public void Start()
            if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)

            // Grrrrrr.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameColor))
                nameColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(nameColor);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(distanceColor))
                distanceColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(distanceColor);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedColor))
                selectedColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(selectedColor);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unavailableColor))
                unavailableColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(unavailableColor);

            persistentVarName = "targetfilter" + internalProp.propID;
            persistence = new PersistenceAccessor(internalProp);
            // 7 is the bitmask for ship-station-probe;
            VesselFilterFromBitmask(persistence.GetVar(persistentVarName, defaultFilter));

            nameColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(nameColorValue);
            distanceColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(distanceColorValue);
            selectedColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(selectedColorValue);
            unavailableColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(unavailableColorValue);
            distanceFormatString = distanceFormatString.UnMangleConfigText();
            menuTitleFormatString = menuTitleFormatString.UnMangleConfigText();

            topMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag;
            topMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag;
            topMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
                pageTitle = pageTitle.UnMangleConfigText();

            foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                celestialsList.Add(new Celestial(body, vessel.transform.position));


            var menuActions = new List<Action<int, TextMenu.Item>>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rootMenu.Count; ++i)
                var menuitem = new TextMenu.Item();
                menuitem.labelText = rootMenu[i];
                menuitem.action = menuActions[i];
                switch (menuitem.labelText)
                    case clearTargetItemText:
                        clearTarget = topMenu[i];
                    case undockItemText:
                        undockMenuItem = topMenu[i];
                    case armGrappleText:
                        grappleMenuItem = topMenu[i];

            activeMenu = topMenu;
        public void Start()
            // If we're not in the correct location, there's no point doing anything.
            if (!InstallationPathWarning.Warn())

            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)

                // Install the calculator module.
                RPMVesselComputer comp = RPMVesselComputer.Instance(vessel);

                persistence = new PersistenceAccessor(internalProp);

                // Loading the font...
                List <Texture2D> fontTexture = new List <Texture2D>();
                fontTexture.Add(LoadFont(this, internalProp, fontTransform));

                // Damn KSP's config parser!!!
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emptyColor))
                    emptyColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(emptyColor);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFontTint))
                    defaultFontTintValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(defaultFontTint);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontDefinition))
                    JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Loading font definition from {0}", fontDefinition);
                    fontDefinitionString = File.ReadAllLines(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "GameData/" + fontDefinition.EnforceSlashes(), Encoding.UTF8)[0];

                // Now that is done, proceed to setting up the screen.

                screenTexture = new RenderTexture(screenPixelWidth, screenPixelHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
                screenMat     = internalProp.FindModelTransform(screenTransform).renderer.material;
                foreach (string layerID in textureLayerID.Split())
                    screenMat.SetTexture(layerID.Trim(), screenTexture);

                if (GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsTexture(noSignalTextureURL.EnforceSlashes()))
                    noSignalTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(noSignalTextureURL.EnforceSlashes(), false);

                // Create camera instance...
                cameraStructure = new FlyingCamera(part, screenTexture, cameraAspect);

                // The neat trick. IConfigNode doesn't work. No amount of kicking got it to work.
                // Well, we don't need it. GameDatabase, gimme config nodes for all props!
                foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("PROP"))
                    // Now, we know our own prop name.
                    if (node.GetValue("name") == internalProp.propName)
                        // So this is the configuration of our prop in memory. Nice place.
                        // We know it contains at least one MODULE node, us.
                        // And we know our moduleID, which is the number in order of being listed in the prop.
                        // Therefore the module by that number is our module's own config node.

