Exemple #1
		} // CaptureTokens
	// Read JavaScript source text and output a C# file.  progClassName
	// is the name of the C# class we generate.  inputFileLabel denotes
	// the source of the input text; it is inserted in a comment in the
	// C# source.
	public static void CompileToCSharp( TextReader input, TextWriter output,
										string progClassName,
										string inputFileLabel,
										bool forEvalCode )
		Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(input);
		TokenListNode tokenList = CaptureTokens(tokenizer);
		Phase1Parser parser = new Phase1Parser(new Retokenizer(tokenList));
		ProgramInfo programInfo = new ProgramInfo();
		FunctionInfo rootFunc = new FunctionInfo(programInfo, null, null);
		PrettyPrinter pp = new PrettyPrinter(output);
		pp.Line("// JANET compiler output for source file " + inputFileLabel);
		pp.Line("// ");
		CSharpGenerator gen = new CSharpGenerator( rootFunc, pp, progClassName,
												   forEvalCode );
		Phase2Parser parser2 = new Phase2Parser( new Retokenizer(tokenList),
												 gen );
		} // CompileToCSharp
Exemple #2
	// Construct a CSharpGenerator.  Parameters:
	// 	rootInfo				Info object for the program's root function.
	//	pp						Object where we write the generated program.
	//	progClassName			C# class name to use for the generated program.
	//  forEvalCode				True if the code being compiled came from a
	//							call to eval().
	public CSharpGenerator( FunctionInfo rootInfo, PrettyPrinter pp,
							String progClassName, bool forEvalCode )
		this.rootInfo      = rootInfo;
		this.pp            = pp;
		this.progClassName = progClassName;
		this.forEvalCode   = forEvalCode;
		} // CSharpGenerator constructor