void IPlugIn.PreProcessArguments(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result, ViewPage page) { _annotations = new List <FieldValue>(); if (args.Values != null) { foreach (FieldValue v in args.Values) { if (v.Name.StartsWith("_Annotation_") && v.Modified) { _annotations.Add(v); v.Modified = false; } } } }
protected virtual void ExecuteMethod(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result, ActionPhase phase) { bool match = InternalExecuteMethod(args, result, phase, true, true); if (!(match)) { match = InternalExecuteMethod(args, result, phase, true, false); } if (!(match)) { match = InternalExecuteMethod(args, result, phase, false, true); } if (!(match)) { InternalExecuteMethod(args, result, phase, false, false); } }
protected virtual string GenerateOutputFileName(ActionArgs args, string outputFileName) { args.CommandArgument = args.CommandName; args.CommandName = "FileName"; List <FieldValue> values = new List <FieldValue>(); values.Add(new FieldValue("FileName", outputFileName)); args.Values = values.ToArray(); ActionResult result = ControllerFactory.CreateDataController().Execute(args.Controller, args.View, args); foreach (FieldValue v in result.Values) { if (v.Name == "FileName") { outputFileName = Convert.ToString(v.Value); break; } } return(outputFileName); }
private void ExecuteDataExport(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result) { if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(args.CommandArgument))) { string[] arguments = args.CommandArgument.Split(','); if (arguments.Length > 0) { bool sameController = (args.Controller == arguments[0]); args.Controller = arguments[0]; if (arguments.Length == 1) { args.View = "grid1"; } else { args.View = arguments[1]; } if (sameController) { args.SortExpression = null; } SelectView(args.Controller, args.View); } } PageRequest request = new PageRequest(-1, -1, null, null); request.SortExpression = args.SortExpression; request.Filter = args.Filter; request.ContextKey = null; request.PageIndex = 0; request.PageSize = Int32.MaxValue; request.View = args.View; if (args.CommandName.EndsWith("Template")) { request.PageSize = 0; args.CommandName = "ExportCsv"; } // store export data to a temporary file string fileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(fileName); try { ViewPage page = new ViewPage(request); page.ApplyDataFilter(_config.CreateDataFilter(), args.Controller, args.View, null, null, null); if (_serverRules == null) { _serverRules = _config.CreateBusinessRules(); if (_serverRules == null) { _serverRules = CreateBusinessRules(); } } _serverRules.Page = page; _serverRules.ExecuteServerRules(request, ActionPhase.Before); using (DataConnection connection = CreateConnection(this)) { DbCommand selectCommand = CreateCommand(connection); if ((selectCommand == null) && _serverRules.EnableResultSet) { PopulatePageFields(page); EnsurePageFields(page, null); } ConfigureCommand(selectCommand, page, CommandConfigurationType.Select, null); DbDataReader reader = ExecuteResultSetReader(page); if (reader == null) { reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader(); } if (args.CommandName.EndsWith("Csv")) { ExportDataAsCsv(page, reader, writer); } if (args.CommandName.EndsWith("Rss")) { ExportDataAsRss(page, reader, writer); } if (args.CommandName.EndsWith("Rowset")) { ExportDataAsRowset(page, reader, writer); } reader.Close(); } _serverRules.ExecuteServerRules(request, ActionPhase.After); } finally { writer.Close(); } result.Values.Add(new FieldValue("FileName", null, fileName)); }
void IActionHandler.ExecuteAction(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result) { ExecuteMethod(args, result, ActionPhase.Execute); ExecuteAction(args, result); }
void IActionHandler.AfterSqlAction(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result) { ExecuteMethod(args, result, ActionPhase.After); AfterSqlAction(args, result); }
void IActionHandler.BeforeSqlAction(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result) { ExecuteMethod(args, result, ActionPhase.Before); BeforeSqlAction(args, result); }
protected virtual void ExecuteAction(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result) { }
protected virtual void AfterSqlAction(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result) { }
protected virtual void BeforeSqlAction(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result) { }
private bool InternalExecuteMethod(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result, ActionPhase phase, bool viewMatch, bool argumentMatch) { _arguments = args; _result = result; bool success = false; MethodInfo[] methods = GetType().GetMethods((BindingFlags.Public | (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))); foreach (MethodInfo method in methods) { object[] filters = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ControllerActionAttribute), true); foreach (ControllerActionAttribute action in filters) { if (((action.Controller == args.Controller) || (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Controller)) && Regex.IsMatch(args.Controller, action.Controller))) && ((!(viewMatch) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.View)) || (action.View == args.View))) { if ((action.CommandName == args.CommandName) && ((!