private string encodeKeywords(string script)
            // escape high-ascii values already in the script (i.e. in strings)
            if (Encoding == PackerEncoding.HighAscii)
                script = escape95(script);
            // create the parser
            ParseMaster  parser = new ParseMaster();
            EncodeMethod encode = getEncoder(Encoding);

            // for high-ascii, don't encode single character low-ascii
            Regex regex = new Regex(
                (Encoding == PackerEncoding.HighAscii) ? "\\w\\w+" : "\\w+"

            // build the word list
            encodingLookup = analyze(script, regex, encode);

            // encode
            parser.Add((Encoding == PackerEncoding.HighAscii) ? "\\w\\w+" : "\\w+", encodeWithLookup);

            // if encoded, wrap the script in a decoding function
            return((script == string.Empty) ? "" : bootStrap(parser.Exec(script), encodingLookup));
        //zero encoding - just removal of whitespace and comments
        private string basicCompression(string script)
            ParseMaster parser = new ParseMaster();

            // make safe
            parser.EscapeChar = '\\';
            // protect strings
            parser.Add("'[^'\\n\\r]*'", IGNORE);
            parser.Add("\"[^\"\\n\\r]*\"", IGNORE);
            // remove comments
            // protect regular expressions
            parser.Add("\\s+(\\/[^\\/\\n\\r\\*][^\\/\\n\\r]*\\/g?i?)", "$2");
            parser.Add("[^\\w\\$\\/'\"*)\\?:]\\/[^\\/\\n\\r\\*][^\\/\\n\\r]*\\/g?i?", IGNORE);
            // remove: ;;; doSomething();
            if (specialChars)
            // remove redundant semi-colons
            parser.Add(";+\\s*([};])", "$2");
            // remove white-space
            parser.Add("(\\b|\\$)\\s+(\\b|\\$)", "$2 $3");
            parser.Add("([+\\-])\\s+([+\\-])", "$2 $3");
            // done
        private string encodeSpecialChars(string script)
            ParseMaster parser = new ParseMaster();

            // replace: $name -> n, $$name -> na
            parser.Add("((\\$+)([a-zA-Z\\$_]+))(\\d*)", encodeLocalVars);

            // replace: _name -> _0, double-underscore (__name) is ignored
            Regex regex = new Regex("\\b_[A-Za-z\\d]\\w*");

            // build the word list
            encodingLookup = analyze(script, regex, encodePrivate);

            parser.Add("\\b_[A-Za-z\\d]\\w*", encodeWithLookup);

            script = parser.Exec(script);