Exemple #1
        public void NormalizeQuerySpecification(QuerySpecification qs)
            foreach (var sq in qs.EnumerateSubqueries())

            // Process join conditions
            conditions = new List <LogicalExpressions.Expression>();
            var from = qs.FindDescendant <FromClause>();

            if (from != null)
                var tablesource = from.FindDescendant <TableSourceExpression>();
                foreach (JoinedTable jt in tablesource.EnumerateDescendantsRecursive <JoinedTable>(typeof(Subquery)))
                    // CROSS JOIN queries have no search condition
                    SearchCondition sc = jt.FindDescendant <SearchCondition>();
                    if (sc != null)

            // Process where clause
            WhereClause where = qs.FindDescendant <WhereClause>();
            if (where != null)
                var sc = where.FindDescendant <SearchCondition>();
        public void NormalizeQuerySpecification(QuerySpecification qs)
            foreach (var sq in qs.EnumerateSubqueries())

            // Process join conditions
            conditions = new List<LogicalExpressions.Expression>();
            var from = qs.FindDescendant<FromClause>();
            if (from != null)
                var tablesource = from.FindDescendant<TableSourceExpression>();
                foreach (JoinedTable jt in tablesource.EnumerateDescendantsRecursive<JoinedTable>(typeof(Subquery)))
                    // CROSS JOIN queries have no search condition
                    SearchCondition sc = jt.FindDescendant<SearchCondition>();
                    if (sc != null)

            // Process where clause
            WhereClause where = qs.FindDescendant<WhereClause>();
            if (where != null)
                var sc = where.FindDescendant<SearchCondition>();
 protected void ResolveOrderByClause(OrderByClause orderBy, QuerySpecification firstqs)
     if (orderBy != null)
         ResolveTableReferences(firstqs, orderBy);
         ResolveColumnReferences(firstqs, orderBy, ColumnContext.OrderBy);
        /// <summary>
        /// Collect list of table sources and load columns from the schema.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Source tables are put into a dictionary that is keyed by table alias
        /// or table name.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        private void CollectSourceTableReferences(QuerySpecification qs)
            // --- Collect column references from subqueries or load from the database schema

            foreach (var tr in qs.EnumerateSourceTableReferences(false))
                string tablekey;
                if (tr.IsSubquery || tr.IsComputed || tr.IsUdf || tr.Alias != null)
                    tablekey = tr.Alias;
                    // If no alias is used then use table name
                    tablekey = tr.DatabaseObjectName;

                // Make sure that table key is used only once
                if (qs.SourceTableReferences.ContainsKey(tablekey))
                    throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.DuplicateTableAlias, null, tablekey, tr.Node);
                    var ntr = new TableReference(tr);

                    if (!ntr.IsSubquery && !ntr.IsComputed)
                        // Load table description from underlying schema
                        // Attempt to load dataset and throw exception of name cannot be resolved
                        DatasetBase ds;

                            ds = schemaManager.Datasets[ntr.DatasetName];
                        catch (KeyNotFoundException ex)
                            throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableDatasetReference, ex, ntr.DatasetName, ntr.Node);
                        catch (SchemaException ex)
                            throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableDatasetReference, ex, ntr.DatasetName, ntr.Node);

                        ntr.DatabaseObject = ds.GetObject(ntr.DatabaseName, ntr.SchemaName, ntr.DatabaseObjectName);

                        // Load column descriptions for the table

                    qs.SourceTableReferences.Add(tablekey, ntr);
 /// <summary>
 /// Looks for a * in the select list and throws an exception if there's any
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qs"></param>
 protected void ValidateStarInSelectList(QuerySpecification qs)
     // Look for stars (*) in the select list
     foreach (var i in qs.FindDescendant <SelectList>().Nodes)
         if (i is Mul)
             throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.StarColumnNotAllowed, i);
Exemple #6
        public static SelectList Create(QuerySpecification querySpecification)
            SelectList root = null;
            SelectList last = null;

            foreach (var tr in querySpecification.SourceTableReferences.Values)
                Create(ref root, ref last, tr);

            return root;
Exemple #7
        public static SelectList Create(QuerySpecification querySpecification)
            SelectList root = null;
            SelectList last = null;