                        ConfigNode   moduleConfig = node.GetNodes("MODULE")[moduleID];
                        ConfigNode[] pageNodes    = moduleConfig.GetNodes("PAGE");

                        // Which we can now parse for page definitions.
                        for (int i = 0; i < pageNodes.Length; i++)
                            // Mwahahaha.
                                var newPage = new MonitorPage(i, pageNodes[i], this);
                                activePage = activePage ?? newPage;
                                if (newPage.isDefault)
                                    activePage = newPage;
                            catch (ArgumentException e)
                                JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Warning - {0}", e);

                        // Now that all pages are loaded, we can use the moment in the loop to suck in all the extra fonts.
                        foreach (string value in moduleConfig.GetValues("extraFont"))
                            fontTexture.Add(LoadFont(this, internalProp, value));

                JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Done setting up pages, {0} pages ready.", pages.Count);

                textRenderer = new TextRenderer(fontTexture, new Vector2((float)fontLetterWidth, (float)fontLetterHeight), fontDefinitionString, 17, screenPixelWidth, screenPixelHeight);

                // Load our state from storage...
                persistentVarName = "activePage" + internalProp.propID;
                int activePageID = persistence.GetVar(persistentVarName, pages.Count);
                if (activePageID < pages.Count)
                    activePage = pages[activePageID];

                // If we have global buttons, set them up.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(globalButtons))
                    string[] tokens = globalButtons.Split(',');
                    for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                        string buttonName = tokens[i].Trim();
                        // Notice that holes in the global button list ARE legal.
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buttonName))
                            SmarterButton.CreateButton(internalProp, buttonName, i, GlobalButtonClick, GlobalButtonRelease);

                audioOutput = JUtil.SetupIVASound(internalProp, buttonClickSound, buttonClickVolume, false);

                // One last thing to make sure of: If our pod is transparent, we're always active.
                ourPodIsTransparent = JUtil.IsPodTransparent(part);

                // And if the try block never completed, startupComplete will never be true.
                startupComplete = true;
                startupFailed = true;
                // We can also disable ourselves, that should help.
                enabled = false;
                // And now that we notified the user that config is borked, we rethrow the exception so that
                // it gets logged and we can debug.
        public void Start()
            if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)

            // Grrrrrr.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameColor))
                nameColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(nameColor);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(distanceColor))
                distanceColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(distanceColor);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedColor))
                selectedColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(selectedColor);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unavailableColor))
                unavailableColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(unavailableColor);

            persistentVarName = "targetfilter" + internalProp.propID;
            persistence       = new PersistenceAccessor(internalProp);
            // 7 is the bitmask for ship-station-probe;
            VesselFilterFromBitmask(persistence.GetVar(persistentVarName, defaultFilter));

            nameColorTag          = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(nameColorValue);
            distanceColorTag      = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(distanceColorValue);
            selectedColorTag      = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(selectedColorValue);
            unavailableColorTag   = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(unavailableColorValue);
            distanceFormatString  = distanceFormatString.UnMangleConfigText();
            menuTitleFormatString = menuTitleFormatString.UnMangleConfigText();

            topMenu.labelColor    = nameColorTag;
            topMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag;
            topMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
                pageTitle = pageTitle.UnMangleConfigText();

            foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                celestialsList.Add(new Celestial(body, vessel.transform.position));


            var menuActions = new List <Action <int, TextMenu.Item> >();


            for (int i = 0; i < rootMenu.Count; ++i)
                var menuitem = new TextMenu.Item();
                menuitem.labelText = rootMenu[i];
                menuitem.action    = menuActions[i];
                switch (menuitem.labelText)
                case clearTargetItemText:
                    clearTarget = topMenu[i];

                case undockItemText:
                    undockMenuItem = topMenu[i];

                case armGrappleText:
                    grappleMenuItem = topMenu[i];

            activeMenu = topMenu;
		public void Start()

			// If we're not in the correct location, there's no point doing anything.
			if (!InstallationPathWarning.Warn())

			try {

				// Install the calculator module.
				comp = RasterPropMonitorComputer.Instantiate(internalProp);
				comp.UpdateRefreshRates(refreshTextRate, refreshDataRate);

				// Loading the font...
				fontTexture.Add(LoadFont(this, internalProp, fontTransform, false));

				// Damn KSP's config parser!!!
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emptyColor))
					emptyColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(emptyColor);
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFontTint))
					defaultFontTintValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(defaultFontTint);

				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontDefinition)) {
					JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Loading font definition from {0}", fontDefinition);
					fontDefinitionString = File.ReadAllLines(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "GameData/" + fontDefinition.EnforceSlashes(), Encoding.UTF8)[0];

