public IronPython.Runtime.List Compare(Mat frame, PythonTuple offset1, PythonTuple offset2, PythonTuple size, int threshold = 64, int count = 5) { try { var areaLists = this.Compare(frame, new OpenCvSharp.Point((int)offset1[0], (int)offset1[1]), new OpenCvSharp.Point((int)offset2[0], (int)offset2[1]), new OpenCvSharp.Size((int)size[0], (int)size[1]), threshold, count); if (areaLists == null) { throw new Exception(); } var pythonAreaLists = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); foreach (var areaList in areaLists) { var pythonAreaList = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); foreach (var area in areaList) { var pythonArea = new PythonTuple(new object[] { area.X, area.Y, area.Width, area.Height }); pythonAreaList.Add(pythonArea); } pythonAreaLists.Add(pythonAreaList); } return(pythonAreaLists); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } }
private void ExecutePythonSouce() { string WallList = GetWallStatus(robot.transform.position); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FilePath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { script = sr.ReadToEnd(); } scriptEngine = Python.CreateEngine(); // Pythonスクリプト実行エンジン scriptScope = scriptEngine.CreateScope(); // 実行エンジンに渡す値を設定する scriptSource = scriptEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script); // Pythonのソースを設定 scriptScope.SetVariable("PYTHON_LIB_PATH", PythonLibPath); scriptScope.SetVariable("ROBOTSTATE", robotState); scriptScope.SetVariable("preSONZAI", PreSONZAI); scriptScope.SetVariable("SONZAI", SONZAI); scriptScope.SetVariable("ACTION", action); scriptScope.SetVariable("WALL", WallList); scriptScope.SetVariable("tmpWALLS", WallsState); scriptSource.Execute(scriptScope); // ソースを実行する PreSONZAI = scriptScope.GetVariable <IronPython.Runtime.List>("preSONZAI"); SONZAI = scriptScope.GetVariable <IronPython.Runtime.List>("SONZAI"); canInput = true; canViewProb = true; }
void Astar() { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { script = sr.ReadToEnd(); } scriptEngine = Python.CreateEngine(); // Pythonスクリプト実行エンジン scriptScope = scriptEngine.CreateScope(); // 実行エンジンに渡す値を設定する scriptSource = scriptEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script); // pythonのソースを指定 // IronPythonで実装されているリスト var openlist = new IronPython.Runtime.List { "S" }; var closedlist = new IronPython.Runtime.List { }; // 初期状態をOpenListに入れ、Closedリストを空に初期化する scriptScope.SetVariable("OPENLIST", openlist); scriptScope.SetVariable("GOAL", "G"); scriptScope.SetVariable("CLOSEDLIST", closedlist); scriptSource.Execute(scriptScope); // ソースを実行する var Result = scriptScope.GetVariable <IronPython.Runtime.List>("CLOSEDLIST"); // ロボットが移動します stateList = Result.Cast <string>().ToList(); moveTheRobot(); }
/// <summary> /// ItemCF推荐 /// 给用户id为user_id的用户推荐电影 /// </summary> /// <param name="user_id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ArrayList recommendItemCF(int user_id) { string serverpath = pyScriptPath + ""; ScriptRuntime pyRuntime = Python.CreateRuntime(); ScriptEngine Engine = pyRuntime.GetEngine("python"); ICollection <string> Paths = Engine.GetSearchPaths(); Paths.Add("D:\\Anaconda2-32\\Lib"); Paths.Add("D:\\Anaconda2-32\\DLLs"); Paths.Add("D:\\Anaconda2-32\\Lib\\site-packages"); Engine.SetSearchPaths(Paths); ScriptScope pyScope = Engine.CreateScope(); dynamic pyScript = Engine.ExecuteFile(serverpath, pyScope); IronPython.Runtime.List user_item_list = getUserLikeItem(user_id); PythonDictionary similar_matrix = getItemSimilarityMatrix(user_item_list); IronPython.Runtime.List result = pyScript.recommend_item_cf(user_item_list, similar_matrix, 3); return(getRecommendMovie(result)); }