            foreach (var tr in querySpecification.SourceTableReferences.Values)
                Create(ref root, ref last, tr);

        private void CopyResultsColumns(QuerySpecification qs)
            int index = 0;

            foreach (var ce in qs.EnumerateSelectListColumnExpressions())
                var cr = ce.ColumnReference;

                cr.SelectListIndex = index++;
 /// <summary>
 /// Substitutes dataset and schema defaults into table source table references
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qs"></param>
 protected void SubstituteTableAndColumnDefaults(QuerySpecification qs)
     foreach (var tr in qs.EnumerateSourceTableReferences(false))
         if (tr.IsTableOrView)
             tr.SubstituteDefaults(SchemaManager, defaultTableDatasetName);
         else if (tr.IsUdf)
             tr.SubstituteDefaults(SchemaManager, defaultFunctionDatasetName);
Exemple #10
        protected void ValidateColumnExpression(QuerySpecification qs, ColumnExpression ce)
            // TODO: delete
            // eliminate star queries
            /*if (ce.ColumnReference.IsStar)
                throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.StarColumnNotAllowed, null, null, ce);

            foreach (ColumnIdentifier ci in ce.EnumerateDescendantsRecursive<ColumnIdentifier>(null))
                ValidateColumnIdentifier(qs, ci);

            // *** TODO: look for duplicate aliases
Exemple #11
        protected void ValidateColumnExpression(QuerySpecification qs, ColumnExpression ce)
            // TODO: delete
            // eliminate star queries

            /*if (ce.ColumnReference.IsStar)
             * {
             *  throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.StarColumnNotAllowed, null, null, ce);
             * }*/

            foreach (ColumnIdentifier ci in ce.EnumerateDescendantsRecursive <ColumnIdentifier>(null))
                ValidateColumnIdentifier(qs, ci);

            // *** TODO: look for duplicate aliases
        private void SubstituteStars(QuerySpecification qs, Node node)
            if (node != null)
                var n = node.Stack.First;

                while (n != null)
                    if (n.Value is SelectList)
                        n.Value = ((SelectList)n.Value).SubstituteStars();

                    n = n.Next;
Exemple #13
        protected void ValidateQuerySpecification(QuerySpecification qs)
            // Call recursively for subqueries
#if false
            foreach (var sq in qs.EnumerateSubqueries())


            // Loop through all column expressions of the select list and try to resolve them
            foreach (ColumnExpression ce in qs.FindDescendant <SelectList>().EnumerateDescendants <ColumnExpression>())
                ValidateColumnExpression(qs, ce);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves all table references of all nodes below a node,
        /// not descending into subqueries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        private void ResolveTableReferences(QuerySpecification qs, Node n)
            foreach (object o in n.Nodes)
                // Skip the into and clause and subqueries
                if (!(o is IntoClause) && !(o is SubqueryTableSource))
                    if (o is Node)
                        ResolveTableReferences(qs, (Node)o);   // Recursive call

            if (n is ITableReference && ((ITableReference)n).TableReference != null)
                ResolveTableReference(qs, (ITableReference)n);
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal routine to perform the name resolution steps on a single
        /// query specification
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        protected void ResolveQuerySpecification(QuerySpecification qs, int depth)
            // At this point the table and column references are all parsed
            // from the query but no name resolution and cross-identification
            // of these references have happened yet. After the cross-idenfication
            // routine, the same tables and columns will be tagged by the
            // same TableReference and ColumnReference instances.

            // First of all, call everything recursively for subqueries. Subqueries
            // can appear within the table sources and in the where clause semi-join
            // expressions
            foreach (var sq in qs.EnumerateSubqueries())
                ResolveSelectStatement(sq.SelectStatement, depth + 1);

            // Substitute default dataset names and schema names
            // This is typically the MYDB and dbo

            // Column references will be stored under the query specification

            // Column identifiers can contain table names, aliases or nothing,
            // resolve them now