				// We can pre-compute the rectangles the font characters will be copied from, this seems to make it slightly quicker...
				// although I'm not sure I'm not seeing things by this point.
				int fontLettersX = (fontTexture[0].width / fontLetterWidth);
				int fontLettersY = (fontTexture[0].height / fontLetterHeight);
				float letterSpanX = 1f / fontLettersX;
				float letterSpanY = 1f / fontLettersY;
				int lastCharacter = fontLettersX * fontLettersY;

				if (lastCharacter != fontDefinitionString.Length) {
					JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Warning, number of letters in the font definition does not match font bitmap size.");

				for (int i = 0; i < lastCharacter && i < fontDefinitionString.Length; i++) {
					int xSource = i % fontLettersX;
					int ySource = (i - xSource) / fontLettersX;
					if (!fontCharacters.ContainsKey(fontDefinitionString[i]))
						fontCharacters[fontDefinitionString[i]] = new Rect(letterSpanX * xSource, letterSpanY * (fontLettersY - ySource - 1), letterSpanX, letterSpanY);

				// And a little optimisation for superscript/subscript:
				fontLetterHalfHeight = fontLetterHeight / 2f;
				fontLetterHalfWidth = fontLetterWidth / 2f;
				fontLetterDoubleWidth = fontLetterWidth * 2f;

				// Now that is done, proceed to setting up the screen.

				screenTexture = new RenderTexture(screenPixelWidth, screenPixelHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
				screenMat = internalProp.FindModelTransform(screenTransform).renderer.material;
				foreach (string layerID in textureLayerID.Split())
					screenMat.SetTexture(layerID.Trim(), screenTexture);

				if (GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsTexture(noSignalTextureURL.EnforceSlashes())) {
					noSignalTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(noSignalTextureURL.EnforceSlashes(), false);

				// Create camera instance...
				cameraStructure = new FlyingCamera(part, screenTexture, cameraAspect);

				// The neat trick. IConfigNode doesn't work. No amount of kicking got it to work.
				// Well, we don't need it. GameDatabase, gimme config nodes for all props!
				foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes ("PROP")) {
					// Now, we know our own prop name.
					if (node.GetValue("name") == internalProp.propName) {
						// So this is the configuration of our prop in memory. Nice place.
						// We know it contains at least one MODULE node, us.
						// And we know our moduleID, which is the number in order of being listed in the prop.
						// Therefore the module by that number is our module's own config node.

						ConfigNode moduleConfig = node.GetNodes("MODULE")[moduleID];
						ConfigNode[] pageNodes = moduleConfig.GetNodes("PAGE");

						// Which we can now parse for page definitions.
						for (int i = 0; i < pageNodes.Length; i++) {
							// Mwahahaha.
							try {
								var newPage = new MonitorPage(i, pageNodes[i], this);
								activePage = activePage ?? newPage;
								if (newPage.isDefault)
									activePage = newPage;
							} catch (ArgumentException e) {
								JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Warning - {0}", e);

						// Now that all pages are loaded, we can use the moment in the loop to suck in all the extra fonts.
						foreach (string value in moduleConfig.GetValues("extraFont")) {
							fontTexture.Add(LoadFont(this, internalProp, value, true));

				JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Done setting up pages, {0} pages ready.", pages.Count);

				// Load our state from storage...
				persistentVarName = "activePage" + internalProp.propID;
				persistence = new PersistenceAccessor(part);
				int? activePageID = persistence.GetVar(persistentVarName);
				if (activePageID != null && activePageID.Value < pages.Count) {
					activePage = pages[activePageID.Value];

				// If we have global buttons, set them up.
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(globalButtons)) {
					string[] tokens = globalButtons.Split(',');
					for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++) {
						string buttonName = tokens[i].Trim();
						// Notice that holes in the global button list ARE legal.
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buttonName))
							SmarterButton.CreateButton(internalProp, buttonName, i, GlobalButtonClick, GlobalButtonRelease);

				audioOutput = JUtil.SetupIVASound(internalProp, buttonClickSound, buttonClickVolume, false);

