void ChangeBackground()
            var cs = AutoCADColors.GetCurrentColors();

            // Make both background colours white (the 3D
            // background isn't currently being picked up)

            cs.dwGfxModelBkColor  = 16777215;
            cs.dwGfxLayoutBkColor = 16777215;
            //cs.dwParallelBkColor = 16777215;

            // Set the modified colours

        void ChangeBackground()
            var cs = AutoCADColors.GetCurrentColors();

            // Make both background colours white (the 3D
            // background isn't currently being picked up)

            // Madhukar:
            //dwParallelBkColor is dependent Application, from AcCore not possible.
            //In AutoCAD desktop, one can call acedColorSettingsChanged(false, true, true);  // apply the changes. //...

            cs.dwGfxModelBkColor  = 16777215;
            cs.dwGfxLayoutBkColor = 16777215;
            //cs.dwParallelBkColor = 16777215;

            // Set the modified colours
