public void OnCallCommand(PlayerCallCommandEvent ev)
     if (ev.Command.StartsWith("newpos"))
         if (!plugin.allowedranks.Contains(ev.Player.GetUserGroup().Name))
             ev.ReturnMessage = "You can't use this command.";
         var     scp049Component = ((GameObject)ev.Player.GetGameObject()).GetComponent <Scp049PlayerScript>();
         var     scp106Component = (ev.Player.GetGameObject() as GameObject).GetComponent <Scp106PlayerScript>();
         Vector3 plyRot          = scp049Component.plyCam.transform.forward;
         Physics.Raycast(scp049Component.plyCam.transform.position, plyRot, out RaycastHit where, 40f, scp106Component.teleportPlacementMask);
         if (where.point.Equals(
             ev.ReturnMessage = "Failed to spawn the coin. Try another place.";
             Vector rotation = new Vector(-plyRot.x, plyRot.y, -plyRot.z), position = Spawner.Vec3ToVector(where.point) + (Vector.Up * 0.1f);
             PluginManager.Manager.Server.Map.SpawnItem(ItemType.COIN, position, rotation);
             spawnedCoins.Add(new PosVectorPair(position, rotation));
             Room room = ClosestRoom(where.point);
             ev.ReturnMessage = "Added " + where.point.ToString() + " to the list."
                                + "\nYou're probably looking for the RoomType: " + room.RoomType.ToString();
        public void OnWaitingForPlayers(WaitingForPlayersEvent ev)
            if (!plugin.enable)
                if (plugin.verbose)
                    plugin.Info("ItemSpawner is disabled: the list was not read");
            string[] items;

            if (plugin.useGlobalItems)
                if (!FileManager.FileExists("./items.txt"))
                    plugin.Info("Created items.txt file with a MTF_LIEUTENANT_KEYCARD (or a coin) in the Intercom room and one MICROHID at the Silo warhead as an example in the global directory.");
                    File.WriteAllText("./items.txt", "NUKE:MICROHID:100:-0.05,402.46,3.52:1,0,0\nINTERCOM:MICROHID,COIN:100:-9.212725,-6.839905,-3.935197:0.5,0,0");
                items = FileManager.ReadAllLines("./items.txt");
                if (!FileManager.FileExists(FileManager.GetAppFolder() + ("items.txt")))
                    plugin.Info("Created items.txt file with a MTF_LIEUTENANT_KEYCARD (or a coin) in the Intercom room and one MICROHID at the Silo warhead as an example in the server directory or in the Appdata folder.");
                    File.WriteAllText(FileManager.GetAppFolder() + ("items.txt"), "NUKE:MICROHID:100:-0.05,402.46,3.52:1,0,0\nINTERCOM:MTF_LIEUTENANT_KEYCARD,COIN:100:-9.212725,-6.839905,-3.935197:0.5,0,0");
                items = FileManager.ReadAllLines(FileManager.GetAppFolder() + ("items.txt"));
            if (items.Length < 0)
                plugin.Error("Your 'items.txt' file is completely blank.");
                int currentLine = -1;
                spawnlist.Clear();                 // Reload the spawnlist
                foreach (string item in items)

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item))

                    if (item[0] == '#')