				// One last thing to make sure of: If our pod is transparent, we're always active.
				ourPodIsTransparent = JUtil.IsPodTransparent(part);

				// And if the try block never completed, startupComplete will never be true.
				startupComplete = true;
			} catch {
				startupFailed = true;
				// We can also disable ourselves, that should help.
				enabled = false;
				// And now that we notified the user that config is borked, we rethrow the exception so that
				// it gets logged and we can debug.

        public void Start()
            // If we're not in the correct location, there's no point doing anything.
            if (!InstallationPathWarning.Warn())

            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)

                // Install the calculator module.
                RPMVesselComputer comp = RPMVesselComputer.Instance(vessel);

                persistence = new PersistenceAccessor(internalProp);

                // Loading the font...
                List<Texture2D> fontTexture = new List<Texture2D>();
                fontTexture.Add(LoadFont(this, internalProp, fontTransform));

                // Damn KSP's config parser!!!
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emptyColor))
                    emptyColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(emptyColor);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFontTint))
                    defaultFontTintValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(defaultFontTint);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontDefinition))
                    JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Loading font definition from {0}", fontDefinition);
                    fontDefinitionString = File.ReadAllLines(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "GameData/" + fontDefinition.EnforceSlashes(), Encoding.UTF8)[0];

                // Now that is done, proceed to setting up the screen.

                screenTexture = new RenderTexture(screenPixelWidth, screenPixelHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
                screenMat = internalProp.FindModelTransform(screenTransform).renderer.material;
                foreach (string layerID in textureLayerID.Split())
                    screenMat.SetTexture(layerID.Trim(), screenTexture);

                if (GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsTexture(noSignalTextureURL.EnforceSlashes()))
                    noSignalTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(noSignalTextureURL.EnforceSlashes(), false);

                // Create camera instance...
                cameraStructure = new FlyingCamera(part, screenTexture, cameraAspect);

                // The neat trick. IConfigNode doesn't work. No amount of kicking got it to work.
                // Well, we don't need it. GameDatabase, gimme config nodes for all props!
                foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("PROP"))
                    // Now, we know our own prop name.
                    if (node.GetValue("name") == internalProp.propName)
                        // So this is the configuration of our prop in memory. Nice place.
                        // We know it contains at least one MODULE node, us.
                        // And we know our moduleID, which is the number in order of being listed in the prop.
                        // Therefore the module by that number is our module's own config node.

                        ConfigNode moduleConfig = node.GetNodes("MODULE")[moduleID];
                        ConfigNode[] pageNodes = moduleConfig.GetNodes("PAGE");

                        // Which we can now parse for page definitions.
                        for (int i = 0; i < pageNodes.Length; i++)
                            // Mwahahaha.
                                var newPage = new MonitorPage(i, pageNodes[i], this);
                                activePage = activePage ?? newPage;
                                if (newPage.isDefault)
                                    activePage = newPage;
                            catch (ArgumentException e)
                                JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Warning - {0}", e);


                        // Now that all pages are loaded, we can use the moment in the loop to suck in all the extra fonts.
                        foreach (string value in moduleConfig.GetValues("extraFont"))
                            fontTexture.Add(LoadFont(this, internalProp, value));

                JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Done setting up pages, {0} pages ready.", pages.Count);

                textRenderer = new TextRenderer(fontTexture, new Vector2((float)fontLetterWidth, (float)fontLetterHeight), fontDefinitionString, 17, screenPixelWidth, screenPixelHeight);

                // Load our state from storage...
                persistentVarName = "activePage" + internalProp.propID;
                int activePageID = persistence.GetVar(persistentVarName, pages.Count);
                if (activePageID < pages.Count)
                    activePage = pages[activePageID];

                // If we have global buttons, set them up.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(globalButtons))
                    string[] tokens = globalButtons.Split(',');
                    for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                        string buttonName = tokens[i].Trim();
                        // Notice that holes in the global button list ARE legal.
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buttonName))
                            SmarterButton.CreateButton(internalProp, buttonName, i, GlobalButtonClick, GlobalButtonRelease);

                audioOutput = JUtil.SetupIVASound(internalProp, buttonClickSound, buttonClickVolume, false);

