Exemple #1
        public static int UpNewOrder(int _ID, string[] FieldValues, string DetailsSQL)
            string Sql = "";

            if (_ID > 0)
                Sql = Sql + " UPDATE InterPhoneOrder_Info SET OrderNo='" + FieldValues.GetValue(1)
                      + "',Description='" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                      + ",Isfinish=" + FieldValues.GetValue(4);
                Sql = Sql + " WHERE ID=" + _ID + "" + ";";

                Sql += " ;";
                Sql = Sql + " Insert Into InterPhoneOrder_Info (TableRecGuid"
                      + ", OrderNo"
                      + ", OrderDate"
                      + ", OrganID"
                      + ", OrderUserID"
                      + ", Description"
                      + ", Isfinish)"
                      + " Values('" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'"
                      + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                      + ",GetDate()"
                      + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                      + ",'" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString() + "'"
                      + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"

                      + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + ")";
                Sql = Sql + " ;";
            Sql = Sql + DetailsSQL;
Exemple #2
        public static int UpdateSingleSendOut(int _ID, string[] FieldValues, string DetailsSQL)
            string sSqlText = "begin";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity + b.Quantity "
                        + ", ToolStock_Info.SendOutQuantity=ToolStock_Info.SendOutQuantity - b.Quantity"
                        + " From (Select ToolID, Sum(Quantity) As Quantity From SendOutDetails_Info a, SendOut_Info b where a.SendOutID=b.Id  "
                        + " And b.TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "' and b.ApprovalStatus=1 And b.Status=0 Group By ToolID) b "
                        + " Where ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ";";

            if (_ID > 0)
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " UPDATE SendOut_Info SET SendOutNo='" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",Description='" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",ApprovalStatus='" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " WHERE ID=" + _ID + "" + ";";

                sSqlText += " ;";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " Insert Into SendOut_Info (TableRecGuid"
                           + ", SendOutNo"
                           + ", SendOutDate"
                           + ", SendOutOrganID"
                           + ", AcceptOrganID"
                           + ", SendOutUserID"
                           + ", Description"
                           + ", ApprovalStatus)"
                           + " Values('" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",GetDate()"
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(2)
                           + ",'" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString() + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "')";
                sSqlText += " ;";
            sSqlText = sSqlText + DetailsSQL;

            sSqlText += " Insert Into ToolStock_Info (OrganID, ToolID, Quantity)"
                        + " (Select distinct " + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ", ToolID, 0 From SendOutDetails_Info Where Status=0 "
                        + " And SendOutID In (Select ID From SendOut_Info Where Status=0 And IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1 And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "')"
                        + " And ToolID not in (Select ToolID From ToolStock_Info Where OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + "));";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity - b.Quantity "
                        + ", ToolStock_Info.SendOutQuantity=ToolStock_Info.SendOutQuantity + b.Quantity"
                        + " From (Select ToolID, Sum(Quantity) As Quantity From SendOutDetails_Info a, SendOut_Info b where a.SendOutID=b.Id  "
                        + " And b.TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'and b.ApprovalStatus=1 And b.Status=0 Group By ToolID) b "
                        + " Where ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ";";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStockDetail_Info Set ToolStockDetail_Info.ToolStatus=7 From "
                        + " SendOutDetails_Info b where b.SendOutID In (Select ID From SendOut_Info Where Status=0 And IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1 And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "') and ToolStockDetail_Info.ID=b.ToolDetailID"
                        + " And ToolStockDetail_Info.OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID() + ";";

            sSqlText += " end;";
Exemple #3
        public static bool UserLogin(string sOpCode, string sPassword, System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState hsSession)
            bool          bSuccess = false;
            SqlDataReader sda      = GetUserLogin(sOpCode, sPassword);