                        // RoomType:ItemType, ItemType2...:Probability:Vector3:Rotation
                        string[] data = item.Split(':');
                        if (data.Length == 0)
                        if (data.Length != 5)
                            plugin.Error("Error reading line " + (currentLine + 1));
                        if (!Enum.TryParse(data[0].Trim(), out RoomType room))
                            plugin.Error("Error using RoomType " + data[0] + " in line " + (currentLine + 1));
                        string[]        itemData    = data[1].Split(',');
                        List <ItemType> itemTypes   = new List <ItemType>();
                        List <int>      CustomItems = new List <int>();
                        if (itemData.Length == 0)
                            plugin.Error("Error fetching ItemTypes " + data[1] + " in line " + currentLine);
                        foreach (string itemDataUntrimmed in itemData)
                            string itemDataValue = itemDataUntrimmed.Trim();
                            #region ItemManager Region
                            if (itemDataValue.StartsWith("IM_"))
                                if (int.TryParse(itemDataValue.Substring(3), out int customItem))
                                    if (ItemManager.Items.Handlers.ContainsKey(customItem))
                                        plugin.Error("Custom item with ID " + customItem + " not installed/not found!");
                                    plugin.Error("\"ID\" " + itemDataValue.Substring(3) + " isn't a valid ID for ItemManager!");
                            if (!Enum.TryParse(itemDataValue.Trim(), out ItemType itemType))
                                if (int.TryParse(itemDataValue.Trim(), out int id))
                                    itemType = (ItemType)id;
                                    plugin.Error("Error using ItemType " + itemDataValue.Trim() + " in line " + currentLine);
                        if (!float.TryParse(data[2].Trim(), out float probability))
                            plugin.Error("Error using probability " + data[2].Trim() + " in line " + currentLine);
                        Vector3 position = Vector3Parser(data[3].Trim(), currentLine);
                        if (position == null)
                        Vector3 rotation = Vector3Parser(data[4].Trim(), currentLine);
                        if (rotation == null)

                        // If it worked until here means everything went to plan uwu
                        spawnlist.Add(new SpawnInfo(room, currentLine, itemTypes.ToArray(), CustomItems.ToArray(), probability, position, rotation));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        plugin.Info("Somewhere it f****d up: " + e.ToString());
            if (spawnlist.Count != 0)
                foreach (Room room in Spawner.rooms)
                    foreach (SpawnInfo spawn in spawnlist.Where(x => x.RoomType == room.RoomType))
                        if (rand.Next(0, 10000) <= spawn.probability * 100)
                            if (spawn.CustomItems != null)
                                int itemInt = rand.Next(0, spawn.items.Length + spawn.CustomItems.Length);
                                if (itemInt < spawn.items.Length)
                                    Spawner.SpawnItem(room, spawn.items[itemInt], spawn.position, spawn.rotation);
                                    CIQueue.Enqueue(new CusItemInfo(room, spawn.CustomItems[itemInt - spawn.items.Length], spawn.position, spawn.rotation));
                                Spawner.SpawnItem(room, spawn.items[rand.Next(0, spawn.items.Length)], spawn.position, spawn.rotation);
        public string[] OnCall(ICommandSender sender, string[] args)
            if (!plugin.enable)
                return(new string[] { "This plugin is currently disabled." });
            if (sender is Player p)
                if (!plugin.allowedranks.Contains(p.GetUserGroup().Name))
                    return(new string[] { "You're not allowed to run this command." });
            if (args.Length == 0)
                return(new string[] { "Please, introduce a second argument", "<ADDCOINS/CLEARLIST/NEWLIST/SPAWNLIST/ROOMLIST>" });
            switch (args[0].ToUpper())
                #region HELP region
            case "HELP":
                if (args.Count() > 1)
                    switch (args[1].ToUpper())
                    case "ADDCOINS":
                        return(new string[] { "ITEMSPAWNER ADDCOINS <RoomType> - Adds the coins to spawn relatively to a roomtype from the list in ITEMSPAWNER ROOMLIST to a new list in ITEMSPAWNER NEWLIST so you can modify them one by one," +
                                              " then removes them from the map, and then you can use ITEMSPAWNER NEWLIST to modify their parameters (such as it's probability, etc.)." });

                    case "CLEARLIST":
                        return(new string[] { "ITEMSPAWNER CLEARLIST - Removes all the spawned points positions" });

