Exemple #1
  public static radiation_data analyze_radiation(List<Part> parts, environment_data env, crew_data crew)
    // store data
    radiation_data radiation = new radiation_data();

    // scan the parts
    foreach(Part p in parts)
      // accumulate shielding amount and capacity
      radiation.shielding_amount += Lib.GetResourceAmount(p, "Shielding");
      radiation.shielding_capacity += Lib.GetResourceCapacity(p, "Shielding");

    // calculate radiation data
    double shielding = Radiation.Shielding(radiation.shielding_amount, radiation.shielding_capacity);
    double belt_strength = Settings.BeltRadiation * Radiation.Dynamo(env.body) * 0.5; //< account for the 'ramp'
    if (crew.capacity > 0)
      radiation.life_expectancy = new double[]
        Settings.RadiationFatalThreshold / (Settings.CosmicRadiation * (1.0 - shielding)),
        Settings.RadiationFatalThreshold / (Settings.StormRadiation * (1.0 - shielding)),
        Radiation.HasBelt(env.body) ? Settings.RadiationFatalThreshold / (belt_strength * (1.0 - shielding)) : double.NaN
      radiation.life_expectancy = new double[]{double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN};

    // return data
    return radiation;
Exemple #2
        void updateConnectedSpaces(Vessel v, vessel_info vi)
            // get CLS handler
            var cls = CLS.get();

            // calculate whole-space
            if (cls == null)
                double living_space  = QualityOfLife.LivingSpace((uint)vi.crew_count, (uint)vi.crew_capacity);
                double entertainment = QualityOfLife.Entertainment(v);
                double shielding     = Radiation.Shielding(v);

                foreach (var c in v.loaded ? v.GetVesselCrew() : v.protoVessel.GetVesselCrew())
                    kerbal_data kd = DB.KerbalData(c.name);
                    kd.living_space  = living_space;
                    kd.entertainment = entertainment;
                    kd.shielding     = shielding;
                    kd.space_name    = "";
            // calculate connected-space
            // note: avoid problem at scene change
            else if (cls.Vessel != null && cls.Vessel.Spaces.Count > 0)
                // calculate internal spaces
                foreach (var space in cls.Vessel.Spaces)
                    double living_space  = QualityOfLife.LivingSpace(space);
                    double entertainment = QualityOfLife.Entertainment(v, space);
                    double shielding     = Radiation.Shielding(space);

                    foreach (var c in space.Crew)
                        kerbal_data kd = DB.KerbalData(c.Kerbal.name);
                        kd.living_space  = living_space;
                        kd.entertainment = entertainment;
                        kd.shielding     = shielding;
                        kd.space_name    = space.Name;
Exemple #3
  // get vessel info from the cache, or compute a new one and add it to the cache
  public static vessel_info VesselInfo(Vessel v)
    // get the info from the cache, if it exist
    vessel_info info;
    if (instance.vessels.TryGetValue(v.id, out info)) return info;

    // compute vessel info
    info = new vessel_info();
    info.position = Lib.VesselPosition(v);
    info.sunlight = Sim.RaytraceBody(v, Sim.Sun(), out info.sun_dir, out info.sun_dist);
    info.temperature = Sim.Temperature(v, info.sunlight);
    info.cosmic_radiation = Radiation.CosmicRadiation(v);
    info.belt_radiation = Radiation.BeltRadiation(v);
    info.storm_radiation = Radiation.StormRadiation(v, info.sunlight);
    info.radiation = (info.cosmic_radiation + info.belt_radiation + info.storm_radiation) * (1.0 - Radiation.Shielding(v));

    // store vessel info in the cache
    instance.vessels.Add(v.id, info);

    // return the vessel info
    return info;