// Returns a list of all MDbg commands defined in loaded python scripts or at the command line. private static List <IMDbgCommand> RescanPythonCommands() { object r = g_python.Evaluate("dir()"); IronPython.Runtime.List namesList = r as IronPython.Runtime.List; if (namesList == null) { return(null); } List <IMDbgCommand> scannedCommands = new List <IMDbgCommand>(); foreach (string name in namesList) { // test if it is an mdbg command try { r = g_python.Evaluate(string.Format("{0}.__doc__", name)); } catch { r = null; } string docString = r as string; IMDbgCommand mdbgCmd = ParseCommandDocString(name, docString); if (mdbgCmd != null) { scannedCommands.Add(mdbgCmd); } } return(scannedCommands); }
void FirstParticle() { startPosition = robot.transform.position; string script; string filename = Application.dataPath + "/../Python/Chapter9/"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { script = sr.ReadToEnd(); } // Pythonスクリプト実行エンジン scriptEngine = Python.CreateEngine(); // 実行エンジンに渡す値を設定する scriptScope = scriptEngine.CreateScope(); // pythonのソースを指定 scriptSource = scriptEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script); scriptScope.SetVariable("TimeCount", TrialCount); scriptScope.SetVariable("PA", PA); scriptScope.SetVariable("SIZE", SIZE); // Moderator.pyのソースを実行する scriptSource.Execute(scriptScope); PRTCL = scriptScope.GetVariable <IronPython.Runtime.List>("PRTCL"); if (ParticleNumOn) { viewProb(PRTCL); } input = true; }
void viewProb(IronPython.Runtime.List prob) { GameObject moderator = GameObject.Find("GameObject"); List <double> stateVal = prob.Cast <double>().ToList(); moderator.SendMessage("ViewProb", stateVal); }
/// <summary> /// 通过推荐列表中的movieId找到相关的电影的全部信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static ArrayList getRecommendMovie(IronPython.Runtime.List result) { ArrayList recommendMovie = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++) { PythonTuple pySet = result.ElementAt(i) as PythonTuple; int movieId = (int)pySet.ElementAt(0); RecommendMovie rdMovie = new RecommendMovie(); rdMovie.Similarity = (double)pySet.ElementAt(1); try { rdMovie.Movie = MovieHelper.GetMovieById(movieId); } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } recommendMovie.Add(rdMovie); } return(recommendMovie); }
void Start() { robot = GameObject.Find("RobotPy"); walk = false; input = false; ParticleNum = GameObject.Find("ParticleNum").GetComponent <Toggle>(); ParticleNumOn = ParticleNum.isOn; string script; string moderaterfile = Application.dataPath + "/../Python/Chapter9/"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(moderaterfile, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { script = sr.ReadToEnd(); } // Pythonスクリプト実行エンジン scriptEngine = Python.CreateEngine(); // 実行エンジンに渡す値を設定する scriptScope = scriptEngine.CreateScope(); // pythonのソースを指定 scriptSource = scriptEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script); // Moderator.pyのソースを実行する scriptSource.Execute(scriptScope); SIZE = scriptScope.GetVariable <int>("SIZE"); TRANS = scriptScope.GetVariable <double>("TRANS"); KANSOKU = scriptScope.GetVariable <double>("KANSOKU"); PA = scriptScope.GetVariable <int>("PA"); WALLS = scriptScope.GetVariable <IronPython.Runtime.List>("WALLS"); }
private static NltkResultListString TokenizeCall(string funcName, string text) { IronPython.Runtime.List list = Call(funcName, text); return(new NltkResultListString() { AsPython = list, }); }
public static void PopulateWithNewMod(ModContentPack rwmodInfo) { var path = new ComparablePath(rwmodInfo.PythonFolder()); //will throw ex if rwmodInfo is null, which is fine string scriptPath = Path.Combine(path.reconstructedPath, ""); if (!Directory.Exists(path.ToString()) || !File.Exists(scriptPath)) { return; } ScriptSource mainScriptSource = Py.Engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(scriptPath); string packageName = PythonMod.MakeHiddenPackageName(rwmodInfo.Identifier); PythonModManager inst = Instance; //getting this after several potential points of failure, to avoid pointless instantiation if (!inst.ordered.TrueForAll(m => m.rwmodInfo != rwmodInfo)) { throw new