Inheritance: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression
        public static string PrintPythonAst(PyAst.Node node)
            var printer = new PythonAstPrinter();

Exemple #2
 private AnalysisUnit(Node ast, InterpreterScope[] scopes, AnalysisUnit parent, bool forEval)
     _ast = ast;
     _scopes = scopes;
     _parent = parent;
     _forEval = forEval;
        public override ISet<Namespace> Call(Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, ISet<Namespace>[] args, string[] keywordArgNames)
            if (args.Length == 1) {

            return ProjectState._noneInst.SelfSet;
        public override ISet<Namespace> Call(Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, ISet<Namespace>[] args, string[] keywordArgNames)
            if (args.Length == 1) {
                _generator.AddSend(node, unit, args[0]);

            return _generator.Yields;
Exemple #5
 public override ISet<Namespace> GetMember(Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, string name)
     var res = base.GetMember(node, unit, name);
     if (res.Count > 0) {
         _references.AddReference(node, unit, name);
     return res;
        public override ISet<Namespace> Call(Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, ISet<Namespace>[] args, string[] keywordArgNames)
            if (args.Length == 1) {
                foreach (var type in args[0]) {
                    _list.AppendItem(type.GetEnumeratorTypes(node, unit));

            return ProjectState._noneInst.SelfSet;
Exemple #7
 public VariableDef CreateVariable(Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, string name, bool addRef = true)
     var res = GetVariable(node, unit, name, addRef);
     if (res == null) {
         _variables[name] = res = new VariableDef();
         if (addRef) {
             res.AddReference(node, unit);
     return res;
Exemple #8
        public override ISet<Namespace> GetIndex(Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, ISet<Namespace> index)
            // TODO: Return correct index value if we have a constant
            /*int? constIndex = SequenceInfo.GetConstantIndex(index);

            if (constIndex != null && constIndex.Value < _indexTypes.Count) {
                // TODO: Warn if outside known index and no appends?
                return _indexTypes[constIndex.Value];

            return ProjectState._intType.SelfSet;
        public void Visit(PyAst.Node node)
            switch (node)
            case PyAst.Expression n: stringBuilder.Append(Visit(n)); return;

            case PyAst.Statement n: Visit(n); return;

                throw new NotImplementedException($"Printing of node {node} is not implemented");
		public void SetUpFixture()
			componentCreator = new MockComponentCreator();

			AssignmentStatement assignment = PythonParserHelper.GetAssignmentStatement(GetPythonCode());
			rhsAssignmentNode = assignment.Right;
			mockDesignerLoaderHost = new MockDesignerLoaderHost();
			typeResolutionService = mockDesignerLoaderHost.TypeResolutionService;
			PythonCodeDeserializer deserializer = new PythonCodeDeserializer(componentCreator);
			deserializedObject = deserializer.Deserialize(rhsAssignmentNode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a call operation propagating the argument types into any user defined functions
        /// or classes and returns the set of types which result from the call.
        /// </summary>
        public static ISet<Namespace> Call(this ISet<Namespace> self, Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, ISet<Namespace>[] args, string[] keywordArgNames)
            ISet<Namespace> res = EmptySet<Namespace>.Instance;
            bool madeSet = false;
            foreach (var ns in self) {
                var call = ns.Call(node, unit, args, keywordArgNames);
                Debug.Assert(call != null);

                res = res.Union(call, ref madeSet);

            return res;
Exemple #12
 public override ISet<Namespace> BinaryOperation(Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, PythonOperator operation, ISet<Namespace> rhs)
     switch (operation) {
         case PythonOperator.GreaterThan:
         case PythonOperator.LessThan:
         case PythonOperator.LessThanOrEqual:
         case PythonOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual:
         case PythonOperator.Equal:
         case PythonOperator.NotEqual:
         case PythonOperator.Is:
         case PythonOperator.IsNot:
             return ProjectState._boolType.Instance;
     return base.BinaryOperation(node, unit, operation, rhs);
        public static ISet<Namespace> BinaryOperation(this ISet<Namespace> self, Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, PythonOperator operation, ISet<Namespace> rhs)
            ISet<Namespace> res = null;
            bool madeSet = false;
            foreach (var ns in self) {
                ISet<Namespace> got = ns.BinaryOperation(node, unit, operation, rhs);
                if (res == null) {
                    res = got;
                } else if (!madeSet) {
                    res = new HashSet<Namespace>(res);
                    madeSet = true;

            return res ?? EmptySet<Namespace>.Instance;
Exemple #14
        public override ISet<Namespace> GetMember(Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, string name)
            switch (name) {
                case "append":
                    return _appendMethod.SelfSet;
                case "pop":
                    return _popMethod.SelfSet;
                case "insert":
                    return _insertMethod.SelfSet;
                case "extend":
                    return _extendMethod.SelfSet;

            return base.GetMember(node, unit, name);
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates or gets the object specified in the python AST.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// Null if the node cannot be deserialized.
		/// </returns>
		public object Deserialize(Node node)
			if (node == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException("node");
			if (node is CallExpression) {
				return Deserialize((CallExpression)node);
			} else if (node is BinaryExpression) {
				return Deserialize((BinaryExpression)node);
			} else if (node is MemberExpression) {
				return Deserialize((MemberExpression)node);
			} else if (node is UnaryExpression) {
				return Deserialize((UnaryExpression)node);
			} else if (node is ConstantExpression) {
				return Deserialize((ConstantExpression)node);
			} else if (node is NameExpression) {
				return Deserialize((NameExpression)node);
			return null;
        public bool Locate(int line, int column, out Node node, out Scope scope)
            Locator locator = new Locator(line, column);

            node = locator.Candidate;
            scope = locator.Scope != null ? scopes[locator.Scope] : null;

