Exemple #1
        public static void FixHashes()
                VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();

                foreach (VideoLocal vid in repVids.GetAll())
                    bool fixedHash = false;
                    if (vid.CRC32.Equals("00000000"))
                        vid.CRC32 = null;
                        fixedHash = true;
                    if (vid.MD5.Equals("00000000000000000000000000000000"))
                        vid.MD5 = null;
                        fixedHash = true;
                    if (vid.SHA1.Equals("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"))
                        vid.SHA1 = null;
                        fixedHash = true;
                    if (fixedHash)
                        logger.Info("Fixed hashes on file: {0}", vid.FullServerPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
Exemple #2
		void workerMediaInfo_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
			VideoLocalRepository repVidLocals = new VideoLocalRepository();

			// first build a list of files that we already know about, as we don't want to process them again
			List<VideoLocal> filesAll = repVidLocals.GetAll();
			Dictionary<string, VideoLocal> dictFilesExisting = new Dictionary<string, VideoLocal>();
			foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesAll)
				CommandRequest_ReadMediaInfo cr = new CommandRequest_ReadMediaInfo(vl.VideoLocalID);
Exemple #3
		public static void RemoveRecordsWithoutPhysicalFiles()
			VideoLocalRepository repVidLocals = new VideoLocalRepository();
			CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repXRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();

			// get a full list of files
			List<VideoLocal> filesAll = repVidLocals.GetAll();
			foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesAll)
				if (!File.Exists(vl.FullServerPath))
					// delete video local record
					logger.Info("RemoveRecordsWithoutPhysicalFiles : {0}", vl.FullServerPath);

					CommandRequest_DeleteFileFromMyList cmdDel = new CommandRequest_DeleteFileFromMyList(vl.Hash, vl.FileSize);

Exemple #4
		public static void RunImport_NewFiles()
			VideoLocalRepository repVidLocals = new VideoLocalRepository();

			// first build a list of files that we already know about, as we don't want to process them again
			List<VideoLocal> filesAll = repVidLocals.GetAll();
			Dictionary<string, VideoLocal> dictFilesExisting = new Dictionary<string, VideoLocal>();
			foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesAll)
					dictFilesExisting[vl.FullServerPath] = vl;
				catch (Exception ex)
					string msg = string.Format("Error RunImport_NewFiles XREF: {0} - {1}", vl.ToStringDetailed(), ex.ToString());

			// Steps for processing a file
			// 1. Check if it is a video file
			// 2. Check if we have a VideoLocal record for that file
			// .........

			// get a complete list of files
			List<string> fileList = new List<string>();
			ImportFolderRepository repNetShares = new ImportFolderRepository();
			foreach (ImportFolder share in repNetShares.GetAll())
				logger.Debug("ImportFolder: {0} || {1}", share.ImportFolderName, share.ImportFolderLocation);
					Utils.GetFilesForImportFolder(share.ImportFolderLocation, ref fileList);
				catch (Exception ex)
					logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

			// get a list fo files that we haven't processed before
			List<string> fileListNew = new List<string>();
			foreach (string fileName in fileList)
				if (!dictFilesExisting.ContainsKey(fileName))

			// get a list of all the shares we are looking at
			int filesFound = 0, videosFound = 0;
			int i = 0;

			// get a list of all files in the share
			foreach (string fileName in fileListNew)
				logger.Info("Processing File {0}/{1} --- {2}", i, fileList.Count, fileName);

				if (!FileHashHelper.IsVideo(fileName)) continue;


				CommandRequest_HashFile cr_hashfile = new CommandRequest_HashFile(fileName, false);

			logger.Debug("Found {0} files", filesFound);
			logger.Debug("Found {0} videos", videosFound);
Exemple #5
		public static void RunImport_IntegrityCheck()
			VideoLocalRepository repVidLocals = new VideoLocalRepository();
			AniDB_FileRepository repAniFile = new AniDB_FileRepository();
			AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
			AniDB_AnimeRepository repAniAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

			// files which don't have a valid import folder
			List<VideoLocal> filesToDelete = repVidLocals.GetVideosWithoutImportFolder();
			foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesToDelete)

			// files which have not been hashed yet
			// or files which do not have a VideoInfo record
			List<VideoLocal> filesToHash = repVidLocals.GetVideosWithoutHash();
			Dictionary<int, VideoLocal> dictFilesToHash = new Dictionary<int, VideoLocal>();
			foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesToHash)

				dictFilesToHash[vl.VideoLocalID] = vl;
				CommandRequest_HashFile cmd = new CommandRequest_HashFile(vl.FullServerPath, false);