ArgumentException( "The mod with that ModContentPack has already been added"); } //create and import package var pkg = IronPython.Modules.PythonImport.new_module(DefaultContext.Default, packageName); var pkg_dict = (PythonDictionary)typeof(IronPython.Runtime.PythonModule).InvokeMember("_dict", BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, pkg, null); { var __path__ = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); __path__.Add(path.reconstructedPath); pkg_dict["__path__"] = __path__; pkg_dict["__file__"] = scriptPath; SystemModules[packageName] = pkg; } //setup scope ScriptScope scope = Py.CreateScope(); scope.SetVariable("__contentpack__", rwmodInfo); scope.GetModuleContext().AddExtensionType(typeof(StandardScriptingExtensions)); // MAKE MOD OBJECT var mod = new PythonMod(rwmodInfo, packageName, scope, mainScriptSource); inst.ordered.Add(mod); //run try { mainScriptSource.Execute(scope); } catch (Exception e) { string msg = "Exception while loading " + scriptPath + ": " + e.ToString() + "\n" + Py.GetFullErrorMessage(e); Verse.Log.Error(msg); pkg_dict["__error__"] = e; } }
private static void SetWords(IronPython.Runtime.List newWords) { List <IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary> dotNetWords = new List <IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary>(); foreach (IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary word in newWords) { dotNetWords.Add(word); } SetWords(dotNetWords); }
public static Dictionary <T1, T2> ToNetDictionary <T1, T2>(IronPython.Runtime.List list) { Dictionary <T1, T2> result = new Dictionary <T1, T2>(); foreach (PythonTuple item in list) { result.Add((T1)item[0], (T2)item[1]); } return(result); }
public static IronPython.Runtime.List ToIronPythonList <T>(this IEnumerable <T> list) { var result = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); foreach (var item in list) { result.Add(item); } return(result); }
private void GetProb() { List <float> stateVal = new List <float>(); IronPython.Runtime.List tmp = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); tmp = controller.PRTCL; var tmpList = tmp.Cast <double>().ToList(); stateVal = tmpList.ConvertAll(x => (float)(double)x); ViewProb(stateVal); }
static void SetPyEnv(ScriptRuntime runtime, string pyscript, string[] args) { ScriptScope scope = Python.ImportModule(runtime, "sys"); scope.SetVariable("version", "ironpython"); IronPython.Runtime.List lst = (IronPython.Runtime.List)scope.GetVariable("argv"); lst.Clear(); lst.append(pyscript); foreach (string arg in args) { lst.append(arg); } }
public dynamic PassingParameterTest2() { ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine(); ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope(); List <string> calledStuff = new List <string>(); engine.SetTrace( delegate(TraceBackFrame frame, string res, object payload) { if (frame.f_code == null) { return(null); } switch (res) { case "call": Console.WriteLine("Call: {0}", frame.f_code.co_name); calledStuff.Add(frame.f_code.co_name); break; case "return": break; } return(null); } ); string script = @" class simple_class(): def avg(self,a,b,c): return (a+b+c)/3 x = simple_class() print x.avg(1,2,3) "; ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script, SourceCodeKind.Statements); source.Execute(scope); //Debug.Assert.IsTrue(calledStuff.Count > 0); return(calledStuff.Count); }
protected IronPython.Runtime.List Shuffled(System.Random rng, IronPython.Runtime.List list) { IronPython.Runtime.List list_copy = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); foreach (var item in list) { list_copy.Add(item); } IronPython.Runtime.List returnList = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); while (list_copy.Count > 0) { returnList.Add(list_copy.pop(rng.Next(list_copy.Count))); } return(returnList); }
