Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // PEDAC
            // Problem:
            // I need a program that I can hold a list of dinosours.
            // CRUD
            // Create: Add new dino
            // Read: Get lists of dino that are housed in enclosures
            // Update: Update a transfer/switch of enclosure numbers
            // Delete : remove dino from list

            // Data:
            // need a "Dino" class
            // need a list of the dinos

            // Algorithm:
            // Welcome message?
            // Show a menu of options
            // make new dino input
            // see all current dinos and current enclosed number area
            // input name of dino and change(transfer) enclosed number area
            // summary of carnivor dinos (number)
            // summary of herb dinos (number)
            // remove dino from list (find and delete)
            // quit program
            var dinos = new List <Dino>()
                new Dino {
                    Name            = "BroRex",
                    Diet            = "Herbivore",
                    WhenAcquired    = DateTime.Now,
                    Weight          = "653",
                    EnclosureNumber = 3,

                new Dino {
                    Name            = "Staggy",
                    Diet            = "Carnivore",
                    WhenAcquired    = DateTime.Now,
                    Weight          = "45621",
                    EnclosureNumber = 1,

                new Dino {
                    Name            = "Bettyaurus",
                    Diet            = "Herbivore",
                    WhenAcquired    = DateTime.Now,
                    Weight          = "750",
                    EnclosureNumber = 2,

            Console.WriteLine("Hello World! Welcome to the Jurassic Park database");

            var quitApplication = false;

            while (quitApplication == false)
                Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do today?");
                Console.WriteLine("ADD - Input new data on a new Dino");
                Console.WriteLine("VIEW - Look-up Dino data and where you can see them");
                Console.WriteLine("REMOVE - Delete a Dino from our database");
                Console.WriteLine("TRANSFER - Update Dino Enclosure number");
                Console.WriteLine("SUMMARY - Display a summary of specific Dino data");
                Console.WriteLine("QUIT - Exit the Dino database");
                Console.Write("Choice: ");
                var choice = Console.ReadLine();

                if (choice.ToUpper() == "QUIT")
                    quitApplication = true;

                if (choice.ToUpper() == "ADD")
                    Console.Write("Name: ");
                    var name = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.Write("Diet (Carnivore or Herbivore): ");
                    var diet = Console.ReadLine();

                    var whenAcquired = DateTime.Now;
                    Console.WriteLine($"When added to database: {whenAcquired}");

                    Console.Write("Weight: ");
                    var weight = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.Write("Enclosure Number: ");
                    var enclosureNumberString = Console.ReadLine();
                    var enclosurenumber       = int.Parse(enclosureNumberString);

                    var dino = new Dino()
                        Name            = name,
                        Diet            = diet,
                        WhenAcquired    = DateTime.Now,
                        Weight          = weight,
                        EnclosureNumber = enclosurenumber,


                if (choice.ToUpper() == "VIEW")
                    foreach (var dino in dinos)

                if (choice.ToUpper() == "REMOVE")
                    var foundDino = PromptAndFindDino(dinos);

                    if (foundDino != null)

                        Console.Write("Are you sure you want to delete a deceased Dino, YES or NO: ");
                        var answer = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (answer.ToUpper() == "YES")
                        Console.WriteLine($"There is no Dino to delete");

                if (choice.ToUpper() == "TRANSFER")
                    var foundDino = PromptAndFindDino(dinos);

                    if (foundDino != null)

                        Console.Write("Are you sure you want to transfer this Dino, YES or NO: ");
                        var answer = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (answer.ToUpper() == "YES")
                            Console.Write("New Enclosure Number: ");
                            var newEnclosureNumber = Console.ReadLine();

                            foundDino.EnclosureNumber = int.Parse(newEnclosureNumber);
                            Console.WriteLine($"There is no Dino found");

                if (choice.ToUpper() == "SUMMARY")

                Console.WriteLine("Have a great day!");
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Next we are going to create a List to store all the Dino information that we are going to obtain from the prompting statements we will be creating later.
            var dinoList = new List <Dino>();

            var keepGoing = true;

