Exemple #1
        private void contextMenuStrip1_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
            if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.RootElement == null) {
            XmlElement xml1 = (XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
            if (xml1 != null) {
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "属性") {

                    if (getlayer(SvgDocument.currentLayer, "电网规划层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList()/*"layer24288"*/)) {

                        if (xml1 == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                            MessageBox.Show("请选择地块。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        /*  if (xml1.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon")
                              //string IsArea = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("IsArea");
                              //if (IsArea != "")
                              glebeProperty _gle = new glebeProperty();
                              _gle.EleID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                              _gle.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;

                              IList<glebeProperty> UseProList = Services.BaseService.GetList<glebeProperty>("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", _gle);
                              if (UseProList.Count > 0)
                                  _gle = UseProList[0];

                                  frmMainProperty f = new frmMainProperty();

                                  XmlNodeList n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("use");
                                  PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(xml1);
                                  string str220 = "";
                                  string str110 = "";
                                  string str66 = "";

                                  GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                                  //Matrix x=new Matrix(
                                  //Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                                  for (int i = 0; i < n1.Count; i++)
                                      float OffX = 0f;
                                      float OffY = 0f;
                                      bool ck = false;
                                      Use use = (Use)n1[i];
                                      if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation"))
                                          string strMatrix = use.GetAttribute("transform");
                                          if (strMatrix != "")
                                              strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace("matrix(", "");
                                              strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace(")", "");
                                              string[] mat = strMatrix.Split(',');
                                              if (mat.Length > 5)
                                                  OffX = Convert.ToSingle(mat[4]);
                                                  OffY = Convert.ToSingle(mat[5]);
                                          if (frmlar.getSelectedLayer().Contains(use.GetAttribute("layer")))
                                              ck = true;
                                          PointF TempPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(use.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                                          if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.X + TempPoint.X + OffX, use.Y + TempPoint.Y + OffY) && ck)
                                              if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("220"))
                                                  str220 = str220 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                              if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("110"))
                                                  str110 = str110 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                              if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("66"))
                                                  str66 = str66 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                  if (str220.Length > 1)
                                      str220 = str220.Substring(0, str220.Length - 1);
                                  if (str110.Length > 1)
                                      str110 = str110.Substring(0, str110.Length - 1);
                                  if (str66.Length > 1)
                                      str66 = str66.Substring(0, str66.Length - 1);
                                  f.InitData(_gle, str220, str110, str66);  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                                  f.IsReadonly = true;


                    if (getlayer(SvgDocument.currentLayer, "城市规划层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList())/*"layer97052"*/) {
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getRZBRatio() != "") {
                            rzb = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getRZBRatio();
                        if (xml1.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                            string IsArea = xml1.GetAttribute("IsArea");
                            if (IsArea != "") {
                                frmProperty f = new frmProperty();
                                f.InitData(xml1.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, SelUseArea, rzb, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                                f.IsReadonly = true;
                    if (xml1 == null) return;
                    if (xml1.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Line" || xml1.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                        string IsLead = xml1.GetAttribute("IsLead");
                        if (IsLead != "") {
                            frmLineProperty fl = new frmLineProperty();
                            fl.InitData(xml1.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, LineLen, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                            fl.IsReadonly = true;
                    if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation")) {
                        string lab = xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href");
                        frmSubstationProperty frmSub = new frmSubstationProperty();
                        frmSub.InitData(xml1.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, SvgDocument.currentLayer, lab);
                        frmSub.IsReadonly = true;
                    if (tlVectorControl1.Operation == ToolOperation.InterEnclosure) {
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                            XmlNodeList n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("use");
                            PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(xml1);
                            string str220 = "";
                            string str110 = "";
                            string str66 = "";

                            GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                            //Matrix x=new Matrix(
                            //Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                            for (int i = 0; i < n1.Count; i++) {
                                float OffX = 0f;
                                float OffY = 0f;
                                bool ck = false;
                                Use use = (Use)n1[i];
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation")) {
                                    string strMatrix = use.GetAttribute("transform");
                                    if (strMatrix != "") {
                                        strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace("matrix(", "");
                                        strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace(")", "");
                                        string[] mat = strMatrix.Split(',');
                                        if (mat.Length > 5) {
                                            OffX = Convert.ToSingle(mat[4]);
                                            OffY = Convert.ToSingle(mat[5]);
                                    if (frmlar.getSelectedLayer().Contains(use.GetAttribute("layer"))) {
                                        ck = true;
                                    PointF TempPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(use.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                                    if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.X + TempPoint.X + OffX, use.Y + TempPoint.Y + OffY) && ck) {
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("220")) {
                                            str220 = str220 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("110")) {
                                            str110 = str110 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("66")) {
                                            str66 = str66 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                            if (str220.Length > 1) {
                                str220 = str220.Substring(0, str220.Length - 1);
                            if (str110.Length > 1) {
                                str110 = str110.Substring(0, str110.Length - 1);
                            if (str66.Length > 1) {
                                str66 = str66.Substring(0, str66.Length - 1);
                            glebeProperty _gle = new glebeProperty();
                            _gle.EleID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                            _gle.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;

                            IList<glebeProperty> UseProList = Services.BaseService.GetList<glebeProperty>("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", _gle);
                            if (UseProList.Count > 0) {
                                _gle = UseProList[0];
                                _gle.LayerID = SvgDocument.currentLayer;
                                frmMainProperty f = new frmMainProperty();
                                f.simpleButton4.Visible = false;
                                f.InitData(_gle, str220, str110, str66);
                                //f.InitData(_gle, str220, str110, str66);  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                                f.IsReadonly = true;
                                //if (f.checkBox1.Checked == false)
                    tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = null;

                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "接线图") {
                    pid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    SVGFILE svg_temp = new SVGFILE();
                    svg_temp.SUID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                    IList svglist = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectSVGFILEByKey", svg_temp);
                    if (svglist.Count > 0) {
                        svg_temp = (SVGFILE)svglist[0];
                        SvgDocument sdoc = new SvgDocument();
                        tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument = sdoc;
                        tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid = svg_temp.SUID;
                        MapType = "所内接线图";
                    } else {
                        tlVectorControl1.IsPasteGrid = false;
                        tlVectorControl1.IsShowGrid = false;
                        tlVectorControl1.IsShowRule = false;
                        tlVectorControl1.IsShowTip = false;
                        tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid = svg_temp.SUID;
                        MapType = "所内接线图";
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList().Count == 0) {
                        Layer _lar = ItopVector.Core.Figure.Layer.CreateNew("接线图", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument);
                        _lar.SetAttribute("layerType", "所内接线图");
                        _lar.Visible = true;
                        SvgDocument.currentLayer = ((Layer)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList()[0]).ID;

                    LoadImage = false;
                    bk1.Visible = false;
                    selLar = "";
Exemple #2
        /*public void ResetPoly()
            SvgElementCollection col= tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectCollection;
            SvgElementCollection.ISvgElementEnumerator enumerator1 = tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.ElementList.GetEnumerator();
            foreach(SvgElement ele in col){
                if (ele.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon")
                    glebeProperty p=new glebeProperty();
                    p.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    p.EleID = ((IGraph)ele).ID;
                    p = Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", p);
                        PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(ele);
                        GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                        Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                        while (enumerator1.MoveNext())
                            IGraph graph1 = (IGraph)enumerator1.Current;
                            GraphicsPath path1 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                            Region region2 = new Region(path1);
                            if (!region2.GetBounds(Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero)).IsEmpty)
                                glebeProperty p1 = new glebeProperty();
                                p1.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                p1.EleID = graph1.ID;
                                p1 = Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", p1);
                                    p1.ParentEleID = p.UID;
                                    Services.BaseService.Update("UpdateglebePropertyAreaAll", p1);
        private void contextMenuStrip1_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
            try {
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "属性") {
                    XmlElement xml1 = (XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    //PointF[] pf = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(xml1);

                    // 规划
                    if (getlayer(SvgDocument.currentLayer, "电网规划层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList())) {

                        if (xml1 == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                            MessageBox.Show("请先选择规划区域。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.RectangleElement") {
                            //frmImgManager frm = new frmImgManager();
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                            XmlNodeList n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("use");
                            PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(xml1);
                            string str220 = "";
                            string str110 = "";
                            string str66 = "";

                            GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                            //Matrix x=new Matrix(
                            //Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                            for (int i = 0; i < n1.Count; i++) {
                                float OffX = 0f;
                                float OffY = 0f;
                                bool ck = false;
                                Use use = (Use)n1[i];
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation")) {
                                    string strMatrix = use.GetAttribute("transform");
                                    if (strMatrix != "") {
                                        strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace("matrix(", "");
                                        strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace(")", "");
                                        string[] mat = strMatrix.Split(',');
                                        if (mat.Length > 5) {
                                            OffX = Convert.ToSingle(mat[4]);
                                            OffY = Convert.ToSingle(mat[5]);
                                    if (frmlar.getSelectedLayer().Contains(use.GetAttribute("layer"))) {
                                        ck = true;
                                    PointF TempPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(use.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                                    if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.X + TempPoint.X + OffX, use.Y + TempPoint.Y + OffY) && ck) {
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("220")) {
                                            str220 = str220 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("110")) {
                                            str110 = str110 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("66")) {
                                            str66 = str66 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                            if (str220.Length > 1) {
                                str220 = str220.Substring(0, str220.Length - 1);
                            if (str110.Length > 1) {
                                str110 = str110.Substring(0, str110.Length - 1);
                            if (str66.Length > 1) {
                                str66 = str66.Substring(0, str66.Length - 1);
                            glebeProperty _gle = new glebeProperty();
                            _gle.EleID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                            _gle.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;

                            IList<glebeProperty> UseProList = Services.BaseService.GetList<glebeProperty>("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", _gle);
                            if (UseProList.Count > 0) {
                                _gle = UseProList[0];
                                _gle.LayerID = SvgDocument.currentLayer;
                                frmMainProperty f = new frmMainProperty();

                                f.InitData(_gle, str220, str110, str66);

                                if (f.checkBox1.Checked == false) {

                    if (getlayer(SvgDocument.currentLayer, "城市规划层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList())) {

                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getRZBRatio() != "") {
                            rzb = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getRZBRatio();

                        if (xml1 == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                            MessageBox.Show("请先选择地块。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                            string IsArea = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("IsArea");
                            if (IsArea != "") {
                                frmProperty f = new frmProperty();
                                if (SelUseArea == "") { SelUseArea = "0"; }
                                f.InitData(xml1.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, SelUseArea, rzb, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                                if (progtype != "城市规划层") {
                                    f.IsReadonly = true;
                                if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                                    SVG_ENTITY ent = new SVG_ENTITY();
                                    if (f.IsCreate) {
                                        ent.SUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                        ent.EleID = f.gPro.EleID;
                                        ent.layerID = f.gPro.LayerID;
                                        ent.MDATE = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        ent.NAME = f.gPro.UseID;
                                        ent.svgID = f.gPro.SvgUID;
                                        ent.TYPE = "polygon-dk";
                                        //ent.voltage = f.gPro.Voltage;
                                    } else {
                                        ent.NAME = f.gPro.UseID;
                                        ent.layerID = f.gPro.LayerID;
                                        ent.MDATE = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        //ent.voltage = fl.Line.Voltage;
                                    if (f.gPro.ObligateField1 != "") {
                                        string color1 = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(f.gPro.ObligateField1)));
                                        color1 = "fill:" + color1 + ";";
                                        ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).SetAttribute("style", color1);


                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Line" || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                        string lineWidth = "2";
                        string IsLead = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                        //if (IsLead != "")       //原先导线的属性添加情况
                        //    frmLineProperty fl = new frmLineProperty();
                        //    fl.LineNode = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                        //    fl.InitData(tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, LineLen, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                        //    if (fl.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        //    {
                        //        SVG_ENTITY ent = new SVG_ENTITY();
                        //        if (fl.IsCreate)
                        //        {
                        //            ent.SUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        //            ent.EleID = fl.Line.EleID;
                        //            ent.layerID = fl.Line.LayerID;
                        //            ent.MDATE = System.DateTime.Now;
                        //            ent.NAME = fl.Line.LineName;
                        //            ent.svgID = fl.Line.SvgUID;
                        //            ent.TYPE = "line";
                        //            ent.voltage =Convert.ToInt32(fl.Line.Voltage);
                        //            Services.BaseService.Create<SVG_ENTITY>(ent);
                        //        }
                        //        else
                        //        {
                        //            ent.NAME = fl.Line.LineName;
                        //            ent.layerID = fl.Line.LayerID;
                        //            ent.MDATE = System.DateTime.Now;
                        //            ent.voltage =Convert.ToInt32( fl.Line.Voltage);
                        //            Services.BaseService.Update<SVG_ENTITY>(ent);
                        //        }

                        //        lineWidth = fl.LineWidth;
                        //        string styleValue = "";
                        //        if (fl.Line.ObligateField1 == "规划")
                        //        {
                        //            styleValue = "stroke-dasharray:" + ghType + ";stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                        //        }
                        //        else
                        //        {
                        //            styleValue = "stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                        //        }
                        //        //string aa= ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.Black);
                        //        styleValue = styleValue + "stroke:" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(fl.Line.ObligateField2)));
                        //        SvgElement se = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                        //        se.RemoveAttribute("style");
                        //        se.SetAttribute("style", styleValue);
                        //        se.SetAttribute("info-name", fl.Line.LineName);

                        //    }
                        if (IsLead != "")       //修改后的导线的属性添加情况
                            PSPDEV obj = new PSPDEV();
                            string deviceid = xml1.GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.XL, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                if (obj==null)
                                    tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = xml1 as SvgElement;
                                if ( obj is PSPDEV) {
                                    deviceid = ((PSPDEV)obj).SUID;
                                    xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(deviceid);
                                if (obj != null) {
                                    xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSPDEV)obj).Name);
                                    DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.XL, deviceid, false);

                                LineInfo li = new LineInfo();
                                li.UID = obj.SUID;
                                li = (LineInfo)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectLineInfoByKey", li);
                                if (li != null) {
                                    li.LayerID = SvgDocument.currentLayer;
                                    li.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    li.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    LineType lt = new LineType();
                                    lt.TypeName = li.Voltage.ToString() + "kV";
                                    lt = (LineType)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectLineTypeByTypeName", lt);
                                    li.ObligateField3 = obj.OperationYear;
                                    if (lt != null)
                                        li.ObligateField2 = lt.Color;
                                        lineWidth = lt.ObligateField1;

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(li.ObligateField3)) {
                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(obj.OperationYear) > DateTime.Now.Year) {
                                            li.ObligateField1 = "规划";
                                        } else
                                            li.ObligateField1 = "运行";
                                } else {
                                    li = new LineInfo();
                                    li.UID = obj.SUID;
                                    li.LineName = obj.Name;
                                    li.Length = obj.LineLength.ToString();
                                    li.LineType = obj.LineType;
                                    li.Voltage = obj.ReferenceVolt.ToString();
                                    li.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    li.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    LineType lt = new LineType();
                                    lt.TypeName = obj.ReferenceVolt.ToString() + "kV";
                                    lt = (LineType)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectLineTypeByTypeName", lt);
                                    li.ObligateField3 = obj.OperationYear;
                                    if (lt != null)
                                        li.ObligateField2 = lt.Color;
                                        lineWidth = lt.ObligateField1;

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(li.ObligateField3)) {
                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(obj.OperationYear) > DateTime.Now.Year) {
                                            li.ObligateField1 = "规划";
                                        } else
                                            li.ObligateField1 = "运行";


                                string styleValue = "";
                                if (li.ObligateField1 == "规划") {
                                    styleValue = "stroke-dasharray:" + ghType + ";stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                                } else {
                                    styleValue = "stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                                //string aa= ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.Black);
                                styleValue = styleValue + "stroke:" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(li.ObligateField2)));
                                SvgElement se = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                                se.SetAttribute("style", styleValue);
                                se.SetAttribute("info-name", li.LineName);
                                //***** ********添加FistNode和LastNode
                                XmlNodeList useList = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectNodes("svg/use");

                                foreach (XmlNode element in useList) {
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("Deviceid"))) {
                                        string con = "WHERE SvgUID='" + (element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "'AND ProjectID = '" + Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID + "'" + "AND Type='01'";
                                        IList pspMX = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con);
                                        if (pspMX != null) {
                                            foreach (PSPDEV pspmx in pspMX) {
                                                if (obj.IName == pspmx.Name) {
                                                    (xml1 as XmlElement).SetAttribute("FirstNode", (element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("id"));