                // One last thing to make sure of: If our pod is transparent, we're always active.
                ourPodIsTransparent = JUtil.IsPodTransparent(part);

                // And if the try block never completed, startupComplete will never be true.
                startupComplete = true;
                startupFailed = true;
                // We can also disable ourselves, that should help.
                enabled = false;
                // And now that we notified the user that config is borked, we rethrow the exception so that
                // it gets logged and we can debug.
Exemple #6
        public void Start()
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)

                RPMVesselComputer comp = RPMVesselComputer.Instance(vessel);

                if (!groupList.ContainsKey(actionName) && !customGroupList.ContainsKey(actionName))
                    JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Action \"{0}\" is not supported.", actionName);

                // Parse the needs-electric-charge here.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(needsElectricCharge))
                    switch (needsElectricCharge.ToLowerInvariant().Trim())
                    case "true":
                    case "yes":
                    case "1":
                        needsElectricChargeValue = true;

                    case "false":
                    case "no":
                    case "0":
                        needsElectricChargeValue = false;

                // Now parse consumeOnToggle and consumeWhileActive...
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumeOnToggle))
                    string[] tokens = consumeOnToggle.Split(',');
                    if (tokens.Length == 3)
                        consumeOnToggleName = tokens[0].Trim();
                        if (!(PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(consumeOnToggleName) != null &&
                              float.TryParse(tokens[1].Trim(), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                             out consumeOnToggleAmount)))
                            JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Could not parse \"{0}\"", consumeOnToggle);
                        switch (tokens[2].Trim().ToLower())
                        case "on":
                            consumingOnToggleUp = true;

                        case "off":
                            consumingOnToggleDown = true;

                        case "both":
                            consumingOnToggleUp   = true;
                            consumingOnToggleDown = true;

                            JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "So should I consume resources when turning on, turning off, or both in \"{0}\"?", consumeOnToggle);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumeWhileActive))
                    string[] tokens = consumeWhileActive.Split(',');
                    if (tokens.Length == 2)
                        consumeWhileActiveName = tokens[0].Trim();
                        if (!(PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(consumeWhileActiveName) != null &&
                                             NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                             out consumeWhileActiveAmount)))
                            JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Could not parse \"{0}\"", consumeWhileActive);
                            consumingWhileActive = true;
                            if (JUtil.debugLoggingEnabled)
                                JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Switch in prop {0} prop id {1} will consume {2} while active at a rate of {3}", internalProp.propName,
                                                 internalProp.propID, consumeWhileActiveName, consumeWhileActiveAmount);

                if (groupList.ContainsKey(actionName))
                    currentState = vessel.ActionGroups[groupList[actionName]];
                    // action group switches may not belong to a radio group
                    switchGroupIdentifier = -1;
                    isCustomAction = true;
                    switch (actionName)
                    case "intlight":
                        persistentVarName         = internalLightName;
                        lightObjects              = internalModel.FindModelComponents <Light>();
                        needsElectricChargeValue |= string.IsNullOrEmpty(needsElectricCharge) || needsElectricChargeValue;

                    case "plugin":
                        persistentVarName = string.Empty;

                        foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("PROP"))
                            if (node.GetValue("name") == internalProp.propName)
                                foreach (ConfigNode pluginConfig in node.GetNodes("MODULE")[moduleID].GetNodes("PLUGINACTION"))
                                    if (pluginConfig.HasValue("name") && pluginConfig.HasValue("actionMethod"))
                                        string action = pluginConfig.GetValue("name").Trim() + ":" + pluginConfig.GetValue("actionMethod").Trim();
                                        actionHandler = (Action <bool>)comp.GetMethod(action, internalProp, typeof(Action <bool>));