                    case "NEWLIST":
                        return(new string[] { "ITEMSPAWNER NEWLIST - Displays the current list that will get added when you do ITEMSPAWNER NEWLIST CONFIRM",
                                              "ITEMSPAWNER NEWLIST EDIT <id> [items=ITEM1,ITEM2/probability=XX.X/rotation=X,Y,Z/position=X,Y,Z]- Edits the element with it's id when those arguments are passed.\nExample: ITEMSPAWNER NEWLIST EDIT 2 items=COIN,MEDKIT rotation=1,0,0 probability=12.5",
                                              "ITEMSPAWNER NEWLIST REMOVE <id> - Removes the element at the given id",
                                              "ITEMSPAWNER NEWLIST CONFIRM - Saves the current list to items.txt" });

                    case "SPAWNLIST":
                        return(new string[] { "ITEMSPAWNER SPAWNLIST - Displays the current spawnlist",
                                              "ITEMSPAWNER SPAWNLIST EDIT <id> [items=ITEM1,ITEM2/probability=XX.X/rotation=X,Y,Z/position=X,Y,Z] - Edits the element with it's id when those arguments are passed.\nExample: ITEMSPAWNER SPAWNLIST EDIT 4 items=COIN,MEDKIT rotation=1,0,0 probability=12.5",
                                              "ITEMSPAWNER SPAWNLIST REMOVE <id> - Removes the element at the given id" });

                    case "ROOMLIST":                                     // done
                        return(new string[] { "ITEMSPAWNER ROOMLIST - Displays every RoomType in the game. Non-unique rooms like hallways will not work as intended, tho." });

                        return(new string[] { GetUsage() });
                return(new string[] { GetUsage() });

            case "CLEARLIST":
                return(new string[] { "Cleared the list of spawned coins" });

            case "ADDCOINS":
                if (args.Count() < 2)
                    return(new string[] { "Usage: ITEMSPAWNER ADDCOINS <RoomType> - Adds the coin spawned through the newpos command to a list you can later modify, then removes them from the map" });
                if (!Enum.TryParse(args[1].ToUpper(), out RoomType muhRoomType))
                    return(new string[] { "Introduce a valid RoomType." });
                if (spawnedCoins.Count == 0)
                    return(new string[] { "Currently, the spawned coin list is empty" });
                Room muhRoom = Spawner.rooms.Where(x => x.RoomType.Equals(muhRoomType)).First();
                int  lines   = FileManager.ReadAllLines("./items.txt").Count() - 1;
                foreach (PosVectorPair pair in spawnedCoins)
                    addList.Add(new SpawnInfo(muhRoomType, lines, new ItemType[] { ItemType.COIN }, 100f, Spawner.GetRelativePosition(muhRoom, pair.position), Spawner.GetRelativeRotation(muhRoom, pair.rotation)));
                return(new string[] { "Added coins to the NEWLIST and cleared the list" });

            case "NEWLIST":
                if (args.Count() > 1)
                    #region Newlist Region
                    switch (args[1].ToUpper())
                    case "CONFIRM":
                        foreach (SpawnInfo finalSpawnInfo in addList)
                            FileManager.AppendFile(ItemsFileManager.SpawnInfoToStr(finalSpawnInfo), "./items.txt", true);
                        return(new string[] { "New spawns succesfully written to the file items.txt" });