            // Substitute SELECT * expressions

            // Resolve column references of each occurance

            // Copy resultset columns to the appropriate collection

            // Add default aliases to column expressions in the form of tablealias_columnname
            if (depth == 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves all table references of all nodes below a node,
        /// not descending into subqueries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        private void ResolveColumnReferences(QuerySpecification qs, Node n, ColumnContext context)
            context = GetColumnContext(n, context);

            foreach (object o in n.Nodes)
                // Skip the into and clause and subqueries
                if (!(o is IntoClause) && !(o is SubqueryTableSource))
                    if (o is Node)
                        ResolveColumnReferences(qs, (Node)o, context);   // Recursive call

            if (n is IColumnReference)
                ResolveColumnReference(qs, (IColumnReference)n, context);
Exemple #17
        protected void ValidateColumnIdentifier(QuerySpecification qs, ColumnIdentifier ci)
            // TODO: modify to look for stars inside expressions

             * if (ci.ColumnReference.IsStar)
             * {
             *  // Check if it's a count(*), that's the only expression allowed to
             *  // contain a *
             *  var fc = ci.FindAscendant<FunctionCall>();
             *  if (fc != null)
             *  {
             *      var fn = fc.FindDescendantRecursive<FunctionName>();
             *      if (fn != null && SqlParser.ComparerInstance.Compare(fn.Value, "COUNT") == 0)
             *      {
             *          return;
             *      }
             *  }
             *  throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.StarColumnNotAllowed, null, null, ci);
             * }*/
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds default aliases to columns with no aliases specified in the query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        protected void AssignDefaultColumnAliases(QuerySpecification qs)
            var aliases = new HashSet <string>(SchemaManager.Comparer);

            foreach (var ce in qs.EnumerateSelectListColumnExpressions())
                var cr = ce.ColumnReference;

                string alias;

                if (cr.ColumnAlias == null)
                    if (cr.ColumnName == null)
                        alias = GetUniqueColumnAlias(aliases, String.Format("Col_{0}", cr.SelectListIndex));
                        if (cr.TableReference != null && cr.TableReference.Alias != null)
                            alias = GetUniqueColumnAlias(aliases, String.Format("{0}_{1}", cr.TableReference.Alias, cr.ColumnName));
                            alias = GetUniqueColumnAlias(aliases, cr.ColumnName);
                    // Alias is set explicitly, so do not make it unique forcibly
                    alias = cr.ColumnAlias;

                cr.ColumnAlias = alias;
Exemple #19
        protected void ValidateTableReferences(QuerySpecification qs)
#if false
            foreach (var ats in qs.EnumerateTableSources(false))
                var ts = ats.FindDescendant <SimpleTableSource>();
                if (ts != null)
                    TableReference tr = ts.TableReference;

                    // Make sure no database name specified -> invalid in skyquery
                    if (tr.DatabaseName != null)
                        throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.DatabaseNameNotAllowed, null, tr.DatabaseName, ts);


                throw new NotImplementedException();
        private void CopyResultsColumns(QuerySpecification qs)
            int index = 0;

            foreach (var ce in qs.EnumerateSelectListColumnExpressions())
                var cr = ce.ColumnReference;

                cr.SelectListIndex = index++;
 /// <summary>
 /// Replace SELECT * and SELECT alias.* with explicit column lists
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qs"></param>
 private void SubstituteStars(QuerySpecification qs)
     SubstituteStars(qs, qs);
 /// <summary>
 /// Resolves the table references of all nodes below a query specification
 /// not descending into subqueries
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qs"></param>
 private void ResolveTableReferences(QuerySpecification qs)
     ResolveTableReferences(qs, (Node)qs);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves all table references of all nodes below a node,
        /// not descending into subqueries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        private void ResolveColumnReferences(QuerySpecification qs, Node n, ColumnContext context)
            context = GetColumnContext(n, context);

            foreach (object o in n.Nodes)
                // Skip the into and clause and subqueries
                if (!(o is IntoClause) && !(o is SubqueryTableSource))
                    if (o is Node)
                        ResolveColumnReferences(qs, (Node)o, context);   // Recursive call