protected Dictionary <string, IronPython.Runtime.List> BuildCategoryToWordDict(System.Random rng, IronPython.Runtime.List list) { Dictionary <string, IronPython.Runtime.List> categoriesToWords = new Dictionary <string, IronPython.Runtime.List>(); int totalWordCount = list.Count; foreach (IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary item in list) { string category = (string)item["category"]; if (!categoriesToWords.ContainsKey(category)) { categoriesToWords[category] = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); } categoriesToWords[category].Add(item); categoriesToWords[category] = Shuffled(rng, categoriesToWords[category]); } return(categoriesToWords); }
private Shotgun() { lock (this) { if (_pythonModule == null) { // Find out where our files are Assembly exAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Uri uriCodeBase = new Uri(exAssembly.CodeBase); String installBase = Path.GetDirectoryName(uriCodeBase.LocalPath.ToString()); // Initialize IronPython ScriptRuntime ipy = Python.CreateRuntime(); IronPython.Runtime.List path = ipy.GetSysModule().GetVariable("path"); // Point IronPython to our files path.append(Path.Combine(installBase, "Python", "")); _pythonModule = ipy.UseFile(Path.Combine(installBase, "Python", "")); } } }
public bool DrawRectangles(Mat frame, IronPython.Runtime.List areas, uint color = 0xffff0000) { try { var csAreaList = new List <OpenCvSharp.Rect>(); foreach (var area in areas) { var pythonArea = area as PythonTuple; csAreaList.Add(new OpenCvSharp.Rect((int)pythonArea[0], (int)pythonArea[1], (int)pythonArea[2], (int)pythonArea[3])); } return(this.DrawRectangles(frame, csAreaList, color)); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
void FromTheSecondTime() { TrialCount++; startPosition = robot.transform.position; string WallList = getWallStatus(startPosition); string script; string filename = Application.dataPath + "/../Python/Chapter8/"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { script = sr.ReadToEnd(); } // Pythonスクリプト実行エンジン scriptEngine = Python.CreateEngine(); // 実行エンジンに渡す値を設定する scriptScope = scriptEngine.CreateScope(); // pythonのソースを指定 scriptSource = scriptEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script); scriptScope.SetVariable("TimeCount", TrialCount); scriptScope.SetVariable("SIZE", SIZE); scriptScope.SetVariable("TRANS", TRANS); scriptScope.SetVariable("KANSOKU", KANSOKU); scriptScope.SetVariable("preSONZAI", preSONZAI); scriptScope.SetVariable("SONZAI", SONZAI); scriptScope.SetVariable("Colli", Colli); scriptScope.SetVariable("ACTION", action); scriptScope.SetVariable("WALL", WallList); scriptScope.SetVariable("tmpWALLS", WALLS); // Moderator.pyのソースを実行する scriptSource.Execute(scriptScope); preSONZAI = scriptScope.GetVariable <IronPython.Runtime.List>("preSONZAI"); SONZAI = scriptScope.GetVariable <IronPython.Runtime.List>("SONZAI"); if (ExistenceProbabilityOn) { viewProb(SONZAI); } input = true; }
private void GetProb() { List <float> stateVal = new List <float>(); IronPython.Runtime.List tmp = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); if (controller.robotState == "INITIAL") { tmp = controller.PreSONZAI; } else { tmp = controller.SONZAI; } var tmpList = tmp.Cast <double>().ToList(); stateVal = tmpList.ConvertAll(x => (float)(double)x); ViewProb(stateVal); }
/// <summary> /// UserCF推荐 /// 给用户id为user_id的用户推荐电影 /// </summary> /// <param name="user_id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ArrayList recommendUserCF(int user_id) { PythonDictionary pyDic = null; try { pyDic = getUserItem(user_id); } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } string serverpath = pyScriptPath + ""; ScriptRuntime pyRuntime = Python.CreateRuntime(); ScriptEngine Engine = pyRuntime.GetEngine("python"); ICollection <string> Paths = Engine.GetSearchPaths(); Paths.Add("D:\\Anaconda2-32\\Lib"); Paths.Add("D:\\Anaconda2-32\\DLLs"); Paths.Add("D:\\Anaconda2-32\\Lib\\site-packages"); Engine.SetSearchPaths(Paths); ScriptScope pyScope = Engine.CreateScope(); FileStream readStream = new FileStream(srcPath + "user_similar_matrix\\user_similar_matrix.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); PythonDictionary similar_matrix = (PythonDictionary)formatter.Deserialize(readStream); readStream.Close(); dynamic pyScript = Engine.ExecuteFile(serverpath, pyScope); IronPython.Runtime.List result = pyScript.recommend_user_cf(user_id, pyDic, similar_matrix, 3); return(getRecommendMovie(result)); }