                                                } else if (obj.JName == pspmx.Name) {
                                                    (xml1 as XmlElement).SetAttribute("LastNode", (element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("id"));

                    if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Power")) {
                        string lab = xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href");

                        float x = 0f;
                        float y = 0f;

                        x = ((Use)xml1).X;

                        y = ((Use)xml1).Y;

                        PointF p1 = new PointF(x, y);
                        PointF[] pnt = new PointF[1];
                        pnt[0] = p1;
                        Use temp = xml1.Clone() as Use;

                        LongLat templat = mapview.OffSetZero(-(int)(pnt[0].X * tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio), -(int)(pnt[0].Y * tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio));

                        string[] jd = templat.Longitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                        int d1 = Convert.ToInt32(jd[0]);
                        string[] df1 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + jd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                        int f1 = Convert.ToInt32(df1[0]);
                        decimal m1 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df1[1]) * 60;

                        string[] wd = templat.Latitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                        int d2 = Convert.ToInt32(wd[0]);
                        string[] df2 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + wd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                        int f2 = Convert.ToInt32(df2[0]);
                        decimal m2 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df2[1]) * 60;

                        string strjwd = "经纬度: " + d1.ToString() + "°" + f1.ToString() + "′" + m1.ToString("##.#") + "″," + d2.ToString() + "°" + f2.ToString() + "′" + m2.ToString("##.#") + "″";
                        object obj = null;
                        string deviceid = xml1.GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                            //XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                            if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Power")) {
                                obj = DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.DY, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                if (obj == null)
                                    tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = xml1 as SvgElement;
                                if (obj is PSP_PowerSubstation_Info) {
                                    deviceid = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);
                                substation sb = new substation();
                                sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                if (sb != null) {
                                    sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                    } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                } else {
                                    sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                    } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                            } else {
                                obj = DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.BDZ, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                if (obj == null)
                                    tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = xml1 as SvgElement;
                                if (obj is PSP_Substation_Info) {
                                    deviceid = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);
                                    //RectangleF t = ((IGraph)xml1).GetBounds();
                                    //n1.SetAttribute("x", (t.X - 30).ToString());
                                    //n1.SetAttribute("y", (t.Y - 30).ToString());
                                    //n1.SetAttribute("font-size", "24");
                                    //n1.InnerText = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Title;
                                    //n1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                                    //n1.SetAttribute("ParentID", temp.GetAttribute("id"));
                                    //tlVectorControl1.Operation = ToolOperation.Select;
                                substation sb = new substation();
                                sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                if (sb != null) {

                                    sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                    } else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                } else {
                                    sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                    } else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                            if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Power")) {
                                obj = DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSP_PowerSubstation_Info>(deviceid);
                                if (obj != null) {
                                    xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Title);
                                    //XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("/text[@ParentUID='" + xml1.GetAttribute("id") + "']");
                                    DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.DY, deviceid, false);
                                substation sb = new substation();
                                sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                if (sb != null) {
                                    sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                    } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                } else {
                                    sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                    } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                            } else {
                                obj = DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSP_Substation_Info>(deviceid);
                                if (obj != null) {
                                    xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Title);
                                    //XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("/text[@ParentUID='" + xml1.GetAttribute("id") + "']");
                                    DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.BDZ, deviceid, false);
                                substation sb = new substation();
                                sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                if (sb != null) {
                                    sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                    } else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                } else {
                                    sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                    sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                    } else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                        sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";

                        //frmSubstationProperty frmSub = new frmSubstationProperty();
                        //frmSub.jwstr = strjwd;
                        //frmSub.InitData(xml1.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, SvgDocument.currentLayer, lab);
                        //if (frmSub.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        //    xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", frmSub.Sub.EleName);
                        //    SVG_ENTITY ent = new SVG_ENTITY();
                        //    if (frmSub.IsCreate)
                        //    {
                        //        ent.SUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        //        ent.EleID = frmSub.Sub.EleID;
                        //        ent.layerID = frmSub.Sub.LayerID;
                        //        ent.MDATE = System.DateTime.Now;
                        //        ent.NAME = frmSub.Sub.EleName;
                        //        ent.svgID = frmSub.Sub.SvgUID;
                        //        ent.TYPE = "substation";
                        //        ent.voltage = Convert.ToInt32(frmSub.Sub.ObligateField1);
                        //        Services.BaseService.Create<SVG_ENTITY>(ent);
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        ent.NAME = frmSub.Sub.EleName;
                        //        ent.layerID = frmSub.Sub.LayerID;
                        //        ent.MDATE = System.DateTime.Now;
                        //        //ent.voltage = fl.Line.Voltage;
                        //        Services.BaseService.Update<SVG_ENTITY>(ent);
                        //    }
                    if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("XL_GT_3") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("XL_GT_4")) {
                        frmInputNum num = new frmInputNum();
                        num.InputStr = xml1.GetAttribute("order");
                        xml1.SetAttribute("order", num.InputStrSEL);
                    //if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("bdz") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("hwg") ||
                    //    xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("fjx") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("kbs") ||
                    //    xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("byq") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("kg"))
                    //    frmInputDialog n1 = new frmInputDialog();
                    //    n1.InputStr = xml1.GetAttribute("info-name").ToString();
                    //    if (n1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    //    {
                    //        xml1.SetAttribute("info-name",n1.InputStr);
                    //    }

                    if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("kbs") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("hwg")) {
                        frmkbsProperty num = new frmkbsProperty();
                        num.InitData(((SvgElement)xml1).ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID);
                    if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("fjx")) {
                        frmfjxProperty num = new frmfjxProperty();
                        num.InitData(((SvgElement)xml1).ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID);
                    if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("byq")) {
                        frmbyqProperty num = new frmbyqProperty();
                        num.InitData(((SvgElement)xml1).ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID);
                    if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("SB_GT")) {
                        string lineWidth = "2";

                        string Code = xltProcessor.GetCurrentLineCode();
                        string _len = xltProcessor.GetWholeLineLength(Code).ToString("#####.####");

                        frmLineProperty fl = new frmLineProperty();
                        fl.LineNode = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                        fl.InitData(Code, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, _len, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                        if (fl.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                            //Value="stroke-dasharray:8 8;stroke-width:2;stroke:#00C000;"
                            lineWidth = fl.LineWidth;
                            string styleValue = "";
                            if (fl.Line.ObligateField1 == "规划") {
                                styleValue = "stroke-dasharray:4 4;stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                            } else {
                                styleValue = "stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";

                            styleValue = styleValue + "stroke:" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(fl.Line.ObligateField2)));
                            ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).SetAttribute("style", styleValue);

                            xltProcessor.SetWholeLineAttribute(Code, "style", styleValue);

                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "移动") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                    XmlElement xmln = (XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    frmMove fm = new frmMove();
                    PointF pf11 = ((Use)xmln).CenterPoint;
                    LongLat temp = mapview.ParseToLongLat((int)pf11.X, (int)pf11.Y);
                    string[] jd = temp.Longitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                    int d1 = Convert.ToInt32(jd[0]);
                    string[] df1 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + jd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                    int f1 = Convert.ToInt32(df1[0]);
                    decimal m1 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df1[1]) * 60;

                    string[] wd = temp.Latitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                    int d2 = Convert.ToInt32(wd[0]);
                    string[] df2 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + wd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                    int f2 = Convert.ToInt32(df2[0]);
                    decimal m2 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df2[1]) * 60;
                    strj1 = d1.ToString();
                    strw1 = f1.ToString();
                    strd1 = m1.ToString();
                    strj2 = d2.ToString();
                    strw2 = f2.ToString();
                    strd2 = m2.ToString();
                    fm.Init(strj1, strw1, strd1, strj2, strw2, strd2);
                    if (fm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                        string strValue = fm.StrValue;
                        string[] str = strValue.Split(',');
                        string[] JWD1 = str[0].Split(' ');
                        decimal J1 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD1[0]);
                        decimal W1 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD1[1]);
                        decimal D1 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD1[2]);
                        string[] JWD2 = str[1].Split(' ');
                        decimal J2 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD2[0]);
                        decimal W2 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD2[1]);
                        decimal D2 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD2[2]);

                        decimal JD = J1 + W1 / 60 + D1 / 3600;
                        decimal WD = J2 + W2 / 60 + D2 / 3600;

                        PointF pf1 = mapview.ParseToPoint(JD, WD);

                        PointF p1 = ((Use)xmln).CenterPoint;

                        SvgElement e1 = xmln as SvgElement;
                        Matrix matrix2 = ((IGraph)e1).GraphTransform.Matrix.Clone();
                        Matrix matrix3 = tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.CoordTransform.Clone();
                        matrix2.Multiply(matrix3, MatrixOrder.Append);
                        PointF[] pfArray1 = new PointF[] { new PointF(pf1.X / tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio, pf1.Y / tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio), p1 };

                        float single1 = pfArray1[0].X - pfArray1[1].X;
                        float single2 = pfArray1[0].Y - pfArray1[1].Y;

                        Matrix matrix6 = ((IGraph)e1).Transform.Matrix.Clone();
                        if (e1.SvgAttributes.ContainsKey("transform")) {
                            Matrix matrix7 = ((Matrix)e1.SvgAttributes["transform"]).Clone();
                            matrix6.Multiply(matrix7, MatrixOrder.Append);
                        Matrix matrix5 = new Matrix();
                        matrix5.Translate(single1, single2);
                        Matrix matrix8 = ((IGraph)e1).Transform.Matrix.Clone();
                        matrix6.Multiply(matrix8, MatrixOrder.Append);
                        Transf tf = new Transf();
                        (xmln as Use).Transform = tf;

                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "接线图") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                    ParentUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    ParentUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    SVGFILE svg_temp = new SVGFILE();
                    //XmlElement xml1 = ((XmlElement)(e.Elements[0]));xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                    svg_temp.SUID = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("id");
                    svg_temp.FILENAME = getBdzName(svg_temp.SUID);// ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("info-name");
                    string strWhere = string.Format("suid='{0}' or filename='{1}' ", svg_temp.SUID, svg_temp.FILENAME);
                    IList svglist = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectSVGFILEByWhere", strWhere);
                    OpenJXT(svglist, svg_temp);
                    //frmlar.SymbolDoc = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument;
                    //frmlar.Progtype = MapType;
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "打开") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                        MessageBox.Show("请选择地块。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    UseRelating UseRel = new UseRelating();
                    UseRel.UseID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                    IList<UseRelating> UseRelList = Services.BaseService.GetList<UseRelating>("SelectUseRelatingByUseID", UseRel);
                    if (UseRelList.Count < 1) {
                        MessageBox.Show("选择的地块还没有关联到其他地图,请先设置关联地图", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    UseRel = UseRelList[0];
                    SVGFILE svgFile = new SVGFILE();
                    svgFile.SUID = UseRel.LinkUID;
                    IList svgList = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectSVGFILEByKey", svgFile);
                    if (svgList.Count < 1) {
                        MessageBox.Show("被关联的地图已经被删除,请重新设置关联地图", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    svgFile = (SVGFILE)svgList[0];
                    //SvgDocument doc = new SvgDocument();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(svgFile.SVGDATA)) {
                        ctlfile_OnOpenSvgDocument(sender, svgFile.SUID);

                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "区域打印") {
                    PrintHelper ph = new PrintHelper(tlVectorControl1, mapview);
                    frmPrinter dlg = new frmPrinter();
                    dlg.printHelper = ph;
                    ArrayList idlist = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList symlist = new ArrayList();

                    SvgDocument _doc = new SvgDocument();

                    Graph poly1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement as Graph;
                    if (poly1 == null || poly1.GetAttribute("id") == "svg") {

                    GraphicsPath gr1 = new GraphicsPath();
                    gr1 = (GraphicsPath)poly1.GPath.Clone();
                    gr1.Transform((poly1 as IGraph).Transform.Matrix);

                    RectangleF ef1 = gr1.GetBounds();
                    ef1 = PathFunc.GetBounds(gr1);
                    StringBuilder svgtxt = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><svg id=\"svg\" width=\"" + ef1.Width + "\" height=\"" + ef1.Height + "\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" xmlns:itop=\"http://www.Itop.com/itop\">");

                    XmlNodeList nlist = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("defs");
                    if (nlist.Count > 0) {
                        XmlNode node = nlist[0];
                    SvgElementCollection.ISvgElementEnumerator enumerator1 = tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.ElementList.GetEnumerator();// mouseAreaControl.PicturePanel.ElementList.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator1.MoveNext()) {
                        IGraph graph1 = (IGraph)enumerator1.Current;

                        GraphicsPath path1 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                        // RectangleF ef2 = path1.GetBounds();// PathFunc.GetBounds(path1);

                        //for (int n = 0; n < selCol.Count - 1; n++)
                        //    //_doc.AppendChild((XmlNode)selCol[n]);
                        //    svgtxt = svgtxt + ((XmlElement)selCol[n]).OuterXml + "\r\n";
                        if (!graph1.Visible || !graph1.DrawVisible || !graph1.Layer.Visible) continue;

                        GraphicsPath path2 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                        RectangleF ef2 = PathFunc.GetBounds(path2);

                        if (ef1.Contains(ef2) || RectangleF.Intersect(ef1, ef2) != RectangleF.Empty) {

                            SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;
                            if (graph1 is Use) {
                                //PointF offset = TLMath.getUseOffset(((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                                //if (ef1.Contains(new PointF(((Use)graph1).X + offset.X, ((Use)graph1).Y + offset.Y))) {
                                //SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;

                                string symid = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href");
                                if (!symlist.Contains(symid)) {
                            if (graph1.GetType().FullName == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                                if (IsLead != "") {
                                    if (ef1.Contains(ef2)) {

                        //if (ef1.Contains(ef2)|| RectangleF.Intersect(ef1,ef2) !=RectangleF.Empty )
                        //    SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;
                        //    svgtxt.AppendLine(ele.OuterXml);
                        //    //tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.AddSelectElement(graph1);
                        //    if (graph1 is Use ) {
                        //        PointF offset = TLMath.getUseOffset(((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                        //        if (ef1.Contains(new PointF(((Use)graph1).X + offset.X, ((Use)graph1).Y + offset.Y))) {
                        //            //SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;
                        //            //svgtxt.AppendLine(ele.OuterXml);

                        //            string symid = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href");
                        //            if (!symlist.Contains(symid)) {
                        //                symlist.Add(symid);
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        //    if (graph1.GetType().FullName == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                        //        string IsLead = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                        //        if (IsLead != "") {
                        //            if (ef1.Contains(ef2)) {
                        //                idlist.Add(graph1.ID);
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //    }

                    symlist = ResetList(symlist);
                    _doc.SvgdataUid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    frmPrintF pri = new frmPrintF();
                    pri.Init(tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid);
                    if (pri.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                        frmSubPrint s = new frmSubPrint();
                        s.Vector = tlVectorControl1;
                        s.InitImg(pri.strzt, pri.strgs, pri.pri, idlist, symlist);
                        s.Open(_doc, ef1);
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "分类统计报表") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                    IGraph poly1 = (IGraph)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    frmPloyPrint p = new frmPloyPrint();

                    p.InitDate(poly1.ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid);
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "保存图片") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.RectangleElement") {
                        //frmImgInfoInput finput = new frmImgInfoInput();
                        //if (finput.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        PrintHelper ph = new PrintHelper(tlVectorControl1, mapview);
                        frmImgManager frm = new frmImgManager();
                        //frm.StrName = finput.StrName;
                        //frm.StrRemark = finput.StrRemark;
                        frm.Pic = ph.getImage();
            } catch (Exception e1) {
            if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "三维变电站") {
                try {
                    string strid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                    substation s = new substation();
                    s.EleID = strid;
                    s.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    s = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByEleID", s);
                    ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo();
                    p.FileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + s.EleName + "\\bdz.exe";
                    p.WorkingDirectory = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + s.EleName;
                } catch (Exception e1) { }
            if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "更新关联变电站") {
            if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "删除") {
Exemple #3
        void tlVectorControl1_LeftClick(object sender, ItopVector.DrawArea.SvgElementSelectedEventArgs e)
            //SvgElement ele2 = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("kbs-8", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
            //ele2 = tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele2, Point.Empty);
            if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement != null &&
                tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("XL_GT_1")) {
                sel_start_point = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;

            if (sel_sym == "bt_start") {
                SvgElement ele = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("XL_GT_1", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
                ele = tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele, Point.Empty);
                ele.SetAttribute("order", "0");
                ele.SetAttribute("start_point", ele.ID);
            if (sel_sym == "bt_end") {
                SvgElement ele = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("XL_GT_2", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
                ele.SetAttribute("start_point", sel_start_point);
                ele.SetAttribute("order", "999");
                tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele, Point.Empty);
            if (sel_sym == "bt_must") {
                SvgElement ele = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("XL_GT_3", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
                ele.SetAttribute("start_point", sel_start_point);
                tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele, Point.Empty);
                frmInputNum num = new frmInputNum();
                ele.SetAttribute("order", num.InputStrSEL);
            if (sel_sym == "bt_point") {
                SvgElement ele = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("XL_GT_4", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
                ele.SetAttribute("start_point", sel_start_point);
                tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele, Point.Empty);
                frmInputNum num = new frmInputNum();
                ele.SetAttribute("order", num.InputStrSEL);
            //if (sel_sym != "" && sel_start_point!="")
            //    XmlNodeList il= tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectNodes("svg/use [@start_point='" + sel_start_point + "']");
            //    if (il.Count < 3)
            //    {
            //        return;
            //    }
            //    for (int i = 0; i < il.Count;i++ )
            //    {
            //        Use u = (Use)il[i];
            //        PointF f = u.CenterPoint;