            if (n is IColumnReference)
                ResolveColumnReference(qs, (IColumnReference)n, context);
 private void CopyMembers(QuerySpecification old)
     this.sourceTableReferences = new Dictionary<string, TableReference>(old.sourceTableReferences);
     this.resultsTableReference = new TableReference(old.resultsTableReference);
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Looks for a * in the select list and throws an exception if there's any
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qs"></param>
 protected void ValidateStarInSelectList(QuerySpecification qs)
     // Look for stars (*) in the select list
     foreach (var i in qs.FindDescendant<SelectList>().Nodes)
         if (i is Mul)
             throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.StarColumnNotAllowed, i);
Exemple #26
        protected void ValidateTableReferences(QuerySpecification qs)
            #if false
            foreach (var ats in qs.EnumerateTableSources(false))
                var ts = ats.FindDescendant<SimpleTableSource>();
                if (ts != null)
                    TableReference tr = ts.TableReference;

                    // Make sure no database name specified -> invalid in skyquery
                    if (tr.DatabaseName != null)
                        throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.DatabaseNameNotAllowed, null, tr.DatabaseName, ts);


                throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #27
        protected void ValidateQuerySpecification(QuerySpecification qs)
            // Call recursively for subqueries
            #if false
            foreach (var sq in qs.EnumerateSubqueries())


            // Loop through all column expressions of the select list and try to resolve them
            foreach (ColumnExpression ce in qs.FindDescendant<SelectList>().EnumerateDescendants<ColumnExpression>())
                ValidateColumnExpression(qs, ce);
        public TableReference(QuerySpecification qs)

            this.Node = qs;
        private void ResolveColumnReference(QuerySpecification qs, IColumnReference cr, ColumnContext context)
            // Try to resolve the table belonging to a column based solely on
            // column name. This function is called only on column references with
            // unspecified table parts.
            // Star columns cannot be resolved, treat them separately

            if (!cr.ColumnReference.IsStar && !cr.ColumnReference.IsComplexExpression)
                ColumnReference ncr = null;
                int             q   = 0;

                if (cr.ColumnReference.TableReference.IsUndefined)
                    // This has an empty table reference (only column name specified)
                    // Look for a match based on column name only
                    foreach (var tr in qs.SourceTableReferences.Values)
                        foreach (var ccr in tr.ColumnReferences)
                            if (cr.ColumnReference.Compare(ccr))
                                if (q != 0)
                                    throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.AmbigousColumnReference, null, cr.ColumnReference.ColumnName, (Node)cr);

                                ncr = ccr;
                else if (!cr.ColumnReference.TableReference.IsUndefined)
                    foreach (var ccr in cr.ColumnReference.TableReference.ColumnReferences)
                        if (cr.ColumnReference.Compare(ccr))
                            if (q != 0)
                                throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.AmbigousColumnReference, null, cr.ColumnReference.ColumnName, (Node)cr);

                            ncr = ccr;

                if (q == 0)
                    throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableColumnReference, null, cr.ColumnReference.ColumnName, (Node)cr);

                // Make copy here and preserve alias!
                ncr.ColumnContext |= context;

                ncr = new ColumnReference(ncr);
                if (cr.ColumnReference != null && cr.ColumnReference.ColumnAlias != null)
                    ncr.ColumnAlias = cr.ColumnReference.ColumnAlias;
                cr.ColumnReference = ncr;
        private void ResolveColumnReference(QuerySpecification qs, IColumnReference cr, ColumnContext context)
            // Try to resolve the table belonging to a column based solely on
            // column name. This function is called only on column references with
            // unspecified table parts.
            // Star columns cannot be resolved, treat them separately

            if (!cr.ColumnReference.IsStar && !cr.ColumnReference.IsComplexExpression)

                ColumnReference ncr = null;
                int q = 0;

                if (cr.ColumnReference.TableReference.IsUndefined)
                    // This has an empty table reference (only column name specified)
                    // Look for a match based on column name only
                    foreach (var tr in qs.SourceTableReferences.Values)
                        foreach (var ccr in tr.ColumnReferences)
                            if (cr.ColumnReference.Compare(ccr))
                                if (q != 0)
                                    throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.AmbigousColumnReference, null, cr.ColumnReference.ColumnName, (Node)cr);