                                        if (actionHandler == null)
                                            JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Failed to instantiate action handler {0}", pluginConfig.GetValue("name"));
                                            if (pluginConfig.HasValue("stateMethod"))
                                                string state = pluginConfig.GetValue("name").Trim() + ":" + pluginConfig.GetValue("stateMethod").Trim();
                                                stateHandler = (Func <bool>)comp.GetMethod(state, internalProp, typeof(Func <bool>));
                                            isPluginAction = true;
                        if (actionHandler == null)
                            actionName = "dummy";
                            JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Plugin handlers did not start, reverting to dummy mode.");

                        persistentVarName = "switch" + internalProp.propID + "_" + moduleID;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(perPodPersistenceName))
                        persistentVarName = perPodPersistenceName;
                        // If there's no persistence name, there's no valid group id for this switch
                        switchGroupIdentifier = -1;

                if (needsElectricChargeValue || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(persistentVarName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(perPodMasterSwitchName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(masterVariableName))
                    persistence = new PersistenceAccessor(internalProp);


                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(masterVariableName))
                        masterVariable = new VariableOrNumber(masterVariableName, this);
                        string[] range = masterVariableRange.Split(',');
                        if (range.Length == 2)
                            masterRange[0] = new VariableOrNumber(range[0], this);
                            masterRange[1] = new VariableOrNumber(range[1], this);
                            masterVariable = null;

                // set up the toggle switch
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(switchTransform))
                    SmarterButton.CreateButton(internalProp, switchTransform, Click);

                if (isCustomAction)
                    if (isPluginAction && stateHandler != null)
                        currentState = stateHandler();
                        if (persistence != null)
                            if (switchGroupIdentifier >= 0)
                                int activeSwitch = persistence.GetVar(persistentVarName, 0);

                                currentState = customGroupList[actionName] = (switchGroupIdentifier == activeSwitch);
                                currentState = customGroupList[actionName] = persistence.GetBool(persistentVarName, initialState);

                            if (actionName == "intlight")
                                // We have to restore lighting after reading the
                                // persistent variable.

                if (persistence != null && !persistence.HasVar(persistentVarName))
                    if (switchGroupIdentifier >= 0)
                        if (currentState)
                            persistence.SetVar(persistentVarName, switchGroupIdentifier);
                        persistence.SetVar(persistentVarName, currentState);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animationName))
                    // Set up the animation
                    Animation[] animators = animateExterior ? part.FindModelAnimators(animationName) : internalProp.FindModelAnimators(animationName);
                    if (animators.Length > 0)
                        anim = animators[0];
                        JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Could not find animation \"{0}\" on {2} \"{1}\"",
                                              animationName, animateExterior ? :, animateExterior ? "part" : "prop");
                    anim[animationName].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;

                    if (currentState ^ reverse)
                        anim[animationName].speed          = float.MaxValue;
                        anim[animationName].normalizedTime = 0;
                        anim[animationName].speed          = float.MinValue;
                        anim[animationName].normalizedTime = 1;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(coloredObject))
                    // Set up the color shift.
                    colorShiftRenderer = internalProp.FindModelComponent <Renderer>(coloredObject);
                    disabledColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(disabledColor);
                    enabledColorValue  = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(enabledColor);
                    colorShiftRenderer.material.SetColor(colorName, (currentState ^ reverse ? enabledColorValue : disabledColorValue));
                    JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Warning, neither color nor animation are defined in prop {0} #{1}.", internalProp.propName, internalProp.propID);

                audioOutput = JUtil.SetupIVASound(internalProp, switchSound, switchSoundVolume, false);

                startupComplete = true;
                enabled = false;
        public void Start()

            // Install the calculator module.
            comp = RasterPropMonitorComputer.Instantiate(internalProp);
            comp.UpdateRefreshRates(refreshTextRate, refreshDataRate);

            // Loading the font...
            fontTexture.Add(LoadFont(this, internalProp, fontTransform, false));

            // Damn KSP's config parser!!!
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emptyColor))
                emptyColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(emptyColor);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFontTint))
                defaultFontTintValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(defaultFontTint);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontDefinition))
                JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Loading font definition from {0}", fontDefinition);
                fontDefinitionString = File.ReadAllLines(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "GameData/" + fontDefinition.EnforceSlashes(), Encoding.UTF8)[0];

