public BaseController() {
   DBContext = new JolTudomEEntities();
   CustomIdentity id = User.Identity as CustomIdentity;
   if (id != null) {
     SM = new SessionManager(id.Token);
 private LoginResponse ValidateToken(string token) {
   try {
     SessionManager sm = new SessionManager(token);
     _Token = token;
     _UserName = sm.Session.Person.UserName;
     return new LoginResponse {
       PersonID = sm.Session.PersonID,
       RoleID = sm.Session.RoleID
   catch (SessionNotAvailable) {
    public static SessionManager NewSession(int personid, int roleid) {
      // generate a token
      // this could be more secure ...
      byte[] time = BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary());
      byte[] key = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
      string token = Convert.ToBase64String(time.Concat(key).ToArray());

      using (JolTudomEEntities ent = new JolTudomEEntities()) {
        // delete those sessions, which are dead - over of the given timeout

        // delete those tests, which are not completed

        // this must be saved to the database with the timestamp
        ent.Sessions.Add(new Sessions { Token = token, PersonID = personid, RoleID = roleid, LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow });

      SessionManager sm = new SessionManager(token);
      return sm;