private void ReadAllFromJira() { #region Code IJiraClient jiraclient = new JiraClient(@"", "andy", "L1verp00l1"); // =========== GET CURRENT PATH OF SOLUTION //string currpath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); //string FilePath = "D:\\aDnan\\Projects\\JiraAddin\\SpecFlowTest\\SpecFlowTest\\Features\\"; //string TemplatePath = "C:\\deps\\SpecFlow\\ItemTemplates\\SpecFlowFeature\\SpecFlowFeature.vstemplate"; EnvDTE.Project project; EnvDTE.ProjectItem features; EnvDTE.ProjectItem feature; //get the project project = _applicationObject.Solution.Projects.Item(1); string FilePath = project.FullName; FilePath = FilePath.Substring(0, FilePath.LastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\Features\\"; string TemplatePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); TemplatePath = TemplatePath.Substring(0, TemplatePath.LastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\Template\\SpecFlowFeature.vstemplate"; List <Issue> allissuelist = jiraclient.GetIssues("XPL", "Story").ToList(); foreach (Issue iss in allissuelist) { Issue sissue = null; List <Issue> issuelist = null; string ParentIssue = iss.key; List <Issue> Subtasks = jiraclient.GetSubTasksOfIssue("XPL", ParentIssue, "Scenario").ToList(); issuelist = jiraclient.GetIssue("XPL", ParentIssue).ToList(); if (issuelist.Count > 0) { sissue = issuelist[0]; } //add the folders we want try { features = project.ProjectItems.AddFolder("Features"); // add the features folder if its not there } catch { //if it is there allready we need to get it features = project.ProjectItems.Item("Features"); //features = _applicationObject.Solution.FindProjectItem("Features"); } try { string contents = string.Empty; try { feature = features.ProjectItems.AddFromTemplate(TemplatePath, ParentIssue); } catch (COMException e) { contents = File.ReadAllText(FilePath + ParentIssue + ".feature"); } if (File.Exists(FilePath + ParentIssue + ".feature")) { if (Subtasks.Count > 0) { int count = 0; foreach (Issue issue in Subtasks) { if (count == 0) { string Text = "Feature: " + sissue.key + "\n" + issue.fields.summary + "\n\n" + "Scenario: " + issue.fields.summary + "\n" + "@Story\n" + issue.fields.description + "\n\n"; File.WriteAllText(FilePath + ParentIssue + ".feature", Text); count++; } else { string Text = "Scenario: " + issue.fields.summary + "\n" + "@Story\n" + issue.fields.description + "\n\n"; File.AppendAllText(FilePath + ParentIssue + ".feature", Text); } } } else { string Text = "Feature: " + sissue.key + "\n" + sissue.fields.summary + "\n\n" + "Scenario: " + sissue.fields.summary + "\n" + "@Story\n" + sissue.fields.description + "\n\n"; File.WriteAllText(FilePath + ParentIssue + ".feature", Text); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Print(e.Message); } } #endregion }
private void WriteToJira() { #region Code // string FilePath = "D:\\aDnan\\Projects\\JiraAddin\\SpecFlowTest\\SpecFlowTest\\Features\\"; string FileName = GetFileName(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName)) { return; } EnvDTE.Project project; //get the project project = _applicationObject.Solution.Projects.Item(1); string FilePath = project.FullName; FilePath = FilePath.Substring(0, FilePath.LastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\Features\\"; try { IJiraClient jiraclient = new JiraClient(@"", "andy", "L1verp00l1"); string contents = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath + FileName); int i = contents.IndexOf(":"); int indexOfFirstLine = contents.IndexOf("\n"); int indexOfFirstScenario = contents.IndexOf("Scenario:"); string FeatureName = contents.Substring(i + 2, (indexOfFirstLine - (i + 2))); string FeatureDescription = contents.Substring(indexOfFirstLine + 1, (indexOfFirstScenario - (indexOfFirstLine + 1))); int count = new Regex("Scenario:").Matches(contents).Count; if (count > 1) { // Create issue with subtask & empty description on jira. Issue objIssue = jiraclient.CreateIssue("XPL", "Story", FeatureDescription); string OnlyScenarios = contents.Substring(indexOfFirstScenario); string[] Seperator = new string[] { "Scenario:" }; List <string> Scenarios = OnlyScenarios.Split(Seperator, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); Scenarios.RemoveAt(0); foreach (string Scenario in Scenarios) { int indexOfStoryTag = Scenario.IndexOf("@Story"); string Summary = Scenario.Substring(1, indexOfStoryTag - 1); Summary = Summary.Remove(Summary.IndexOf("\n"), 1); string Story = Scenario.Substring(indexOfStoryTag + 7); Story = Story.Remove(Story.IndexOf("\n"), 1); try { jiraclient.CreateSubTask("XPL", objIssue.key, "Scenario", Summary, Story); } catch { } } } else { string Scenario = contents.Substring(indexOfFirstScenario + 9); int indexOfStoryTag = Scenario.IndexOf("@Story"); string Summary = Scenario.Substring(1, indexOfStoryTag - 1); Summary = Summary.Remove(Summary.IndexOf("\n"), 1); string Story = Scenario.Substring(indexOfStoryTag + 7); Story = Story.Remove(Story.IndexOf("\n"), 1); try { Issue objIssue = jiraclient.CreateIssue("XPL", "Story", Summary, Story); } catch { } // Create issue with description as a scenario in it. } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Print(e.Message); } #endregion }