/// <summary> /// pyItemList为与用户相关联的所有电影ID /// 找到这些电影与其他电影的相似矩阵,并拼接成一个总体的相似矩阵 /// </summary> /// <param name="pyItemList"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static PythonDictionary getItemSimilarityMatrix(IronPython.Runtime.List pyItemList) { PythonDictionary pyDic = new PythonDictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < pyItemList.Count; i++) { int itemId = (int)pyItemList.ElementAt(i); FileStream readStream = new FileStream(srcPath + "item_similar_matrix\\item" + itemId + "_similar_matrix.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); IronPython.Runtime.List similarityList = (List)formatter.Deserialize(readStream); readStream.Close(); pyDic.Add(itemId, similarityList); } return(pyDic); }
public dynamic PassingParametersTest() { ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine(); ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope(); // define function string add = @" def Add(a, b): return a + b "; // compile ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(add, SourceCodeKind.Statements); CompiledCode compiled = source.Compile(); compiled.Execute(scope); // execute dynamic fAdd = scope.GetVariable("Add"); dynamic result = engine.Operations.Invoke(fAdd, 2, 4); //Debug.Assert.IsTrue(result == 6); result = engine.Operations.Invoke(fAdd, "2", "4"); //Debug.Assert.IsTrue(result == "24"); var parameters = new List <object>(); parameters.Add(2); parameters.Add(4); result = engine.Operations.Invoke(fAdd, parameters.ToArray()); //Debug.Assert.IsTrue(result == 6); return(result); }
void startDepthFirstSearch() { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(depthFile, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { script = sr.ReadToEnd(); } scriptEngine = Python.CreateEngine(); // Pythonスクリプト実行エンジン scriptScope = scriptEngine.CreateScope(); // 実行エンジンに渡す値を設定する scriptSource = scriptEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script); // pythonのソースを指定 // IronPythonで実装されているリスト var openlist = new IronPython.Runtime.List { "S" }; var closedlist = new IronPython.Runtime.List { }; // 初期状態をOpenListに入れ、Closedリストを空に初期化する scriptScope.SetVariable("OPENLIST", openlist); scriptScope.SetVariable("GOAL", "G"); scriptScope.SetVariable("CLOSEDLIST", closedlist); scriptSource.Execute(scriptScope); // ソースを実行する var Result = scriptScope.GetVariable <IronPython.Runtime.List>("CLOSEDLIST"); // ロボットが移動します stateList = Result.Cast <string>().ToList(); totalState = stateList.Count; if (totalState > 12) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("smooth mode"); } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("teleport mode"); } moveTheRobot(); }
protected IronPython.Runtime.List ReadWordsFromPoolTxt(string path, bool isCategoryPool) { string[] lines = GetWordpoolLines(path); IronPython.Runtime.List words = new IronPython.Runtime.List(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary word = new IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary(); if (isCategoryPool) { string line = lines[i]; string[] category_and_word = line.Split('\t'); word["category"] = category_and_word[0]; word["word"] = category_and_word[1]; } else { word["word"] = lines[i]; } words.Add(word); } return(words); }
internal Interactive(SuiteStatement suite) : this() { _body = ConvertStatements(suite); }