                                ncr = ccr;
                else if (!cr.ColumnReference.TableReference.IsUndefined)
                    foreach (var ccr in cr.ColumnReference.TableReference.ColumnReferences)
                        if (cr.ColumnReference.Compare(ccr))
                            if (q != 0)
                                throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.AmbigousColumnReference, null, cr.ColumnReference.ColumnName, (Node)cr);

                            ncr = ccr;

                if (q == 0)
                    throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableColumnReference, null, cr.ColumnReference.ColumnName, (Node)cr);

                // Make copy here and preserve alias!
                ncr.ColumnContext |= context;

                ncr = new ColumnReference(ncr);
                if (cr.ColumnReference != null && cr.ColumnReference.ColumnAlias != null)
                    ncr.ColumnAlias = cr.ColumnReference.ColumnAlias;
                cr.ColumnReference = ncr;
 private void CopyMembers(QuerySpecification old)
     this.sourceTableReferences = new Dictionary <string, TableReference>(old.sourceTableReferences);
     this.resultsTableReference = new TableReference(old.resultsTableReference);
 private void ResolveColumnReferences(QuerySpecification qs)
     ResolveColumnReferences(qs, (Node)qs, ColumnContext.None);
 private void ResolveColumnReferences(QuerySpecification qs)
     ResolveColumnReferences(qs, (Node)qs, ColumnContext.None);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a table reference to a table listed in SourceTableReferences
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        /// <param name="tr"></param>
        private void ResolveTableReference(QuerySpecification qs, ITableReference node)
            // Try to resolve the table alias part of a table reference
            // If and alias or table name is specified, this can be done based on
            // the already collected table sources.
            // If no table or alias is specified and the current node is a column reference,
            // where the column is not a complex expression, resolution might be successful by
            // column name only.

            if (!node.TableReference.IsUndefined)
                TableReference ntr = null;
                string alias = null;

                if (node.TableReference.Alias != null)
                    // if table alias found explicitly
                    alias = node.TableReference.Alias;
                else if (node.TableReference.DatasetName == null &&
                        node.TableReference.DatabaseName == null &&
                        node.TableReference.SchemaName == null &&
                        node.TableReference.DatabaseObjectName != null &&
                    // if only table name found and that's an alias
                    alias = node.TableReference.DatabaseObjectName;

                if (alias != null)
                    ntr = qs.SourceTableReferences[alias];
                    // Check if dataset specified and make sure it's valid
                    if (node.TableReference.DatasetName != null)
                        if (!schemaManager.Datasets.ContainsKey(node.TableReference.DatasetName))
                            throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableDatasetReference, null, node.TableReference.DatasetName, (Node)node);

                    // if only a table name found and that's not an alias -> must be a table
                    int q = 0;
                    foreach (var key in qs.SourceTableReferences.Keys)
                        var tr = qs.SourceTableReferences[key];

                        if (tr.Compare(node.TableReference))
                            if (q != 0)
                                throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.AmbigousTableReference, null, node.TableReference.DatabaseObjectName, (Node)node);

                            ntr = tr;

                if (ntr == null)
                    throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableTableReference, null, node.TableReference.DatabaseObjectName, (Node)node);

                node.TableReference = ntr;
        private void AppendPartitioningConditions(QuerySpecification qs, SimpleTableSource ts)
            if (!double.IsInfinity(PartitioningKeyFrom) || !double.IsInfinity(PartitioningKeyTo))
                var cg = new SqlServerCodeGenerator();

                string format;
                if (double.IsInfinity(PartitioningKeyFrom) && double.IsInfinity(PartitioningKeyTo))
                    format = "{1} <= {0} AND {0} < {2}";
                else if (double.IsInfinity(PartitioningKeyFrom))
                    format = "{0} < {2}";
                    format = "{1} <= {0}";

                string sql = String.Format(format,

                var parser = new Jhu.Graywulf.SqlParser.SqlParser();
                var sc = (SearchCondition)parser.Execute(new SearchCondition(), sql);

                var where = qs.FindDescendant<WhereClause>();
                if (where == null)
                    where = WhereClause.Create(sc);
                    var ws = Whitespace.Create();

                    var wsn = qs.Stack.AddAfter(qs.Stack.Find(qs.FindDescendant<FromClause>()), ws);
                    qs.Stack.AddAfter(wsn, where);
                    where.AppendCondition(sc, "AND");