            // Then we are going to create a boolean statement to run a “While” loop for our program.
            while (keepGoing)

                // Next we're going to be asking the user if they wish to [V]iew, [A]dd, [R]emove, [T]ransfer, Diet [S]ummary, or [Quit] by creating a simple menu prompt.
                Console.Write("What do you want to do? [V]iew, [D]escription [A]dd, [R]emove, [T]ransfer, [S]ummary of Diet, or [Q]uit ? ");
                var choice = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                // IF QUIT
                if (choice == "Q")
                    keepGoing = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Exiting Database.... GOODBYE :)");
                // IF REMOVE
                else if (choice == "R")
                    var name = PromptForString("Who do you want to Remove?: ").ToUpper();

                    var foundDino = dinoList.FirstOrDefault(dino => dino.Name == name);

                    if (foundDino == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("I can't find that Dinosaur to delete!");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{name} has been Removed!");

                // IF TRANSFER
                else if (choice == "T")
                    var name  = PromptForString("Which Dinosaur do you wish to Transfer? ").ToUpper();
                    int index = dinoList.FindIndex(dino => name == dino.Name);

                    if (index == -1)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Could not find '{name}' in the records!");
                        var newEnclosure = PromptForInteger($"What Enclosure Number do you want to transfer {name} to? ");
                        dinoList[index].EnclosureNumber = newEnclosure;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Transfering {name} to Enclosure Number:{newEnclosure} .... DONE!");
                // IF DESCRIPTION

                else if (choice == "D")
                    if (dinoList.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var dino in dinoList)

                // IF SUMMARY
                else if (choice == "S")
                    var carns = 0;
                    var herbs = 0;

                    foreach (var dino in dinoList)
                        if (dino.DietType == "carnivore")
                        else if (dino.DietType == "herbivore")

                    Console.WriteLine($"There are {carns} Carnivores and {herbs} Herbivores.");

                // IF VIEW
                else if (choice == "V")
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to View [A]LL or by [D]ATE added? ");
                    var answer = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                    if (answer == "A")
                        foreach (var saur in dinoList)
                    else if (answer == "D")
                        foreach (var saur in dinoList)
                            var WhenAcquired = dinoList.OrderBy(dinosaur => dinosaur.WhenAcquired);
                //IF ADD
                    var dino = new Dino();
                    dino.Name            = PromptForString("What is the Dinosaur's name? ").ToUpper();
                    dino.DietType        = PromptForString("What is the Dinosaur's diet type: [Carnivore/Herbivore]? ").ToUpper();
                    dino.WhenAcquired    = DateTime.Now;
                    dino.Weight          = PromptForInteger("What is the Dinosaur's weight [in pounds]? ");
                    dino.EnclosureNumber = PromptForInteger("What is the Dinosaur's enclosure number?");

                    Console.WriteLine($"The new Dinosaur -{dino.Name}- will be added to the Database!");

Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Starting The Program
            // ||||||||||||||||||||
            // ||||||||||||||||||||


            Console.WriteLine("Hello, welcome to Caveman's High Tech Dinosaur Tracker!");
            Console.WriteLine("Modern Solutions for Prehistoric Problems");

            var runTime      = true;
            var zooDinosaurs = new List <Dinosaur>();

            // Adding Dummy Data
            // |||||||||||||||||

            zooDinosaurs.Add(new Dinosaur()
                name            = "Veloceraptor",
                dietType        = "Carnivorous",
                whenAcquired    = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1),
                weight          = 33,
                enclosureNumber = 1,
                iD = 001,
            zooDinosaurs.Add(new Dinosaur()
                name            = "Veloceraptor",
                dietType        = "Carnivorous",
                whenAcquired    = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2),
                weight          = 34,
                enclosureNumber = 1,
                iD = 002,
            zooDinosaurs.Add(new Dinosaur()
                name            = "Brontosaurus",
                dietType        = "Herbivorous",
                whenAcquired    = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6),
                weight          = 36000,
                enclosureNumber = 5,
                iD = 003,
            zooDinosaurs.Add(new Dinosaur()
                name            = "Stegosaurus",
                dietType        = "Herbivorous",
                whenAcquired    = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3),
                weight          = 6800,
                enclosureNumber = 5,
                iD = 004,