			List<VideoLocal> filesToRehash = repVidLocals.GetVideosWithoutVideoInfo();
			Dictionary<int, VideoLocal> dictFilesToRehash = new Dictionary<int, VideoLocal>();
			foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesToHash)
				dictFilesToRehash[vl.VideoLocalID] = vl;
				// don't use if it is in the previous list
				if (!dictFilesToHash.ContainsKey(vl.VideoLocalID))
						CommandRequest_HashFile cmd = new CommandRequest_HashFile(vl.FullServerPath, false);
					catch (Exception ex)
						string msg = string.Format("Error RunImport_IntegrityCheck XREF: {0} - {1}", vl.ToStringDetailed(), ex.ToString());

			// files which have been hashed, but don't have an associated episode
			List<VideoLocal> filesWithoutEpisode = repVidLocals.GetVideosWithoutEpisode();
			Dictionary<int, VideoLocal> dictFilesWithoutEpisode = new Dictionary<int, VideoLocal>();
			foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesWithoutEpisode)
				dictFilesWithoutEpisode[vl.VideoLocalID] = vl;

			// check that all the episode data is populated
			List<VideoLocal> filesAll = repVidLocals.GetAll();
			Dictionary<string, VideoLocal> dictFilesAllExisting = new Dictionary<string, VideoLocal>();
			foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesAll)
					dictFilesAllExisting[vl.FullServerPath] = vl;
				catch (Exception ex)
					string msg = string.Format("Error RunImport_IntegrityCheck XREF: {0} - {1}", vl.ToStringDetailed(), ex.ToString());

				// check if it has an episode
				if (dictFilesWithoutEpisode.ContainsKey(vl.VideoLocalID))
					CommandRequest_ProcessFile cmd = new CommandRequest_ProcessFile(vl.VideoLocalID, false);

				// if the file is not manually associated, then check for AniDB_File info
				AniDB_File aniFile = repAniFile.GetByHash(vl.Hash);
				foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in vl.EpisodeCrossRefs)
					if (xref.CrossRefSource != (int)CrossRefSource.AniDB) continue;
					if (aniFile == null)
						CommandRequest_ProcessFile cmd = new CommandRequest_ProcessFile(vl.VideoLocalID, false);

				if (aniFile == null) continue;

				// the cross ref is created before the actually episode data is downloaded
				// so lets check for that
				bool missingEpisodes = false;
				foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in aniFile.EpisodeCrossRefs)
					AniDB_Episode ep = repAniEps.GetByEpisodeID(xref.EpisodeID);
					if (ep == null) missingEpisodes = true;

				if (missingEpisodes)
					// this will then download the anime etc
					CommandRequest_ProcessFile cmd = new CommandRequest_ProcessFile(vl.VideoLocalID, false);
Exemple #6
		public static void RunImport_ScanFolder(int importFolderID)
			// get a complete list of files
			List<string> fileList = new List<string>();
			ImportFolderRepository repFolders = new ImportFolderRepository();
			int filesFound = 0, videosFound = 0;
			int i = 0;

				ImportFolder fldr = repFolders.GetByID(importFolderID);
				if (fldr == null) return;

				VideoLocalRepository repVidLocals = new VideoLocalRepository();
				// first build a list of files that we already know about, as we don't want to process them again
				List<VideoLocal> filesAll = repVidLocals.GetAll();
				Dictionary<string, VideoLocal> dictFilesExisting = new Dictionary<string, VideoLocal>();
				foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesAll)
						dictFilesExisting[vl.FullServerPath] = vl;
					catch (Exception ex)
						string msg = string.Format("Error RunImport_ScanFolder XREF: {0} - {1}", vl.ToStringDetailed(), ex.ToString());

				logger.Debug("ImportFolder: {0} || {1}", fldr.ImportFolderName, fldr.ImportFolderLocation);

				Utils.GetFilesForImportFolder(fldr.ImportFolderLocation, ref fileList);

				// get a list of all files in the share
				foreach (string fileName in fileList)

					if (dictFilesExisting.ContainsKey(fileName)) continue;
					logger.Info("Processing File {0}/{1} --- {2}", i, fileList.Count, fileName);

					if (!FileHashHelper.IsVideo(fileName)) continue;


					CommandRequest_HashFile cr_hashfile = new CommandRequest_HashFile(fileName, false);

				logger.Debug("Found {0} new files", filesFound);
				logger.Debug("Found {0} videos", videosFound);
			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
		public override void ProcessCommand()
			logger.Info("Processing CommandRequest_SyncMyList");

				// we will always assume that an anime was downloaded via http first
				ScheduledUpdateRepository repSched = new ScheduledUpdateRepository();
				AniDB_FileRepository repAniFile = new AniDB_FileRepository();
				VideoLocalRepository repVidLocals = new VideoLocalRepository();

				ScheduledUpdate sched = repSched.GetByUpdateType((int)ScheduledUpdateType.AniDBMyListSync);
				if (sched == null)
					sched = new ScheduledUpdate();
					sched.UpdateType = (int)ScheduledUpdateType.AniDBMyListSync;
					sched.UpdateDetails = "";
					int freqHours = Utils.GetScheduledHours(ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_UpdateFrequency);