            // --- remove partition clause
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves all table references of all nodes below a node,
        /// not descending into subqueries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        private void ResolveTableReferences(QuerySpecification qs, Node n)
            foreach (object o in n.Nodes)
                // Skip the into and clause and subqueries
                if (!(o is IntoClause) && !(o is SubqueryTableSource))
                    if (o is Node)
                        ResolveTableReferences(qs, (Node)o);   // Recursive call

            if (n is ITableReference && ((ITableReference)n).TableReference != null)
                ResolveTableReference(qs, (ITableReference)n);
 /// <summary>
 /// Resolves the table references of all nodes below a query specification
 /// not descending into subqueries
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qs"></param>
 private void ResolveTableReferences(QuerySpecification qs)
     ResolveTableReferences(qs, (Node)qs);
        private void SubstituteStars(QuerySpecification qs, Node node)
            if (node != null)
                var n = node.Stack.First;

                while (n != null)
                    if (n.Value is SelectList)
                        n.Value = ((SelectList)n.Value).SubstituteStars();

                    n = n.Next;
 /// <summary>
 /// Substitutes dataset and schema defaults into table source table references
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qs"></param>
 protected void SubstituteDefaults(QuerySpecification qs)
     foreach (var tr in qs.EnumerateSourceTableReferences(false))
         if (tr.IsTableOrView)
             tr.SubstituteDefaults(SchemaManager, defaultTableDatasetName);
         else if (tr.IsUdf)
             tr.SubstituteDefaults(SchemaManager, defaultFunctionDatasetName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a table reference to a table listed in SourceTableReferences
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        /// <param name="tr"></param>
        private void ResolveTableReference(QuerySpecification qs, ITableReference node)
            // Try to resolve the table alias part of a table reference
            // If and alias or table name is specified, this can be done based on
            // the already collected table sources.
            // If no table or alias is specified and the current node is a column reference,
            // where the column is not a complex expression, resolution might be successful by
            // column name only.

            if (!node.TableReference.IsUndefined)
                TableReference ntr   = null;
                string         alias = null;

                if (node.TableReference.Alias != null)
                    // if table alias found explicitly
                    alias = node.TableReference.Alias;
                else if (node.TableReference.DatasetName == null &&
                         node.TableReference.DatabaseName == null &&
                         node.TableReference.SchemaName == null &&
                         node.TableReference.DatabaseObjectName != null &&
                    // if only table name found and that's an alias
                    alias = node.TableReference.DatabaseObjectName;

                if (alias != null)
                    ntr = qs.SourceTableReferences[alias];
                    // Check if dataset specified and make sure it's valid
                    if (node.TableReference.DatasetName != null)
                        if (!schemaManager.Datasets.ContainsKey(node.TableReference.DatasetName))
                            throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableDatasetReference, null, node.TableReference.DatasetName, (Node)node);

                    // if only a table name found and that's not an alias -> must be a table
                    int q = 0;
                    foreach (var tr in qs.SourceTableReferences.Values)
                        if (tr.Compare(node.TableReference))
                            if (q != 0)
                                throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.AmbigousTableReference, null, node.TableReference.DatabaseObjectName, (Node)node);

                            ntr = tr;

                if (ntr == null)
                    throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableTableReference, null, node.TableReference.DatabaseObjectName, (Node)node);

                node.TableReference = ntr;
        /// <summary>
        /// Collect list of table sources and load columns from the schema.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Source tables are put into a dictionary that is keyed by table alias
        /// or table name.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        private void CollectSourceTableReferences(QuerySpecification qs)
            // --- Collect column references from subqueries or load from the database schema

            foreach (var tr in qs.EnumerateSourceTableReferences(false))
                string tablekey;
                if (tr.IsSubquery || tr.IsComputed || tr.IsUdf || tr.Alias != null)
                    tablekey = tr.Alias;
                    // If no alias is used then use table name
                    tablekey = tr.DatabaseObjectName;