            // --------Menu----------
            // ||||||||||||||||||||||

            while (runTime == true)
                Console.WriteLine("--View-- Show all the Dinosaurs currently in Zoo and their current state.");
                Console.WriteLine("--ADD-- Add a new Dinosaur brought into the Zoo into the CHTDT Management System");
                Console.WriteLine("--Transfer-- Change a Dinosaur's listed Enclosure");
                Console.WriteLine("--Remove-- Remove a Dinosaur from the CHTDT Management System  ");
                Console.WriteLine("--Summary-- Shows the current number of Carnivores & Herbivores at the Zoo");
                Console.WriteLine("--Quit-- Exit out of the CHTDT Management System");

                string choice = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                if (choice != "VIEW" && choice != "ADD" && choice != "REMOVE" && choice != "TRANSFER" && choice != "SUMMARY" && choice != "QUIT")
                    choice = "FALSE";

                switch (choice)
                // ----View Option----
                // |||||||||||||||||||

                case "VIEW":
                    var dinosInOrder = zooDinosaurs.OrderBy(Dinosaurs => Dinosaurs.whenAcquired);
                    foreach (Dinosaur Dino in dinosInOrder)

                // ----Add Option----
                // ||||||||||||||||||

                case "ADD":
                    int tempiD = zooDinosaurs.Max(Dinosaurs => Dinosaurs.iD) + 1;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Adding new Dinosaur. His Unique ID will be {tempiD}.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please give the Dinosaurs Species' name?");
                    string tempName     = Console.ReadLine();
                    var    inputSwitch  = false;
                    string tempdietType = "unknown";

                    // While loop below checks to see if input was correct before going further

                    while (inputSwitch == false)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please give the Dinosaur's diet type?\r\nCarnivorous/Herbivorous or c/h");
                        tempdietType = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                        if (tempdietType != "C" && tempdietType != "H" && tempdietType != "CARNIVOROUS" && tempdietType != "HERBIVOROUS")
                            Console.WriteLine("User Input was not recognized. Please Try Again.");
                            inputSwitch = false;
                        else if (tempdietType == "C" || tempdietType == "CARNIVOROUS")
                            tempdietType = "Carnivorous";
                            inputSwitch  = true;
                        else if (tempdietType == "H" || tempdietType == "HERBIVOROUS")
                            tempdietType = "Herbivorous";
                            inputSwitch  = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("Please give the Dinosaur's weight in pounds? ");
                    var tempweight = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.WriteLine("Please give the EnclosureNumber the Dinosaur will be housed?");
                    var      tempEnclosureNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    DateTime tempDateTime        = DateTime.Now;

                    // Data has been gathered, time to create and add new Dinosaur

                    Console.WriteLine($"{tempName} ID: {tempiD} has been successfully created!");
                    zooDinosaurs.Add(new Dinosaur()
                        name            = tempName,
                        dietType        = tempdietType,
                        whenAcquired    = DateTime.Now,
                        weight          = tempweight,
                        enclosureNumber = tempEnclosureNumber,
                        iD = tempiD,

                // ----Remove Option----
                // |||||||||||||||||||||

                case "REMOVE":
                    Console.WriteLine("Which Dinosaur do you want removed");
                    var nameGiven           = Console.ReadLine();
                    var nameThatWasSearched = new List <Dinosaur>();
                    nameThatWasSearched.AddRange(zooDinosaurs.Where(Dinosaur => Dinosaur.name == nameGiven));

                    // Adventure Mode Implemented; if more than one name is returned, we prompt for specification before we remove correct Dinosaur using their ID property

                    if (nameThatWasSearched.Count() == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine($"The Listed Dinosaur {nameGiven} was not found.");
                    else if (nameThatWasSearched.Count() == 1)
                        zooDinosaurs.RemoveAt(zooDinosaurs.FindIndex(Dinosaur => Dinosaur.name.Contains(nameGiven)));
                    else if (nameThatWasSearched.Count() > 1)
                        // Gives Option to specify which Dino if more than one Dino Found