                    case "EDIT":
                        if (args.Count() < 3)
                            return(new string[] { "Usage: ITEMSPAWNER SPAWNLIST EDIT <id> [items=ITEM1,ITEM2/probability=XX.X/rotation=X,Y,Z/position=X,Y,Z]\nExample: 'ITEMSPAWNER SPAWNLIST EDIT 4 items=COIN,MEDKIT rotation=1,0,0 probability=12.5'. Items CAN'T be separated with spaces." });
                        // Here comes the fun part.
                        if (addList.Count == 0)
                            return(new string[] { "There are no items in the NEWLIST." });
                        if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out int id))
                            return(new string[] { "Please, enter a numerical ID." });
                        if (addList.Count < id || id < 1)
                            return(new string[] { "Please, enter a valid ID." });
                        if (args.Count() < 4)
                            return(new string[] { "Please, introduce another argument." });
                        SpawnInfo spawnInfo = addList.ElementAt(id - 1);
                        addList.RemoveAt(id - 1);
                        string   returningString = "Item with ID " + args[2];
                        string[] editArgs        = args.Skip(3).ToArray();
                        for (int i = 0; i < editArgs.Count(); i++)
                            if (editArgs[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("ITEMS="))
                                string[]   probablyItems = editArgs[i].Substring(6).Split(',');
                                ItemType[] itemsToAdd    = new ItemType[probablyItems.Count()];
                                int        j             = 0;
                                foreach (string item in probablyItems)
                                    if (Enum.TryParse(item, out ItemType itemType))
                                        itemsToAdd[j] = itemType;
                                if (j == 0)
                                    returningString += "\nPlease, introduce valid items.";
                                    spawnInfo.items  = itemsToAdd.Take(j).ToArray();
                                    returningString += "\nModified to use items " + ItemsFileManager.ParseItems(spawnInfo.items);
                            else if (editArgs[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("PROBABILITY="))
                                string prob = editArgs[i].Substring(12);
                                if (float.TryParse(prob, out float probParsed))
                                    spawnInfo.probability = probParsed;
                                    returningString      += "\nModified to use probability " + prob;
                                    returningString += "\nPlease, introduce a valid probability.";
                            else if (editArgs[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("ROTATION="))
                                Vector vec = ParseRot(editArgs[i].Substring(9));
                                if (vec != null)
                                    spawnInfo.rotation = vec;
                                    returningString   += "\nModified to use rotation " + vec;
                                    returningString += "\nPlease introduce a valid rotation (X.XX,Y.YY,Z.ZZ)";
                            else if (editArgs[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("POSITION="))
                                Vector vec = ParseRot(editArgs[i].Substring(9));
                                if (vec != null)
                                    spawnInfo.position = vec;
                                    returningString   += "\nModified to use position " + vec;
                                    returningString += "\nPlease introduce a valid position (X.XX,Y.YY,Z.ZZ)";
                                returningString += "\nUnknown parameter: " + editArgs[i];
                        addList = addList.OrderBy(x => x.line).ToList();
                        return(new string[] { Environment.NewLine + returningString });

                    case "REMOVE":
                        if (addList.Count == 0)
                            return(new string[] { "There are no items in the NEWLIST." });
                        if (args.Count() < 2)
                            return(new string[] { "Usage: ITEMSPAWNER REMOVE <id>" });
                        if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out int removeId))
                            return(new string[] { "Please, enter a numerical ID." });
                        if (addList.Count < removeId)
                            return(new string[] { "Please, enter a valid ID." });
                        addList.RemoveAt(removeId - 1);
                        return(new string[] { $"Item with ID {args[2]} successfully removed" });
                    if (addList.Count == 0)
                        return(new string[] { "There are no items in the NEWLIST." });
                    string addListString = "List:\n";
                    int    i             = 0;
                    foreach (SpawnInfo spawnInfo in addList)
                        addListString += Environment.NewLine + i + ":\n - Roomtype:" + spawnInfo.RoomType.ToString()
                                         + "\n - Items: " + ItemsFileManager.ParseItems(spawnInfo.items)
                                         + "\n - Probability: " + spawnInfo.probability.ToString()
                                         + "\n - Position: " + spawnInfo.position.ToString()
                                         + "\n - Rotation: " + spawnInfo.rotation.ToString();
                    return(new string[] { addListString });
                break;                         // Don't ask why I have to place this break here

            case "ROOMLIST":
                string retValue = "List of ROOMTYPES:\n";
                foreach (RoomType room in Enum.GetValues(typeof(RoomType)))
                    retValue += room.ToString() + ", ";
                return(new string[] { retValue });

