Exemple #1
        public static CollisionDetails GetFirstCollision(Octree tree, Shapes.Ray r)
            var c = new CollisionDetails {
                Distance = double.PositiveInfinity

            double distanceTravelled = 0; //distance traveled since the ray's origin

            //Algorithm starts at the ray's origin and in the root node.

            Node n = tree.GetRoot();

            c.CheckCollisionSet(n.Content, r);

            var pos = r.Origin;

            if (!n.Encloses(pos))
                throw new Exception("Ray's origin is not located in the octree!");

                //March to the leaf containing "pos" and check collisions
                n = n.MarchToCheckingCollisions(pos, c, r);

                //No leaf is containing "pos" -> left tree -> stop searching
                if (n == null)

                //march out of current node
                double d = RayCube.GetDistanceToBorderPlane(pos, r.Direction, n.Center, n.Width / 2) + Constants.EPS * 1e4;
                //distance traveled since the ray's origin
                pos = pos + r.Direction * d;
                distanceTravelled += d;

                //in case eps was not enough
                while (n.Encloses(pos))
                    d   = Constants.EPS * 1e4;
                    pos = pos + r.Direction * d;
                    distanceTravelled += d;

                 * When passing a box-border, all intersection tests between the ray's origin and the
                 * box-border-intersection-point must have taken place (and some beyond the box-border too).
                 * Therefore, if an intersection located between the ray's origin and the box-border has been found, this
                 * must be the nearest intersection and the search may stop.
            } while (c.Distance > distanceTravelled);

Exemple #2
        public static Octree BuildTree(Vect3 center, IList <I3DObject> objects)
            double maxQuadDist = 0;

            Log.Debug("Building octree... ");

            foreach (I3DObject o in objects)
                Sphere s = o.GetBoundingSphere();
                if (s != null)
                    Vect3  dist  = center - s.Position;
                    double qdist = s.Radius;
                    if (double.IsInfinity(qdist) || Double.IsNaN(qdist))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid BoundingSphere: " + s + " from " + o);
                    qdist = qdist * qdist + dist.QuadLength();
                    if (maxQuadDist < qdist)
                        maxQuadDist = qdist;

             * Workaround: *2.1 instead of *2, because rays must always start inside an octree for RayPath.
             * To fix this problem, a RayPath should allow ray-origins outside the octree, but this would need
             * an additional ray-cube intersection test which is currently not implemented. Another downside of
             * this is that the camera must always be located inside the octree - it must not be moved outside.
            double sizeHint = System.Math.Sqrt(maxQuadDist) * 2.1;

            Octree t;

            while (true)
                t = new Octree(center, sizeHint);
                foreach (I3DObject o in objects)
                    if (!t.Root.Insert(o, o.GetBoundingSphere()))
                        sizeHint *= 2;
                        Log.Warn("Warning - resize needed!");
                        goto cont;



            Log.Debug(string.Format("{0} ms\n", Sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));
            Log.Debug(string.Format(" - contains {0} of {1} elements ({2:0.##}%)",
                                    t.GetRoot().GetSize(), objects.Count,
                                    t.GetRoot().GetSize() / (float)objects.Count * 100));
            Log.Debug(" - avg depth: " + t.GetAverageObjectDepth());
            Log.Debug(" - node count: " + t.GetRoot().GetNodeCount());
            Log.Debug(" - objects per node: " + t.GetRoot().GetSize() / (float)t.GetRoot().GetNodeCount());
