Exemple #1
        private VideoLocal ProcessFile_LocalInfo()
            // hash and read media info for file
            int    nshareID = -1;
            string filePath = "";

            ImportFolderRepository repNS  = new ImportFolderRepository();
            List <ImportFolder>    shares = repNS.GetAll();

            DataAccessHelper.GetShareAndPath(FileName, shares, ref nshareID, ref filePath);

            if (!File.Exists(FileName))
                logger.Error("File does not exist: {0}", FileName);

            int numAttempts = 0;

            // Wait 3 minutes seconds before giving up on trying to access the file
            while ((!CanAccessFile(FileName)) && (numAttempts < 180))
                Console.WriteLine("Attempt # " + numAttempts.ToString());

            // if we failed to access the file, get ouuta here
            if (numAttempts == 180)
                logger.Error("Could not access file: " + FileName);

            // check if we have already processed this file
            VideoLocal             vlocal      = null;
            VideoLocalRepository   repVidLocal = new VideoLocalRepository();
            FileNameHashRepository repFNHash   = new FileNameHashRepository();

            List <VideoLocal> vidLocals = repVidLocal.GetByFilePathAndShareID(filePath, nshareID);
            FileInfo          fi        = new FileInfo(FileName);

            if (vidLocals.Count > 0)
                vlocal = vidLocals[0];
                logger.Trace("VideoLocal record found in database: {0}", vlocal.VideoLocalID);

                if (ForceHash)
                    vlocal.FileSize        = fi.Length;
                    vlocal.DateTimeUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                logger.Trace("VideoLocal, creating new record");
                vlocal = new VideoLocal();
                vlocal.DateTimeUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                vlocal.DateTimeCreated = vlocal.DateTimeUpdated;
                vlocal.FilePath        = filePath;
                vlocal.FileSize        = fi.Length;
                vlocal.ImportFolderID  = nshareID;
                vlocal.Hash            = "";
                vlocal.CRC32           = "";
                vlocal.MD5             = "";
                vlocal.SHA1            = "";
                vlocal.IsIgnored       = 0;
                vlocal.IsVariation     = 0;

            // check if we need to get a hash this file
            Hashes hashes = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vlocal.Hash) || ForceHash)
                // try getting the hash from the CrossRef
                if (!ForceHash)
                    CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repCrossRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();
                    List <CrossRef_File_Episode>    crossRefs    = repCrossRefs.GetByFileNameAndSize(Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath), vlocal.FileSize);
                    if (crossRefs.Count == 1)
                        vlocal.Hash       = crossRefs[0].Hash;
                        vlocal.HashSource = (int)HashSource.DirectHash;

                // try getting the hash from the LOCAL cache
                if (!ForceHash && string.IsNullOrEmpty(vlocal.Hash))
                    List <FileNameHash> fnhashes = repFNHash.GetByFileNameAndSize(Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath), vlocal.FileSize);
                    if (fnhashes != null && fnhashes.Count > 1)
                        // if we have more than one record it probably means there is some sort of corruption
                        // lets delete the local records
                        foreach (FileNameHash fnh in fnhashes)

                    if (fnhashes != null && fnhashes.Count == 1)
                        logger.Trace("Got hash from LOCAL cache: {0} ({1})", FileName, fnhashes[0].Hash);
                        vlocal.Hash       = fnhashes[0].Hash;
                        vlocal.HashSource = (int)HashSource.WebCacheFileName;

                // try getting the hash from the WEB cache
                if (!ForceHash && string.IsNullOrEmpty(vlocal.Hash))
                    string hash = XMLService.Get_FileHash(vlocal.FilePath, vlocal.FileSize);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hash))
                        logger.Trace("Got hash from web cache: {0} ({1})", FileName, hash);
                        vlocal.Hash       = hash;
                        vlocal.HashSource = (int)HashSource.WebCacheFileName;

