private static void SendServerToken(UdpSocket socket)
     var throwAway = socket.SendAsync(socket.Id.ToArray());
        private void AcceptConnection(IAsyncResult ar)
            UdpSocket  client        = null;
            bool       succeed       = false;
            AsyncState asyncState    = ar.AsyncState as AsyncState;
            bool       shoudContinue = asyncState.Socket.IsBound;

            if (!shoudContinue || !Listening)
            EndPoint senderIp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

                int?count    = asyncState.Socket?.EndReceiveFrom(ar, ref senderIp);
                var existing = csockets.Values.FirstOrDefault(p => p.RemoteEndPoint == senderIp);
                if (existing == null && count == 1)
                    succeed = CollectSocket(senderIp as IPEndPoint, out client);
                    Diagnostic.DiagnosticCenter.Instance.Log?.LogException(new ArgumentException(succeed ? "Unable to setup the client connection request." : "UDP Connection request should be one byte long"));
            }catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex)
                 * Ignoring 10040, this exception happens often when client and server are on the same machine using the same IP address and port and this loop
                 * receives data larger than the initial expected connection buffer size.
                 * Also any incoming UDP package that is larger than the connection expected size will be ignored and discarded.
                if (ex.ErrorCode != 10040)
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                byte[]   dummy    = new byte[1];
                EndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(_localEndpoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork ? IPAddress.Any : IPAddress.IPv6Any, Port);
                listener.BeginReceiveFrom(dummy, 0, dummy.Length, 0, ref endPoint, new AsyncCallback(AcceptConnection), new AsyncState()
                    Socket = listener
            if (succeed)
                Diagnostic.DiagnosticCenter.Instance.Log?.LogException(new Exception(succeed ? "Unable to setup the client connection request." : "UDP Connection request should be one byte long"));