private void _exportFieldSchema(string path, JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaContainerSchemasSchema schema, bool isSubTyped)
            // Export a single field schema to the given path.

            using (var w = new StreamWriter(path + "\\" + _filePrefix + schema.Label + ".csv"))
                _writeHeaders(w, _headers);

                FieldType[] fields = _buildFieldArray(schema);

                foreach (FieldType field in fields)
                    if (isSubTyped)
                        // If this schema is subtyped we need to check to see if this is one of the fields that is subtyped and treat it special if it is.

                        if (field.Subtypes != null)
                            foreach (FieldTypeSubtype subtype in field.Subtypes)
                                _writeSubtypedField(w, field, subtype);
                            _writeField(w, field);
                        _writeField(w, field);
        private FieldType[] _buildFieldArray(JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaContainerSchemasSchema schema)
            // Build an order-sorted array of fields for the given schema.

            FieldType[] fields = {};

            string[] schemaTypes = schema.SchemaTypeIDs.Split(' ');

            // For each schema type in the schema, fined that type and fetch its fields.
            // Then concatenate the fields.

            foreach (string id in schemaTypes)
                JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaType schemaType = _findSchemaType(id);

                if (schemaType != null)
                    fields = fields.Concat(schemaType.Fields).ToArray();

            // Now concat the fields that are unique to this schema.

            fields = fields.Concat(schema.Fields).ToArray();

            // Now sort the array of fields based on their Order property.

            fields = fields.OrderBy(x => int.Parse(x.Order)).ToArray();

        private bool _exportSchema(string path, JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaContainerSchemasSchema schema, bool isFirst)
            // Export the base definition of a schema to a list of schemas

            bool firstTime = isFirst;

            using (var w = new StreamWriter(path + "\\" + _schemaListFile, !firstTime))
                if (firstTime)
                    _writeHeaders(w, _schemaHeaders);

                    firstTime = false;

                string line = string.Format("{0}", "Schema," +
                                            schema.Label + "," +
                                            schema.GeometryType + "," +
                                            '"' + schema.LabelAlias + '"' + "," +
                                            '"' + schema.Metadata.Label + '"' + "," +
                                            schema.Metadata.Thumbnail + "," +
                                            schema.Metadata.Tags + "," +
                                            '"' + schema.Metadata.Summary + '"' + "," +
                                            '"' + schema.Metadata.Description + '"' + "," +
                                            (schema.Metadata.Credits != null ? '"' + schema.Metadata.Credits + '"' : "") + "," +
                                            '"' + schema.Metadata.Use + '"' + "," +
                                            (schema.Metadata.Extent != null ? Convert.ToString(schema.Metadata.Extent.East) : "") + "," +
                                            (schema.Metadata.Extent != null ? Convert.ToString(schema.Metadata.Extent.West) : "") + "," +
                                            (schema.Metadata.Extent != null ? Convert.ToString(schema.Metadata.Extent.North) : "") + "," +
                                            (schema.Metadata.Extent != null ? Convert.ToString(schema.Metadata.Extent.South) : "") + "," +
                                            schema.Metadata.MaximumScale + "," +
                                            schema.Metadata.MinimumScale + "," +

        private bool _exportSubtypeSchema(string path, JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaContainerSchemasSchema schema)
            // Export a single subtype schema to the given path.

            bool isSubtyped = false;

            if (schema.Subtypes != null)
                isSubtyped = true;

                using (var w = new StreamWriter(path + "\\" + _schemaFilePrefix + schema.Label + ".csv"))
                    _writeHeaders(w, _subtypeHeaders);

                    foreach (SubtypeType subtype in schema.Subtypes)
                        _writeSubtype(w, subtype);

        private bool _exportSchema(string path, JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaContainerSchemasSchema schema, bool isFirst)
            // Export the base definition of a schema to a list of schemas

            bool firstTime = isFirst;

            using (var w = new StreamWriter(path + "\\" + _schemaListFile, !firstTime))
                if (firstTime)
                    _writeHeaders(w, _schemaHeaders);

                    firstTime = false;

                string line = string.Format("{0}",  "Schema," + 
                                                    schema.Label + "," +
                                                    schema.GeometryType + "," +
                                                    '"' + schema.LabelAlias + '"' + "," +
                                                    '"' + schema.Metadata.Label + '"' + "," +
                                                    schema.Metadata.Thumbnail + "," +
                                                    schema.Metadata.Tags + "," +
                                                    '"' + schema.Metadata.Summary + '"' + "," +
                                                    '"' + schema.Metadata.Description + '"' + "," +
                                                    (schema.Metadata.Credits != null ? '"' + schema.Metadata.Credits + '"' : "") + "," +
                                                    '"' + schema.Metadata.Use + '"' + "," +
                                                    (schema.Metadata.Extent != null ? Convert.ToString(schema.Metadata.Extent.East) : "") + "," +
                                                    (schema.Metadata.Extent != null ? Convert.ToString(schema.Metadata.Extent.West) : "") + "," +
                                                    (schema.Metadata.Extent != null ? Convert.ToString(schema.Metadata.Extent.North) : "") + "," +
                                                    (schema.Metadata.Extent != null ? Convert.ToString(schema.Metadata.Extent.South) : "") + "," +
                                                    schema.Metadata.MaximumScale + "," +
                                                    schema.Metadata.MinimumScale + "," +

            return firstTime;
        private bool _exportSubtypeSchema(string path, JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaContainerSchemasSchema schema)
            // Export a single subtype schema to the given path.

            bool isSubtyped = false;

            if (schema.Subtypes != null)
                isSubtyped = true;

                using(var w = new StreamWriter(path + "\\" + _schemaFilePrefix + schema.Label + ".csv"))
                    _writeHeaders(w, _subtypeHeaders);

                    foreach (SubtypeType subtype in schema.Subtypes)
                        _writeSubtype(w, subtype);

            return isSubtyped;
        private void _exportFieldSchema(string path, JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaContainerSchemasSchema schema, bool isSubTyped)
            // Export a single field schema to the given path.

            using (var w = new StreamWriter(path + "\\" + _filePrefix + schema.Label + ".csv"))
                _writeHeaders(w, _headers);

                FieldType[] fields = _buildFieldArray(schema);

                foreach (FieldType field in fields)
                    if (isSubTyped)
                        // If this schema is subtyped we need to check to see if this is one of the fields that is subtyped and treat it special if it is.

                        if (field.Subtypes != null)
                            foreach (FieldTypeSubtype subtype in field.Subtypes)
                                _writeSubtypedField(w, field, subtype);
                            _writeField(w, field);
                        _writeField(w, field);
        private FieldType[] _buildFieldArray(JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaContainerSchemasSchema schema)
            // Build an order-sorted array of fields for the given schema.

            FieldType[] fields = {};

            string[] schemaTypes = schema.SchemaTypeIDs.Split(' ');

            // For each schema type in the schema, fined that type and fetch its fields.
            // Then concatenate the fields.

            foreach (string id in schemaTypes)
                JMSMLConfigETLConfigSchemaType schemaType = _findSchemaType(id);

                if(schemaType != null)
                    fields = fields.Concat(schemaType.Fields).ToArray();

            // Now concat the fields that are unique to this schema.

            fields = fields.Concat(schema.Fields).ToArray();

            // Now sort the array of fields based on their Order property.

            fields = fields.OrderBy(x => int.Parse(x.Order)).ToArray();

            return fields;