(argumentMatch) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CommandArgument)) || (action.CommandArgument == args.CommandArgument))) { if (action.Phase == phase) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); if ((parameters.Length == 2) && ((parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(ActionArgs)) && (parameters[1].ParameterType == typeof(ActionResult)))) { method.Invoke(this, new object[] { args, result }); } else { object[] arguments = new object[parameters.Length]; for (int i = 0; (i < parameters.Length); i++) { ParameterInfo p = parameters[i]; FieldValue v = SelectFieldValueObject(p.Name); if (v != null) { if (p.ParameterType.Equals(typeof(FieldValue))) { arguments[i] = v; } else { try { arguments[i] = DataControllerBase.ConvertToType(p.ParameterType, v.Value); } catch (Exception) { } } } } method.Invoke(this, arguments); success = true; } } } } } } return(success); }
public static void Execute(ActionArgs args) { }
public virtual CommitResult Commit(JArray log) { _commitResult = new CommitResult(); try { if (log.Count > 0) { using (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection(LoadConfig(((string)(log[0]["controller"]))).ConnectionStringName, true)) { int index = -1; int sequence = -1; int lastSequence = sequence; string transactionScope = ((string)(ApplicationServices.Settings("odp.transactions.scope"))); for (int i = 0; (i < log.Count); i++) { JToken entry = log[i]; string controller = ((string)(entry["controller"])); string view = ((string)(entry["view"])); ActionArgs executeArgs = entry["args"].ToObject <ActionArgs>(); if (executeArgs.Sequence.HasValue) { sequence = executeArgs.Sequence.Value; if ((transactionScope == "sequence") && (sequence != lastSequence && (i > 0))) { connection.Commit(); _commitResult.Sequence = lastSequence; connection.BeginTransaction(); } lastSequence = sequence; } ControllerConfiguration config = LoadConfig(executeArgs.Controller); ProcessArguments(config, executeArgs); ActionResult executeResult = ControllerFactory.CreateDataController().Execute(controller, view, executeArgs); if (executeResult.Errors.Count > 0) { index = i; _commitResult.Index = index; _commitResult.Errors = executeResult.Errors.ToArray(); break; } else { ProcessResult(config, executeResult); } } if (index == -1) { connection.Commit(); _commitResult.Sequence = sequence; } else { connection.Rollback(); _commitResult.Index = index; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _commitResult.Errors = new string[] { ex.Message }; _commitResult.Index = 0; } return(_commitResult); }
protected virtual void ProcessArguments(ControllerConfiguration config, ActionArgs args) { if (args.Values == null) { return; } FieldValueDictionary values = new FieldValueDictionary(args); _pk = null; // detect negative primary keys XPathNavigator pkNav = config.SelectSingleNode("/c:dataController/c:fields/c:field[@isPrimaryKey=\'true\']"); if (pkNav != null) { FieldValue fv = null; if (values.TryGetValue(pkNav.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty), out fv)) { int value = 0; if ((fv.NewValue != null) && int.TryParse(Convert.ToString(fv.NewValue), out value)) { if (value < 0) { if (args.CommandName == "Insert") { // request a new row from business rules PageRequest newRowRequest = new PageRequest(); newRowRequest.Controller = args.Controller; newRowRequest.View = args.View; newRowRequest.Inserting = true; newRowRequest.RequiresMetaData = true; newRowRequest.MetadataFilter = new string[] { "fields" }; ViewPage page = ControllerFactory.CreateDataController().GetPage(newRowRequest.Controller, newRowRequest.View, newRowRequest); if (page.NewRow != null) { for (int i = 0; (i < page.NewRow.Length); i++) { object newValue = page.NewRow[i]; if (newValue != null) { DataField field = page.Fields[i]; if (field.IsPrimaryKey) { // resolve the value of the primary key ResolvePrimaryKey(args.Controller, fv.Name, value, newValue); value = 0; fv.NewValue = newValue; } else { // inject a missing default value in the arguments FieldValue newFieldValue = null; if (values.TryGetValue(field.Name, out newFieldValue)) { if (!(newFieldValue.Modified)) { newFieldValue.NewValue = newValue; newFieldValue.Modified = true; } } else { List <FieldValue> newValues = new List <FieldValue>(args.Values); newFieldValue = new FieldValue(field.Name, newValue); newValues.Add(newFieldValue); args.Values = newValues.ToArray(); values[field.Name] = newFieldValue; } } } } } } // resolve the primary key after the command execution if (value < 0) { _pk = new FieldValue(fv.Name, value); fv.NewValue = null; fv.Modified = false; } } } } } // resolve negative foreign keys if (_resolvedKeys.Count > 0) { XPathNodeIterator fkIterator = config.Select("/c:dataController/c:fields/c:field[c:items/@dataController]"); while (fkIterator.MoveNext()) { FieldValue fv = null; if (values.TryGetValue(fkIterator.Current.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty), out fv)) { XPathNavigator itemsDataControllerNav = fkIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("c:items/@dataController", config.Resolver); object resolvedKey = null; if (_resolvedKeys.TryGetValue(String.Format("{0}${1}", itemsDataControllerNav.Value, fv.NewValue), out resolvedKey)) { fv.NewValue = resolvedKey; } } } } }