            //    }
            //    //PointF[] pnt = ((Polyline)(tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement)).Points;
            //    //if (pnt.Length < 3) return;
            //    for (int i = 0; i < il.Count; i++)
            //    {
            //        double ang = TLMath.getLineAngle(((Use)il[i]).CenterPoint, ((Use)il[i + 1]).CenterPoint, ((Use)il[i + 2]).CenterPoint);
            //        if (ang * 57.3 > 60)
            //        {
            //            MessageBox.Show("线路转角不能大于60度。\r\n "+"第" + (i + 1) + "转角:" + Convert.ToDouble(ang * 57.3).ToString("##.##") + "度。\r\n", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            //           // tlVectorControl1.Delete();
            //            return;
            //        }

            //        if (i == il.Count - 3)
            //        {
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }
            if (csOperation == CustomOperation.OP_MeasureDistance) {
                Polyline pl = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement as Polyline;
                if (pl.Points.Length > 1) {
                    double d = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < pl.Points.Length; i++) {
                        d += this.mapview.CountLength(pl.Points[i - 1], pl.Points[i]);
                    label1.Text = d + "公里";

                    Point pt = new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y);
                    pt = PointToClient(tlVectorControl1.PointToScreen(pt));
                    label1.Left = pt.X;
                    label1.Top = pt.Y;

                    label1.Visible = true;
            //System.IO.FileInfo ff = new System.IO.FileInfo("c:\\1111.txt");
            //System.IO.StreamWriter wt= ff.CreateText();
            //SortedList l = new SortedList();
            //l.Add("1", "aaa");
            //l.Add("5", "bbb");
            //l.Add("2", "ccc");

            //if (tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio < 0.1f) {
            //    tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio = 0.1f;
            //    scaleBox.ComboBoxEx.Text = "";
            //    scaleBox.SelectedText = "10%";

            if (tlVectorControl1.Operation == ToolOperation.Text) {
                frmTextInput ft = new frmTextInput();
                if (ft.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                    string txt = ft.Content;
                    XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                    Point point1 = tlVectorControl1.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                    n1.SetAttribute("x", point1.X.ToString());
                    n1.SetAttribute("y", point1.Y.ToString());
                    n1.InnerText = txt;
                    n1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                    tlVectorControl1.Operation = ToolOperation.Select;
            if (MapType == "规划统计") {
                try {
                    if (e.SvgElement.ID == "svg") {
                        MapType = "接线图";
                    if (((Polygon)e.SvgElement) == null) return;
                    XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("circle") as Circle;
                    Point point1 = tlVectorControl1.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                    n1.SetAttribute("cx", point1.X.ToString());
                    n1.SetAttribute("cy", point1.Y.ToString());
                    n1.SetAttribute("r", "42.5");
                    n1.SetAttribute("r", "42.5");
                    //n1.SetAttribute("layer", getlayer("供电区域层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList()).ID);
                    n1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                    n1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFC0;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");

                    frmMainProperty fmain = new frmMainProperty();
                    glebeProperty gp = new glebeProperty();
                    gp.EleID = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("id");
                    gp.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    //fmain.InitData(gp); ///////////////////////////////////

                    XmlNodeList nlist = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("use");

                    PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints((XmlElement)e.SvgElement);
                    string str220 = "";
                    string str110 = "";
                    string str66 = "";
                    GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                    //Matrix x=new Matrix(
                    //Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nlist.Count; i++) {
                        float OffX = 0f;
                        float OffY = 0f;
                        Use use = (Use)nlist[i];
                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation")) {
                            string strMatrix = use.GetAttribute("transform");
                            if (strMatrix != "") {
                                strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace("matrix(", "");
                                strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace(")", "");
                                string[] mat = strMatrix.Split(',');
                                if (mat.Length > 5) {
                                    OffX = Convert.ToSingle(mat[4]);
                                    OffY = Convert.ToSingle(mat[5]);
                            PointF TempPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(use.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                            if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.X + TempPoint.X + OffX, use.Y + TempPoint.Y + OffY)) {
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("220")) {
                                    str220 = str220 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("110")) {
                                    str110 = str110 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("66")) {
                                    str66 = str66 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                    if (str220.Length > 1) {
                        str220 = str220.Substring(0, str220.Length - 1);
                    if (str110.Length > 1) {
                        str110 = str110.Substring(0, str110.Length - 1);
                    if (str66.Length > 1) {
                        str66 = str66.Substring(0, str66.Length - 1);
                    fmain.InitData(gp, str220, str110, str66);

                    XmlElement t1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                    Point point2 = tlVectorControl1.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                    t1.SetAttribute("x", Convert.ToString(point2.X - 20));
                    t1.SetAttribute("y", Convert.ToString(point2.Y - 10));
                    // t1.SetAttribute("layer", getlayer("供电区域层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList()).ID);
                    t1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                    t1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFFF;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
                    t1.SetAttribute("font-famliy", "宋体");
                    t1.SetAttribute("font-size", "14");
                    t1.InnerText = fmain.glebeProp.Area + "\r\n" + fmain.glebeProp.Burthen; //+"\r\n" + fmain.glebeProp.Number;
                    MapType = "接线图";
                } catch (Exception e2) { MapType = "接线图"; }
            if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectCollection.Count > 1) {
            decimal ViewScale = 1;
            string str_Scale = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getViewScale();
            if (str_Scale != "") {
                ViewScale = Convert.ToDecimal(str_Scale);
            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                string IsArea = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsArea");
                if (IsArea != "") {

                    XmlElement n1 = (XmlElement)e.SvgElement;
                    string str_points = n1.GetAttribute("points");
                    string[] points = str_points.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                    PointF[] pnts = new PointF[points.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) {
                        string[] pointsXY = points[i].Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                        pnts[i].X = Convert.ToSingle(pointsXY[0]);
                        pnts[i].Y = Convert.ToSingle(pointsXY[1]);
                    decimal temp1 = TLMath.getPolygonArea(pnts, 1);

                    temp1 = TLMath.getNumber2(temp1, tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio);
                    SelUseArea = temp1.ToString("#####.####");
                    //tip.Text = "区域面积:" + SelUseArea;
                    if (SelUseArea != "") {
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(SelUseArea) >= 1) {
                            fInfo.Info = "区域面积:" + SelUseArea + "(KM²)";
                        } else {
                            fInfo.Info = "区域面积: 0" + SelUseArea + "(KM²)";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 12;
                    if (SelUseArea != "") {


            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Line") {
                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                if (IsLead != "") {
                    Line line = (Line)e.SvgElement;
                    decimal temp1 = TLMath.getLineLength(line, 1);
                    temp1 = TLMath.getNumber(temp1, tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio);
                    string len = temp1.ToString("#####.####");
                    LineLen = len;
                    LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo();
                    lineInfo.EleID = e.SvgElement.ID;
                    lineInfo.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    LineInfo _lineTemp = (LineInfo)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectLineInfoByEleID", lineInfo);

                    if ((len != "") && (_lineTemp != null)) {
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1) {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + _lineTemp.LineName + " 线路长度:" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + _lineTemp.LineType + " 电压等级:" + _lineTemp.Voltage + "kV 投产年限:" + _lineTemp.ObligateField3;
                        } else {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + _lineTemp.LineName + " 线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + _lineTemp.LineType + " 电压等级:" + _lineTemp.Voltage + "kV 投产年限:" + _lineTemp.ObligateField3;
                    } else if (len != "") {
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1) {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + " " + "线路长度:" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + " " + " 电压等级:" + " " + " 投产年限:" + " ";
                        } else {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + " " + "线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + " " + " 电压等级:" + " " + " 投产年限:" + " ";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 7;
                    fInfo.Height = 50;
                    if (len != "") {


            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                if (IsLead != "") {
                    Polyline polyline = (Polyline)e.SvgElement;
                    decimal temp1 = TLMath.getPolylineLength(polyline, 1);
                    temp1 = TLMath.getNumber(temp1, tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio);
                    string len = temp1.ToString("#####.####");
                    LineLen = len;
                    LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo();
                    lineInfo.EleID = e.SvgElement.ID;
                    lineInfo.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    LineInfo _lineTemp = (LineInfo)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectLineInfoByEleID", lineInfo);

                    if ((len != "") && (_lineTemp != null)) {
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1) {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + _lineTemp.LineName + " 线路长度:" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + _lineTemp.LineType + " 电压等级:" + _lineTemp.Voltage + "kV 投产年限:" + _lineTemp.ObligateField3;
                        } else {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + _lineTemp.LineName + " 线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + _lineTemp.LineType + " 电压等级:" + _lineTemp.Voltage + "kV 投产年限:" + _lineTemp.ObligateField3;
                    } else if (len != "") {
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1) {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + " " + "线路长度:" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + " " + " 电压等级:" + " " + " 投产年限:" + " ";
                        } else {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + " " + "线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + " " + " 电压等级:" + " " + " 投产年限:" + " ";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 7;
                    fInfo.Height = 50;
                    //fInfo.Right = fInfo.Left+fInfo.Info.Length*10;
                    if (len != "") {
            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Use") {
                string aaa = ((Use)e.SvgElement).RefElement.ID;
                //if (!aaa.Contains("Substation"))
                //    return;

                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");

                if (aaa.Contains("Substation")) {
                    substation sub = new substation();
                    sub.EleID = e.SvgElement.ID;
                    sub.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    substation _subTemp = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByEleID", sub);
                    if (_subTemp != null) {
                        fInfo.Info = "变电站名称:" + _subTemp.EleName + " 容量:" + _subTemp.Number + "MVA\r\n" + " 电压等级:" + _subTemp.ObligateField1 + "kV 最大负荷:" + _subTemp.Burthen + "MW \r\n 负荷率:" + _subTemp.ObligateField2 + " 投产年限:" + _subTemp.ObligateField5;
                    } else {
                        fInfo.Info = "变电站名称:" + " " + " 容量:0" + "MVA" + "\r\n 电压等级: 最大负荷: \r\n 负荷率: 投产年限:";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 5;
                    fInfo.Height = 60;
                if (aaa.Contains("kbs") || aaa.Contains("fjx") || aaa.Contains("byq")) {
                    string s_name = "";
                    if (aaa.Contains("kbs")) {
                        s_name = "开闭所";
                    if (aaa.Contains("fjx")) {
                        s_name = "分接箱";
                    if (aaa.Contains("byq")) {
                        s_name = "变压器";
                    PSP_Gra_item sub = new PSP_Gra_item();
                    sub.EleID = e.SvgElement.ID;
                    sub.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    sub.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                    PSP_Gra_item _subTemp = (PSP_Gra_item)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectPSP_Gra_itemByEleIDKey", sub);
                    if (_subTemp != null) {
                        fInfo.Info = s_name + "编号:" + _subTemp.EleKeyID + "\r\n 名称:" + _subTemp.EleName;
                    } else {
                        fInfo.Info = s_name + "编号:   \r\n 名称: ";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 8;
                    fInfo.Height = 60;
            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.ConnectLine") {
                ConnectLine cline = (ConnectLine)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                if (cline.StartGraph != null) {
                    string code = ((XmlElement)cline.StartGraph).GetAttribute("devxldm");

                    if (code != "") {
                        tlVectorControl1.CurrentOperation = ToolOperation.Select;
            /*  if (tlVectorControl1.Operation == ToolOperation.LeadLine)
                  string gt = sgt1.Text;
                  XmlElement u1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("use") as Use;
                  Point point1 = tlVectorControl1.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                  u1.SetAttribute("xlink:href", "#" + gt + "0");
                  u1.SetAttribute("x", point1.X.ToString());
                  u1.SetAttribute("y", point1.Y.ToString());
                  u1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                  u1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFFF;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
            //tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = null;
        public void OpenGHQYpropetty(string areatitle)
            glebeProperty gp = new glebeProperty();
                gp.ParentEleID = "0";
                gp.SvgUID = "c5ec3bc7-9706-4cbd-9b8b-632d3606f933";
                gp.ObligateField16 = areatitle;
                IList<glebeProperty> svglist = Services.BaseService.GetList<glebeProperty>("SelectglebePropertyByObligateField16", gp);
                if (svglist.Count > 0)
                    XmlElement temp = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@id='" + svglist[0].EleID + "']") as XmlElement;
                    Layer lar = getlayer1(temp.GetAttribute("layer"), "电网规划层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList());
                    if (lar != null)
                        SvgDocument.currentLayer = lar.ID;
                        lar.Visible = true;
                        #region //显示属性数据
                        XmlNodeList n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("use");
                        PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(temp);
                        string str220 = "";
                        string str110 = "";
                        string str66 = "";

                        string str_id = "";
                        GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                        //Matrix x=new Matrix(
                        //Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                        for (int i = 0; i < n1.Count; i++)
                            float OffX = 0f;
                            float OffY = 0f;
                            bool ck = false;
                            Use use = (Use)n1[i];
                            if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("byq") || use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("pds"))
                                if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.CenterPoint))
                                    if (use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") != "")
                                        str_id = str_id + "'" + use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                            if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation"))
                                //string strMatrix = use.GetAttribute("transform");
                                //if (strMatrix != "")
                                //    strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace("matrix(", "");
                                //    strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace(")", "");
                                //    string[] mat = strMatrix.Split(',');
                                //    if (mat.Length > 5)
                                //    {
                                //        OffX = Convert.ToSingle(mat[4]);
                                //        OffY = Convert.ToSingle(mat[5]);
                                //    }
                                if (frmlar.getSelectedLayer().Contains(use.GetAttribute("layer")))
                                    ck = true;
                                PointF TempPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(use.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                                //if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.X + TempPoint.X + OffX, use.Y + TempPoint.Y + OffY) && ck)
                                if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.CenterPoint) && ck)
                                    if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("220"))
                                        str220 = str220 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                                    if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("110"))
                                        str110 = str110 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                                    if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("66"))
                                        str66 = str66 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                        if (str220.Length > 1)
                            str220 = str220.Substring(0, str220.Length - 1);
                        if (str110.Length > 1)
                            str110 = str110.Substring(0, str110.Length - 1);
                        if (str66.Length > 1)
                            str66 = str66.Substring(0, str66.Length - 1);
                        if (str_id.Length > 1)
                            str_id = str_id.Substring(0, str_id.Length - 1);
                        glebeProperty _gle = new glebeProperty();
                        _gle.EleID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                        _gle.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;

                        IList<glebeProperty> UseProList = Services.BaseService.GetList<glebeProperty>("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", _gle);
                        if (UseProList.Count > 0)
                            _gle = UseProList[0];
                            _gle.LayerID = SvgDocument.currentLayer;
                            frmMainProperty f = new frmMainProperty();
                            f.strID = str_id;
                            f.InitData(_gle, str220, str110, str66);
                            PointF[] pn = (PointF[])((Polygon)temp).Points.Clone();
                            string s1 = "";
                            for (int p = 0; p < pn.Length; p++)
                                s1 = s1 + pn[p].X.ToString() + " " + pn[p].Y.ToString() + ",";
                            f.Str = s1;
                            if (f.checkBox1.Checked == false)
                            if (f.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                                frmlar.Visible = false;
                                this.Visible = false;

                                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

                            else if (f.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel)
                                frmlar.Visible = false; ;
                                this.Visible = false;

                                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;