                // Make sure that table key is used only once
                if (qs.SourceTableReferences.ContainsKey(tablekey))
                    throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.DuplicateTableAlias, null, tablekey, tr.Node);
                    var ntr = new TableReference(tr);

                    if (!ntr.IsSubquery && !ntr.IsComputed)
                        // Load table description from underlying schema
                        // Attempt to load dataset and throw exception of name cannot be resolved
                        DatasetBase ds;

                            ds = schemaManager.Datasets[ntr.DatasetName];
                        catch (KeyNotFoundException ex)
                            throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableDatasetReference, ex, ntr.DatasetName, ntr.Node);
                        catch (SchemaException ex)
                            throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.UnresolvableDatasetReference, ex, ntr.DatasetName, ntr.Node);

                        ntr.DatabaseObject = ds.GetObject(ntr.DatabaseName, ntr.SchemaName, ntr.DatabaseObjectName);

                        // Load column descriptions for the table

                    qs.SourceTableReferences.Add(tablekey, ntr);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds default aliases to columns with no aliases specified in the query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        protected void AssignDefaultColumnAliases(QuerySpecification qs)
            var aliases = new HashSet<string>(SchemaManager.Comparer);

            foreach (var ce in qs.EnumerateSelectListColumnExpressions())
                var cr = ce.ColumnReference;

                string alias;

                if (cr.ColumnAlias == null)
                    if (cr.ColumnName == null)
                        alias = GetUniqueColumnAlias(aliases, String.Format("Col_{0}", cr.SelectListIndex));
                        if (cr.TableReference != null && cr.TableReference.Alias != null)
                            alias = GetUniqueColumnAlias(aliases, String.Format("{0}_{1}", cr.TableReference.Alias, cr.ColumnName));
                            alias = GetUniqueColumnAlias(aliases, cr.ColumnName);
                    // Alias is set explicitly, so do not make it unique forcibly
                    alias = cr.ColumnAlias;

                cr.ColumnAlias = alias;
 /// <summary>
 /// Replace SELECT * and SELECT alias.* with explicit column lists
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qs"></param>
 private void SubstituteStars(QuerySpecification qs)
     SubstituteStars(qs, qs);
Exemple #44
        public TableReference(QuerySpecification qs)

            this.node = qs;
 protected void ResolveOrderByClause(OrderByClause orderBy, QuerySpecification firstqs)
     if (orderBy != null)
         ResolveTableReferences(firstqs, orderBy);
         ResolveColumnReferences(firstqs, orderBy, ColumnContext.OrderBy);
Exemple #46
        protected void ValidateColumnIdentifier(QuerySpecification qs, ColumnIdentifier ci)
            // TODO: modify to look for stars inside expressions
            if (ci.ColumnReference.IsStar)
                // Check if it's a count(*), that's the only expression allowed to
                // contain a *
                var fc = ci.FindAscendant<FunctionCall>();
                if (fc != null)
                    var fn = fc.FindDescendantRecursive<FunctionName>();
                    if (fn != null && SqlParser.ComparerInstance.Compare(fn.Value, "COUNT") == 0)

                throw CreateException(ExceptionMessages.StarColumnNotAllowed, null, null, ci);
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal routine to perform the name resolution steps on a single
        /// query specification
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs"></param>
        protected void ResolveQuerySpecification(QuerySpecification qs, int depth)
            // At this point the table and column references are all parsed
            // from the query but no name resolution and cross-identification
            // of these references have happened yet. After the cross-idenfication
            // routine, the same tables and columns will be tagged by the
            // same TableReference and ColumnReference instances.

            // First of all, call everything recursively for subqueries. Subqueries
            // can appear within the table sources and in the where clause semi-join
            // expressions
            foreach (var sq in qs.EnumerateSubqueries())
                ResolveSelectStatement(sq.SelectStatement, depth + 1);

            // Substitute default dataset names and schema names
            // This is typically the MYDB and dbo

            // Column references will be stored under the query specification

            // Column identifiers can contain table names, aliases or nothing,
            // resolve them now

            // Substitute SELECT * expressions

            // Resolve column references of each occurance

            // Copy resultset columns to the appropriate collection

            // Add default aliases to column expressions in the form of tablealias_columnname
            if (depth == 0)
 public QuerySpecification(QuerySpecification old)
     : base(old)
 public QuerySpecification(QuerySpecification old)
     : base(old)