            if (sda.Read())
                UserInfo info = new UserInfo();
                info.UserID = int.Parse(sda["ID"].ToString());
                info.OpGuid = sda["Guid"].ToString();
                info.OpCode = sda["OpCode"].ToString();
                info.OpName = sda["OpName"].ToString();
                //info.UserRolePurview = GetPurviewByUserID(info.UserID);
                info.Purview   = info.UserRolePurview;
                info.UserRoles = sda["UserRoles"].ToString();
                info.IsAdmin   = sda["IsAdmin"].ToString() == "1";
                if (sda["LastDate"].ToString().Length > 0)
                    info.LastDate = DateTime.Parse(sda["LastDate"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss");
                //info.PurviewSystemID = 0;
                info.LastIp           = sda["LastIP"].ToString();
                info.LastComputerName = sda["LastComputerName"].ToString();
                if (sda["OrganID"].ToString().Length > 0)
                    info.OrganID = SysClass.SysOrgan.GetWorkShopByOrganID(int.Parse(sda["OrganID"].ToString()));
                    info.OrganID = SysClass.SysOrgan.GetTopOrganID(0);

                // string IP = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;//获取客户端电脑IP
                string IP = "";
                System.Net.IPAddress[] addressList = Dns.GetHostByName(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList;
                IP = addressList[0].ToString();
                string ComputerName;
                ComputerName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();  //获取本地计算机的主机名

                SysLogs.CreateUserLogin(info.UserID, info.OpCode, info.OpName, "用户登录系统。", IP, ComputerName);

                SysClass.SysGlobal.CurrentUserOrganID = SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID();

                bSuccess = true;
Exemple #4
        public static int UpdateToolTestInfo(int ToolDetailID, int TestUserID, string TestCode, int TestStatus, string Description)
            string sSqlText = "begin";

            sSqlText += " Insert Into ToolTest_Info (ToolDetailID, TestCode, TestDate, TestStatus, Description, TestUserID, OrganID, CreateUserID) "
                        + " Values(" + ToolDetailID.ToString() + ", '" + TestCode.ToString() + "', GetDate()," + TestStatus.ToString()
                        + ",'" + Description + "' ," + TestUserID.ToString() + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                        + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString()
                        + "); ";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStockDetail_Info Set TestCode='" + TestCode + "', TestStatus=" + TestStatus.ToString() + ", TestDate=GetDate() Where ID=" + ToolDetailID.ToString() + ";";

            sSqlText += " end;";
Exemple #5
        public static SqlDataReader GetWhereServiceStockDetailToolLstByReader(int CategoryID, string WhereSQL)
            string sSQL = "Select c.*, a.ID as ToolDetailID, a.ToolCode, a.TestCode, IsNull(b.ServiceQuantity, 0) As StockQuantity, 0 As OldQuantity, b.StorageLocation from ToolStockDetail_Info a "
                          + " left join ToolStock_Info b on b.Status=0 And a.ToolID=b.ToolID And b.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                          + " left join Tool_Info c on c.Status=0 And a.ToolID=c.ID "
                          + " Where c.ToolType=" + _NomalToolType.ToString()
                          + " And a.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + " And a.Status=0" + WhereSQL;

            if (CategoryID > 0)
                sSQL = sSQL + " And c.CategoryID=" + CategoryID.ToString();
            sSQL = sSQL + " Order By a.SortID";

Exemple #6
        public static int UpdateSingleToolOrder(int _ID, string[] FieldValues, string DetailsSQL)
            string sSqlText = "begin";

            if (_ID > 0)
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " UPDATE ToolOrder_Info SET OrderNo='" + FieldValues.GetValue(1)
                           + "',OrderType=" + FieldValues.GetValue(2)
                           + ",Description='" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",ApprovalStatus='" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'"
                           + ",TotalAmount=" + FieldValues.GetValue(5);
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " WHERE ID=" + _ID + "" + ";";

                sSqlText += " ;";
                //sSqlText += " if not exists(Select OrganID, PurchaseYear From PurchaseCredit_Info Where OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                //    + " And PurchaseYear=year(getdate()))"
                //    + " begin"
                //    + "   Insert Into PurchaseCredit_Info (OrganID, PurchaseYear) Values (" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ", year(getdate()));"
                //    + " end;";