                            _gle = new glebeProperty();
                            _gle.LayerID = SvgDocument.currentLayer;
                            frmMainProperty f = new frmMainProperty();
                            f.strID = str_id;
                            f.InitData(_gle, str220, str110, str66);
                            PointF[] pn = (PointF[])((Polygon)temp).Points.Clone();
                            string s1 = "";
                            for (int p = 0; p < pn.Length; p++)
                                s1 = s1 + pn[p].X.ToString() + " " + pn[p].Y.ToString() + ",";
                            f.Str = s1;
                            if (f.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                                frmlar.Visible = false; ;
                                this.Visible = false;
                                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                            else if (f.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel)
                                frmlar.Visible = false; ;
                                this.Visible = false;
                                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;


        void tlVectorControl1_LeftClick(object sender, ItopVector.DrawArea.SvgElementSelectedEventArgs e)
            //SvgElement ele2 = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("kbs-8", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
            //ele2 = tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele2, Point.Empty);
            if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement != null &&
                sel_start_point = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;

            if (sel_sym == "bt_start")
                SvgElement ele = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("XL_GT_1", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
                ele = tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele, Point.Empty);
                ele.SetAttribute("order", "0");
                ele.SetAttribute("start_point", ele.ID);
            if (sel_sym == "bt_end")
                SvgElement ele = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("XL_GT_2", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
                ele.SetAttribute("start_point", sel_start_point);
                ele.SetAttribute("order", "999");
                tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele, Point.Empty);
            if (sel_sym == "bt_must")
                SvgElement ele = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("XL_GT_3", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
                ele.SetAttribute("start_point", sel_start_point);
                tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele, Point.Empty);
                frmInputNum num = new frmInputNum();
                ele.SetAttribute("order", num.InputStrSEL);
            if (sel_sym == "bt_point")
                SvgElement ele = tlVectorControl1.CreateBySymbolID("XL_GT_4", (tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.PointToView(e.Mouse.Location)));
                ele.SetAttribute("start_point", sel_start_point);
                tlVectorControl1.AddShape(ele, Point.Empty);
                frmInputNum num = new frmInputNum();
                ele.SetAttribute("order", num.InputStrSEL);
            //if (sel_sym != "" && sel_start_point!="")
            //    XmlNodeList il= tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectNodes("svg/use [@start_point='" + sel_start_point + "']");
            //    if (il.Count < 3)
            //    {
            //        return;
            //    }
            //    for (int i = 0; i < il.Count;i++ )
            //    {
            //        Use u = (Use)il[i];
            //        PointF f = u.CenterPoint;

            //    }
            //    //PointF[] pnt = ((Polyline)(tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement)).Points;
            //    //if (pnt.Length < 3) return;
            //    for (int i = 0; i < il.Count; i++)
            //    {
            //        double ang = TLMath.getLineAngle(((Use)il[i]).CenterPoint, ((Use)il[i + 1]).CenterPoint, ((Use)il[i + 2]).CenterPoint);
            //        if (ang * 57.3 > 60)
            //        {
            //            MessageBox.Show("线路转角不能大于60度。\r\n "+"第" + (i + 1) + "转角:" + Convert.ToDouble(ang * 57.3).ToString("##.##") + "度。\r\n", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            //           // tlVectorControl1.Delete();
            //            return;
            //        }

            //        if (i == il.Count - 3)
            //        {
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }
            if (csOperation == CustomOperation.OP_MeasureDistance)
                Polyline pl = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement as Polyline;
                if (pl.Points.Length > 1)
                    double d = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < pl.Points.Length; i++)
                        d += this.mapview.CountLength(pl.Points[i - 1], pl.Points[i]);
                    label1.Text = Math.Round(d, 3) + "公里";

                    Point pt = new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y);
                    pt = PointToClient(tlVectorControl1.PointToScreen(pt));
                    label1.Left = pt.X;
                    label1.Top = pt.Y;

                    label1.Visible = true;


            if (tlVectorControl1.Operation == ToolOperation.Text)
                frmTextInput ft = new frmTextInput();
                if (ft.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    string txt = ft.Content;
                    XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                    Point point1 = tlVectorControl1.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                    n1.SetAttribute("x", point1.X.ToString());
                    n1.SetAttribute("y", point1.Y.ToString());
                    n1.InnerText = txt;
                    n1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                    tlVectorControl1.Operation = ToolOperation.Select;
            if (MapType == "规划统计")
                    if (e.SvgElement.ID == "svg")
                        MapType = "接线图";
                    if (((Polygon)e.SvgElement) == null) return;
                    XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("circle") as Circle;
                    Point point1 = tlVectorControl1.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                    n1.SetAttribute("cx", point1.X.ToString());
                    n1.SetAttribute("cy", point1.Y.ToString());
                    n1.SetAttribute("r", "42.5");
                    n1.SetAttribute("r", "42.5");
                    //n1.SetAttribute("layer", getlayer("供电区域层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList()).ID);
                    n1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                    n1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFC0;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");

                    frmMainProperty fmain = new frmMainProperty();
                    glebeProperty gp = new glebeProperty();
                    gp.EleID = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("id");
                    gp.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    //fmain.InitData(gp); ///////////////////////////////////

                    XmlNodeList nlist = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("use");

                    PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints((XmlElement)e.SvgElement);
                    string str220 = "";
                    string str110 = "";
                    string str66 = "";
                    GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                    //Matrix x=new Matrix(
                    //Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nlist.Count; i++)
                        float OffX = 0f;
                        float OffY = 0f;
                        Use use = (Use)nlist[i];
                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation"))
                            string strMatrix = use.GetAttribute("transform");
                            if (strMatrix != "")
                                strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace("matrix(", "");
                                strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace(")", "");
                                string[] mat = strMatrix.Split(',');
                                if (mat.Length > 5)
                                    OffX = Convert.ToSingle(mat[4]);
                                    OffY = Convert.ToSingle(mat[5]);
                            PointF TempPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(use.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                            if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.X + TempPoint.X + OffX, use.Y + TempPoint.Y + OffY))
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("220"))
                                    str220 = str220 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("110"))
                                    str110 = str110 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("66"))
                                    str66 = str66 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                    if (str220.Length > 1)
                        str220 = str220.Substring(0, str220.Length - 1);
                    if (str110.Length > 1)
                        str110 = str110.Substring(0, str110.Length - 1);
                    if (str66.Length > 1)
                        str66 = str66.Substring(0, str66.Length - 1);
                    fmain.InitData(gp, str220, str110, str66);

                    XmlElement t1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                    Point point2 = tlVectorControl1.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                    t1.SetAttribute("x", Convert.ToString(point2.X - 20));
                    t1.SetAttribute("y", Convert.ToString(point2.Y - 10));
                    // t1.SetAttribute("layer", getlayer("供电区域层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList()).ID);
                    t1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                    t1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFFF;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
                    t1.SetAttribute("font-famliy", "宋体");
                    t1.SetAttribute("font-size", "14");
                    t1.InnerText = fmain.glebeProp.Area + "\r\n" + fmain.glebeProp.Burthen; //+"\r\n" + fmain.glebeProp.Number;
                    MapType = "接线图";
                catch (Exception e2) { MapType = "接线图"; }
            if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectCollection.Count > 1)
            decimal ViewScale = 1;
            string str_Scale = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getViewScale();
            if (str_Scale != "")
                ViewScale = Convert.ToDecimal(str_Scale);
            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Text")
                string showlineflag = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("Showline");
                if (showlineflag == "1")
                    XmlElement n1 = (XmlElement)e.SvgElement;
                    string suid = n1.GetAttribute("ParentID");
                    PSPDEV psp = new PSPDEV();
                    psp.SUID = suid;
                    psp = (PSPDEV)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectPSPDEVByKey", psp);
                    if (psp != null)
                        fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + psp.Name;
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 20;

            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon")
                string IsArea = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsArea");
                if (IsArea != "")
                    SelUseArea = "";
                    //XmlElement n1 = (XmlElement)e.SvgElement;
                    PointF[] pnts = ((Polygon)e.SvgElement).Points.Clone() as PointF[];
                    decimal temp1 = TLMath.getPolygonArea(pnts, 1);

                    temp1 = TLMath.getNumber2(temp1, tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio) / Convert.ToDecimal(areaoption);
                    SelUseArea = temp1.ToString("#####.####");
                    //tip.Text = "区域面积:" + SelUseArea;
                    if (SelUseArea != "")
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(SelUseArea) >= 1)
                            fInfo.Info = "区域面积:" + SelUseArea + "(KM²)";
                            fInfo.Info = "区域面积: 0" + SelUseArea + "(KM²)";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 12;
                    if (SelUseArea != "")


            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Line")
                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                if (IsLead != "")
                    Line line = (Line)e.SvgElement;
                    decimal temp1 = TLMath.getLineLength(line, 1);
                    temp1 = TLMath.getNumber(temp1, tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio);
                    string len = temp1.ToString("#####.####");
                    LineLen = len;
                    LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo();
                    lineInfo.EleID = e.SvgElement.ID;
                    lineInfo.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    LineInfo _lineTemp = (LineInfo)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectLineInfoByEleID", lineInfo);

                    if ((len != "") && (_lineTemp != null))
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1)
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + _lineTemp.LineName + " 线路长度:" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + _lineTemp.LineType + " 电压等级:" + _lineTemp.Voltage + "kV 投产年限:" + _lineTemp.ObligateField3;
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + _lineTemp.LineName + " 线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + _lineTemp.LineType + " 电压等级:" + _lineTemp.Voltage + "kV 投产年限:" + _lineTemp.ObligateField3;
                    else if (len != "")
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1)
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + " " + "线路长度:" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + " " + " 电压等级:" + " " + " 投产年限:" + " ";
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + " " + "线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + " " + " 电压等级:" + " " + " 投产年限:" + " ";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 7;
                    fInfo.Height = 50;
                    if (len != "")


            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline" && str_outjwd == "1")
                PointF[] pf = ((Polyline)e.SvgElement).Points;

                string strM = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < pf.Length; i++)
                    strM = strM + getJWD(mapview.ParseToLongLat(pf[i].X, pf[i].Y));
                System.IO.FileInfo ff = new System.IO.FileInfo("c:\\temp.txt");
                System.IO.StreamWriter wt = ff.CreateText();
            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline" && str_djcl == "1")
                Layer lar = null;
                Layer lar2 = null;
                bool create = true;
                int TempObjRadius = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("TempObjRadius"));
                int TempTextSize = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("TempTextSize"));

                for (int n = 0; n < tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.Layers.Count; n++)
                    Layer l = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.Layers[n] as Layer;
                    if (l.Label == "临时显示层-杆塔号")
                        lar = l;
                    if (l.Label == "临时显示层-公里数")
                        lar2 = l;
                if (!Layer.CkLayerExist("临时显示层-杆塔号", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument))
                    lar = Layer.CreateNew("临时显示层-杆塔号", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument);
                    lar.SetAttribute("layerType", progtype);
                    lar.SetAttribute("ParentID", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.GetAttribute("ParentID"));
                    this.frmlar.checkedListBox1.SelectedIndex = -1;
                    this.frmlar.checkedListBox1.Items.Add(lar, true);
                    lar2 = Layer.CreateNew("临时显示层-公里数", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument);
                    lar2.SetAttribute("layerType", progtype);
                    lar2.SetAttribute("ParentID", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.GetAttribute("ParentID"));
                    this.frmlar.checkedListBox1.SelectedIndex = -1;
                    this.frmlar.checkedListBox1.Items.Add(lar2, true);
                string gt = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("gt-info");
                string _gtxh = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("gtxh-info");

                string[] gtid = gt.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                string[] strgtxh = _gtxh.Split(",".ToCharArray());

                XmlNodeList useList = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectNodes("//* [@layer='" + lar.ID + "'] [@parentobj='" + ((Polyline)e.SvgElement).ID + "']");

                for (int kk = 0; kk < useList.Count; kk++)

                PointF[] pf = ((Polyline)e.SvgElement).Points;
                if (create)
                    for (int i = 0; i < pf.Length; i++)

                        if (_gtxh == "")
                            XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("circle") as Circle;
                            n1.SetAttribute("cx", Convert.ToString(pf[i].X));
                            n1.SetAttribute("cy", Convert.ToString(pf[i].Y));
                            n1.SetAttribute("r", TempObjRadius.ToString());
                            n1.SetAttribute("layer", lar.ID);
                            n1.SetAttribute("parentobj", ((Polyline)e.SvgElement).ID);
                            n1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFC0;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
                            if (strgtxh.Length > i)
                                if (strgtxh[i] == "0")
                                    XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("circle") as Circle;
                                    n1.SetAttribute("cx", Convert.ToString(pf[i].X));
                                    n1.SetAttribute("cy", Convert.ToString(pf[i].Y));
                                    n1.SetAttribute("r", TempObjRadius.ToString());
                                    n1.SetAttribute("layer", lar.ID);
                                    n1.SetAttribute("parentobj", ((Polyline)e.SvgElement).ID);
                                    n1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFC0;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
                                    XmlElement tk = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("rect") as RectangleElement;
                                    tk.SetAttribute("x", Convert.ToString(pf[i].X - 10));
                                    tk.SetAttribute("y", Convert.ToString(pf[i].Y - 10));
                                    tk.SetAttribute("width", Convert.ToString(TempObjRadius * 2));
                                    tk.SetAttribute("height", Convert.ToString(TempObjRadius * 2));
                                    tk.SetAttribute("parentobj", ((Polyline)e.SvgElement).ID);
                                    tk.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFC0;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
                                    tk.SetAttribute("layer", lar.ID);
                        XmlElement t0 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                        t0.SetAttribute("x", Convert.ToString(pf[i].X));
                        t0.SetAttribute("y", Convert.ToString(pf[i].Y));
                        t0.SetAttribute("layer", lar.ID);
                        t0.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFFF;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
                        t0.SetAttribute("font-famliy", "宋体");
                        t0.SetAttribute("parentobj", ((Polyline)e.SvgElement).ID);
                        t0.SetAttribute("font-size", TempTextSize.ToString());

                        if (gtid.Length > i)
                            t0.InnerText = gtid[i] + "号";
                            t0.InnerText = Convert.ToString(i + 1) + "号";
                    for (int i = 0; i < pf.Length - 1; i++)
                        double s = this.mapview.CountLength(pf[i], pf[i + 1]);
                        //   TLMath.getLength(pf[i], pf[i + 1], (decimal)tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio);
                        XmlElement t0 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                        t0.SetAttribute("x", Convert.ToString((pf[i].X + pf[i + 1].X) / 2));
                        t0.SetAttribute("y", Convert.ToString((pf[i].Y + pf[i + 1].Y) / 2));
                        t0.SetAttribute("layer", lar2.ID);
                        t0.SetAttribute("parentobj", ((Polyline)e.SvgElement).ID);
                        t0.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFFF;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
                        t0.SetAttribute("font-famliy", "宋体");
                        t0.SetAttribute("font-size", TempTextSize.ToString());
                        t0.InnerText = s.ToString("0.##") + "km";
                str_djcl = "";
            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline")
                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                if (IsLead != "")
                    Polyline polyline = (Polyline)e.SvgElement;
                    double temp1 = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < polyline.Points.Length; i++)
                        temp1 += this.mapview.CountLength(polyline.Points[i - 1], polyline.Points[i]);

                    //decimal temp1 = TLMath.getPolylineLength(polyline, 1);
                    //temp1 = TLMath.getNumber(temp1, tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio);
                    string len = temp1.ToString("#####.####");
                    LineLen = len;
                    PSPDEV lineInfo = new PSPDEV();
                    lineInfo.SUID = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                    // lineInfo.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    PSPDEV _lineTemp = (PSPDEV)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectPSPDEVByKey", lineInfo);

                    if ((len != "") && (_lineTemp != null))
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1)
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + _lineTemp.Name + " 线路长度:" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + _lineTemp.LineType + " 电压等级:" + _lineTemp.RateVolt.ToString() + "kV 投产年限:" + _lineTemp.OperationYear;
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + _lineTemp.Name + " 线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + _lineTemp.LineType + " 电压等级:" + _lineTemp.RateVolt.ToString() + "kV 投产年限:" + _lineTemp.OperationYear;
                    else if (len != "")
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1)
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + " " + "线路长度:" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + " " + " 电压等级:" + " " + " 投产年限:" + " ";
                            fInfo.Info = "线路名称:" + " " + "线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)\r\n" + "导线型号:" + " " + " 电压等级:" + " " + " 投产年限:" + " ";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 7;
                    fInfo.Height = 50;
                    //fInfo.Right = fInfo.Left+fInfo.Info.Length*10;
                    if (len != "")
            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Use")
                string aaa = ((Use)e.SvgElement).RefElement.ID;
                //if (!aaa.Contains("Substation"))
                //    return;