            case "SPAWNLIST":
                if (args.Count() == 1)
                    // RoomType:ItemType, ItemType2...:Probability:Vector:Rotation
                    string spawnlistString = "List:\n";
                    int    i = 0;
                    foreach (SpawnInfo spawnInfo in ItemsFileManager.spawnlist)
                        spawnlistString += Environment.NewLine + i + ":\n - Roomtype:" + spawnInfo.RoomType.ToString()
                                           + "\n - Items: " + ItemsFileManager.ParseItems(spawnInfo.items)
                                           + "\n - Probability: " + spawnInfo.probability.ToString()
                                           + "\n - Position: " + spawnInfo.position.ToString()
                                           + "\n - Rotation: " + spawnInfo.rotation.ToString();
                    return(new string[] { spawnlistString });
                    switch (args[1].ToUpper())
                    case "EDIT":
                        if (args.Count() < 3)
                            return(new string[] { "Usage: ITEMSPAWNER SPAWNLIST EDIT <id> [items=ITEM1,ITEM2/probability=XX.X/rotation=X,Y,Z/position=X,Y,Z]\nExample: 'ITEMSPAWNER SPAWNLIST EDIT 4 items=COIN,MEDKIT rotation=1,0,0 probability=12.5'. Items CAN'T be separated with spaces." });
                        // Here comes the fun part.
                        if (ItemsFileManager.spawnlist.Count == 0)
                            return(new string[] { "There are no items in the SPAWNLIST." });
                        if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out int id))
                            return(new string[] { "Please, enter a numerical ID." });
                        if (ItemsFileManager.spawnlist.Count < id || id < 1)
                            return(new string[] { "Please, enter a valid ID." });
                        if (args.Count() < 4)
                            return(new string[] { "Please, introduce another argument." });
                        SpawnInfo spawnInfoRef    = ItemsFileManager.spawnlist.ElementAt(id - 1);
                        SpawnInfo spawnInfo       = new SpawnInfo(spawnInfoRef.RoomType, spawnInfoRef.line, spawnInfoRef.items, spawnInfoRef.probability, spawnInfoRef.position, spawnInfoRef.rotation);
                        string    returningString = "Item with ID " + args[2];
                        string[]  editArgs        = args.Skip(3).ToArray();
                        for (int i = 0; i < editArgs.Count(); i++)
                            if (editArgs[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("ITEMS="))
                                string[]   probablyItems = editArgs[i].Substring(6).Split(',');
                                ItemType[] itemsToAdd    = new ItemType[probablyItems.Count()];
                                int        j             = 0;
                                foreach (string item in probablyItems)
                                    if (Enum.TryParse(item, out ItemType itemType))
                                        itemsToAdd[j] = itemType;
                                if (j == 0)
                                    returningString += "\nPlease, introduce valid items.";
                                spawnInfo.items  = itemsToAdd.Take(j).ToArray();
                                returningString += "\nModified to use items " + ItemsFileManager.ParseItems(spawnInfo.items);
                            else if (editArgs[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("PROBABILITY="))
                                string prob = editArgs[i].Substring(12);
                                if (float.TryParse(prob, out float probParsed))
                                    spawnInfo.probability = probParsed;
                                    returningString      += "\nModified to use probability " + prob;
                                    returningString += "\nPlease, introduce a valid probability.";
                            else if (editArgs[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("ROTATION="))
                                Vector vec = ParseRot(editArgs[i].Substring(9));
                                if (vec != null)
                                    spawnInfo.rotation = vec;
                                    returningString   += "\nModified to use rotation " + vec;
                                    returningString += "\nPlease introduce a valid rotation (X.XX,Y.YY,Z.ZZ)";
                            else if (editArgs[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("POSITION="))
                                Vector vec = ParseRot(editArgs[i].Substring(9));
                                if (vec != null)
                                    spawnInfo.position = vec;
                                    returningString   += "\nModified to use position " + vec;
                                    returningString += "\nPlease introduce a valid position (X.XX,Y.YY,Z.ZZ)";
                                returningString += "\nUnknown parameter: " + editArgs[i];
                        ItemsFileManager.UpdateSpawnInfo(spawnInfoRef, spawnInfo);
                        ItemsFileManager.spawnlist = ItemsFileManager.spawnlist.OrderBy(x => x.line).ToList();
                        return(new string[] { Environment.NewLine + returningString });