                // hash the file
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vlocal.Hash) || ForceHash)
                    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                    logger.Trace("Calculating hashes for: {0}", FileName);
                    // update the VideoLocal record with the Hash
                    hashes = FileHashHelper.GetHashInfo(FileName, true, MainWindow.OnHashProgress, ServerSettings.Hash_CRC32, ServerSettings.Hash_MD5, ServerSettings.Hash_SHA1);
                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - start;
                    logger.Trace("Hashed file in {0} seconds --- {1}", ts.TotalSeconds.ToString("#0.0"), FileName);

                    vlocal.Hash       = hashes.ed2k;
                    vlocal.CRC32      = hashes.crc32;
                    vlocal.MD5        = hashes.md5;
                    vlocal.SHA1       = hashes.sha1;
                    vlocal.HashSource = (int)HashSource.DirectHash;

                // We should have a hash by now
                // before we save it, lets make sure there is not any other record with this hash (possible duplicate file)
                VideoLocal vidTemp = repVidLocal.GetByHash(vlocal.Hash);
                if (vidTemp != null)
                    // don't delete it, if it is actually the same record
                    if (vidTemp.VideoLocalID != vlocal.VideoLocalID)
                        // delete the VideoLocal record
                        logger.Warn("Deleting duplicate video file record");
                        logger.Warn("Keeping record for: {0}", vlocal.FullServerPath);
                        logger.Warn("Deleting record for: {0}", vidTemp.FullServerPath);

                        // check if we have a record of this in the database, if not create one
                        DuplicateFileRepository repDups  = new DuplicateFileRepository();
                        List <DuplicateFile>    dupFiles = repDups.GetByFilePathsAndImportFolder(vlocal.FilePath, vidTemp.FilePath, vlocal.ImportFolderID, vidTemp.ImportFolderID);
                        if (dupFiles.Count == 0)
                            dupFiles = repDups.GetByFilePathsAndImportFolder(vidTemp.FilePath, vlocal.FilePath, vidTemp.ImportFolderID, vlocal.ImportFolderID);

                        if (dupFiles.Count == 0)
                            DuplicateFile dup = new DuplicateFile();
                            dup.DateTimeUpdated     = DateTime.Now;
                            dup.FilePathFile1       = vlocal.FilePath;
                            dup.FilePathFile2       = vidTemp.FilePath;
                            dup.ImportFolderIDFile1 = vlocal.ImportFolderID;
                            dup.ImportFolderIDFile2 = vidTemp.ImportFolderID;
                            dup.Hash = vlocal.Hash;



                // also save the filename to hash record
                // replace the existing records just in case it was corrupt
                FileNameHash        fnhash    = null;
                List <FileNameHash> fnhashes2 = repFNHash.GetByFileNameAndSize(Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath), vlocal.FileSize);
                if (fnhashes2 != null && fnhashes2.Count > 1)
                    // if we have more than one record it probably means there is some sort of corruption
                    // lets delete the local records
                    foreach (FileNameHash fnh in fnhashes2)

                if (fnhashes2 != null && fnhashes2.Count == 1)
                    fnhash = fnhashes2[0];
                    fnhash = new FileNameHash();

                fnhash.FileName        = Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath);
                fnhash.FileSize        = vlocal.FileSize;
                fnhash.Hash            = vlocal.Hash;
                fnhash.DateTimeUpdated = DateTime.Now;

                // if this was hashed by the user, lets upload to cache
                if (vlocal.HashSource == (int)HashSource.DirectHash)
                    CommandRequest_WebCacheSendFileHash cr = new CommandRequest_WebCacheSendFileHash(vlocal.VideoLocalID);

            // now check if we have stored a VideoInfo record
            bool refreshMediaInfo = false;