                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");

                if (aaa.Contains("Substation"))
                    PSP_Substation_Info sub = new PSP_Substation_Info();

                    string deviceid = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                    //sub.AreaID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    PSP_Substation_Info _subTemp = DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSP_Substation_Info>(deviceid);
                    // PSP_Substation_Info _subTemp = (PSP_Substation_Info)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectPSP_Substation_InfoListByEleID", sub);
                    if (_subTemp != null)
                        fInfo.Info = "变电站名称:" + _subTemp.Title + " 容量:" + _subTemp.L2.ToString("##.##") + "MVA\r\n" + " 电压等级:" + _subTemp.L1.ToString("##.##") + "kV 最大负荷:" + _subTemp.L9.ToString("##.##") + "MW \r\n 投产年限:" + _subTemp.S2;
                        fInfo.Info = "变电站名称:" + " " + " 容量:0" + "MVA" + "\r\n 电压等级: 最大负荷: \r\n 负荷率: 投产年限:";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 5;
                    fInfo.Height = 60;
                if (aaa.Contains("kbs") || aaa.Contains("fjx") || aaa.Contains("pds") || aaa.Contains("byq") || aaa.Contains("hwg") || aaa.Contains("kg"))
                    string deviceid = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                    string s_name = "";
                    if (aaa.Contains("kbs"))
                        s_name = "开闭所";
                    if (aaa.Contains("fjx"))
                        s_name = "分接箱";
                    if (aaa.Contains("byq"))
                        s_name = "变压器";
                    if (aaa.Contains("hwg"))
                        s_name = "环网柜";
                    if (aaa.Contains("kg"))
                        s_name = "柱上开关";
                    if (aaa.Contains("pds"))
                        s_name = "配电室";
                    PSPDEV _subTemp = new PSPDEV();
                    _subTemp.SUID = deviceid;
                    _subTemp = (PSPDEV)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectPSPDEVByKey", _subTemp);
                    //PSP_Gra_item sub = new PSP_Gra_item();
                    //sub.EleID = e.SvgElement.ID;
                    //sub.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    //sub.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                    //PSP_Gra_item _subTemp = (PSP_Gra_item)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectPSP_Gra_itemByEleIDKey", sub);
                    if (_subTemp != null)
                        fInfo.Info = s_name + " 编号:" + _subTemp.EleID + " 名称:" + _subTemp.Name + " 电压等级:" + _subTemp.RateVolt + "kV";
                        fInfo.Info = s_name; // +"编号:   \r\n 名称: ";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    fInfo.Width = (fInfo.Info.Length) * 15;
                    fInfo.Height = 60;
            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.ConnectLine")
                ConnectLine cline = (ConnectLine)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                if (cline.StartGraph != null)
                    string code = ((XmlElement)cline.StartGraph).GetAttribute("devxldm");

                    if (code != "")
                        tlVectorControl1.CurrentOperation = ToolOperation.Select;
            /*  if (tlVectorControl1.Operation == ToolOperation.LeadLine)
                  string gt = sgt1.Text;
                  XmlElement u1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("use") as Use;
                  Point point1 = tlVectorControl1.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                  u1.SetAttribute("xlink:href", "#" + gt + "0");
                  u1.SetAttribute("x", point1.X.ToString());
                  u1.SetAttribute("y", point1.Y.ToString());
                  u1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                  u1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFFF;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
            //tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = null;
Exemple #6
        /*public void ResetPoly()
            SvgElementCollection col= tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectCollection;
            SvgElementCollection.ISvgElementEnumerator enumerator1 = tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.ElementList.GetEnumerator();
            foreach(SvgElement ele in col){
                if (ele.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon")
                    glebeProperty p=new glebeProperty();
                    p.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    p.EleID = ((IGraph)ele).ID;
                    p = Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", p);
                        PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(ele);
                        GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                        Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                        while (enumerator1.MoveNext())
                            IGraph graph1 = (IGraph)enumerator1.Current;
                            GraphicsPath path1 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                            Region region2 = new Region(path1);
                            if (!region2.GetBounds(Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero)).IsEmpty)
                                glebeProperty p1 = new glebeProperty();
                                p1.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                p1.EleID = graph1.ID;
                                p1 = Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", p1);
                                    p1.ParentEleID = p.UID;
                                    Services.BaseService.Update("UpdateglebePropertyAreaAll", p1);
        private void contextMenuStrip1_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
            try {
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "可靠性分析") {
                    XmlElement xml1 = (XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                        string deviceid = xml1.GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                            DeviceHelper.uid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                            DeviceHelper.layerid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                            DeviceHelper.eleid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;

                            PSPDEV obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(deviceid);
                            if (obj != null && obj.Type == "73") {
                                Itop.TLPSP.DEVICE.FrmpdrelProject xf = new Itop.TLPSP.DEVICE.FrmpdrelProject();


                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "属性") {
                    XmlElement xml1 = (XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    //PointF[] pf = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(xml1);
                    DeviceHelper.xml1 = xml1;
                    // 规划
                    if (getlayer(SvgDocument.currentLayer, "电网规划层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList())) {

                        if (xml1 == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                            MessageBox.Show("请先选择规划区域。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.RectangleElement") {
                            //frmImgManager frm = new frmImgManager();
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                            XmlNodeList n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("use");
                            PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(xml1);
                            string str220 = "";
                            string str110 = "";
                            string str66 = "";

                            string str_id = "";
                            GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                            //Matrix x=new Matrix(
                            //Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                            for (int i = 0; i < n1.Count; i++) {
                                float OffX = 0f;
                                float OffY = 0f;
                                bool ck = false;
                                Use use = (Use)n1[i];
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("byq") || use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("pds")) {
                                    if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.CenterPoint)) {
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") != "") {
                                            str_id = str_id + "'" + use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation")) {
                                    //string strMatrix = use.GetAttribute("transform");
                                    //if (strMatrix != "")
                                    //    strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace("matrix(", "");
                                    //    strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace(")", "");
                                    //    string[] mat = strMatrix.Split(',');
                                    //    if (mat.Length > 5)
                                    //    {
                                    //        OffX = Convert.ToSingle(mat[4]);
                                    //        OffY = Convert.ToSingle(mat[5]);
                                    //    }
                                    //if (frmlar.getSelectedLayer().Contains(use.GetAttribute("layer"))) {
                                    //    ck = true;
                                    for (int j= 0; j< frmlar.GetSelectLayers().Count;j++ )
                                        if ((frmlar.GetSelectLayers()[j] as Layer).ID==use.GetAttribute("layer"))
                                            ck = true;
                                    PointF TempPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(use.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                                    //if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.X + TempPoint.X + OffX, use.Y + TempPoint.Y + OffY) && ck)
                                    if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.CenterPoint) && ck) {
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("220")) {
                                            str220 = str220 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("110")) {
                                            str110 = str110 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("66")) {
                                            str66 = str66 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                            if (str220.Length > 1) {
                                str220 = str220.Substring(0, str220.Length - 1);
                            if (str110.Length > 1) {
                                str110 = str110.Substring(0, str110.Length - 1);
                            if (str66.Length > 1) {
                                str66 = str66.Substring(0, str66.Length - 1);
                            if (str_id.Length > 1) {
                                str_id = str_id.Substring(0, str_id.Length - 1);
                            glebeProperty _gle = new glebeProperty();
                            _gle.EleID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                            _gle.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;

                            IList<glebeProperty> UseProList = Services.BaseService.GetList<glebeProperty>("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", _gle);
                            if (UseProList.Count > 0) {
                                _gle = UseProList[0];
                                _gle.LayerID = SvgDocument.currentLayer;
                                frmMainProperty f = new frmMainProperty();
                                f.strID = str_id;
                                f.InitData(_gle, str220, str110, str66);
                                PointF[] pn = (PointF[])((Polygon)xml1).Points.Clone();
                                string s1 = "";
                                for (int p = 0; p < pn.Length; p++) {
                                    s1 = s1 + pn[p].X.ToString() + " " + pn[p].Y.ToString() + ",";
                                f.Str = s1;
                                if (f.checkBox1.Checked == false) {
                            } else {
                                _gle = new glebeProperty();
                                _gle.LayerID = SvgDocument.currentLayer;
                                frmMainProperty f = new frmMainProperty();
                                f.strID = str_id;
                                f.InitData(_gle, str220, str110, str66);
                                PointF[] pn = (PointF[])((Polygon)xml1).Points.Clone();
                                string s1 = "";
                                for (int p = 0; p < pn.Length; p++) {
                                    s1 = s1 + pn[p].X.ToString() + " " + pn[p].Y.ToString() + ",";
                                f.Str = s1;

                    if (getlayer(SvgDocument.currentLayer, "城市规划层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList())) {

                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getRZBRatio() != "") {
                            rzb = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getRZBRatio();

                        if (xml1 == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                            MessageBox.Show("请先选择地块。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                            string IsArea = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("IsArea");
                            if (IsArea != "") {

                                frmProperty f = new frmProperty();//地块属性
                                if (SelUseArea == "") { SelUseArea = "0"; }
                                f.XZ_bdz = XZ_bdz;
                                f.InitData(xml1.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, SelUseArea, rzb, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                                PointF p = TLMath.polyCentriod((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement);
                                string title = p.X.ToString() + "," + p.Y.ToString();
                                ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).SetAttribute("centrpoint", title);
                                if (progtype != "城市规划层") {
                                    f.IsReadonly = true;
                                if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                                    SVG_ENTITY ent = new SVG_ENTITY();
                                    if (f.IsCreate) {
                                        ent.SUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                        ent.EleID = f.gPro.EleID;
                                        ent.layerID = f.gPro.LayerID;
                                        ent.MDATE = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        ent.NAME = f.gPro.UseID;
                                        ent.svgID = f.gPro.SvgUID;
                                        ent.TYPE = "polygon-dk";
                                        //ent.voltage = f.gPro.Voltage;
                                    } else {
                                        ent.NAME = f.gPro.UseID;
                                        ent.layerID = f.gPro.LayerID;
                                        ent.MDATE = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        //ent.voltage = fl.Line.Voltage;
                                    if (f.gPro.ObligateField1 != "") {
                                        string color1 = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(f.gPro.ObligateField1)));
                                        color1 = "fill:" + color1 + ";";
                                        ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).SetAttribute("style", color1);
                                    if (xzwcflag == "1" && f.bdzflag)

                                          if (extsublist.Count > 0 && subandfhlist.Count > 0)
                                              bool sfsflag=false;
                                              for(int m=0;m<polylist.Count;m++)
                                               if((polylist[m] as XmlElement).GetAttribute("id")==f.gPro.EleID)

                                              if (!sfsflag)
                                                  MessageBox.Show("地块非选址的地块中 请重新选址!");
                                                List<Layer> layercol=  getxzxllayers(tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList());
                                                  if (layercol.Count>0)
                                                      FrmSelxzlayer frm=new FrmSelxzlayer();
                                                      if (frm.ShowDialog()==DialogResult.OK)
                                                          string layerid=frm.sellayerid;
                                                           RebdzxzResult1(subandfhlist, extsublist, f.gPro, f.bdzzqname,layerid);
                                                        RebdzxzResult(subandfhlist, extsublist, f.gPro, f.bdzzqname);
                                                 // RebdzxzResult(subandfhlist, extsublist, f.gPro, f.bdzzqname);
                                              catch (System.Exception ex)
                                                  MessageBox.Show("请计算有问题 请重新计算!");

                                              MessageBox.Show("选址变电站没有数据 请重新选址!");


                    if (!Wjghboolflag) {
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Line" || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                            string lineWidth = "2";
                            string IsLead = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                            //if (IsLead != "")       //原先导线的属性添加情况

                            if (IsLead != "")       //修改后的导线的属性添加情况
                                XmlNodeList n11 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectNodes("svg/polygon [@IsArea='1']");
                                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero)) {
                                    List<glebeProperty> glist = new List<glebeProperty>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < n11.Count; i++) {
                                        IGraph graph1 = (IGraph)n11[i];
                                        GraphicsPath path1 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                                        Region ef1 = new Region(path1);

                                        Polyline line = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement as Polyline;
                                        GraphicsPath gr2 = new GraphicsPath();
                                        gr2.AddPath(line.GPath, true);
                                        Region region = new Region(gr2);
                                        if (!ef1.GetBounds(g).IsEmpty) {
                                            glebeProperty gy = new glebeProperty();
                                            gy.EleID = graph1.ID;
                                            gy.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                            gy = (glebeProperty)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", gy);
                                            if (gy != null) {
                                                glebeType gt = new glebeType();
                                                gt.UID = gy.TypeUID;
                                                gt = (glebeType)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectglebeTypeByKey", gt);
                                                gy.TypeUID = gt.TypeName;
                                    DeviceHelper.glist = glist;
                                string dhx = xml1.GetAttribute("dhx_key");
                                if (dhx == "1" && checkEdit2.Checked == false) {
                                    frmDHXdlg d = new frmDHXdlg();
                                    d.uid = xml1.GetAttribute("id");

                                PSPDEV obj = new PSPDEV();
                                string deviceid = xml1.GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                                DeviceHelper.pspflag = false;
                                DeviceHelper.Wjghflag = false;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                    string[] deviceType = new string[] { "05", "73", "75" };
                                    string xlwhere = " where SUID not in (";
                                    XmlNodeList lslist = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectNodes("svg/polyline [@IsLead='1'] [@Deviceid!=''] [@layer='" + SvgDocument.currentLayer + "']");
                                    for (int x1 = 0; x1 < lslist.Count; x1++) {
                                        XmlElement _node = lslist[x1] as XmlElement;
                                        xlwhere = xlwhere + "'" + _node.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                                    if (xlwhere.Length > 20) {
                                        xlwhere = xlwhere.Substring(0, xlwhere.Length - 1);
                                        xlwhere = xlwhere + ") and ";
                                    } else {
                                        xlwhere = "";
                                    DeviceHelper.xlwhere = xlwhere;
                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID, deviceType);
                                    DeviceHelper.xlwhere = "";
                                    if (obj is PSPDEV) {
                                        deviceid = ((PSPDEV)obj).SUID;
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);
                                        obj.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        obj.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        obj.EleID = ((SvgElement)xml1).ID;

                                        PSP_ELCPROJECT pd = new PSP_ELCPROJECT();
                                        pd.ID = frmlar.FAID;
                                        pd = Services.BaseService.GetOneByKey<PSP_ELCPROJECT>(pd);
                                        if (pd != null) {
                                            bool operflag = false, dataflag = false;
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(((PSPDEV)obj).OperationYear) && ((PSPDEV)obj).OperationYear.Length == 4 && pd.BelongYear.Length == 4) {
                                                if (Convert.ToInt32(((PSPDEV)obj).OperationYear) < Convert.ToInt32(pd.BelongYear)) {
                                                    operflag = true;
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(((PSPDEV)obj).Date2) && ((PSPDEV)obj).Date2.Length == 4 && pd.BelongYear.Length == 4) {
                                                if (Convert.ToInt32(((PSPDEV)obj).Date2) > Convert.ToInt32(pd.BelongYear)) {
                                                    dataflag = true;
                                            if (operflag && dataflag) {
                                                PSP_ElcDevice elcDevice = new PSP_ElcDevice();
                                                elcDevice.DeviceSUID = deviceid;
                                                elcDevice.ProjectSUID = frmlar.FAID;
                                                elcDevice = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetOneByKey<PSP_ElcDevice>(elcDevice);
                                                if (elcDevice == null) {
                                                    elcDevice = new PSP_ElcDevice();
                                                    elcDevice.DeviceSUID = deviceid;
                                                    elcDevice.ProjectSUID = frmlar.FAID;


                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                    DeviceHelper.uid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    DeviceHelper.layerid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    DeviceHelper.eleid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;

                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(deviceid);
                                    if (obj != null)//------------wwwMX
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSPDEV)obj).Name);
                                        if (obj.Type == "05") {
                                            DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.XL, deviceid, false);
                                        if (obj.Type == "01") {
                                            DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, deviceid, false);
                                        if (obj.Type == "73") {
                                            DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.PDXL, deviceid, false);
                                        if (obj.Type == "75") {
                                            DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.LUX, deviceid, false);

                                    //***** ********添加FistNode和LastNode
                                    XmlNodeList useList = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectNodes("svg/use");

                                    foreach (XmlNode element in useList) {
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("Deviceid"))) {
                                            string con = "WHERE SvgUID='" + (element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "'AND ProjectID = '" + Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID + "'" + "AND Type='01'";
                                            IList pspMX = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con);
                                            if (pspMX != null) {
                                                foreach (PSPDEV pspmx in pspMX) {
                                                    if (obj.IName == pspmx.Name) {
                                                        (xml1 as XmlElement).SetAttribute("FirstNode", (element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("id"));

                                                    } else if (obj.JName == pspmx.Name) {
                                                        (xml1 as XmlElement).SetAttribute("LastNode", (element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("id"));


