_s;

        // maintain oldest entry
        if (ud.time > last_time)
          last_time = ud.time;
          last_v = v;
          last_vi = vi;
          last_vd = vd;
          last_resources = resources;

    // if the oldest unloaded vessel was selected
    if (last_v != null)
      // show belt warnings
      Radiation.beltWarnings(last_v, last_vi, last_vd);

      // decay unloaded vessels inside atmosphere
      Kerbalism.atmosphereDecay(last_v, last_vi, last_time);

      // update storm data
      storm.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_time);

      // consume relay EC and show signal warnings
      signal.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time * last_vi.time_dilation);

      // apply rules
      Rule.applyRules(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time * last_vi.time_dilation);

      // simulate modules in background
      Background.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time * last_vi.time_dilation);

      // apply deferred requests
      last_resources.Sync(last_v, last_time);

      // update computer
      last_vd.computer.update(last_v, last_time);

      // remove from unloaded data container

    // update storm data for one body per-step
    storm_bodies.ForEach(k => k.time += elapsed_s);
    storm_data sd = storm_bodies[storm_index];
    storm.update(sd.body, sd.time);
    sd.time = 0.0;
    storm_index = (storm_index + 1) % storm_bodies.Count;
Exemple #20
        void FixedUpdate()
            // remove control locks in any case

            // do nothing if paused
            if (Lib.IsPaused())

            // convert elapsed time to double only once
            double fixedDeltaTime = TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime;

            // and detect warp blending
            if (Math.Abs(fixedDeltaTime - elapsed_s) < 0.001)
                warp_blending = 0;

            // update elapsed time
            elapsed_s = fixedDeltaTime;

            // store info for oldest unloaded vessel
            double          last_time      = 0.0;
            Guid            last_id        = Guid.Empty;
            Vessel          last_v         = null;
            VesselData      last_vd        = null;
            VesselResources last_resources = null;

            foreach (VesselData vd in DB.VesselDatas)

            // for each vessel
            foreach (Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
                // get vessel data
                VesselData vd = v.KerbalismData();

                // update the vessel data validity

                // set locks for active vessel
                if (v.isActiveVessel)

                // maintain eva dead animation and helmet state
                if (v.loaded && v.isEVA)

                // keep track of rescue mission kerbals, and gift resources to their vessels on discovery
                if (v.loaded && vd.is_vessel)
                    // manage rescue mission mechanics

                // do nothing else for invalid vessels
                if (!vd.IsSimulated)

                // get resource cache
                VesselResources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

                // if loaded
                if (v.loaded)
                    // update the vessel info
                    vd.Evaluate(false, elapsed_s);

                    // get most used resource
                    ResourceInfo ec = resources.GetResource(v, "ElectricCharge");

                    // show belt warnings
                    Radiation.BeltWarnings(v, vd);

                    // update storm data
                    Storm.Update(v, vd, elapsed_s);

                    Communications.Update(v, vd, ec, elapsed_s);

                    // Habitat equalization

                    // transmit science data
                    Science.Update(v, vd, ec, elapsed_s);

                    // apply rules
                    Profile.Execute(v, vd, resources, elapsed_s);

                    // part module resource updates
                    vd.ResourceUpdate(resources, elapsed_s);

                    // apply deferred requests
                    resources.Sync(v, vd, elapsed_s);

                    // call automation scripts
                    vd.computer.Automate(v, vd, resources);

                    // remove from unloaded data container
                // if unloaded
                    // get unloaded data, or create an empty one
                    Unloaded_data ud;
                    if (!unloaded.TryGetValue(vd.VesselId, out ud))
                        ud = new Unloaded_data();
                        unloaded.Add(vd.VesselId, ud);

                    // accumulate time
                    ud.time += elapsed_s;

                    // maintain oldest entry
                    if (ud.time > last_time)
                        last_time      = ud.time;
                        last_v         = v;
                        last_vd        = vd;
                        last_resources = resources;

            // at most one vessel gets background processing per physics tick :
            // if there is a vessel that is not the currently loaded vessel, then
            // we will update the vessel whose most recent background update is the oldest
            if (last_v != null)
                // update the vessel info (high timewarp speeds reevaluation)
                last_vd.Evaluate(false, last_time);

                // get most used resource
                ResourceInfo last_ec = last_resources.GetResource(last_v, "ElectricCharge");

                // show belt warnings
                Radiation.BeltWarnings(last_v, last_vd);

                // update storm data
                Storm.Update(last_v, last_vd, last_time);

                Communications.Update(last_v, last_vd, last_ec, last_time);

                // apply rules
                Profile.Execute(last_v, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // simulate modules in background
                Background.Update(last_v, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // transmit science	data
                Science.Update(last_v, last_vd, last_ec, last_time);

                // apply deferred requests
                last_resources.Sync(last_v, last_vd, last_time);

                // call automation scripts
                last_vd.computer.Automate(last_v, last_vd, last_resources);

                // remove from unloaded data container

            // update storm data for one body per-step
            if (storm_bodies.Count > 0)
                storm_bodies.ForEach(k => k.time += elapsed_s);
                Storm_data sd = storm_bodies[storm_index];
                Storm.Update(sd.body, sd.time);
                sd.time     = 0.0;
                storm_index = (storm_index + 1) % storm_bodies.Count;
Exemple #21
        public void FixedUpdate()
            if (!loaded)
            Resource_info ec = ResourceCache.Info(vessel, "ElectricCharge");

            RunProcessTick(vessel, Kerbalism.elapsed_s, ec_produced, resourcesProduced, ec_consumed, resourcesConsumed, ec, ResourceCache.Get(vessel));