            VideoInfoRepository repVidInfo = new VideoInfoRepository();
            VideoInfo           vinfo      = repVidInfo.GetByHash(vlocal.Hash);

            if (vinfo == null)
                refreshMediaInfo = true;

                vinfo      = new VideoInfo();
                vinfo.Hash = vlocal.Hash;

                vinfo.Duration        = 0;
                vinfo.FileSize        = fi.Length;
                vinfo.DateTimeUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                vinfo.FileName        = filePath;

                vinfo.AudioBitrate    = "";
                vinfo.AudioCodec      = "";
                vinfo.VideoBitrate    = "";
                vinfo.VideoBitDepth   = "";
                vinfo.VideoCodec      = "";
                vinfo.VideoFrameRate  = "";
                vinfo.VideoResolution = "";

                // check if we need to update the media info
                if (vinfo.VideoCodec.Trim().Length == 0)
                    refreshMediaInfo = true;
                    refreshMediaInfo = false;

            if (refreshMediaInfo)
                logger.Trace("Getting media info for: {0}", FileName);
                MediaInfoResult mInfo = FileHashHelper.GetMediaInfo(FileName, true);

                vinfo.AudioBitrate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.AudioBitrate) ? "" : mInfo.AudioBitrate;
                vinfo.AudioCodec   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.AudioCodec) ? "" : mInfo.AudioCodec;

                vinfo.DateTimeUpdated = vlocal.DateTimeUpdated;
                vinfo.Duration        = mInfo.Duration;
                vinfo.FileName        = filePath;
                vinfo.FileSize        = fi.Length;

                vinfo.VideoBitrate    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoBitrate) ? "" : mInfo.VideoBitrate;
                vinfo.VideoBitDepth   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoBitDepth) ? "" : mInfo.VideoBitDepth;
                vinfo.VideoCodec      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoCodec) ? "" : mInfo.VideoCodec;
                vinfo.VideoFrameRate  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoFrameRate) ? "" : mInfo.VideoFrameRate;
                vinfo.VideoResolution = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoResolution) ? "" : mInfo.VideoResolution;
                vinfo.FullInfo        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.FullInfo) ? "" : mInfo.FullInfo;

            // now add a command to process the file
            CommandRequest_ProcessFile cr_procfile = new CommandRequest_ProcessFile(vlocal.VideoLocalID, false);


		private VideoLocal ProcessFile_LocalInfo()
			// hash and read media info for file
			int nshareID = -1;
			string filePath = "";

			ImportFolderRepository repNS = new ImportFolderRepository();
			List<ImportFolder> shares = repNS.GetAll();
			DataAccessHelper.GetShareAndPath(FileName, shares, ref nshareID, ref filePath);

			if (!File.Exists(FileName))
				logger.Error("File does not exist: {0}", FileName);
				return null;

			int numAttempts = 0;
			// Wait 3 minutes seconds before giving up on trying to access the file
			while ((!CanAccessFile(FileName)) && (numAttempts < 180))
				Console.WriteLine("Attempt # " + numAttempts.ToString());

			// if we failed to access the file, get ouuta here
			if (numAttempts == 180)
				logger.Error("Could not access file: " + FileName);
				return null;

			// check if we have already processed this file
			VideoLocal vlocal = null;
			VideoLocalRepository repVidLocal = new VideoLocalRepository();
			FileNameHashRepository repFNHash = new FileNameHashRepository();

			List<VideoLocal> vidLocals = repVidLocal.GetByFilePathAndShareID(filePath, nshareID);
			FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(FileName);

			if (vidLocals.Count > 0)
				vlocal = vidLocals[0];
				logger.Trace("VideoLocal record found in database: {0}", vlocal.VideoLocalID);

				if (ForceHash)
					vlocal.FileSize = fi.Length;
					vlocal.DateTimeUpdated = DateTime.Now;
				logger.Trace("VideoLocal, creating new record");
				vlocal = new VideoLocal();
				vlocal.DateTimeUpdated = DateTime.Now;
				vlocal.DateTimeCreated = vlocal.DateTimeUpdated;
				vlocal.FilePath = filePath;
				vlocal.FileSize = fi.Length;
				vlocal.ImportFolderID = nshareID;
				vlocal.Hash = "";
				vlocal.CRC32 = "";
				vlocal.MD5 = "";
				vlocal.SHA1 = "";
				vlocal.IsIgnored = 0;
				vlocal.IsVariation = 0;