					// if we have run this in the last 24 hours and are not forcing it, then exit
					TimeSpan tsLastRun = DateTime.Now - sched.LastUpdate;
					if (tsLastRun.TotalHours < freqHours)
						if (!ForceRefresh) return;

				AniDBHTTPCommand_GetMyList cmd = new AniDBHTTPCommand_GetMyList();
				cmd.Init(ServerSettings.AniDB_Username, ServerSettings.AniDB_Password);
				enHelperActivityType ev = cmd.Process();
				if (ev == enHelperActivityType.GotMyListHTTP && cmd.MyListItems.Count > 1)
					int totalItems = 0;
					int watchedItems = 0;
					int modifiedItems = 0;
					double pct = 0;

					// 2. find files locally for the user, which are not recorded on anidb
					//    and then add them to anidb
					Dictionary<int, Raw_AniDB_MyListFile> onlineFiles = new Dictionary<int, Raw_AniDB_MyListFile>();
					foreach (Raw_AniDB_MyListFile myitem in cmd.MyListItems)
						onlineFiles[myitem.FileID] = myitem;

					Dictionary<string, AniDB_File> dictAniFiles = new Dictionary<string, AniDB_File>();
					List<AniDB_File> allAniFiles = repAniFile.GetAll();
					foreach (AniDB_File anifile in allAniFiles)
						dictAniFiles[anifile.Hash] = anifile;

					int missingFiles = 0;
					foreach (VideoLocal vid in repVidLocals.GetAll())
						if (!dictAniFiles.ContainsKey(vid.Hash)) continue;

						int fileID = dictAniFiles[vid.Hash].FileID;

						if (!onlineFiles.ContainsKey(fileID))
							// means we have found a file in our local collection, which is not recorded online
							CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList cmdAddFile = new CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList(vid.Hash);
					logger.Info(string.Format("MYLIST Missing Files: {0} Added to queue for inclusion", missingFiles));

					JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();
					List<JMMUser> aniDBUsers = repUsers.GetAniDBUsers();

					VideoLocal_UserRepository repVidUsers = new VideoLocal_UserRepository();
					CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repFileEp = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();

					// 1 . sync mylist items
					foreach (Raw_AniDB_MyListFile myitem in cmd.MyListItems)
						// ignore files mark as deleted by the user
						if (myitem.State == (int)AniDBFileStatus.Deleted) continue;

						if (myitem.IsWatched) watchedItems++;

						//calculate percentage
						pct = (double)totalItems / (double)cmd.MyListItems.Count * (double)100;
						string spct = pct.ToString("#0.0");

						string hash = string.Empty;

						AniDB_File anifile = repAniFile.GetByFileID(myitem.FileID);
						if (anifile != null)
							hash = anifile.Hash;
							// look for manually linked files
							List<CrossRef_File_Episode> xrefs = repFileEp.GetByEpisodeID(myitem.EpisodeID);
							foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in xrefs)
								if (xref.CrossRefSource != (int)CrossRefSource.AniDB)
									hash = xref.Hash;

						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hash))
							// find the video associated with this record
							VideoLocal vl = repVidLocals.GetByHash(hash);
							if (vl == null) continue;

							foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
								bool localStatus = false;
								int? jmmUserID = null;

								// doesn't matter which anidb user we use
								jmmUserID = juser.JMMUserID;
								VideoLocal_User userRecord = vl.GetUserRecord(juser.JMMUserID);
								if (userRecord != null) localStatus = true;

								string action = "";
								if (localStatus != myitem.IsWatched)
									if (localStatus == true)
										// local = watched, anidb = unwatched
										if (ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_ReadUnwatched)
											if (jmmUserID.HasValue)
												vl.ToggleWatchedStatus(myitem.IsWatched, false, myitem.WatchedDate, false, false, jmmUserID.Value, false, true);
											action = "Used AniDB Status";
										// means local is un-watched, and anidb is watched
										if (ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_ReadWatched)
											if (jmmUserID.HasValue)
												vl.ToggleWatchedStatus(true, false, myitem.WatchedDate, false, false, jmmUserID.Value, false, true);
											action = "Updated Local record to Watched";

									string msg = string.Format("MYLISTDIFF:: File {0} - Local Status = {1}, AniDB Status = {2} --- {3}",
									vl.FullServerPath, localStatus, myitem.IsWatched, action);


							//string msg = string.Format("MYLIST:: File {0} - Local Status = {1}, AniDB Status = {2} --- {3}",
							//	vl.FullServerPath, localStatus, myitem.IsWatched, action);


					// now update all stats

					logger.Info("Process MyList: {0} Items, {1} Watched, {2} Modified", totalItems, watchedItems, modifiedItems);

					sched.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_SyncMyList: {0} ", ex.ToString());