                sSqlText = sSqlText + " Insert Into ToolOrder_Info (TableRecGuid"
                           + ", OrderNo"
                           + ", OrderDate"
                           + ", OrderType"
                           + ", OrganID"
                           + ", OrderUserID"
                           + ", Description"
                           + ", ApprovalStatus"
                           + ", TotalAmount)"
                           + " Values('" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",GetDate()"
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(2)
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                           + ",'" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString() + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'"
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(5) + ")";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " ;";
            sSqlText = sSqlText + DetailsSQL
                       + " end;";
Exemple #7
        public static int UpUserInspection(int _ID, string[] FieldValues, string Sql)
            string sSqlText = "";

            if (_ID > 0)
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " UPDATE InterPhoneCarry_Info SET ConsumeNo='" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",ConsumeUserID=" + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + ",Description='" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",ServiceID='" + FieldValues.GetValue(5) + "'"
                           + ",ApprovalStatus='" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " WHERE ID=" + _ID + "" + ";";

                sSqlText = sSqlText + Sql + " ;";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " Insert Into InterPhoneCarry_Info (TableRecGuid"
                           + ", ConsumeNo"
                           + ", ConsumeType"
                           + ", ConsumeDate"
                           + ", OrganID"
                           + ", ConsumeUserID"
                           + ", CreateUserID"
                           + ", ServiceID"
                           + ", Description"
                           + ", ApprovalStatus)"
                           + " Values('" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + "," + ConsumeType_ConsumeValue.ToString()
                           + ",GetDate()"
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString() + ""
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(5) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + ")";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + Sql + " ;";

Exemple #8
        public static int UpdateSinglePurchaseOrder(int _ID, string[] FieldValues, string DetailsSQL)
            string sSqlText = "begin";

            if (_ID > 0)
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " UPDATE PurchaseOrder_Info SET OrderNo='" + FieldValues.GetValue(1)
                           + "',SupplierID=" + FieldValues.GetValue(2)
                           + ",Description='" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",ApprovalStatus='" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'"
                           + ",TotalAmount=" + FieldValues.GetValue(5);
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " WHERE ID=" + _ID + "" + ";";

                sSqlText += " ;";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " Insert Into PurchaseOrder_Info (TableRecGuid"
                           + ", OrderNo"
                           + ", OrderDate"
                           + ", SupplierID"
                           + ", OrderOrganID"
                           + ", OrderUserID"
                           + ", Description"
                           + ", ApprovalStatus"
                           + ", TotalAmount)"
                           + " Values('" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",GetDate()"
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(2)
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                           + ",'" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString() + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'"
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(5) + ")";
                sSqlText += " ;";
            sSqlText = sSqlText + DetailsSQL
                       + " end;";
Exemple #9
        public static int UpdateSingleInventory(int _InventoryID, string[] FieldValues, string DetailsSQL)
            string sSqlText = "begin";

            if (_InventoryID > 0)
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " UPDATE Inventory_Info SET InventoryNo='" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",InventoryUserID=" + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + ",Description='" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",ApprovalStatus='" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " WHERE ID=" + _InventoryID + "" + ";";