                    case "REMOVE":
                        if (ItemsFileManager.spawnlist.Count == 0)
                            return(new string[] { "There are no items in the Spawnlist." });
                        if (args.Count() < 2)
                            return(new string[] { "Usage: ITEMSPAWNER REMOVE <id>" });
                        if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out int removeId))
                            return(new string[] { "Please, enter a numerical ID." });
                        if (ItemsFileManager.spawnlist.Count < removeId || removeId < 1)
                            return(new string[] { "Please, enter a valid ID." });
                        ItemsFileManager.DelSpawnInfo(ItemsFileManager.spawnlist.ElementAt(removeId - 1));
                        return(new string[] { $"Item in line {args[2]} successfully removed" });
                return(new string[] { GetUsage() });
            return(new string[] { GetUsage() });
Exemple #4
        public void OnWaitingForPlayers(WaitingForPlayersEvent ev)
            if (!plugin.enable)
                if (plugin.verbose)
                    plugin.Info("ItemSpawner is disabled: the list was not read");
            string[] items;
            if (plugin.useGlobalItems)
                if (!FileManager.FileExists("./items.txt"))
                    plugin.Info("Created items.txt file with a microhid (or a coin) in the Intercom room and one at the Silo warhead as an example.");
                    File.WriteAllText("./items.txt", "NUKE:MICROHID:100:-0.05,402.46,3.52:1,0,0\nINTERCOM:MICROHID,COIN:100:-9.212725,-6.839905,-3.935197:0.5,0,0");
                items = FileManager.ReadAllLines("./items.txt");
                items = FileManager.ReadAllLines(FileManager.GetAppFolder() + ("items.txt"));
            if (items.Length < 0)
                plugin.Error("Your 'items.txt' file is completely blank.");
                int currentLine = -1;
                spawnlist.Clear();                 //Reload the spawnlist
                foreach (string item in items)

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item))

                    if (item[0] == '#')

                        // RoomType:ItemType, ItemType2...:Probability:Vector:Rotation
                        string[] data = item.Split(':');
                        if (data.Length == 0)
                        if (data.Length != 5)
                            plugin.Error("Error reading line " + currentLine);
                        if (!Enum.TryParse(data[0].Trim(), out RoomType room))
                            plugin.Error("Error using RoomType " + data[0] + " in line " + currentLine);
                        string[]        itemData  = data[1].Split(',');
                        List <ItemType> itemTypes = new List <ItemType>();
                        if (itemData.Length == 0)
                            plugin.Error("Error fetching ItemTypes " + data[1] + " in line " + currentLine);
                        foreach (string itemDataValue in itemData)
                            if (!Enum.TryParse(itemDataValue.Trim(), out ItemType itemType))
                                plugin.Error("Error using ItemType " + itemDataValue.Trim() + " in line " + currentLine);
                        if (!float.TryParse(data[2].Trim(), out float probability))
                            plugin.Error("Error using probability " + data[2].Trim() + " in line " + currentLine);
                        Vector position = VectorParser(data[3].Trim(), currentLine);
                        if (position == null)
                        Vector rotation = VectorParser(data[4].Trim(), currentLine);
                        if (rotation == null)

                        // If it worked until here means everything went to plan uwu
                        spawnlist.Add(new SpawnInfo(room, currentLine, itemTypes.ToArray(), probability, position, rotation));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        plugin.Info("Somewhere it f****d up: " + e.ToString());
            if (spawnlist.Count != 0)
                foreach (Room room in Spawner.rooms)
                    foreach (SpawnInfo spawn in spawnlist.Where(x => x.RoomType == room.RoomType))
                        if (rand.Next(0, 10000) <= spawn.probability * 100)
                            Spawner.SpawnItem(room, spawn.items[rand.Next(0, spawn.items.Length)], spawn.position, spawn.rotation);