                        Console.WriteLine($"There was more than one Dinosaurs named {nameGiven}. Which one are you looking for?");
                        int counter       = 1;
                        var listOfChoices = new List <int>();
                        foreach (Dinosaur dinosaur in nameThatWasSearched)
                            Console.WriteLine("{" + $"{counter}" + "}" + $"-----------ID: {dinosaur.iD}-----------Name: {dinosaur.name}---------");
                        Console.Write("Choose Options:");
                        foreach (int options in listOfChoices)
                            Console.Write($"     " + "{" + $"{options}" + "}");
                        var optionChosen = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        // Space for "if input was wrong input, loop back"

                        zooDinosaurs.RemoveAt(zooDinosaurs.FindIndex(Dinosaur => Dinosaur.iD == nameThatWasSearched[optionChosen - 1].iD));

                // ----Transfer Option (similar to Remove Option----
                // |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

                case "TRANSFER":
                    Console.WriteLine("Which Dinosaur do you want to Transfer?");
                    var nameGiven2           = Console.ReadLine();
                    var nameThatWasSearched2 = new List <Dinosaur>();
                    nameThatWasSearched2.AddRange(zooDinosaurs.Where(Dinosaur => Dinosaur.name == nameGiven2));

                    int iDOfNameGiven = 0;

                    if (nameThatWasSearched2.Count() == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine($"The Listed Dinosaur {nameGiven2} was not found.");
                    else if (nameThatWasSearched2.Count() == 1)
                        iDOfNameGiven = zooDinosaurs.First(Dinosaur => Dinosaur.name == nameGiven2).iD;
                    else if (nameThatWasSearched2.Count() > 1)
                        Console.WriteLine($"There was more than one Dinosaurs named {nameGiven2}. Which one are you looking for?");
                        int counter       = 1;
                        var listOfChoices = new List <int>();
                        foreach (Dinosaur dinosaur in nameThatWasSearched2)
                            Console.WriteLine("{" + $"{counter}" + "}" + $"-----------ID: {dinosaur.iD}-----------Name: {dinosaur.name}---------");
                        Console.Write("Choose Options:");
                        foreach (int options in listOfChoices)
                            Console.Write($"     " + "{" + $"{options}" + "}");
                        var optionChosen2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        iDOfNameGiven = zooDinosaurs.First(Dinosaur => Dinosaur.iD == nameThatWasSearched2[optionChosen2 - 1].iD).iD;
                    if (nameThatWasSearched2.Count() != 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Which Enclosure are you transfering the Dinosaur into?");
                        var enclosureTransfer = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        zooDinosaurs.First(Dinosaur => Dinosaur.iD == iDOfNameGiven).enclosureNumber = enclosureTransfer;

                // ----Summary Option----
                // ||||||||||||||||||||||

                case "SUMMARY":
                    int herbDinos = zooDinosaurs.Where(Dinosaurs => Dinosaurs.dietType == "Herbivorous").Count();
                    int carnDinos = zooDinosaurs.Where(zooDinosaurs => zooDinosaurs.dietType == "Carnivorous").Count();
                    Console.WriteLine($"Currently, there are {herbDinos} Herbivores at the Zoo.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Also, There are {carnDinos} Carnivores at the Zoo.");


                // ----Quit Option----
                // |||||||||||||||||||

                case "QUIT":
                    runTime = false;

                // ----Wrong Input Option----
                // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||

                case "FALSE":
                    Console.WriteLine("User Input was not recognized. Please Try Again.");
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create new dinos list hold the values of a dino
            var dinos = new List <Dino>();

            // display welcome

            // create bool statement to determine if prog cont.
            var contProg = true;