                        if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Power")) {//变电站属性
                            string lab = xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href");

                            float x = 0f;
                            float y = 0f;
                            int dyinfo = Convert.ToInt32(getDY(lab));
                            x = ((Use)xml1).X;

                            y = ((Use)xml1).Y;

                            PointF p1 = new PointF(x, y);
                            PointF[] pnt = new PointF[1];
                            pnt[0] = p1;
                            Use temp = xml1.Clone() as Use;

                            LongLat templat = mapview.OffSetZero(-(int)(pnt[0].X * tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio), -(int)(pnt[0].Y * tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio));

                            string[] jd = templat.Longitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                            int d1 = Convert.ToInt32(jd[0]);
                            string[] df1 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + jd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                            int f1 = Convert.ToInt32(df1[0]);
                            decimal m1 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df1[1]) * 60;

                            string[] wd = templat.Latitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                            int d2 = Convert.ToInt32(wd[0]);
                            string[] df2 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + wd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                            int f2 = Convert.ToInt32(df2[0]);
                            decimal m2 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df2[1]) * 60;

                            string strjwd = "经纬度: " + d1.ToString() + "°" + f1.ToString() + "′" + m1.ToString("##.#") + "″," + d2.ToString() + "°" + f2.ToString() + "′" + m2.ToString("##.#") + "″";
                            object obj = null;
                            string deviceid = xml1.GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                            DeviceHelper.pspflag = false;
                            DeviceHelper.Wjghflag = false;
                            if (dyinfo >= 66) {
                                DeviceHelper.subflag = false;
                            } else
                                DeviceHelper.subflag = true;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                //XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Power")) {
                                    obj = DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.DY, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                    //if (obj == null)
                                    //    tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = xml1 as SvgElement;
                                    //    tlVectorControl1.Delete();
                                    if (obj is PSP_PowerSubstation_Info) {
                                        deviceid = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        //((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj). = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Title);

                                        PSP_ELCPROJECT pd = new PSP_ELCPROJECT();
                                        pd.ID = frmlar.FAID;
                                        pd = Services.BaseService.GetOneByKey<PSP_ELCPROJECT>(pd);
                                        if (pd != null) {
                                            string where = "where projectid='" + Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID + "'and SvgUID='" + ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID + "'";
                                            IList<PSPDEV> list = Services.BaseService.GetList<PSPDEV>("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", where);
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pd.BelongYear))   //根据参与计算设备属于那一年先进行一次筛选
                                                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
                                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((list[i] as PSPDEV).OperationYear) && (list[i] as PSPDEV).OperationYear.Length == 4 && pd.BelongYear.Length == 4) {
                                                        if (Convert.ToInt32((list[i] as PSPDEV).OperationYear) > Convert.ToInt32(pd.BelongYear)) {
                                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((list[i] as PSPDEV).Date2) && (list[i] as PSPDEV).Date2.Length == 4 && pd.BelongYear.Length == 4) {
                                                        if (Convert.ToInt32((list[i] as PSPDEV).Date2) < Convert.ToInt32(pd.BelongYear)) {

                                            foreach (PSPDEV pv in list) {
                                                PSP_ElcDevice elcDevice = new PSP_ElcDevice();
                                                elcDevice.DeviceSUID = pv.SUID;
                                                elcDevice.ProjectSUID = frmlar.FAID;
                                                elcDevice = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetOneByKey<PSP_ElcDevice>(elcDevice);
                                                if (elcDevice == null) {
                                                    elcDevice = new PSP_ElcDevice();
                                                    elcDevice.DeviceSUID = pv.SUID;
                                                    elcDevice.ProjectSUID = frmlar.FAID;

                                    substation sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                    if (sb != null) {
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                    } else {
                                        sb = new substation();
                                        sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";

                                } else {
                                    DeviceHelper.uid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    DeviceHelper.eleid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                                    DeviceHelper.layerid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    string bdzwhere = " UID not in (";

                                    XmlNodeList useList = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectNodes("svg/use [@Deviceid!=''] [@layer='" + SvgDocument.currentLayer + "']");

                                    for (int x2 = 0; x2 < useList.Count; x2++) {
                                        XmlElement _node = useList[x2] as XmlElement;
                                        bdzwhere = bdzwhere + "'" + _node.GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "',";
                                    if (bdzwhere.Length > 13) {
                                        bdzwhere = bdzwhere.Substring(0, bdzwhere.Length - 1);
                                        bdzwhere = bdzwhere + ") and ";
                                    } else {
                                        bdzwhere = "";

                                    DeviceHelper.bdzwhere = bdzwhere;
                                    obj = DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.BDZ, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                    DeviceHelper.bdzwhere = "";
                                    //if (obj == null)
                                    //    tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = xml1 as SvgElement;
                                    //    tlVectorControl1.Delete();
                                    if (obj is PSP_Substation_Info) {
                                        deviceid = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).EleID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;

                                        ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).AreaID = Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID;

                                        xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Title);

                                        PSP_ELCPROJECT pd = new PSP_ELCPROJECT();
                                        pd.ID = frmlar.FAID;
                                        pd = Services.BaseService.GetOneByKey<PSP_ELCPROJECT>(pd);
                                        if (pd != null) {
                                            string where = "where projectid='" + Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID + "'and SvgUID='" + ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID + "'";
                                            IList<PSPDEV> list = Services.BaseService.GetList<PSPDEV>("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", where);
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pd.BelongYear))   //根据参与计算设备属于那一年先进行一次筛选
                                                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
                                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((list[i] as PSPDEV).OperationYear) && (list[i] as PSPDEV).OperationYear.Length == 4 && pd.BelongYear.Length == 4) {
                                                        if (Convert.ToInt32((list[i] as PSPDEV).OperationYear) > Convert.ToInt32(pd.BelongYear)) {
                                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((list[i] as PSPDEV).Date2) && (list[i] as PSPDEV).Date2.Length == 4 && pd.BelongYear.Length == 4) {
                                                        if (Convert.ToInt32((list[i] as PSPDEV).Date2) < Convert.ToInt32(pd.BelongYear)) {

                                            foreach (PSPDEV pv in list) {
                                                PSP_ElcDevice elcDevice = new PSP_ElcDevice();
                                                elcDevice.DeviceSUID = pv.SUID;
                                                elcDevice.ProjectSUID = frmlar.FAID;
                                                elcDevice = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetOneByKey<PSP_ElcDevice>(elcDevice);
                                                if (elcDevice == null) {
                                                    elcDevice = new PSP_ElcDevice();
                                                    elcDevice.DeviceSUID = pv.SUID;
                                                    elcDevice.ProjectSUID = frmlar.FAID;

                                        createLine(xml1, deviceid);
                                    substation sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                    if (sb != null)

                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2")
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1")
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                        sb = new substation();
                                        sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2")
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1")
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Power")) {
                                    DeviceHelper.uid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    DeviceHelper.eleid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                                    DeviceHelper.layerid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    obj = DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSP_PowerSubstation_Info>(deviceid);
                                    if (obj != null) {
                                        DeviceHelper.StartYear = startyear;
                                        //XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("/text[@ParentUID='" + xml1.GetAttribute("id") + "']");
                                        if (DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.DY, deviceid, false)) {
                                            obj = DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSP_PowerSubstation_Info>(deviceid);
                                            xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Title);
                                    } else {
                                        deviceid = ""; goto Lab1;

                                    // re
                                    substation sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                    if (sb != null) {
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                    } else {
                                        sb = new substation();
                                        sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                } else {
                                    obj = DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSP_Substation_Info>(deviceid);
                                    if (obj != null) {
                                        DeviceHelper.StartYear = startyear;
                                        //XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("/text[@ParentUID='" + xml1.GetAttribute("id") + "']");
                                        if (DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.BDZ, deviceid, false)) {
                                            obj = DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSP_Substation_Info>(deviceid);
                                            xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Title);
                                    } else {
                                        deviceid = ""; goto Lab1;
                                    substation sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                    if (sb != null) {
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                    } else {
                                        sb = new substation();
                                        sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";


                        if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("XL_GT_3") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("XL_GT_4")) {
                            frmInputNum num = new frmInputNum();
                            num.InputStr = xml1.GetAttribute("order");
                            xml1.SetAttribute("order", num.InputStrSEL);
                        if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("hwg") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("pds") ||
                            xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("fjx") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("kbs") ||
                            xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("byq") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("kg") ||
                             xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("gt")) {
                            //frmInputDialog n1 = new frmInputDialog();
                            //n1.InputStr = xml1.GetAttribute("info-name").ToString();
                            //if (n1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                            //    xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", n1.InputStr);
                            PSPDEV obj = new PSPDEV();
                            string deviceid = xml1.GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                            DeviceHelper.pspflag = false;
                            DeviceHelper.Wjghflag = false;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("kbs")) {
                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.KBS, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("fjx")) {
                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.FZX, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("hwg")) {
                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.HWG, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("kg")) {
                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.ZSKG, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("pds")) {
                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.PDS, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("byq")) {
                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID, "51", "52");
                                //if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("gt"))
                                //    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.GT, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                if (obj is PSPDEV) {
                                    deviceid = ((PSPDEV)obj).SUID;
                                    xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);
                                    obj.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                    obj.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                    // obj.EleID = ((SvgElement)xml1).ID;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                DeviceHelper.uid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                DeviceHelper.layerid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                DeviceHelper.eleid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;

                                obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(deviceid);
                                if (obj != null)//------------wwwMX
                                    xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSPDEV)obj).Name);
                                    DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg((DeviceType)int.Parse(obj.Type), deviceid, false);
                                    //if (obj.Type == "54")
                                    //    DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.KBS, deviceid, false);
                                    //if (obj.Type == "56")
                                    //    DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.HWG, deviceid, false);
                                    //if (obj.Type == "58")
                                    //    DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.FZX, deviceid, false);
                                    //if (obj.Type == "51" )
                                    //    DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.FZX, deviceid, false);
                                    //if (obj.Type == "52")
                                    //    DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.FZX, deviceid, false);

                        /* if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("kbs") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("hwg"))
                             //frmkbsProperty num = new frmkbsProperty();
                             //num.InitData(((SvgElement)xml1).ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID);

                         if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("fjx"))
                             frmfjxProperty num = new frmfjxProperty();
                             num.InitData(((SvgElement)xml1).ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID);
                         if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("byq"))
                             frmbyqProperty num = new frmbyqProperty();
                             num.InitData(((SvgElement)xml1).ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID);
                         } */
                        if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("SB_GT")) {
                            string lineWidth = "2";

                            string Code = xltProcessor.GetCurrentLineCode();
                            string _len = xltProcessor.GetWholeLineLength(Code).ToString("#####.####");

                            frmLineProperty fl = new frmLineProperty();
                            fl.LineNode = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                            fl.InitData(Code, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, _len, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                            if (fl.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                                //Value="stroke-dasharray:8 8;stroke-width:2;stroke:#00C000;"
                                lineWidth = fl.LineWidth;
                                string styleValue = "";
                                if (fl.Line.ObligateField1 == "规划") {
                                    styleValue = "stroke-dasharray:4 4;stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                                } else {
                                    styleValue = "stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";

                                styleValue = styleValue + "stroke:" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(fl.Line.ObligateField2)));
                                ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).SetAttribute("style", styleValue);

                                xltProcessor.SetWholeLineAttribute(Code, "style", styleValue);
                    #region 网架优化的属性输入

                    if (Wjghboolflag) {
                        if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Line" || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                            string lineWidth = "2";
                            string IsLead = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                            if (IsLead != "")       //修改后的导线的属性添加情况
                                PSPDEV obj = new PSPDEV();
                                string deviceid = xml1.GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                                DeviceHelper.pspflag = false;
                                DeviceHelper.Wjghflag = true;
                                DeviceHelper.wjghuid = ff.Key;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.XL, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                    if (obj == null) {
                                        tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = xml1 as SvgElement;
                                    if (obj is PSPDEV) {
                                        deviceid = ((PSPDEV)obj).SUID;
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);
                                        obj.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        obj.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        obj.EleID = ((SvgElement)xml1).ID;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                    obj = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(deviceid);
                                    if (obj != null) {
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSPDEV)obj).Name);
                                        DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.XL, deviceid, false);

                                    LineInfo li = new LineInfo();
                                    li.UID = obj.SUID;
                                    li = (LineInfo)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectLineInfoByKey", li);
                                    if (li != null) {
                                        li.LayerID = SvgDocument.currentLayer;
                                        li.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        li.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        LineType lt = new LineType();
                                        lt.TypeName = li.Voltage.ToString() + "kV";
                                        lt = (LineType)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectLineTypeByTypeName", lt);
                                        li.ObligateField3 = obj.OperationYear;
                                        li.ObligateField2 = lt.Color;
                                        lineWidth = lt.ObligateField1;
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(li.ObligateField3)) {
                                            if (Convert.ToInt32(obj.OperationYear) > DateTime.Now.Year) {
                                                li.ObligateField1 = "规划";
                                            } else
                                                li.ObligateField1 = "运行";
                                    } else {
                                        li = new LineInfo();
                                        li.UID = obj.SUID;
                                        li.LineName = obj.Name;
                                        li.Length = obj.LineLength.ToString();
                                        li.LineType = obj.LineType;
                                        li.Voltage = obj.ReferenceVolt.ToString();
                                        li.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        li.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        LineType lt = new LineType();
                                        lt.TypeName = obj.ReferenceVolt.ToString() + "kV";
                                        lt = (LineType)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectLineTypeByTypeName", lt);
                                        li.ObligateField3 = obj.OperationYear;
                                        li.ObligateField2 = lt.Color;
                                        lineWidth = lt.ObligateField1;
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(li.ObligateField3)) {
                                            if (Convert.ToInt32(obj.OperationYear) > DateTime.Now.Year) {
                                                li.ObligateField1 = "规划";
                                            } else
                                                li.ObligateField1 = "运行";


                                    string styleValue = "";
                                    if (li.ObligateField1 == "规划") {
                                        styleValue = "stroke-dasharray:" + ghType + ";stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                                    } else {
                                        styleValue = "stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                                    //string aa= ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.Black);
                                    styleValue = styleValue + "stroke:" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(li.ObligateField2)));
                                    SvgElement se = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                                    se.SetAttribute("style", styleValue);
                                    se.SetAttribute("info-name", li.LineName);
                                    //***** ********添加FistNode和LastNode
                                    XmlNodeList useList = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectNodes("svg/use");

                                    foreach (XmlNode element in useList) {
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("Deviceid"))) {
                                            string con = "WHERE SvgUID='" + (element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("Deviceid") + "'AND ProjectID = '" + Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID + "'" + "AND Type='01'";
                                            IList pspMX = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con);
                                            if (pspMX != null) {
                                                foreach (PSPDEV pspmx in pspMX) {
                                                    if (obj.IName == pspmx.Name) {
                                                        (xml1 as XmlElement).SetAttribute("FirstNode", (element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("id"));

                                                    } else if (obj.JName == pspmx.Name) {
                                                        (xml1 as XmlElement).SetAttribute("LastNode", (element as XmlElement).GetAttribute("id"));


                        if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Power")) {
                            string lab = xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href");

                            float x = 0f;
                            float y = 0f;

                            x = ((Use)xml1).X;

                            y = ((Use)xml1).Y;

                            PointF p1 = new PointF(x, y);
                            PointF[] pnt = new PointF[1];
                            pnt[0] = p1;
                            Use temp = xml1.Clone() as Use;

                            LongLat templat = mapview.OffSetZero(-(int)(pnt[0].X * tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio), -(int)(pnt[0].Y * tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio));

                            string[] jd = templat.Longitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                            int d1 = Convert.ToInt32(jd[0]);
                            string[] df1 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + jd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                            int f1 = Convert.ToInt32(df1[0]);
                            decimal m1 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df1[1]) * 60;

                            string[] wd = templat.Latitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                            int d2 = Convert.ToInt32(wd[0]);
                            string[] df2 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + wd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                            int f2 = Convert.ToInt32(df2[0]);
                            decimal m2 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df2[1]) * 60;

                            string strjwd = "经纬度: " + d1.ToString() + "°" + f1.ToString() + "′" + m1.ToString("##.#") + "″," + d2.ToString() + "°" + f2.ToString() + "′" + m2.ToString("##.#") + "″";
                            object obj = null;
                            string deviceid = xml1.GetAttribute("Deviceid");
                            DeviceHelper.pspflag = false;
                            DeviceHelper.Wjghflag = true;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                //XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Power")) {
                                    obj = DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.DY, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                    if (obj == null) {
                                        tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = xml1 as SvgElement;
                                    if (obj is PSP_PowerSubstation_Info) {
                                        deviceid = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;

