public static void CreateIssueFromCsv(JiraIssue jiraIssue, string token, RemoteUser user, RemoteProject project, JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService) { if (AreDuplicateIssues(jiraSoapService, token, project, jiraIssue) != null) { Console.WriteLine("Duplicate issue detected."); UpdateIssue(jiraSoapService, token, project, jiraIssue); } else { RemoteIssue issue = CreateIssue(project, jiraSoapService, token); //CreateComponents(project, jiraSoapService, token, issue); RemoteCustomFieldValue[] listOfCustomFields = InitCustomFields(issue, jiraIssue); InitIssue(issue, jiraIssue, listOfCustomFields, user); RemoteComment comment = CreateCommentLog(jiraIssue); PushToJira(jiraSoapService, token, issue, comment); } //DeleteAllIssues(jiraSoapService, token); }
private static void CreateComponents(RemoteProject project, JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService, string token, RemoteIssue issue) { List<RemoteComponent> components = new List<RemoteComponent>(jiraSoapService.getComponents(token, project.key)); foreach (RemoteComponent component in components) { if ("MM - Strategies")) { issue.components = new RemoteComponent[] {component}; } } }
static string AreDuplicateIssues(JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService, string token, RemoteProject project, JiraIssue uninitializedIssue) { List<string> listOfSprintIDs = GetListOfSprintIDs(project, jiraSoapService, token, "submitted"); foreach (var SprintID in listOfSprintIDs) { if (uninitializedIssue.SprintIssueId == SprintID) { return SprintID; } } return null; }
public static void DeleteAllIssues(JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService, string token) { for (int i = 100; i < 200; i++) { string number = i.ToString(); string IssueID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JiraProject"] + "-" + number; try { jiraSoapService.deleteIssue(token, IssueID); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Tried to delete issue: " + IssueID + " " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine); continue; } Console.WriteLine("Deleted Issue: " + IssueID); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var jiraSoapService = new JiraSoapServiceService(); var userName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JiraUserName"]; var passWord = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JiraPassword"]; string token = jiraSoapService.login(userName, passWord); var projectStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JiraProject"]; RemoteProject project = jiraSoapService.getProjectByKey(token, projectStr); RemoteUser user = jiraSoapService.getUser(token, userName); string path = @"C:\Users\Public\IssuesFinal.txt"; //<---------------------------------------------------------------------------insert path here var allIssues = CSVParse.ParseCsvFile(path); foreach (var issue in allIssues) { var issueClass = InitializeIssue(issue); JiraAdapter.CreateIssueFromCsv(issueClass, token, user, project, jiraSoapService); } Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "All Issue Successfully Uploaded to Jira"); Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Done"); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static RemoteIssue CreateIssue(RemoteProject project, JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService, string token) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Creating a new issue on http://jira/jira ..."); Console.WriteLine("Creating a new issue on http://jira/jira ..."); RemoteIssue issue = new RemoteIssue(); issue.project = project.key; RemoteVersion Iteration = new RemoteVersion(); = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JiraIteration"]; RemoteVersion[] arrayOfVersions = {Iteration}; issue.affectsVersions = arrayOfVersions; List<RemoteIssueType> issueTypes = new List<RemoteIssueType>(jiraSoapService.getIssueTypesForProject(token,; foreach (RemoteIssueType issueType in issueTypes) { if ("Bug")) { issue.type =; } } return issue; }
private static void UpdateIssue(JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService, string token, RemoteProject project, JiraIssue jiraIssue) { string updateMessage = "--- This is an automated message --- " + Environment.NewLine + "This issue and the following fields have been updated: " + Environment.NewLine; string searchTerms = AreDuplicateIssues(jiraSoapService, token, project, jiraIssue); string[] keys = {project.key}; RemoteComment updateComment = new RemoteComment(); var existingDuplicateIssue = jiraSoapService.getIssuesFromTextSearchWithProject(token, keys, searchTerms, 1); if (jiraIssue.Summary.Replace("\r", string.Empty) != existingDuplicateIssue[0].summary) { updateMessage += ("-----------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine +"Summary: " + Environment.NewLine + jiraIssue.Summary + Environment.NewLine); } if (jiraIssue.Description.Replace("\r", string.Empty) != existingDuplicateIssue[0].description.Trim()) { int length = jiraIssue.Description.Length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (jiraIssue.Description[i] != existingDuplicateIssue[0].description[i]) break; } int len = existingDuplicateIssue[0].description.Length; updateMessage += ("-----------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine +"Description: " + Environment.NewLine + jiraIssue.Description + Environment.NewLine); } else { updateMessage = "--- This is an automated message --- " + Environment.NewLine + "Identical issue with no updated fields was attempted to be imported"; } updateComment.body = updateMessage; jiraSoapService.addComment(token, existingDuplicateIssue[0].key, updateComment); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Successfully updated issue" + existingDuplicateIssue[0].key); Console.WriteLine("Successfully updated issue" + existingDuplicateIssue[0].key + Environment.NewLine); }
private static void PushToJira(JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService, string token, RemoteIssue issue, RemoteComment comment) { RemoteIssue returnedIssue = jiraSoapService.createIssue(token, issue); jiraSoapService.addComment(token, returnedIssue.key, comment); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Successfully created issue" + returnedIssue.key); Console.WriteLine("Successfully created issue" + returnedIssue.key + Environment.NewLine); }
private static List<string> GetListOfSprintIDs(RemoteProject project, JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService, string token, string searchTerms) { string[] keys = {project.key}; string[] s = keys; var listOfIssues = jiraSoapService.getIssuesFromTextSearchWithProject(token, keys, searchTerms, 500); var n = listOfIssues.Length; var listOfSprintIDs = new List<string>(); foreach (var oneissue in listOfIssues) { RemoteCustomFieldValue[] customfields = oneissue.customFieldValues; for (int i = customfields.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var temp = 0; string[] fieldvalues = customfields[i].values; for (int j = 0; j < fieldvalues.Length; j++) { if (int.TryParse(fieldvalues[j], out temp) && fieldvalues[j].ToString().Length == 6) { listOfSprintIDs.Add(fieldvalues[j]); } } } } return listOfSprintIDs; }
private void createService() { if (!suppressBackgroundForm) { new PleaseWaitForm().ShowAndWait(JiraPlugin.Instance.JiraPluginAttributes.Name, Language.GetString("jira", LangKey.communication_wait), delegate() { jira = new JiraSoapServiceService(); } ); } else { jira = new JiraSoapServiceService(); } jira.Url = url; jira.Proxy = NetworkHelper.CreateProxy(new Uri(url)); // Do not use: //jira.AllowAutoRedirect = true; jira.UserAgent = "Greenshot"; }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (jira != null) { logout(); } if (disposing) { if (jira != null) { jira.Dispose(); jira = null; } } }