                sSqlText += " ;";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " Insert Into Inventory_Info (TableRecGuid"
                           + ", InventoryNo"
                           + ", InventoryDate"
                           + ", OrganID"
                           + ", InventoryUserID"
                           + ", CreateUserID"
                           + ", Description"
                           + ", ApprovalStatus)"
                           + " Values('" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",GetDate()"
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString() + ""
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + ")";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " ;";
            sSqlText = sSqlText + DetailsSQL
                       + " end;";
Exemple #10
        public static DataSet GetBorrowDetailsLstByDataSet(int OrganID, string WhereSQL)
            string sSQL = "Select a.* , DateDiff(Day, ConsumeDate, GetDate()) As Day, b.ToolID, b.Quantity, c.ToolNo, c.ToolName, c.AliasesName, c.Specification, c.MaterialCode,c.Unit "
                          + ", IsNull(d.OrganName,'') as OrganName, IsNull(e.OpName, '') as ConsumeOpName"
                          + " from Consume_Info a"
                          + " left join SysOrgan_Info d on d.Status=0 And d.ID=a.OrganID"
                          + " left join SysUser_Info e on e.Status=0 And e.ID=a.ConsumeUserID"
                          + ", ConsumeDetails_Info b "
                          + " left join Tool_Info c on c.Status=0 And c.ToolType=" + SysClass.SysTool._NomalToolType.ToString() + " and b.ToolID=c.ID"
                          + " Where IsNull(a.OrganID,0)=" + OrganID.ToString() + " And a.ID=b.ConsumeID And a.ConsumeType=" + SysClass.SysBorrow.ConsumeType_BorrowValue.ToString()
                          + " And a.Status=0 And DateDiff(Day, ConsumeDate, GetDate())>" + GetBorrowValueByOrganID(SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID()).ToString()
                          + WhereSQL;

            sSQL = sSQL + " Order By a.ConsumeDate";

Exemple #11
        public static int UpdateToolInitInfo(int _ToolID, int _OrganID, int InitQuantity, string StorageLocation, string Description)
            string sSql = "if Exists(Select 1 from ToolStock_Info Where ToolID=" + _ToolID.ToString() + " And OrganID=" + _OrganID.ToString() + ")";

            sSql += "  begin";

            sSql += " update ToolStock_Info Set Quantity=IsNull(Quantity,0) -InitQuantity Where ToolID=" + _ToolID.ToString() + " And OrganID=" + _OrganID.ToString() + " ";

            sSql += " update ToolStock_Info Set InitQuantity='" + InitQuantity.ToString() + "', StorageLocation='" + StorageLocation.ToString()
                    + "'  ,Quantity=IsNull(Quantity,0) + " + InitQuantity.ToString() + ", Description='" + Description + "' Where ToolID=" + _ToolID.ToString() + " And OrganID=" + _OrganID.ToString() + " ";

            sSql += "end "
                    + " else "
                    + " begin ";

            sSql += " Insert into ToolStock_Info (ToolID,OrganID, InitQuantity, Quantity, StorageLocation, Description) Values(" + _ToolID.ToString()
                    + ", " + _OrganID.ToString() + ", " + InitQuantity.ToString()
                    + ", " + InitQuantity.ToString() + ", '" + StorageLocation.ToString()
                    + "', '" + Description.ToString() + "') "
                    + " end; ";

            if (GetIsCodeByToolID(_ToolID))
                int    _OldInitQuantity = GetInitQuantityByReader(_OrganID, _ToolID);
                string _ToolNo          = GetToolNoByToolID(_ToolID);
                int    _ToolMax         = GetMaxNumByToolID(_ToolID);
                for (int i = 1; i <= InitQuantity - _OldInitQuantity; i++)
                    sSql += " Insert Into ToolStockDetail_Info (OrganID, ToolID, ToolCode) Values(" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                            + "," + _ToolID.ToString() + ",'" + GetToolCodeByToolNo(_ToolNo, _ToolMax + i) + "');";
                sSql += GetUpdateAddNumSQL(_ToolID, InitQuantity);

Exemple #12
        public static DataSet GetBackTestDetailsLstByDataSet(int BackTestID, string WhereSQL)
            string sSQL = "Select a.*, b.ToolNo, b.ToolName, b.AliasesName,"
                          + " b.Specification, b.MaterialCode,b.Unit, IsNull(c.TestQuantity,0) As StockQuantity, a.Quantity As OldQuantity "
                          + ", c.StorageLocation, d.ToolCode, d.TestCode"
                          + " from BackTestDetails_Info a "
                          + " left join Tool_Info b on b.Status=0 And b.ToolType=" + SysClass.SysTool._NomalToolType.ToString() + " and a.ToolID=b.ID"
                          + " left Join ToolStock_Info c on c.Status=0 And c.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + " and c.ToolID=a.ToolID"
                          + " left join ToolStockDetail_Info d on d.Status=0 And a.ToolDetailID=d.ID"
                          + " Where IsNull(a.BackTestID,0)=" + BackTestID.ToString()
                          + " And a.Status=0" + WhereSQL;

            sSQL = sSQL + " Order By b.ToolNo";