public Assign(PythonList targets, expr value, [Optional]int? lineno, [Optional]int? col_offset) : this() { _targets = targets; _value = value; _lineno = lineno; _col_offset = col_offset; }
public ImportFrom(FromImportStatement stmt) : this() { _module = stmt.Root.MakeString(); _module = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_module) ? null : _module; _names = ConvertAliases(stmt.Names, stmt.AsNames); if (stmt.Root is RelativeModuleName) _level = ((RelativeModuleName)stmt.Root).DotCount; }
internal Call(CallExpression call) : this() { _args = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(call.Args.Count); _keywords = new PythonList(); _func = Convert(call.Target); foreach (IronPython.Compiler.Ast.Arg arg in call.Args) { if (arg.Name == null) _args.Add(Convert(arg.Expression)); else if (arg.Name == "*") _starargs = Convert(arg.Expression); else if (arg.Name == "**") _kwargs = Convert(arg.Expression); else _keywords.Add(new keyword(arg)); } }
public static void ConfigureExperiment(ushort newWordsSeen, ushort newSessionNumber, IronPython.Runtime.List newWords = null) { wordsSeen = newWordsSeen; session = newSessionNumber; settings = FRExperimentSettings.GetSettingsByName(UnityEPL.GetExperimentName()); bool isEvenNumberSession = newSessionNumber % 2 == 0; bool isTwoParter = settings.isTwoParter; if (words == null) { SetWords(settings.wordListGenerator.GenerateListsAndWriteWordpool(settings.numberOfLists, settings.wordsPerList, settings.isCategoryPool, isTwoParter, isEvenNumberSession, UnityEPL.GetParticipants()[0])); } SaveState(); }
internal comprehension(ComprehensionFor listFor, ComprehensionIf[] listIfs) : this() { _target = Convert(listFor.Left, Store.Instance); _iter = Convert(listFor.List); _ifs = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(listIfs.Length); foreach (ComprehensionIf listIf in listIfs) _ifs.Add(Convert(listIf.Test)); }
internal BoolOp(AndExpression and) : this() { _values = PythonOps.MakeListNoCopy(Convert(and.Left), Convert(and.Right)); _op = And.Instance; }
internal While(WhileStatement stmt) : this() { _test = Convert(stmt.Test); _body = ConvertStatements(stmt.Body); _orelse = ConvertStatements(stmt.ElseStatement, true); }
internal static PythonList Convert(ComprehensionIterator[] iters) { PythonList comps = new PythonList(); int start = 1; for (int i = 0; i < iters.Length; i++) { if (i == 0 || iters[i] is ComprehensionIf) if (i == iters.Length - 1) i++; else continue; ComprehensionIf[] ifs = new ComprehensionIf[i - start]; Array.Copy(iters, start, ifs, 0, ifs.Length); comps.Add(new comprehension((ComprehensionFor)iters[start - 1], ifs)); start = i + 1; } return comps; }
internal TryFinally(PythonList body, PythonList finalbody) : this() { _body = body; _finalbody = finalbody; }
internal Print(PrintStatement stmt) : this() { if (stmt.Destination != null) _dest = Convert(stmt.Destination); _values = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(stmt.Expressions.Count); foreach (Compiler.Ast.Expression expr in stmt.Expressions) _values.Add(Convert(expr)); _nl = !stmt.TrailingComma; }
internal ListComp(ListComprehension comp) : this() { _elt = Convert(comp.Item); _generators = Convert(comp.Iterators); }
internal Compare(BinaryExpression expr, cmpop op) : this() { _left = Convert(expr.Left); _ops = PythonOps.MakeListNoCopy(op); _comparators = PythonOps.MakeListNoCopy(Convert(expr.Right)); }
public static List <T> ToNetList <T>(this IronPython.Runtime.List list) => list.Cast <T>().ToList();
internal Module(SuiteStatement suite) : this() { _body = ConvertStatements(suite); }
internal Dict(DictionaryExpression expr) : this() { _keys = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(expr.Items.Count); _values = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(expr.Items.Count); foreach (SliceExpression item in expr.Items) { _keys.Add(Convert(item.SliceStart)); _values.Add(Convert(item.SliceStop)); } }