            // create loop to decide next step depending on the user input
            while (contProg)
                // create menu like prompt
                // "Choose from the menu. [V]eiw the two types of dinos. [A]dd new dino.
                // [R]emove a dino. [T]ransfer a dino. [S]ummary to display how many dinos.
                // [Q]uit.
                Console.WriteLine("Menu options: [V]iew, [A]dd, [R]emove, [T]ransfer, [S]ummary, [Q]uit.");
                // read response
                var answer = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                // covert to switch statement to clean up???

                switch (answer)
                //  if input = Q
                case "Q":
                    //  bool = false // exit
                    contProg = false;

                // if input = V
                case "V":
                    // foreach dinosaur in list
                    var WhenAcquired = dinos.OrderBy(monster => monster.WhenAcquired);
                    foreach (var monster in WhenAcquired)
                        // Console.WriteLine("{name} is a {diet type}. I was received on {date.time}. It weights {weight}.
                        // It is located at {enclosure number}")

                // else if input = A
                case "A":

                    //   prompt name
                    //   prompt diet
                    //   prompt when acquired
                    //   prompt weighta
                    //   prompt enclosure number

                    var dino = new Dino();

                    // create prompt for getting the dino Name
                    dino.Name = PromptForString("What is the Dinosaurs name?");
                    // create prompt for getting the dino DietType
                    dino.DietType = PromptForString("Is it a [C]arnivore or a [H]erbivore");
                    // create prompt that logs the current date and time
                    dino.WhenAcquired = DateTime.Now;
                    // create prompt for getting the dino Weight
                    dino.Weight = PromptForInterger("How much does the dinosaur weight in lbs? ");
                    // create prompt for getting the dino EnclosureNumber
                    dino.EnclosureNumber = PromptForInterger("What pen number is the dinosaur be held?");
                    // define dino.DinoDescription from the input from the user
                    // dino.DinoDescription = ($"NAME: {dino.Name}. TYPE: {dino.DietType}. ACQUIRED: {dino.WhenAcquired}. WEIGHT: {dino.Weight}lbs. LOCATED IN PEN #{dino.EnclosureNumber}");

                    // add the collections of values to the list


                // else if input = T
                case "T":

                    //   var dinoTransfer = prompt string for "what dino do you want to transfer?"
                    var name = PromptForString("The name of the dinosaur you want to transfer: ");
                    //   var dinoToTransfer = monster by name in monster list with the name equal to
                    //    the name to be transferred
                    Dino foundDino = dinos.FirstOrDefault(dino => dino.Name == name);

                    if (foundDino == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("There are no dinosaurs here by that name");
                        //   else newPenNum = prompt for string "what is {dinoToTransfer}'s new pen number?"
                        var newEnclosureNum = PromptForInterger($"What is {name}'s new Enclosure number?");

                        //   dinoTransfer.EnclosureNum = newPenNum
                        foundDino.EnclosureNumber = newEnclosureNum;


                // else if input = R
                case "R":

                    //   var dinoRemove = prompt string for "What dino are you looking for?"
                    var dinoToRemove = PromptForString("What is the name of the dinosaur that you want remove?");
                    //   var dinoToRemove = dino by name in dino list with the name equal to the name to be deleted
                    Dino foundDinoToRemove = dinos.FirstOrDefault(dino => dino.Name == dinoToRemove);

                    //   if false/null
                    if (foundDinoToRemove == null)
                        //   return no dino by that name
                        Console.WriteLine("There are no dinosaurs by that name");
                        //   else dino.remove dino to be deleted
                        //   write dino was removed
                        Console.WriteLine($"{dinoToRemove} has been removed");


                // else if input = S
                case "S":

                    // carnivore is equal to the count of inputs "c" in dino.DietType
                    var carnivore = dinos.Where(dino => dino.DietType == "c").Count();
                    // carnivore is equal to the count of inputs "h" in dino.DietType
                    var herbivore = dinos.Where(dino => dino.DietType == "h").Count();

                    var dinoType = $"There are {carnivore} Carnivore[s] and {herbivore} Herbivore[s]";