Exemple #13
        public static int UpdateApprovalToolOut(string MainTableName, string IDs, int ApprovalStatus, string Description)
            string sSqlText = "begin";

            sSqlText += " Insert Into ApprovalLog_Info (MainTableName, MainID, ApprovalStatus, ApprovalUserID, ApprovalTime, Description) "
                        + " (Select '" + MainTableName + "', ID, " + ApprovalStatus.ToString() + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString()
                        + ", GetDate(), '" + Description + "' From ToolOut_info Where Status=0 And ID In (" + IDs + ")); ";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolOut_info Set ApprovalStatus=" + ApprovalStatus.ToString()
                        + " Where Status=0  And ID In (" + IDs + ");";

            if (ApprovalStatus == ToolOut_ApprovalIsOK)
                sSqlText += " Insert Into ToolStock_Info (OrganID, ToolID, Quantity)"
                            + " (Select distinct " + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ", ToolID, 0 From ToolOutDetails_Info Where Status=0 "
                            + " And ToolOutID In (" + IDs.ToString() + ")"
                            + " And ToolID not in (Select ToolID From ToolStock_Info Where OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + "));";

                sSqlText += " Update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity - b.Quantity "
                            + ", ToolStock_Info.ToolOutQuantity=ToolStock_Info.ToolOutQuantity + b.Quantity"
                            + " From (Select ToolID, Sum(Quantity) As Quantity From ToolOutDetails_Info where "
                            + " ToolOutID in (" + IDs.ToString() + ") Group By ToolID) b "
                            + " Where ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ";";

                sSqlText += " Update ToolStockDetail_Info Set ToolStockDetail_Info.ToolStatus=8 From "
                            + " ToolOutDetails_Info b where b.ToolOutID In (" + IDs.ToString() + ") and ToolStockDetail_Info.ID=b.ToolDetailID"
                            + " And ToolStockDetail_Info.OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID() + ";";

                //sSqlText += " update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity-b.Quantity "
                //    + ", ToolStock_Info.ToolOutQuantity=ToolStock_Info.ToolOutQuantity + b.Quantity"
                //    + " From "
                //    + " (select a.ToolID, Sum(a.Quantity) As Quantity From ToolOutDetails_Info a, ToolOut_Info b "
                //    + " where a.ToolOutID=b.ID And IsNull(b.ApprovalStatus,0)=1 And b.ID in (" + IDs.ToString() + ")"
                //    + " group by a.ToolID) b where  ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID";

            sSqlText += " end;";
Exemple #14
        public static DataSet GetAllinter(int modeID, int OrganID)
            string Ssql = "select a.*,b.ConsumeNo,c.SerialNum,d.Specification,d.AliasesName,e.OrganName "
                          + " from InterPhoneCarryDetail_Info a "
                          + " left join InterPhoneCarry_Info b on a.ApplyListID=b.ID "
                          + " left join Interphone_Info c on a.InterID=c.ID "
                          + " left join Tool_Info d on c.ModeID=D.ID "
                          + " left join SysOrgan_Info e on c.OrgainID=e.ID"
                          + " where b.ApprovalStatus=1  and a.IsReturn=1 And b.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString();

            if (modeID > 0)
                Ssql = Ssql + " and c.ModeID=" + modeID + "";
            Ssql = Ssql + Ssql;
Exemple #15
        public static DataSet GetSendOutDetailsLstByDataSet(int _SendOutID, string WhereSQL)
            string sSQL = "select a.*, b.ToolNo, b.ToolName, b.AliasesName, b.Specification"
                          + " , b.MaterialCode, b.Unit, c.StorageLocation, IsNull(c.Quantity, 0) As StockQuantity, 0 As OldQuantity "
                          + ", d.ToolCode, d.TestCode"
                          + "  from SendOutDetails_Info a"
                          + " left join Tool_Info b on b.Status=0 And a.ToolID=b.ID"
                          + " left join ToolStock_Info c on c.Status=0 And c.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + " And b.ID=c.ToolID"
                          + " left join ToolStockDetail_Info d on d.Status=0 And d.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + " And d.ID=a.ToolDetailID"
                          + " Where a.Status=0 " + WhereSQL;

