FromObject() public static méthode

Creates a property descriptor from an object containing any of the following properties: configurable, writable, enumerable, value, get, set.
public static FromObject ( ObjectInstance obj, PropertyDescriptor defaults ) : PropertyDescriptor
obj ObjectInstance The object to get the property values from.
defaults PropertyDescriptor The values to use if the relevant value is not specified.
Résultat PropertyDescriptor
Exemple #1
        public static ObjectInstance DefineProperty([JSParameter(JSParameterFlags.DoNotConvert)] ObjectInstance obj, string propertyName, [JSParameter(JSParameterFlags.DoNotConvert)] ObjectInstance attributes)
            var defaults   = obj.GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(propertyName);
            var descriptor = PropertyDescriptor.FromObject(attributes, defaults);

            obj.DefineProperty(propertyName, descriptor, true);
Exemple #2
        public static bool DefineProperty(ObjectInstance target, object propertyKey, object attributes)
            propertyKey = TypeConverter.ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
            var defaults = target.GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(propertyKey);

            if (!(attributes is ObjectInstance))
                throw new JavaScriptException(ErrorType.TypeError, $"Invalid property descriptor '{attributes}'.");
            var descriptor = PropertyDescriptor.FromObject((ObjectInstance)attributes, defaults);

            return(target.DefineProperty(propertyKey, descriptor, throwOnError: false));
        public static ObjectInstance DefineProperty(ObjectInstance obj, object key, object attributes)
            key = TypeConverter.ToPropertyKey(key);
            var defaults = obj.GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(key);

            if (!(attributes is ObjectInstance))
                throw new JavaScriptException(obj.Engine, ErrorType.TypeError, "Invalid descriptor for property '{propertyName}'.");
            var descriptor = PropertyDescriptor.FromObject((ObjectInstance)attributes, defaults);

            obj.DefineProperty(key, descriptor, true);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a descriptor for the property with the given name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"> The property key (either a string or a Symbol). </param>
        /// <returns> A property descriptor containing the property value and attributes. </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Enforces the following invariants:
        /// * The result of [[GetOwnProperty]] must be either an Object or undefined.
        /// * A property cannot be reported as non-existent, if it exists as a non-configurable own
        ///   property of the target object.
        /// * A property cannot be reported as non-existent, if the target object is not
        ///   extensible, unless it does not exist as an own property of the target object.
        /// * A property cannot be reported as existent, if the target object is not extensible,
        ///   unless it exists as an own property of the target object.
        /// * A property cannot be reported as non-configurable, unless it exists as a
        ///   non-configurable own property of the target object.
        /// * A property cannot be reported as both non-configurable and non-writable, unless it
        ///   exists as a non-configurable, non-writable own property of the target object.
        /// </remarks>
        public override PropertyDescriptor GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(object key)
            // Check for revocation.
            if (target == null || handler == null)
                throw new JavaScriptException(ErrorType.TypeError, "Cannot call 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on a proxy that has been revoked.");

            // Call the handler, if one exists.
            var trap = handler.GetMethod("getOwnPropertyDescriptor");

            if (trap == null)
            var result = trap.CallLateBound(handler, target, key);

            // Validate.
            var targetDescriptor = target.GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(key);

            if (result is ObjectInstance propertyDescriptorObject)
                var propertyDescriptor = PropertyDescriptor.FromObject(propertyDescriptorObject, PropertyDescriptor.Undefined);
                if (!IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor(target.IsExtensible, propertyDescriptor, targetDescriptor))
                    throw new JavaScriptException(ErrorType.TypeError, $"'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned descriptor for property '{TypeConverter.ToString(key)}' that is incompatible with the existing property in the proxy target.");
                if (!propertyDescriptor.IsConfigurable)
                    if (!targetDescriptor.Exists || targetDescriptor.IsConfigurable)
                        throw new JavaScriptException(ErrorType.TypeError, $"'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap reported non-configurability for property '{TypeConverter.ToString(key)}' which is either non-existent or configurable in the proxy target.");
                    if (!propertyDescriptor.IsWritable && targetDescriptor.IsWritable)
                        throw new JavaScriptException(ErrorType.TypeError, $"'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap reported non-configurable and writable for property '{TypeConverter.ToString(key)}' which is non-configurable, non-writable in the proxy target.");
            else if (result == null || result == Undefined.Value)
                if (!targetDescriptor.Exists)
                if (!targetDescriptor.IsConfigurable)
                    throw new JavaScriptException(ErrorType.TypeError, $"'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned undefined for property '{TypeConverter.ToString(key)}' which is non-configurable in the proxy target.");
                if (!target.IsExtensible)
                    throw new JavaScriptException(ErrorType.TypeError, $"'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned undefined for property '{TypeConverter.ToString(key)}' which exists in the non-extensible proxy target.");
                throw new JavaScriptException(ErrorType.TypeError, $"'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned neither object nor undefined for property '{TypeConverter.ToString(key)}'.");