                                        xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);
                                    substation sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                    if (sb != null) {
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                    } else {
                                        sb = new substation();
                                        sb.UID = ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                } else {
                                    obj = DeviceHelper.SelectDevice(DeviceType.BDZ, Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID);
                                    if (obj == null) {
                                        tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = xml1 as SvgElement;
                                    if (obj is PSP_Substation_Info) {
                                        deviceid = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).EleID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("Deviceid", deviceid);

                                    substation sb = new substation();
                                    sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                    sb = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByKey", sb);
                                    if (sb != null) {

                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                                    } else {
                                        sb = new substation();
                                        sb.UID = ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).UID;
                                        sb.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                        sb.EleID = xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                                        sb.LayerID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID;
                                        if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "2") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "规划";
                                        } else if (((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Flag == "1") {
                                            sb.ObligateField3 = "现行";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid)) {
                                if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Power")) {
                                    obj = DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSP_PowerSubstation_Info>(deviceid);
                                    if (obj != null) {
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSP_PowerSubstation_Info)obj).Title);
                                        //XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("/text[@ParentUID='" + xml1.GetAttribute("id") + "']");
                                        DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.DY, deviceid, false);

                                } else {
                                    obj = DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSP_Substation_Info>(deviceid);
                                    if (obj != null) {
                                        xml1.SetAttribute("info-name", ((PSP_Substation_Info)obj).Title);
                                        //XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("/text[@ParentUID='" + xml1.GetAttribute("id") + "']");
                                        DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.BDZ, deviceid, false);



                        if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("XL_GT_3") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("XL_GT_4")) {
                            frmInputNum num = new frmInputNum();
                            num.InputStr = xml1.GetAttribute("order");
                            xml1.SetAttribute("order", num.InputStrSEL);

                        //if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("kbs") || xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("hwg"))
                        //    frmkbsProperty num = new frmkbsProperty();
                        //    num.InitData(((SvgElement)xml1).ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID);
                        //    num.ShowDialog();
                        //if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("fjx"))
                        //    frmfjxProperty num = new frmfjxProperty();
                        //    num.InitData(((SvgElement)xml1).ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID);
                        //    num.ShowDialog();
                        //if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("byq"))
                        //    frmbyqProperty num = new frmbyqProperty();
                        //    num.InitData(((SvgElement)xml1).ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentLayer.ID);
                        //    num.ShowDialog();
                        if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("SB_GT")) {
                            string lineWidth = "2";

                            string Code = xltProcessor.GetCurrentLineCode();
                            string _len = xltProcessor.GetWholeLineLength(Code).ToString("#####.####");

                            frmLineProperty fl = new frmLineProperty();
                            fl.LineNode = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                            fl.InitData(Code, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, _len, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                            if (fl.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                                //Value="stroke-dasharray:8 8;stroke-width:2;stroke:#00C000;"
                                lineWidth = fl.LineWidth;
                                string styleValue = "";
                                if (fl.Line.ObligateField1 == "规划") {
                                    styleValue = "stroke-dasharray:4 4;stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                                } else {
                                    styleValue = "stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";

                                styleValue = styleValue + "stroke:" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(fl.Line.ObligateField2)));
                                ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).SetAttribute("style", styleValue);

                                xltProcessor.SetWholeLineAttribute(Code, "style", styleValue);
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "移动") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                    XmlElement xmln = (XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    frmMove fm = new frmMove();
                    PointF pf11 = ((Use)xmln).CenterPoint;
                    LongLat temp = mapview.ParseToLongLat((int)pf11.X, (int)pf11.Y);
                    string[] jd = temp.Longitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                    int d1 = Convert.ToInt32(jd[0]);
                    string[] df1 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + jd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                    int f1 = Convert.ToInt32(df1[0]);
                    decimal m1 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df1[1]) * 60;

                    string[] wd = temp.Latitude.ToString("####.####").Split('.');
                    int d2 = Convert.ToInt32(wd[0]);
                    string[] df2 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0." + wd[1]) * 60).Split('.');
                    int f2 = Convert.ToInt32(df2[0]);
                    decimal m2 = Convert.ToDecimal("0." + df2[1]) * 60;
                    strj1 = d1.ToString();
                    strw1 = f1.ToString();
                    strd1 = m1.ToString();
                    strj2 = d2.ToString();
                    strw2 = f2.ToString();
                    strd2 = m2.ToString();
                    fm.Init(strj1, strw1, strd1, strj2, strw2, strd2);
                    if (fm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                        string strValue = fm.StrValue;
                        string[] str = strValue.Split(',');
                        string[] JWD1 = str[0].Split(' ');
                        decimal J1 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD1[0]);
                        decimal W1 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD1[1]);
                        decimal D1 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD1[2]);
                        string[] JWD2 = str[1].Split(' ');
                        decimal J2 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD2[0]);
                        decimal W2 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD2[1]);
                        decimal D2 = Convert.ToDecimal(JWD2[2]);

                        decimal JD = J1 + W1 / 60 + D1 / 3600;
                        decimal WD = J2 + W2 / 60 + D2 / 3600;

                        PointF pf1 = mapview.ParseToPoint(JD, WD);

                        PointF p1 = ((Use)xmln).CenterPoint;

                        SvgElement e1 = xmln as SvgElement;
                        Matrix matrix2 = ((IGraph)e1).GraphTransform.Matrix.Clone();
                        Matrix matrix3 = tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.CoordTransform.Clone();
                        matrix2.Multiply(matrix3, MatrixOrder.Append);
                        PointF[] pfArray1 = new PointF[] { new PointF(pf1.X / tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio, pf1.Y / tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio), p1 };

                        float single1 = pfArray1[0].X - pfArray1[1].X;
                        float single2 = pfArray1[0].Y - pfArray1[1].Y;

                        Matrix matrix6 = ((IGraph)e1).Transform.Matrix.Clone();
                        if (e1.SvgAttributes.ContainsKey("transform")) {
                            Matrix matrix7 = ((Matrix)e1.SvgAttributes["transform"]).Clone();
                            matrix6.Multiply(matrix7, MatrixOrder.Append);
                        Matrix matrix5 = new Matrix();
                        matrix5.Translate(single1, single2);
                        Matrix matrix8 = ((IGraph)e1).Transform.Matrix.Clone();
                        matrix6.Multiply(matrix8, MatrixOrder.Append);
                        Transf tf = new Transf();
                        (xmln as Use).Transform = tf;

                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "接线图") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                    ParentUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    ParentUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    SVGFILE svg_temp = new SVGFILE();
                    //XmlElement xml1 = ((XmlElement)(e.Elements[0]));xml1.GetAttribute("id");
                    svg_temp.SUID = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("id");
                    svg_temp.FILENAME = getBdzName(svg_temp.SUID);// ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("info-name");
                    string strWhere = string.Format("suid='{0}' or filename='{1}' ", svg_temp.SUID, svg_temp.FILENAME);
                    IList svglist = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectSVGFILEByWhere", strWhere);
                    OpenJXT(svglist, svg_temp);
                    //frmlar.SymbolDoc = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument;
                    //frmlar.Progtype = MapType;
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "打开") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                        MessageBox.Show("请选择地块。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    UseRelating UseRel = new UseRelating();
                    UseRel.UseID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                    IList<UseRelating> UseRelList = Services.BaseService.GetList<UseRelating>("SelectUseRelatingByUseID", UseRel);
                    if (UseRelList.Count < 1) {
                        MessageBox.Show("选择的地块还没有关联到其他地图,请先设置关联地图", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    UseRel = UseRelList[0];
                    SVGFILE svgFile = new SVGFILE();
                    svgFile.SUID = UseRel.LinkUID;
                    IList svgList = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectSVGFILEByKey", svgFile);
                    if (svgList.Count < 1) {
                        MessageBox.Show("被关联的地图已经被删除,请重新设置关联地图", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    svgFile = (SVGFILE)svgList[0];
                    //SvgDocument doc = new SvgDocument();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(svgFile.SVGDATA)) {
                        ctlfile_OnOpenSvgDocument(sender, svgFile.SUID);

                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "区域打印") {
                    PrintHelper ph = new PrintHelper(tlVectorControl1, mapview);
                    frmPrinter dlg = new frmPrinter();
                    dlg.printHelper = ph;
                    ArrayList idlist = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList symlist = new ArrayList();

                    SvgDocument _doc = new SvgDocument();

                    Graph poly1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement as Graph;
                    if (poly1 == null || poly1.GetAttribute("id") == "svg") {

                    GraphicsPath gr1 = new GraphicsPath();
                    gr1 = (GraphicsPath)poly1.GPath.Clone();
                    gr1.Transform((poly1 as IGraph).Transform.Matrix);

                    RectangleF ef1 = gr1.GetBounds();
                    ef1 = PathFunc.GetBounds(gr1);
                    StringBuilder svgtxt = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><svg id=\"svg\" width=\"" + ef1.Width + "\" height=\"" + ef1.Height + "\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" xmlns:itop=\"http://www.Itop.com/itop\">");

                    XmlNodeList nlist = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("defs");
                    if (nlist.Count > 0) {
                        XmlNode node = nlist[0];
                    SvgElementCollection.ISvgElementEnumerator enumerator1 = tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.ElementList.GetEnumerator();// mouseAreaControl.PicturePanel.ElementList.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator1.MoveNext()) {
                        IGraph graph1 = (IGraph)enumerator1.Current;

                        GraphicsPath path1 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                        // RectangleF ef2 = path1.GetBounds();// PathFunc.GetBounds(path1);

                        //for (int n = 0; n < selCol.Count - 1; n++)
                        //    //_doc.AppendChild((XmlNode)selCol[n]);
                        //    svgtxt = svgtxt + ((XmlElement)selCol[n]).OuterXml + "\r\n";
                        if (!graph1.Visible || !graph1.DrawVisible || !graph1.Layer.Visible) continue;

                        GraphicsPath path2 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                        RectangleF ef2 = PathFunc.GetBounds(path2);

                        if (ef1.Contains(ef2) || RectangleF.Intersect(ef1, ef2) != RectangleF.Empty) {

                            SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;
                            if (graph1 is Use) {
                                //PointF offset = TLMath.getUseOffset(((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                                //if (ef1.Contains(new PointF(((Use)graph1).X + offset.X, ((Use)graph1).Y + offset.Y))) {
                                //SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;

                                string symid = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href");
                                if (!symlist.Contains(symid)) {
                            if (graph1.GetType().FullName == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                                if (IsLead != "") {
                                    if (ef1.Contains(ef2)) {
                    symlist = ResetList(symlist);
                    _doc.SvgdataUid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    frmPrintF pri = new frmPrintF();
                    pri.Init(tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid);
                    if (pri.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                        frmSubPrint s = new frmSubPrint();
                        s.Vector = tlVectorControl1;
                        s.InitImg(pri.strzt, pri.strgs, pri.pri, idlist, symlist);
                        s.Open(_doc, ef1);
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "分类统计报表") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement == null || tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                    IGraph poly1 = (IGraph)tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    frmPloyPrint p = new frmPloyPrint();

                    p.InitDate(poly1.ID, tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid);
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "保存图片") {
                    if (tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.RectangleElement") {

                        PrintHelper ph = new PrintHelper(tlVectorControl1, mapview);
                        frmImgManager frm = new frmImgManager();
                        frm.Pic = ph.getImage();

            } catch (Exception e1) {
            if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "三维变电站") {
                try {
                    string strid = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                    substation s = new substation();
                    s.EleID = strid;
                    s.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    s = (substation)Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectsubstationByEleID", s);
                    ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo();
                    p.FileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + s.EleName + "\\bdz.exe";
                    p.WorkingDirectory = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + s.EleName;
                } catch (Exception e1) { }
            if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "清除关联") {
            if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "更新关联变电站") {
            if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "删除") {
Exemple #7
        void tlVectorControl1_LeftClick(object sender, ItopVector.DrawArea.SvgElementSelectedEventArgs e)
            if (csOperation == CustomOperation.OP_MeasureDistance) {
                Polyline pl = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement as Polyline;
                if (pl.Points.Length > 1) {
                    double d = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < pl.Points.Length; i++) {
                        d += this.mapview.CountLength(pl.Points[i - 1], pl.Points[i]);
                    label1.Text = d + "公里";

                    Point pt = new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y);
                    pt = PointToClient(tlVectorControl2.PointToScreen(pt));
                    label1.Left = pt.X;
                    label1.Top = pt.Y;

                    label1.Visible = true;
            //System.IO.FileInfo ff = new System.IO.FileInfo("c:\\1111.txt");
            //System.IO.StreamWriter wt= ff.CreateText();
            //SortedList l = new SortedList();
            //l.Add("1", "aaa");
            //l.Add("5", "bbb");
            //l.Add("2", "ccc");

            //if (tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio < 0.1f) {
            //    tlVectorControl1.ScaleRatio = 0.1f;
            //    scaleBox.ComboBoxEx.Text = "";
            //    scaleBox.SelectedText = "10%";
            if (tlVectorControl2.Operation == ToolOperation.Text) {
                frmTextInput ft = new frmTextInput();
                if (ft.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                    string txt = ft.Content;
                    XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                    Point point1 = tlVectorControl2.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                    n1.SetAttribute("x", point1.X.ToString());
                    n1.SetAttribute("y", point1.Y.ToString());
                    n1.InnerText = txt;
                    n1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                    tlVectorControl2.Operation = ToolOperation.Select;
            if (MapType == "规划统计") {
                try {
                    if (e.SvgElement.ID == "svg") {
                        MapType = "接线图";
                    if(((Polygon)e.SvgElement )==null)return;
                    XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CreateElement("circle") as Circle;
                    Point point1 = tlVectorControl2.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                    n1.SetAttribute("cx", point1.X.ToString());
                    n1.SetAttribute("cy", point1.Y.ToString());
                    n1.SetAttribute("r", "42.5");
                    n1.SetAttribute("r", "42.5");
                    //n1.SetAttribute("layer", getlayer("供电区域层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList()).ID);
                    n1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                    n1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFC0;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");

                    frmMainProperty fmain = new frmMainProperty();
                    glebeProperty gp = new glebeProperty();
                    gp.EleID = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("id");
                    gp.SvgUID = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    //fmain.InitData(gp); ///////////////////////////////////

                    XmlNodeList nlist = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("use");

                    PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints((XmlElement)e.SvgElement);
                    string str220 = "";
                    string str110 = "";
                    string str66 = "";
                    GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                    //Matrix x=new Matrix(
                    //Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nlist.Count; i++) {
                        float OffX = 0f;
                        float OffY = 0f;
                        Use use = (Use)nlist[i];
                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation")) {
                            string strMatrix = use.GetAttribute("transform");
                            if (strMatrix != "") {
                                strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace("matrix(", "");
                                strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace(")", "");
                                string[] mat = strMatrix.Split(',');
                                if (mat.Length > 5) {
                                    OffX = Convert.ToSingle(mat[4]);
                                    OffY = Convert.ToSingle(mat[5]);
                            PointF TempPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(use.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                            if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.X + TempPoint.X + OffX, use.Y + TempPoint.Y + OffY)) {
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("220")) {
                                    str220 = str220 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("110")) {
                                    str110 = str110 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("66"))
                                    str66 = str66 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                    if (str220.Length > 1) {
                        str220 = str220.Substring(0, str220.Length - 1);
                    if (str110.Length > 1) {
                        str110 = str110.Substring(0, str110.Length - 1);
                    if (str66.Length > 1)
                        str66 = str66.Substring(0, str66.Length - 1);

                    fmain.InitData(gp, str220, str110,str66);

                    XmlElement t1 = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text;
                    Point point2 = tlVectorControl2.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                    t1.SetAttribute("x", Convert.ToString(point2.X - 20));
                    t1.SetAttribute("y", Convert.ToString(point2.Y - 10));
                    // t1.SetAttribute("layer", getlayer("供电区域层", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.getLayerList()).ID);
                    t1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                    t1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFFF;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
                    t1.SetAttribute("font-famliy", "宋体");
                    t1.SetAttribute("font-size", "14");
                    t1.InnerText = fmain.glebeProp.Area + "\r\n" + fmain.glebeProp.Burthen; //+"\r\n" + fmain.glebeProp.Number;
                    MapType = "接线图";
                } catch (Exception e2) { MapType = "接线图"; }
            if (tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SelectCollection.Count > 1) {
            decimal ViewScale = 1;
            string str_Scale = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.getViewScale();
            if (str_Scale != "") {
                ViewScale = Convert.ToDecimal(str_Scale);
            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                string IsArea = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsArea");
                if (IsArea != "") {