            if (_SendOutID > 0)
                sSQL += " And IsNull(a.SendOutID,0)=" + _SendOutID.ToString();

            sSQL = sSQL + " Order By b.ToolNo";

Exemple #16
        public static int UpdateDeliveryShiping(string MainTableName, string DeliveryIDs, int ShipingStatus, string Description)
            string sSqlText = "begin";

            string sWhereSQL = "And IsNull(a.DeliveryID,0) in (" + DeliveryIDs + ") And IsNull(b.IsCode,0)=1";

            SqlDataReader sdr = GetDeliveryDetailsLstByReader(sWhereSQL);

            while (sdr.Read())
                int _ToolID   = int.Parse(sdr["ToolID"].ToString());
                int _Quantity = int.Parse(sdr["Quantity"].ToString());
                if (SysTool.GetIsCodeByToolID(_ToolID))
                    string _ToolNo  = SysTool.GetToolNoByToolID(_ToolID);
                    int    _ToolMax = SysTool.GetMaxNumByToolID(_ToolID);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= _Quantity; i++)
                        sSqlText += " Insert Into ToolStockDetail_Info (OrganID, DeliveryID, ToolID, ToolCode) Values(" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                                    + "," + sdr["DeliveryID"].ToString() + "," + _ToolID.ToString() + ",'" + SysTool.GetToolCodeByToolNo(_ToolNo, _ToolMax + i) + "');";
                    sSqlText += SysTool.GetUpdateAddNumSQL(_ToolID, _Quantity);

            sSqlText += " Insert Into ApprovalLog_Info (MainTableName, MainID, ApprovalStatus, ApprovalUserID, ApprovalTime, Description) "
                        + " (Select '" + MainTableName + "', ID, " + ShipingStatus.ToString() + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString()
                        + ", GetDate(), '" + Description + "' From Delivery_Info Where Status=0 And ShipingStatus=1 And ID In (" + DeliveryIDs + ")); ";

            sSqlText += " Update Delivery_Info Set ShipingStatus=" + ShipingStatus.ToString()
                        + " Where Status=0 And ShipingStatus=1 And ID In (" + DeliveryIDs + ");";

            sSqlText += " Update PurchaseOrderDetails_Info Set DeliveryDetailID=DeliveryDetails_Info.ID, ShipingStatus=" + ShipingStatus.ToString()
                        + " From DeliveryDetails_Info Where DeliveryDetails_Info.DeliveryID in (Select ID From Delivery_Info Where ID in (" + DeliveryIDs + ")) "
                        + " And PurchaseOrderDetails_Info.ToolID=DeliveryDetails_Info.ToolID"
                        + " And PurchaseOrderDetails_Info.DeliveryDetailID>0;";

            sSqlText += " Insert Into ToolStock_Info (OrganID, ToolID, Quantity)"
                        + " (Select " + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ", ToolID, 0 From DeliveryDetails_Info Where Status=0 "
                        + " And DeliveryID In (" + DeliveryIDs + ")"
                        + " And ToolID not in (Select ToolID From ToolStock_Info Where OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ") Group By ToolID);";

            sSqlText += " update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity+b.Quantity "
                        + " From (Select ToolID, Sum(Quantity) As Quantity From DeliveryDetails_Info where DeliveryID In (" + DeliveryIDs + ") Group By ToolID) b Where ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID"
                        + " And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID() + ";";

            sSqlText += " end;";
Exemple #17
        public static int UpdateSingleBorrow(int _BorrowID, string[] FieldValues, string DetailsSQL)
            string sSqlText = "begin";