			// check if we need to get a hash this file
			Hashes hashes = null;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vlocal.Hash) || ForceHash)
				// try getting the hash from the CrossRef
				if (!ForceHash)
					CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repCrossRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();
					List<CrossRef_File_Episode> crossRefs = repCrossRefs.GetByFileNameAndSize(Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath), vlocal.FileSize);
					if (crossRefs.Count == 1)
						vlocal.Hash = crossRefs[0].Hash;
						vlocal.HashSource = (int)HashSource.DirectHash;

				// try getting the hash from the LOCAL cache
				if (!ForceHash && string.IsNullOrEmpty(vlocal.Hash))
					List<FileNameHash> fnhashes = repFNHash.GetByFileNameAndSize(Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath), vlocal.FileSize);
					if (fnhashes != null && fnhashes.Count > 1)
						// if we have more than one record it probably means there is some sort of corruption
						// lets delete the local records
						foreach (FileNameHash fnh in fnhashes)

					if (fnhashes != null && fnhashes.Count == 1)
						logger.Trace("Got hash from LOCAL cache: {0} ({1})", FileName, fnhashes[0].Hash);
						vlocal.Hash = fnhashes[0].Hash;
						vlocal.HashSource = (int)HashSource.WebCacheFileName;

				// try getting the hash from the WEB cache
				if (!ForceHash && string.IsNullOrEmpty(vlocal.Hash))
					string hash = XMLService.Get_FileHash(vlocal.FilePath, vlocal.FileSize);
					if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hash))
						logger.Trace("Got hash from web cache: {0} ({1})", FileName, hash);
						vlocal.Hash = hash;
						vlocal.HashSource = (int)HashSource.WebCacheFileName;

				// hash the file
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vlocal.Hash) || ForceHash)
					DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
					logger.Trace("Calculating hashes for: {0}", FileName);
					// update the VideoLocal record with the Hash
					hashes = FileHashHelper.GetHashInfo(FileName, true, MainWindow.OnHashProgress, ServerSettings.Hash_CRC32, ServerSettings.Hash_MD5, ServerSettings.Hash_SHA1);
					TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - start;
					logger.Trace("Hashed file in {0} seconds --- {1}", ts.TotalSeconds.ToString("#0.0"), FileName);

					vlocal.Hash = hashes.ed2k;
					vlocal.CRC32 = hashes.crc32;
					vlocal.MD5 = hashes.md5;
					vlocal.SHA1 = hashes.sha1;
					vlocal.HashSource = (int)HashSource.DirectHash;

				// We should have a hash by now
				// before we save it, lets make sure there is not any other record with this hash (possible duplicate file)
				VideoLocal vidTemp = repVidLocal.GetByHash(vlocal.Hash);
				if (vidTemp != null)
					// don't delete it, if it is actually the same record
					if (vidTemp.VideoLocalID != vlocal.VideoLocalID)
						// delete the VideoLocal record
						logger.Warn("Deleting duplicate video file record");
						logger.Warn("Keeping record for: {0}", vlocal.FullServerPath);
						logger.Warn("Deleting record for: {0}", vidTemp.FullServerPath);

						// check if we have a record of this in the database, if not create one
						DuplicateFileRepository repDups = new DuplicateFileRepository();
						List<DuplicateFile> dupFiles = repDups.GetByFilePathsAndImportFolder(vlocal.FilePath, vidTemp.FilePath, vlocal.ImportFolderID, vidTemp.ImportFolderID);
						if (dupFiles.Count == 0)
							dupFiles = repDups.GetByFilePathsAndImportFolder(vidTemp.FilePath, vlocal.FilePath, vidTemp.ImportFolderID, vlocal.ImportFolderID);

						if (dupFiles.Count == 0)
							DuplicateFile dup = new DuplicateFile();
							dup.DateTimeUpdated = DateTime.Now;
							dup.FilePathFile1 = vlocal.FilePath;
							dup.FilePathFile2 = vidTemp.FilePath;
							dup.ImportFolderIDFile1 = vlocal.ImportFolderID;
							dup.ImportFolderIDFile2 = vidTemp.ImportFolderID;
							dup.Hash = vlocal.Hash;