                    XmlElement n1 = (XmlElement)e.SvgElement;
                    string str_points = n1.GetAttribute("points");
                    string[] points = str_points.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                    PointF[] pnts = new PointF[points.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) {
                        string[] pointsXY = points[i].Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                        pnts[i].X = Convert.ToSingle(pointsXY[0]);
                        pnts[i].Y = Convert.ToSingle(pointsXY[1]);
                    decimal temp1 = TLMath.getPolygonArea(pnts, 1);

                    temp1 = TLMath.getNumber2(temp1, tlVectorControl2.ScaleRatio);
                    SelUseArea = temp1.ToString("#####.####");
                    //tip.Text = "区域面积:" + SelUseArea;
                    if (SelUseArea != "") {
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(SelUseArea) >= 1) {
                            fInfo.Info = "区域面积:" + SelUseArea + "(KM²)";
                        } else {
                            fInfo.Info = "区域面积: 0" + SelUseArea + "(KM²)";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    if (SelUseArea != "") {


            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Line") {
                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                if (IsLead != "") {
                    Line line = (Line)e.SvgElement;
                    decimal temp1 = TLMath.getLineLength(line, 1);
                    temp1 = TLMath.getNumber(temp1, tlVectorControl2.ScaleRatio);
                    string len = temp1.ToString("#####.####");
                    LineLen = len;
                    if (len != "") {
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1) {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路长度:" + len + "(KM)";
                        } else {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    if (len != "") {


            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)e.SvgElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                if (IsLead != "") {
                    Polyline polyline = (Polyline)e.SvgElement;
                    decimal temp1 = TLMath.getPolylineLength(polyline, 1);
                    temp1 = TLMath.getNumber(temp1, tlVectorControl2.ScaleRatio);
                    string len = temp1.ToString("#####.####");
                    LineLen = len;
                    if (len != "") {
                        if (Convert.ToDecimal(len) >= 1) {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路长度:" + len + "(KM)";
                        } else {
                            fInfo.Info = "线路长度: 0" + len + "(KM)";
                    fInfo.Top = e.Mouse.Y;
                    fInfo.Left = e.Mouse.X;
                    if (len != "") {

            if (e.SvgElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.ConnectLine") {
                ConnectLine cline = (ConnectLine)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                if (cline.StartGraph != null) {
                    string code = ((XmlElement)cline.StartGraph).GetAttribute("devxldm");

                    if (code != "") {
                        tlVectorControl2.CurrentOperation = ToolOperation.Select;
            /*  if (tlVectorControl1.Operation == ToolOperation.LeadLine)
                  string gt = sgt1.Text;
                  XmlElement u1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("use") as Use;
                  Point point1 = tlVectorControl1.PointToView(new Point(e.Mouse.X, e.Mouse.Y));
                  u1.SetAttribute("xlink:href", "#" + gt + "0");
                  u1.SetAttribute("x", point1.X.ToString());
                  u1.SetAttribute("y", point1.Y.ToString());
                  u1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                  u1.SetAttribute("style", "fill:#FFFFFF;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;");
            //tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = null;
Exemple #8
        /*public void ResetPoly()
            SvgElementCollection col= tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectCollection;
            SvgElementCollection.ISvgElementEnumerator enumerator1 = tlVectorControl1.DrawArea.ElementList.GetEnumerator();
            foreach(SvgElement ele in col){
                if (ele.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon")
                    glebeProperty p=new glebeProperty();
                    p.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    p.EleID = ((IGraph)ele).ID;
                    p = Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", p);
                        PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(ele);
                        GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                        Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                        while (enumerator1.MoveNext())
                            IGraph graph1 = (IGraph)enumerator1.Current;
                            GraphicsPath path1 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                            Region region2 = new Region(path1);
                            if (!region2.GetBounds(Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero)).IsEmpty)
                                glebeProperty p1 = new glebeProperty();
                                p1.SvgUID = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                                p1.EleID = graph1.ID;
                                p1 = Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", p1);
                                    p1.ParentEleID = p.UID;
                                    Services.BaseService.Update("UpdateglebePropertyAreaAll", p1);
        private void contextMenuStrip1_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
            try {
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "属性") {
                    XmlElement xml1 = (XmlElement)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    //PointF[] pf = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(xml1);

                    // 规划
                    if (getlayer(SvgDocument.currentLayer, "电网规划层", tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.getLayerList())) {

                        if (xml1 == null || tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                            MessageBox.Show("请先选择规划区域。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        if (tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                            XmlNodeList n1 = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("use");
                            PointF[] tfArray1 = TLMath.getPolygonPoints(xml1);
                            string str220 = "";
                            string str110 = "";
                            string str66 = "";
                            GraphicsPath selectAreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
                            //Matrix x=new Matrix(
                            //Region region1 = new Region(selectAreaPath);
                            for (int i = 0; i < n1.Count; i++) {
                                float OffX = 0f;
                                float OffY = 0f;
                                Use use = (Use)n1[i];
                                if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation")) {
                                    string strMatrix = use.GetAttribute("transform");
                                    if (strMatrix != "") {
                                        strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace("matrix(", "");
                                        strMatrix = strMatrix.Replace(")", "");
                                        string[] mat = strMatrix.Split(',');
                                        if (mat.Length > 5) {
                                            OffX = Convert.ToSingle(mat[4]);
                                            OffY = Convert.ToSingle(mat[5]);
                                    PointF TempPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(use.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                                    if (selectAreaPath.IsVisible(use.X + TempPoint.X + OffX, use.Y + TempPoint.Y + OffY)) {
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("220")) {
                                            str220 = str220 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("110")) {
                                            str110 = str110 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                                        if (use.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("66"))
                                            str66 = str66 + "'" + use.GetAttribute("id") + "',";
                            if (str220.Length > 1) {
                                str220 = str220.Substring(0, str220.Length - 1);
                            if (str110.Length > 1) {
                                str110 = str110.Substring(0, str110.Length - 1);
                            if (str66.Length > 1)
                                str66 = str66.Substring(0, str66.Length - 1);

                            glebeProperty _gle = new glebeProperty();
                            _gle.EleID = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                            _gle.SvgUID = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;

                            IList<glebeProperty> UseProList = Services.BaseService.GetList<glebeProperty>("SelectglebePropertyByEleID", _gle);
                            if (UseProList.Count > 0) {
                                _gle = UseProList[0];
                                _gle.LayerID = SvgDocument.currentLayer;
                                frmMainProperty f = new frmMainProperty();

                                f.InitData(_gle, str220, str110,str66);



                    if (getlayer(SvgDocument.currentLayer, "城市规划层", tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.getLayerList())) {

                        if (tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.getRZBRatio() != "") {
                            rzb = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.getRZBRatio();

                        if (xml1 == null || tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                            MessageBox.Show("请先选择地块。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        if (tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polygon") {
                            string IsArea = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("IsArea");
                            if (IsArea != "") {
                                frmProperty f = new frmProperty();

                                f.InitData(xml1.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, SelUseArea, rzb, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                                if (progtype != "城市规划层") {
                                    f.IsReadonly = true;
                                if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                                    if (f.gPro.ObligateField1 != "") {
                                        string color1 = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(f.gPro.ObligateField1)));
                                        color1 = "fill:" + color1 + ";";
                                        ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).SetAttribute("style", color1);


                    if (tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Line" || tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetType().ToString() == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                        string lineWidth = "2";
                        string IsLead = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                        if (IsLead != "") {
                            frmLineProperty fl = new frmLineProperty();
                            fl.InitData(tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, LineLen, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                            if (fl.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                                //Value="stroke-dasharray:8 8;stroke-width:2;stroke:#00C000;"
                                lineWidth = fl.LineWidth;
                                string styleValue = "";
                                if (fl.Line.ObligateField1 == "规划") {
                                    styleValue = "stroke-dasharray:6 1;stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                                } else {
                                    styleValue = "stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                                //string aa= ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.Black);
                                styleValue = styleValue + "stroke:" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(fl.Line.ObligateField2)));
                                ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).SetAttribute("style", styleValue);
                                // tlVectorControl1.UpdateProperty();
                                // xml1.SetAttribute("style", styleValue);

                    if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("Substation")) {
                        string lab = xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href");
                        frmSubstationProperty frmSub = new frmSubstationProperty();
                        frmSub.InitData(xml1.GetAttribute("id"), tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, SvgDocument.currentLayer, lab);
                    if (xml1.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("SB_GT")) {
                        string lineWidth = "2";

                        string Code = xltProcessor.GetCurrentLineCode();
                        string _len = xltProcessor.GetWholeLineLength(Code).ToString("#####.####");

                        frmLineProperty fl = new frmLineProperty();
                        fl.InitData(Code, tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, _len, SvgDocument.currentLayer);
                        if (fl.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                            //Value="stroke-dasharray:8 8;stroke-width:2;stroke:#00C000;"
                            lineWidth = fl.LineWidth;
                            string styleValue = "";
                            if (fl.Line.ObligateField1 == "规划") {
                                styleValue = "stroke-dasharray:4 4;stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";
                            } else {
                                styleValue = "stroke-width:" + lineWidth + ";";

                            styleValue = styleValue + "stroke:" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(fl.Line.ObligateField2)));
                            ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).SetAttribute("style", styleValue);

                            xltProcessor.SetWholeLineAttribute(Code, "style", styleValue);

                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "移动") {
                    if (tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement == null || tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                    XmlElement xmln = (XmlElement)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    frmMove fm = new frmMove();
                    if (fm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                        string strValue = fm.StrValue;
                        string[] str = strValue.Split(',');
                        string[] JWD1 = str[0].Split(' ');
                        Double J1 = Convert.ToDouble(JWD1[0]);
                        Double W1 = Convert.ToDouble(JWD1[1]);
                        Double D1 = Convert.ToDouble(JWD1[2]);
                        string[] JWD2 = str[1].Split(' ');
                        Double J2 = Convert.ToDouble(JWD2[0]);
                        Double W2 = Convert.ToDouble(JWD2[1]);
                        Double D2 = Convert.ToDouble(JWD2[2]);

                        Double JD = J1 + W1 / 60 + D1 / 3600;
                        Double WD = J2 + W2 / 60 + D2 / 3600;
                        IntXY xy = mapview.getXY(JD, WD);
                        PointF OffPoint = TLMath.getUseOffset(xmln.GetAttribute("xlink:href"));

                        xmln.SetAttribute("x", ((Double)(-xy.X / (Double)tlVectorControl2.ScaleRatio) - (Double)OffPoint.X).ToString("#####.####"));
                        // xmln.RemoveAttribute("y");
                        xmln.SetAttribute("y", ((Double)(-xy.Y / (Double)tlVectorControl2.ScaleRatio) - (Double)OffPoint.Y).ToString("#####.####"));
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "接线图") {
                    if (tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement == null || tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                    ParentUID = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    ParentUID = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    SVGFILE svg_temp = new SVGFILE();
                    svg_temp.SUID = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("id");
                    svg_temp.FILENAME = ((XmlElement)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement).GetAttribute("info-name");
                    IList svglist = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectSVGFILEByKey", svg_temp);
                    OpenJXT(svglist, svg_temp);
                    //frmlar.SymbolDoc = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument;
                    //frmlar.Progtype = MapType;
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "打开") {
                    if (tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                        MessageBox.Show("请选择地块。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    UseRelating UseRel = new UseRelating();
                    UseRel.UseID = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID;
                    IList<UseRelating> UseRelList = Services.BaseService.GetList<UseRelating>("SelectUseRelatingByUseID", UseRel);
                    if (UseRelList.Count < 1) {
                        MessageBox.Show("选择的地块还没有关联到其他地图,请先设置关联地图", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    UseRel = UseRelList[0];
                    SVGFILE svgFile = new SVGFILE();
                    svgFile.SUID = UseRel.LinkUID;
                    IList svgList = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectSVGFILEByKey", svgFile);
                    if (svgList.Count < 1) {
                        MessageBox.Show("被关联的地图已经被删除,请重新设置关联地图", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    svgFile = (SVGFILE)svgList[0];
                    //SvgDocument doc = new SvgDocument();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(svgFile.SVGDATA)) {
                        ctlfile_OnOpenSvgDocument(sender, svgFile.SUID);

                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "区域打印") {
                    PrintHelper ph = new PrintHelper(tlVectorControl2, mapview);
                    frmPrinter dlg = new frmPrinter();
                    dlg.printHelper = ph;
                    ArrayList idlist = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList symlist = new ArrayList();

                    SvgDocument _doc = new SvgDocument();

                    Graph poly1 = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement as Graph;
                    if (poly1 == null || poly1.GetAttribute("id") == "svg") {
                    GraphicsPath gr1 = new GraphicsPath();
                    gr1 = (GraphicsPath)poly1.GPath.Clone();

                    gr1.Transform((poly1 as IGraph).Transform.Matrix);

                    RectangleF ef1 = gr1.GetBounds();
                    ef1 = PathFunc.GetBounds(gr1);
                    StringBuilder svgtxt = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><svg id=\"svg\" width=\"" + ef1.Width + "\" height=\"" + ef1.Height + "\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" xmlns:itop=\"http://www.Itop.com/itop\">");

                    XmlNodeList nlist = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.GetElementsByTagName("defs");
                    if (nlist.Count > 0) {
                        XmlNode node = nlist[0];
                    SvgElementCollection.ISvgElementEnumerator enumerator1 = tlVectorControl2.DrawArea.ElementList.GetEnumerator();// mouseAreaControl.PicturePanel.ElementList.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator1.MoveNext()) {
                        IGraph graph1 = (IGraph)enumerator1.Current;

                        GraphicsPath path1 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                        // RectangleF ef2 = path1.GetBounds();// PathFunc.GetBounds(path1);

                        //for (int n = 0; n < selCol.Count - 1; n++)
                        //    //_doc.AppendChild((XmlNode)selCol[n]);
                        //    svgtxt = svgtxt + ((XmlElement)selCol[n]).OuterXml + "\r\n";
                        if (!graph1.Visible || !graph1.DrawVisible || !graph1.Layer.Visible) continue;

                        GraphicsPath path2 = (GraphicsPath)graph1.GPath.Clone();
                        RectangleF ef2 = PathFunc.GetBounds(path2);

                        if (ef1.Contains(ef2) || RectangleF.Intersect(ef1, ef2) != RectangleF.Empty) {

                            SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;
                            if (graph1 is Use) {
                                //PointF offset = TLMath.getUseOffset(((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                                //if (ef1.Contains(new PointF(((Use)graph1).X + offset.X, ((Use)graph1).Y + offset.Y))) {
                                    //SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;

                                    string symid = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href");
                                    if (!symlist.Contains(symid)) {
                            if (graph1.GetType().FullName == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                                string IsLead = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                                if (IsLead != "") {
                                    if (ef1.Contains(ef2)) {

                        //if (ef1.Contains(ef2)|| RectangleF.Intersect(ef1,ef2) !=RectangleF.Empty )
                        //    SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;
                        //    svgtxt.AppendLine(ele.OuterXml);
                        //    //tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.AddSelectElement(graph1);
                        //    if (graph1 is Use ) {
                        //        PointF offset = TLMath.getUseOffset(((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href"));
                        //        if (ef1.Contains(new PointF(((Use)graph1).X + offset.X, ((Use)graph1).Y + offset.Y))) {
                        //            //SvgElement ele = (SvgElement)graph1;
                        //            //svgtxt.AppendLine(ele.OuterXml);

                        //            string symid = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("xlink:href");
                        //            if (!symlist.Contains(symid)) {
                        //                symlist.Add(symid);
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        //    if (graph1.GetType().FullName == "ItopVector.Core.Figure.Polyline") {
                        //        string IsLead = ((XmlElement)graph1).GetAttribute("IsLead");
                        //        if (IsLead != "") {
                        //            if (ef1.Contains(ef2)) {
                        //                idlist.Add(graph1.ID);
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //    }

                    symlist = ResetList(symlist);
                    _doc.SvgdataUid = tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid;
                    frmPrintF pri = new frmPrintF();
                    pri.Init(tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID, tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid);
                    if (pri.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                        frmSubPrint s = new frmSubPrint();
                        s.Vector = tlVectorControl2;
                        s.InitImg(pri.strzt, pri.strgs, pri.pri, idlist, symlist);
                        s.Open(_doc, ef1);
                if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "分类统计报表") {
                    if (tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement == null || tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement.ID == "svg") {
                    IGraph poly1 = (IGraph)tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.CurrentElement;
                    frmPloyPrint p = new frmPloyPrint();

                    p.InitDate(poly1.ID, tlVectorControl2.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid);
            } catch (Exception e1) {