            // We can pre-compute the rectangles the font characters will be copied from, this seems to make it slightly quicker...
            // although I'm not sure I'm not seeing things by this point.
            int   fontLettersX  = (fontTexture[0].width / fontLetterWidth);
            int   fontLettersY  = (fontTexture[0].height / fontLetterHeight);
            float letterSpanX   = 1f / fontLettersX;
            float letterSpanY   = 1f / fontLettersY;
            int   lastCharacter = fontLettersX * fontLettersY;

            if (lastCharacter != fontDefinitionString.Length)
                JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Warning, number of letters in the font definition does not match font bitmap size.");

            for (int i = 0; i < lastCharacter && i < fontDefinitionString.Length; i++)
                int xSource = i % fontLettersX;
                int ySource = (i - xSource) / fontLettersX;
                if (!fontCharacters.ContainsKey(fontDefinitionString[i]))
                    fontCharacters[fontDefinitionString[i]] = new Rect(letterSpanX * xSource, letterSpanY * (fontLettersY - ySource - 1), letterSpanX, letterSpanY);

            // And a little optimisation for superscript/subscript:
            fontLetterHalfHeight  = fontLetterHeight / 2f;
            fontLetterHalfWidth   = fontLetterWidth / 2f;
            fontLetterDoubleWidth = fontLetterWidth * 2f;

            // Now that is done, proceed to setting up the screen.

            screenTexture = new RenderTexture(screenPixelWidth, screenPixelHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
            screenMat     = internalProp.FindModelTransform(screenTransform).renderer.material;
            foreach (string layerID in textureLayerID.Split())
                screenMat.SetTexture(layerID.Trim(), screenTexture);

            if (GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsTexture(noSignalTextureURL.EnforceSlashes()))
                noSignalTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(noSignalTextureURL.EnforceSlashes(), false);

            // Create camera instance...
            cameraStructure = new FlyingCamera(part, screenTexture, cameraAspect);

            // The neat trick. IConfigNode doesn't work. No amount of kicking got it to work.
            // Well, we don't need it. GameDatabase, gimme config nodes for all props!
            foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("PROP"))
                // Now, we know our own prop name.
                if (node.GetValue("name") == internalProp.propName)
                    // So this is the configuration of our prop in memory. Nice place.
                    // We know it contains at least one MODULE node, us.
                    // And we know our moduleID, which is the number in order of being listed in the prop.
                    // Therefore the module by that number is our module's own config node.

                    ConfigNode   moduleConfig = node.GetNodes("MODULE")[moduleID];
                    ConfigNode[] pageNodes    = moduleConfig.GetNodes("PAGE");

                    // Which we can now parse for page definitions.
                    for (int i = 0; i < pageNodes.Length; i++)
                        // Mwahahaha.
                        try {
                            var newPage = new MonitorPage(i, pageNodes[i], this);
                            activePage = activePage ?? newPage;
                            if (newPage.isDefault)
                                activePage = newPage;
                        } catch (ArgumentException e) {
                            JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Warning - {0}", e);

                    // Now that all pages are loaded, we can use the moment in the loop to suck in all the extra fonts.
                    foreach (string value in moduleConfig.GetValues("extraFont"))
                        fontTexture.Add(LoadFont(this, internalProp, value, true));

            JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Done setting up pages, {0} pages ready.", pages.Count);

            // Load our state from storage...
            persistentVarName = "activePage" + internalProp.propID;
            persistence       = new PersistenceAccessor(part);
            int?activePageID = persistence.GetVar(persistentVarName);

            if (activePageID != null && activePageID.Value < pages.Count)
                activePage = pages[activePageID.Value];

            // If we have global buttons, set them up.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(globalButtons))
                string[] tokens = globalButtons.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                    string buttonName = tokens[i].Trim();
                    // Notice that holes in the global button list ARE legal.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buttonName))
                        SmarterButton.CreateButton(internalProp, buttonName, i, GlobalButtonClick, GlobalButtonRelease);

            audioOutput     = JUtil.SetupIVASound(internalProp, buttonClickSound, buttonClickVolume, false);
            startupComplete = true;