            #if DEBUG
            if (node != null)
                Debug.Print("Located {0} at {1}:{2}-{3}:{4}",
                    node.Start.Line, node.Start.Column,
                    node.End.Line, node.End.Column

            return node != null;
Exemple #17
 private void CommonWalk(Node node)
Exemple #18
        private void CommonPostWalk(Node node, bool skip = false)
            if (tree.Count > 0)

            if (skip)

            Node parent = tree.Count > 0
                ? tree.Peek()
                : null;

            if (parent is SuiteStatement && content.Count > 0)
                var s = Content();
                Content("{0}{1};", Indent(), s);
Exemple #19
 private void CheckForIllegalWords(Node node, string word)
     if (Array.IndexOf<string>(jsReservedWords, word) >= 0)
         sink.Add(src, String.Format("\"{0}\" is reserved word in JavaScript and cannot be used.", word), node.Span, RESERVED_WORD, Severity.Error);
Exemple #20
 private void CompleteParameterName(Node node, SymbolId name, Dictionary<SymbolId, object> names) {
     SourceSpan span = GetSpan();
     _sink.StartName(span, SymbolTable.IdToString(name));
     CheckUniqueParameter(names, name);
        private void SaveCandidate(Node node)
            if (candidateNode == null || Better(node, candidateNode))
                Debug.Print("Candidate: {0} at {1}:{2}-{3}:{4} ({5}:{6})",
                    node, node.Start.Line, node.Start.Column, node.End.Line, node.End.Column,
                    location.Line, location.Column);

                candidateNode = node;
                candidateScope = current;
                candidateContext = context != null && context.Count > 0 ? context.Peek() : null;
 private void PushContext(Node n)
     Debug.Assert(contextType != null && n.GetType() == contextType);
     if (context == null)
         context = new Stack<Node>();
        private bool Locate(Type contextType, int line, int column, out Node node, out Scope scope, out Node context)
            Locator locator = new Locator(contextType, line, column);
            node = locator.Candidate;
            scope = locator.Scope != null ? scopes[locator.Scope] : null;
            context = locator.Context;

            #if DEBUG
            if (node != null)
                Debug.Print("Located {0} in {1} at {2}:{3}-{4}:{5}",
                    node, context != null ? (object)context : (object)"<unknown>",
                    node.Start.Line, node.Start.Column,
                    node.End.Line, node.End.Column

            return node != null && context != null;
Exemple #24
            internal static AST Convert(Node node) {
                AST ast;

                if (node is TryStatementHandler)
                    ast = new ExceptHandler((TryStatementHandler)node);
                    throw new ArgumentTypeException("Unexpected node type: " + node.GetType());

                return ast;
Exemple #25
 private void CompleteParameterName(Node node, string name, Dictionary<string, object> names) {
     SourceSpan span = GetSpan();
     _sink.StartName(span, name);
     CheckUniqueParameter(names, name);
 private static bool Better(Node one, Node two)
     if (one.Start > two.Start)
         if (one.End > two.End)
             return Smaller(one, two);
         else if (one.End < two.End)
             return true;
             return true;
     else if (one.Start < two.Start)
         if (one.End > two.End)
             return false;
         else if (one.End < two.End)
             return Smaller(one, two);
             return false;
         if (one.End > two.End)
             return false;
         else if (one.End < two.End)
             return true;
             return true;
Exemple #27
            protected void GetSourceLocation(Node node) {
                _lineno = node.Start.Line;

                // IronPython counts from 1; CPython counts from 0
                _col_offset = node.Start.Column - 1;
 private bool Process(Node node)
     if (contextType != null && node.GetType() == contextType)
     if (node.Start <= location && location < node.End)
     return true;
        private static bool Smaller(Node one, Node two)
            int oneL = one.End.Line - one.Start.Line;
            int twoL = two.End.Line - two.Start.Line;

            if (oneL < twoL)
                return true;
            else if (oneL > twoL)
                return false;
                int oneC = one.End.Column - one.Start.Column;
                int twoC = one.End.Column - one.Start.Column;

                if (oneC < twoC)
                    return true;
                else if (oneC > twoC)
                    return false;
                    return true;
 private void PostProcess(Node node)
     if (contextType != null && node.GetType() == contextType)
Exemple #31
 private void CompleteParameterName(Node node, string name, HashSet<string> names) {
     if (_sink != null) {
         _sink.StartName(GetSourceSpan(), name);
     CheckUniqueParameter(names, name);
     node.SetLoc(_globalParent, GetStart(), GetEnd());
 private void PopContext(Node n)
     Debug.Assert(contextType != null && n.GetType() == contextType);
     Debug.Assert(context != null && context.Count > 0);
     Node n2 = context.Pop();
     Debug.Assert((object)n2 == (object)n);