Inheritance: NativeElement
Exemple #1
 //The function called each time we need to emit something.
 //It takes as argument "now" which represent the actual time,
 //"timeSinceLastCall" which represent... you know what
 //And an "out" argument (which means that IT MUST BE INITIALIZED INTO THIS FUNCTION),
 //"Particles" which represents every newly created particle.
 public void Emit(uint now, uint timeSinceLastCall, out Particle[] Particles)
     Particles = new Particle[0];
     if (now - lastParticleCreation < 100)
     Particles = new Particle[36];
     lastParticleCreation = now;
     //A little offset for the particles to go up and down.
     Vector3D offset = new Vector3D(0, NewMath.FCos(now) / 10f, 0);
     //For every particle in our array
     for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
         double angle = (Math.PI * 10 * i) / 180.0;
         //We create the particle
         Particles[i] = new Particle();
         //We set the postion as null...
         Particles[i].Position = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
         //Particle.Vector represents the direction and speed of the particle.
         //As you may have seen, I love cosines and sinus and here again I used
         //it to create a "circle" effect
         Particles[i].Vector = new Vector3D((float)Math.Cos(angle) / 5f, 0, NewMath.FSin(angle) / 5f) + offset;
         //Start Vector is the same as the vector... It is useless here but serves for the affector.
         Particles[i].StartVector = Particles[0].Vector;
         //Start Time is now and End Time is now + 10 seconds
         Particles[i].StartTime = now;
         Particles[i].EndTime = now + 10000;
         //Color is White and again Start Color is the same... For the same reason as Start Vector !
         Particles[i].Color = Color.From(0, _rand.Next(255), _rand.Next(255), _rand.Next(255)); ;
         Particles[i].StartColor = Particles[0].Color;
Exemple #2
 public void Affect(uint now, Particle[] Particles)
     if (now - lastParticleAffect < 200)
     lastParticleAffect = now;
     //Our color changes every second... Again cosines and sinuses !
     Color col = new Color(0, (int)(Math.Cos(now) * 255),
                           (int)(Math.Sin(now) + Math.Cos(now) * 255 / 2),
                           (int)(Math.Sin(now) * 255));
     //Here it is very heavy on big particle systems.
     foreach (Particle part in Particles)
         //We set the color
         part.Color = col;
 public void AddAffector(IParticleAffector aff)
     OnNativeAffect del = delegate(uint now, IntPtr[] Particles, int count)
         Particle[] array = new Particle[count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = (Particle)NativeElement.GetObject((IntPtr)Particles[i], typeof(Particle));
         aff.Affect(now, array);
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
         array = null;
     Particle_AddAffectorA(_raw, del);