				// also save the filename to hash record
				// replace the existing records just in case it was corrupt
				FileNameHash fnhash = null;
				List<FileNameHash> fnhashes2 = repFNHash.GetByFileNameAndSize(Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath), vlocal.FileSize);
				if (fnhashes2 != null && fnhashes2.Count > 1)
					// if we have more than one record it probably means there is some sort of corruption
					// lets delete the local records
					foreach (FileNameHash fnh in fnhashes2)

				if (fnhashes2 != null && fnhashes2.Count == 1)
					fnhash = fnhashes2[0];
					fnhash = new FileNameHash();
				fnhash.FileName = Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath);
				fnhash.FileSize = vlocal.FileSize;
				fnhash.Hash = vlocal.Hash;
				fnhash.DateTimeUpdated = DateTime.Now;

				// if this was hashed by the user, lets upload to cache
				if (vlocal.HashSource == (int)HashSource.DirectHash)
					CommandRequest_WebCacheSendFileHash cr = new CommandRequest_WebCacheSendFileHash(vlocal.VideoLocalID);

			// now check if we have stored a VideoInfo record
			bool refreshMediaInfo = false;

			VideoInfoRepository repVidInfo = new VideoInfoRepository();
			VideoInfo vinfo = repVidInfo.GetByHash(vlocal.Hash);

			if (vinfo == null)
				refreshMediaInfo = true;

				vinfo = new VideoInfo();
				vinfo.Hash = vlocal.Hash;

				vinfo.Duration = 0;
				vinfo.FileSize = fi.Length;
				vinfo.DateTimeUpdated = DateTime.Now;
				vinfo.FileName = filePath;

				vinfo.AudioBitrate = "";
				vinfo.AudioCodec = "";
				vinfo.VideoBitrate = "";
				vinfo.VideoBitDepth = "";
				vinfo.VideoCodec = "";
				vinfo.VideoFrameRate = "";
				vinfo.VideoResolution = "";

				// check if we need to update the media info
				if (vinfo.VideoCodec.Trim().Length == 0) refreshMediaInfo = true;
				else refreshMediaInfo = false;


			if (refreshMediaInfo)
				logger.Trace("Getting media info for: {0}", FileName);
				MediaInfoResult mInfo = FileHashHelper.GetMediaInfo(FileName, true);

				vinfo.AudioBitrate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.AudioBitrate) ? "" : mInfo.AudioBitrate;
				vinfo.AudioCodec = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.AudioCodec) ? "" : mInfo.AudioCodec;

				vinfo.DateTimeUpdated = vlocal.DateTimeUpdated;
				vinfo.Duration = mInfo.Duration;
				vinfo.FileName = filePath;
				vinfo.FileSize = fi.Length;

				vinfo.VideoBitrate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoBitrate) ? "" : mInfo.VideoBitrate;
				vinfo.VideoBitDepth = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoBitDepth) ? "" : mInfo.VideoBitDepth;
				vinfo.VideoCodec = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoCodec) ? "" : mInfo.VideoCodec;
				vinfo.VideoFrameRate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoFrameRate) ? "" : mInfo.VideoFrameRate;
				vinfo.VideoResolution = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.VideoResolution) ? "" : mInfo.VideoResolution;
                vinfo.FullInfo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInfo.FullInfo) ? "" : mInfo.FullInfo;

			// now add a command to process the file
			CommandRequest_ProcessFile cr_procfile = new CommandRequest_ProcessFile(vlocal.VideoLocalID, false);

			return vlocal;