            //sSqlText += " update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity+b.Quantity "
            //    + ", ToolStock_Info.BorrowQuantity=ToolStock_Info.BorrowQuantity - b.Quantity"
            //    + " From ConsumeDetails_Info b where b.consumeID In (Select ID From Consume_Info Where Status=0 "
            //    + " And IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1 And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "') and ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID;";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity + b.Quantity "
                        + ", ToolStock_Info.BorrowQuantity=ToolStock_Info.BorrowQuantity - b.Quantity"
                        + " From (Select ToolID, Sum(Quantity) As Quantity From ConsumeDetails_Info a, Consume_Info b where a.consumeID=b.Id  "
                        + " And b.TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "' and b.ApprovalStatus=1 And b.Status=0 Group By ToolID) b "
                        + " Where ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ";";

            if (_BorrowID > 0)
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " UPDATE Consume_Info SET ConsumeNo='" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",ConsumeUserID=" + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + ",Description='" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",ApprovalStatus='" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " WHERE ID=" + _BorrowID + "" + ";";

                sSqlText += " ;";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " Insert Into Consume_Info (TableRecGuid"
                           + ", ConsumeNo"
                           + ", ConsumeType"
                           + ", ConsumeDate"
                           + ", OrganID"
                           + ", ConsumeUserID"
                           + ", CreateUserID"
                           + ", Description"
                           + ", ApprovalStatus)"
                           + " Values('" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + "," + ConsumeType_BorrowValue.ToString()
                           + ",GetDate()"
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString() + ""
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + ")";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " ;";
            sSqlText = sSqlText + DetailsSQL;

            sSqlText += " Insert Into ToolStock_Info (OrganID, ToolID, Quantity)"
                        + " (Select distinct " + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ", ToolID, 0 From ConsumeDetails_Info Where Status=0 "
                        + " And ConsumeID In (Select ID From Consume_Info Where Status=0 And IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1 And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "')"
                        + " And ToolID not in (Select ToolID From ToolStock_Info Where OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + "));";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity - b.Quantity "
                        + ", ToolStock_Info.BorrowQuantity=ToolStock_Info.BorrowQuantity + b.Quantity"
                        + " From (Select ToolID, Sum(Quantity) As Quantity From ConsumeDetails_Info a, Consume_Info b where a.consumeID=b.Id  "
                        + " And b.TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'and b.ApprovalStatus=1 And b.Status=0 Group By ToolID) b "
                        + " Where ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ";";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStockDetail_Info Set ToolStockDetail_Info.ToolStatus=2 From "
                        + " ConsumeDetails_Info b where b.consumeID In (Select ID From Consume_Info Where Status=0 And IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1 And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "') and ToolStockDetail_Info.ID=b.ToolDetailID"
                        + " And ToolStockDetail_Info.OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID() + ";";

            //sSqlText += " update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity-b.Quantity "
            //    + ", ToolStock_Info.BorrowQuantity=ToolStock_Info.BorrowQuantity + b.Quantity"
            //    + " From ConsumeDetails_Info b where b.consumeID In (Select ID From Consume_Info Where Status=0 And IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1 "
            //    + " And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "') and ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID"
            //    + " And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID() + ";";

            sSqlText += " end;";
Exemple #18
        public static SqlDataReader GetSendOutDetailsLstByReader(string WhereSQL)
            string sSQL = "Select a.SendOutID, a.ToolID, b.ToolNo, b.ToolName, b.AliasesName"
                          + " , c.StorageLocation, IsNull(c.Quantity, 0) As StockQuantity"
                          + " , 0 As OldQuantity, b.Specification, b.MaterialCode, b.Unit, a.Quantity"
                          + " from SendOutDetails_Info a"
                          + " left join Tool_Info b on b.Status=0 and a.ToolID=b.ID "
                          + " left join ToolStock_Info c on c.Status=0 And c.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + " And b.ID=c.ToolID "
                          + " Where a.Status=0 " + WhereSQL
                          + " Order By b.ToolNo";