internal TryExcept(TryStatement stmt) : this() { _body = ConvertStatements(stmt.Body); _handlers = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(stmt.Handlers.Count); foreach (TryStatementHandler tryStmt in stmt.Handlers) _handlers.Add(Convert(tryStmt)); _orelse = ConvertStatements(stmt.Else, true); }
internal ExceptHandler(TryStatementHandler stmt) : this() { if (stmt.Test != null) _type = Convert(stmt.Test); if (stmt.Target != null) _name = Convert(stmt.Target, Store.Instance); _body = ConvertStatements(stmt.Body); }
internal Tuple(TupleExpression list, expr_context ctx) : this() { _elts = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(list.Items.Count); foreach (Compiler.Ast.Expression expr in list.Items) _elts.Add(Convert(expr, ctx)); _ctx = ctx; }
internal ExtSlice(PythonList dims) : this() { _dims = dims; }
internal With(WithStatement with) : this() { _context_expr = Convert(with.ContextManager); if (with.Variable != null) _optional_vars = Convert(with.Variable); _body = ConvertStatements(with.Body); }
internal For(ForStatement stmt) : this() { _target = Convert(stmt.Left, Store.Instance); _iter = Convert(stmt.List); _body = ConvertStatements(stmt.Body); _orelse = ConvertStatements(stmt.Else, true); }
internal arguments(IList<Parameter> parameters) : this() { _args = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(parameters.Count); _defaults = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(parameters.Count); foreach (Parameter param in parameters) { if (param.IsList) _vararg = param.Name; else if (param.IsDictionary) _kwarg = param.Name; else { args.Add(new Name(param.Name, Param.Instance)); if (param.DefaultValue != null) defaults.Add(Convert(param.DefaultValue)); } } }
internal FunctionDef(FunctionDefinition def) : this() { _name = def.Name; _args = new arguments(def.Parameters); _body = ConvertStatements(def.Body); if (def.Decorators != null) { _decorators = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(def.Decorators.Count); foreach (Compiler.Ast.Expression expr in def.Decorators) _decorators.Add(Convert(expr)); } else _decorators = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(0); }
internal Assign(AssignmentStatement stmt) : this() { _targets = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(stmt.Left.Count); foreach (Compiler.Ast.Expression expr in stmt.Left) _targets.Add(Convert(expr, Store.Instance)); _value = Convert(stmt.Right); }
internal GeneratorExp(GeneratorExpression expr) : this() { ExtractListComprehensionIterators walker = new ExtractListComprehensionIterators(); expr.Function.Body.Walk(walker); ComprehensionIterator[] iters = walker.Iterators; Debug.Assert(iters.Length != 0, "A generator expression cannot have zero iterators."); iters[0] = new ComprehensionFor(((ComprehensionFor)iters[0]).Left, expr.Iterable); _elt = Convert(walker.Yield.Expression); _generators = Convert(iters); }
internal BoolOp(OrExpression or) : this() { _values = PythonOps.MakeListNoCopy(Convert(or.Left), Convert(or.Right)); _op = Or.Instance; }
internal Global(GlobalStatement stmt) : this() { _names = new PythonList(stmt.Names); }
internal ClassDef(ClassDefinition def) : this() { _name = def.Name; _bases = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(def.Bases.Count); foreach (Compiler.Ast.Expression expr in def.Bases) _bases.Add(Convert(expr)); _body = ConvertStatements(def.Body); _decorator_list = new PythonList(); // TODO Actually fill in the decorators here }
internal void Initialize(IfStatementTest ifTest) { _test = Convert(ifTest.Test); _body = ConvertStatements(ifTest.Body); }
internal Delete(DelStatement stmt) : this() { _targets = PythonOps.MakeEmptyList(stmt.Expressions.Count); foreach (Compiler.Ast.Expression expr in stmt.Expressions) _targets.Add(Convert(expr, Del.Instance)); }
internal Import(ImportStatement stmt) : this() { _names = ConvertAliases(stmt.Names, stmt.AsNames); }